THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY Good News! IN ORDINARY …and please include if you want gemstone beads or...

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Transcript of THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY Good News! IN ORDINARY …and please include if you want gemstone beads or...



OCTOBER 6, 2019

Sun. 6 The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hb 1: 2-3; 2: 2-4; 2 Tm 1: 6-8, 13-14; Lk 17: 5-10

( 5:00 Msgr. Dennis T. Hartgen

( 8:00 Dec’d of the Brown & Triolo Families

9:45 Charles R. Farina, Jr.

11:30 Martin Papich

Mon. 7 Our Lady of the Rosary Jon 1:1-2:2, 11; Lk 10:25-37

8:30 Margaret Becker

1:30 Rosary (Church)

Tue. 8 No Mass

Jon 3: 1-10; Lk 10: 38-42

Wed. 9 St. Denis, Bishop & Companions,Martyrs; St. John

Jon 4: 1-11; Lk 11: 1-4 Leonardi, Priest

8:30 Kitty and Paul Tetlak

Thurs. 10

Mal 3: 13-20b; Lk 11: 5-13

8:30 Stanley and Mary Sternowski

Fri. 11 St. John XXIII, Pope

Jl 1: 13-15; 2: 1-2; Lk 11: 15-26

9:00 Tina Williams (Church)

Sat. 12 No A.M. Mass

Jl 4: 12-21; Lk 11: 27-28

Sun. 13 The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 Kgs 5: 14-17; 2Tm 2: 8-13; Lk 17: 11-19

( 5:00 For the Intentions of Father Finlan

( 8:00 Laurel Solis

9:45 Holy Name Society

11:30 Tina Gaspari

EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION “The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by celebrating it and also by praying before it outside of Mass, we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace.” St. John Paul II. Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament is every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm in the Divine Mercy Chapel. Please prayerfully and thoughtfully consider attending Eucharistic Adoration weekly. A Rosary for Vocations will be said from 6:30-7:00pm.

Mariawald Renewal Center/Precious Blood Convent located in the Shillington area, is seeking an experienced full time cook to join our team. Flexible work schedule including weekends and holidays as needed. Applicant should have food preparation skills and initiative including the maintenance and cleaning of kitchen. Salary and benefits are negotiable. For more info., please contact Sr. Nancy Iampietro, CPS or Cris Marabella at 610-777-1624 or

Good News! October 6, 2019

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(C) Hab 1:2–3; 2:2–4; 2 Tm 1:6–8, 13–14; Lk 17:5–10

What’s the difference between a believer and an atheist?

What separates one who is indifferent to religion from a

fervently religious person? Faith! To believe is no small

thing and a tremendous gift. “Father, you are lucky you

have faith!” an atheist friend once said to me. “I have tried

often, but I just can’t bring myself to believe.” We are

indeed lucky, because having faith in Jesus opens us to

heaven, to life after death, to finding hope and sense in

suffering. Faith allows us to trust something bigger than

ourselves and to be at peace even when all around us is

crazy. Faith and acceptance is the difference between deep,

interior harmony and a radical frustration. We have

received everything from God, which is why Jesus invites

us to have the attitude of humble servants. He uses an

example that’s clear to his listeners: a servant works hard

all day, comes home, and prepares and serves dinner. In so

doing, he is merely performing his job. Jesus isn’t

endorsing the insensitive nature of the master but offering a

model in the humble service of the domestic helper who

faithfully fulfills his position. Since he receives everything

from the master, he can only be grateful for the chance to

work. Such is our position before God. We have no place

being proud or demanding before God since all we have is

from him: life, family, health, our talents. —Fr. Mark

Haydu, LC © 2019 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999.


Week of October 6, 2019 In Memory of Sr. Mary Dionisia Zimon,CSSF

Requested by Family

In Memory of John and Mary Kozlowski

Requested by Family

Lifeline of Berks County is in need of baby bottles, baby wash, and newborn outfits and onesies for boys and girls. We would greatly

appreciate any of these items that you are able to donate to us for our clients. Our address is 612 Reading Avenue in West Reading and our phone number is 610-374-8545. Thank you.

You are invited to join the school children in praying the rosary for world peace tomorrow, October 7th, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the main Church at 1:30 pm.

2019 Berks County Life Chain which will take place

TODAY, Sunday October 6th, from 2 to 3:30 PM along

Penn Avenue in West Reading. HGA participants

assemble near Wendy's.

Please remember in your prayers the following people

who are ill: Gene Hill, Rusty Smith, Connie Becker, Dick & Mary Thren, Joseph Castellano, Daniel Bastek, Lidia Krynicki, Theresa Lehman, Marco Kaiser, Barbara Kurtyka, John Perate, Sheila Slimmer, Ethel Molnar, Charles Mathews, Deacon Fred

Lash, Daniel Frampton, Richard Schumacher, John Luppino, Felix Marrero, David Hardinger, Alice Shaner, Gloria &Henry Rossi, Nicole Miller, Michele Gontkovsky, Joyce

Kozlowski, Katie Gajewski Briggs, Barbara A. Miller, Sherman Barto, John & Loraine Shermot, Mary Jane McMenamin, Olivia Grace Gwynn, Dennis Bortz, Rose Liott, Linda Markowski, Jonathan Rudick, John Garl, Keith Manmiller, Elaine Egan, Barbara Schwartz, George Seidel, Baby Theo, Germain LePage, Kathy O’Rourke, Shelia O’Rourke, Janelle Bechtel, Jack Ohl, Dustin Caruso, Frank & Joan Ganis, Janelle O’Brien, Robert Brannon, Anna May Gable, Josephine Golowski, Kurt Clemens, Pauline Bortz, Pattie Mihalak, Lizzie Dattoli, Patrick Giles, Taylor Wade, Gerald Liszcz, Travis Christman, Tammy Scrobe, Patricia Nonnemaker, Gloria Schwab, Mary Houser, Millie Dawson,

David Kunstek, Fr. William Seifert (Names on the prayer list

will remain for 4weeks unless we are notified of a

continuing illness).

HGA 50+ SENIOR CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 12:00 Noon at the

Leesport Family Restaurant on Rt. 61 at Rt. 73. Meal choices are: Virginia baked ham, Turkey over filling or Crab Cake. The meal also includes soup and salad bar and dessert choices of tapioca, rice pudding, jello or ice cream. Cost for members is $10; Guests $15. Reservations and money due by Nov. 24 to Kay Eisenhower, call: 610-790-4565.

I am hand-making gemstone rosaries and

glass bead rosaries that will vary in price

from $15 - $30, to sell at the HGA Christmas

Bazaar. I am also accepting custom orders for

rosaries, via email -

with the subject "HGA Rosary Fundraiser"

and please include if you want gemstone

beads or glass beads and what colors. I will reply with

additional information, along with crucifixes and rosary

centers for you to choose, starting now until the middle of

November. Custom order pricing will depend on the

different options you choose.

Half of all rosary sales will be donated to the church

after the Christmas Bazaar.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Your Priest is someone’s son; Your Son could be someone’s priest.

Guardian Angels Gift Certificate (GAGC) Program --A Successful Parish Fundraiser since 2001--

GAGC truly is the easiest way to help your parish with no

extra money out of your pocket! By purchasing gift cards for

things you would pay for anyway – you earn money for your

parish. Every little bit helps & it adds up quickly. For

example, everyone needs gas and groceries each week.

GAGC offers in-stock gift cards for Giant, Redner’s, Weis,

Sheetz, and Walmart. Look what could happen if

parishioners stopped at the GAGC table before or after any

mass or at the rectory Monday-Friday and purchased just

$100 in GAGC.

In stock gift cards include GIANT, REDNER’S, WEIS,

SHEETZ & WALMART. In stock gift cards are sold seven

days a week: Monday thru Friday at the rectory from 9 a.m.-5

p.m.(closed daily 12-12:30) & at the GAGC table in the

church vestibule before/after every weekend Mass.

The next Special Order dates are:

Sun: Oct 6 with p/up Fri, Oct 11 (aft 12 pm)- Sun. Oct 13

Sun: Oct 20 with p/up Fri, Oct 25 (aft 12pm )-Sun. Oct 27

The BONUSES are Coming!

Earn extra rebates with these great deals!

Now through 10/18

Bath & Body Works – 17% Bonefish Grill – 9.75%

Carrabba’s – 9.75% Delta –8% Jamba Juice – 9%

Outback – 9.75% TGIFridays -10%

Now through 10/25

New Retailer! Golden Corral -9%

Baja Fresh – 9.75%

Cold Stone Creamery –15.75%

Planet Smoothie – 14.5% Sweet Frog – 14.75%

Tuition Credit Program

The GAGC Tuition Credit Program provides families with

the opportunity to reduce their Catholic school tuition. HGA

Parish generously splits the percentage returned on gift cards

with participating school families. Catholic University and

Seminary students in the Diocese of Allentown are also

eligible. Is your child in PREP? The PREP Fee Credit

Program provides families with the opportunity to reduce or

eliminate PREP fees. Enrollment is easy. Visit the GAGC

tab on the parish website for details and enrollment forms.For

more information on the GAGC Program, contact Tricia

Christ at (610) 451-1959 or or

call the rectory.

Check our online bulletin for lots of extra pages of


Divorce Survival Group will begin October 7 at St. Benedict’s Parish from 7:00 – 8:30. Contact Deb Kelly at 610-763-6528 or ,or Joe Boylan at

610-781-6415 or


will be held on Wed., Oct. 9th at 12:45pm in the

basement social hall at Sacred Heart Villa. Our

entertainment will be Joe Soltysik with his two

piece band of guitar and base.


+ + +Increased Offertory Program+ + +

Thank you for celebrating Commitment Sunday

with us this weekend. Your commitment to our

parish through our Increased Offertory Program

will continue to bring life to our community. If

completing your commitment card was not

possible at Mass, an invitation to respond will be

mailed later this week to your home. Please return

your Commitment Card to the office this week or

in next week’s collection. If you have not yet done

so, join the many others and give your gift online

through our electronic giving program. Please call

the parish office with any questions.

Church Painting Update

(around the Crucifix)

The painters are contracted for a job that will run through the end of this year and will be able to start HGA in the coming year.

The St Vincent de Paul Society will meet on Tuesday,

October 8th

at 6:00 pm in HGA School. There are

important decisions that must be discussed. Please call

Rozanne Thompson at 610-484-3350 if you cannot attend.

Knights Knotes: Come be a part of The Knights of Columbus! Support our faith and our parish with charity, unity, fraternity - Catholic men, come join us! Interested in information? Contact Grand Knight Dave De Stefano Next HGA Council meeting: Wednesday October 16th at 7 p.m.

The Catholic Woman's Club of Berks County will meet

on Sat. Oct. 12 at St. Ignatius School. The meeting begins

at 1:00 and a speaker from St. Francis Home will be

present. All Catholic women are invited.

The Bazaar Planning Committee is meeting, Friday, October 11 at 1:00pm at the rectory. Anyone interested in being part of the committee is invited to attend this meeting.

Leave more than just an empty place in your pew ---

Remember HGA in your will.



5:00: L: Georjean Jones C: Anne Malinowski

EM:David DeStefano, Patrick McCauley, Anne Marie Novak

AS: Maria Pascuzzi, Shawn Swavely, Owen Wolfe


8:00: L: Beth Slater C: Todd Brady

EM: Brian Hall, George Lehman, Patrick Slater

AS: Olivia Brady, Mason and Kylee Iswalt

9:45: L: Jim Harper C: Theresa Quitinsky

EM: Dan Rundle, Cathie and Anthony J. Wiencek

AS: Dominic and Benjamin Delgado, Lainey Horst

11:30: L: Anne Marie Botch C: Sherry Gonzalez

EM: Kelli Glembocki, Lillian Hart, Martha Weida

AS: Isabela DeJesus, Brian and Evan Kroenig





or call 1-717-721-9409 for info

and tickets. TICKETS $10 EA HELP US GIVE BACK …




It Happens Only Every Ten Years!HGA was there 10

yrs. ago, and we plan on being there once more in 2020.

What, you may ask? It’s the Passion Play in

Oberammergau, Germany. Parishioner Les White has

once again put together an unforgetable 14 day trip to

Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and a tiny slice of

France. The trip runs from July 3-16,2020. For details and a

complete itinerary contact Les 610-929-1833 or Don’t delay, space is limited

to 30 passengers.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: OCT. 6th REMINDER: APPLE DUMPLING ORDERS & Payment Due. 2019 Berks Life Chain- 2-3:30 in W.Rdg. OCT. 7th Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary – join the School children for the rosary at 1:30 in Church OCT. 12th Father Finlan’s 25th Anniversary Dinner 6:30-8:30pm in the School Gymnasium OCT. 19th “The Catholic Truth about Angels, Demons, Ghosts and Hauntings” HGA Parish Social Hall, 7:00 PM OCT.27th Apple Dumpling Pick-Up 12:30-2:30- School NOV. 23rd - Save the Date! Spaghetti Supper in the school social hall on Saturday, 5:00 - 8:00 pm benefits HGA Church.

Volunteers needed to launder and iron Altar Server

Vestments. Anyone who can help, please call the

Rectory Office at 610-921-2729.


SPONSORSHIPS We receive many requests from parishioners to be a

godparent or sponsor for the Sacraments of Baptism

and Confirmation.

Part of that request is to be able to verify that a person

is an “active member” of our parish. An “active

member” of this parish is one who:

Is properly registered

Faithfully attends Mass on Sundays/Holy Days

If married, must be validly married, i.e.,

married in a Catholic Church by a priest or


If single, must be 16 years of age and received

the Sacrament of Confirmation

Participates in parish activities when possible

Regularly contributes through the Sunday

offertory collection by use of the parish

envelopes or direct withdrawal (your envelope

use confirms attendance at Mass)

While assessments of an inquirer’s status will be made

individually, the above are the main factors considered

in making that determination.

It Happens Only Every Ten Years!HGA was there 10 yrs.

ago, and we plan on being there once more in 2020. What,

you may ask? It’s the Passion Play in Oberammergau,

Germany. Parishioner Les White has once again put

together an unforgetable 14 day trip to Germany, Austria,

and Switzerland, and a tiny slice of France. The trip runs

from July 3-16,2020. For details and a complete itinerary

contact Les 610-929-1833 or

Don’t delay, space is limited to 30 passengers.


HGA Parish’s first dining out event was a

wonderful evening of fellowship, laughter, and

delicious food. Thank you to Margherita’s for their

generosity of a financial percentage of the food for

the evening - dining in and take out. Thank you to

the many parishioners who joined us. With your

support a total of $315 was raised. Congratulations

to our 50/50 Raffle winner - ticket #966340 -


PRAYER CORNER Breathe in me O Holy Spirit,

That my thoughts may all be holy.

Act in me O Holy Spirit,

That my work, too, may be holy.

Draw my heart O Holy Spirit,

That I love but what is holy.

Strengthen me O Holy Spirit,

To defend all that is holy.


Prayer of St. Augustine

Bernardine Franciscan Sisters

Christmas Bazaar Saturday – October 26

th 10:00am–2:30 pm

McGlinn Conference & Spirituality Center

460 St. Bernardine St., Reading, 19607

Hot Soups, Mild Chili & Hot Dogs

11:00 am – 1:30 pm

Eat In or Take-out

Handcrafted items:

+Greeting Cards + Original Art Work +Ornaments

+ Needlework + +Baked Goods+

CHINESE AUCTION RAFFLE - Drawing at 2:30 pm -



The Father Walter Ciszek Prayer League cordially

invites everyone to “Father Walter Ciszek Day on

Sunday, October 20. It is a day to celebrate Fr.

Ciszek’s extraordinary faith in God and commitment

to his priestly vows and vocation. The Father Walter

Ciszek Prayer League Center, 218 West Cherry St.,

Shenandoah, PA will receive visitors on October 20

from 10:30am until 1:00pm. A taped interview of Fr.

Ciszek will be shown in the Center at 11am, 12pm,

and 4:30pm. Mass will be celebrated at 2:00p at St.

Casimir church, 229 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah. Rev.

Eugene Ritz, Co-Postulator for Father Ciszek’s

Cause for Canonization, will be the homilist.

Immediately following the Mass, refreshments will

be served in St. Casimir Church Hall and Father

Ciszek’s books, brochures, prayer cards and other

items will be available for purchase. Please join us

for the celebration of “Father Ciszek Day---2019”.

“The Catholic Truth about Angels, Demons, Ghosts and Hauntings”

Please join us for a fascinating talk on what the

Church really teaches about angels, demons,

ghosts, exorcisms and hauntings. In this

presentation, Dave Van Vickle will draw from his

extensive experience assisting priests in their

ministries of exorcism and deliverance and from

his study of Church teaching. Dave Clears up the

many misunderstandings surrounding this topic

during this thorough and dynamic presentation

on the world of evil and the unfathomable power

of the mercy of God flowing through his priests.

After the talk there will be time for questions. You

will not want to miss this!

Holy Guardian Angels Parish Social Hall Saturday, October 19, 2019

7:00 PM

St. Mary’s Kutztown is celebrating its


anniversary beginning October 9, 2019. On

October 13th

the celebration will begin with Mass at

which Bishop Schlert will be the main celebrant.

Following the Mass there will be a dinner at

Kutztown University Student Dining Hall. If you

would like to attend you can purchase tickets after

weekend Masses, go to our website or call the

rectory at 610-683-7443 for details.

Commission for Men

Hoping Against Hope: Living the Gospel where it is

unwelcome. The Diocesan Commission for Men is

offering a men’s morning of reflection on

Saturday, October 19, 2019, at Queenship of Mary in

Northampton. An optional Holy Mass will be offered at

8:00 AM followed by refreshments. Presentations

by Rev. Eric Gruber , Rev. Patrick Lamb , and Rev.

David Anthony will begin at 9:15 AM. To register for

this free offering visit

spirituality .

Saturday, October 12, 2019, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Event: Called and Gifted Workshop You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you! The Called & Gifted discernment workshop includes Church teaching on the laity and lay apostleship, the nature of charisms, call and vocation, and how to undertake the process of discerning your charisms (spiritual gifts). Speakers: Sherry Weddell and Katherine Coolidge, Catherine of Siena Institute Location: St. John Neumann Hall, Philadelphia

More info: View the flyer; Cost is $45; More details & registration at

Monday, October 14, 2019, 9 AM-3:30 PM Event: Fruit that Will Last: Cultivating the Mission of Disciple-Making in Your Parish Join us for a workshop with internationally-renowned author and speaker, Sherry Weddell, on how to move your parish out of the “business as usual” mentality and into a community that is “on fire for mission.” This workshop is designed for clergy, parish councils, ministry leaders and anyone who desires to see a culture of missionary disciple-making take root in their parish. Speaker: Sherry Weddell , author of Forming Intentional Disciples and co-founder of the Catherine of Siena Institute Location: St. Monica Parish, Berwyn, PA More info: Cost is $45.00/person; View the flyer or visit

Dear Friends, We have all been affected by the scandal which has crushed so many of our people locally and worldwide. The victims and our Church are in much need of prayer, healing, and renewal before the Blessed Sacrament. I pray that we, the

laity, come together and ask God for His Blessing. Please prayerfully and thoughtfully consider attending Eucharistic Adoration weekly on Wednesdays from 9 am until 8 pm. Thank you, Rose Dunlap (610-939-0134).

Changes to Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament Beginning on September 4th, Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament at HGA will occur on Wednesday instead of

Thursday. Adoration will commence at the conclusion

of daily mass at 9 AM and will close at 8 PM. Please

pass the word to your friends in other parishes

regarding this change.

OPEN YOUR HEART AND HOME to a Catholic exchange student from Spain

for the coming 2019-2020 school year.

Volunteer host families (with or without children) as

well as single parents are needed to provide food, a bed

and a loving home for the coming school year, one or

two semesters, starting in August. EMF students have

medical insurance, spending money for their personal

expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily

life including household responsibilities. They speak

English, are well-screened and eager to experience life

in America. Their stay here is sponsored and

supervised by EMF (Educational Merit Foundation), a

non-profit, educational exchange organization. For

more information on EMF students, please call Marie-

Claude Dijoud now at 1-800-467-8363 or visit our web

site at

Please consider having the Blessed Mother visit your home for a week. You may sign up on the sheet for a week. The week begins and ends on Sunday. The statue can be picked up and returned in the church vestibule. There is a DVD on Fatima that can be viewed. 2018 was the 100th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's

appearance at Fatima. Any questions, you may call Pat at 610- 698-4327.

Attention Young Adults (ages 21-35). Join Berks

County Young Adults for its Bible Study

group, Logos and Lagers. The group will

meet on the first Thursday of each month

from 7 – 8:30pm to discuss the Mass readings for the upcoming weekend, followed by food

and fellowship at a local establishment *Follow our

Facebook page to find out where Logos and Lagers will be taking place each month. All young adults welcome.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019 from 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM at

the Wyomissing Family Restaurant, 1245 Penn Avenue,

Wyomissing, PA 19610. Tickets are $15.00 per person,

all you can eat and drinks are included. 100% of the

proceeds benefit St. Joseph's Maintenance Fund.

Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Office, 1018 N.

8th Street, Reading, PA 19604, Monday through

Thursday, from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Join our Parish

Family and enjoy a night out. Invite family and friends

and help support our efforts. Thank you.

ESL & GED Teachers and Tutors Needed

(to teach Language Arts or Math in English or Spanish)

Are you looking to get involved in community service? Do

you have teaching experience? Would you enjoy helping

adults gain basic or further education? If this sounds like

you, the Mother Veronica Resource Center at 449 S. 6th

Street, Reading, PA needs you! We invite you to get in

touch for more details. Please call Sister Cara at 484-516-

2138 or email

A Smile …. A Friendly Hi! Parish Council is looking for greeters before our weekend Masses to welcome our parish family. Arriving a little early and being in the vestibule of the

church is all that is required.

Nothing is nicer than to see a friendly face. With a

welcoming smile, greeters open the door to all who

come to church! Please call Anne Semmel at 610-207-3737 if interested. Looking forward to hearing from you; this is a simple way to bring our parish family together.

AnB Education, a non-profit travel exchange agency for international high school students, is in need of loving host families with an empty bedroom, who are looking to give back and experience another culture inside their very own

home. A generous monthly stipend is provided. Call AnB Education 267-263-2481 or email The application is online at


Wednesday: 9:00am – 8:00pm

Check the Mass Schedule in the Bulletin for

Wednesday Adoration.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: OCT. 6th REMINDER: APPLE DUMPLING ORDERS & Payment Due. 2019 Berks Co.Life Chain- 2-3:30 in W.Rdg. OCT. 7th Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary – join the School children for the rosary at 1:30 in Church OCT. 12th Father Finlan’s 25th Anniversary Dinner 6:30-8:30pm in the School Gymnasium OCT. 19th “The Catholic Truth about Angels, Demons, Ghosts and Hauntings” HGA Parish Social Hall, 7:00 PM OCT.27th Apple Dumpling Pick-Up 11:30-2:30 School NOV. 23rd - Save the Date! Spaghetti Supper in the school social hall on Saturday, 5:00 - 8:00 pm benefits HGA Church

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Anyone who would like to make prayer shawls can pick up yarn and directions at the rectory. If you know someone who is seriously or chronically ill, having surgery, diagnosed with cancer or on hospice, please call the rectory to ask for a prayer shawl for him/her. One of our team members will visit and pray with them. If someone is in a nursing home or homebound and has not received a prayer shawl, please call the rectory. We do give shawls to people who do not belong to the parish. We will also give you one to mail to a sick relative. This ministry has been such a blessing to the parish, our team members, our

benefactors and those who have received them. If

you have questions about the ministry, or would

like to volunteer to crochet or knit a shawl please

call Pat Hansbury 610-698-4327. We are always

looking for people to help deliver shawls. If you

can’t knit or crochet, consider joining the ministry

by helping to deliver shawls.

Always remember to begin your knitting or

crochet time with prayers for the person who will

receive your shawl.

DIRECTIONS for making the original Prayer Shawl: cast on / chain- in multiples of 3 (a reminder of the Trinity) usually 54-60 stitches For Knit: work 1st row in K3, P3. Following rows will be knit the purls & purl the knits. For Crochet: into your foundation chain work 1 row SC. The pattern to follow is 1row SC, 3 rows DC – repeat to end. Finished shawls should measure 57-58” from wrist to wrist and drop should be from shoulder to about the waist. For more info on the Prayer Shawl Ministry please visit

Parish Ministry Opportunities: **Our parish is in need of men and women who are

interested in serving as Lectors/Commentators at HGA

masses. High School Students are especially encouraged to

join this ministry.

**We are also in need of people to lector at funeral

Masses. All interested individuals should contact the

rectory at 610-921-2729 so a formal training can be


Adult Altar Server Ministry: Men & Women

needed to assist at HGA funerals. For more

information please contact Joe Cawley 610-


“ Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the

Earth . . .” exclaims Psalm 104. ALLOW THE SPIRIT


MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend. For information

call 1-732-904-9636 or visit .

Rejoice always;

pray without ceasing;

in everything give thanks;

for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thes. 5:16-18


Canticle Gift Shop BERNADINE 460 Bernardine St., Reading 19607 FRANCISCAN SISTERS 610-301-3834

Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 12:30 – 3:30 pm

Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm

Saturdays 11:00am – 2:00pm

---Closed on holidays and holiday weekends---

Visit us for inspiring and religious gifts!

*Teachers/Catechists *Special family occasions

*Expressions of sympathy *Franciscan items – many

from Assisi * Items from our places of ministry: Brazil,

the Dominican Republic * Medals, rosaries, statues,

specialty cards *Variety of discounted items. We honor Visa, Master Card and personal Checks

For directions visit **Located in the Motherhouse at the McGlinn

Conference & Spirituality Center – adjacent to Alvernia

University. Use entrance with St. Francis on the outside

wall. A Ministry of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters

2020 Census Jobs apply online now at or call 1-855-562-2020. Federal

Relay Service 800-877-8339TTY/ASCII US Census Bureau is an

EOE. **Excellent Pay **Flexible Hours **Paid

Training **Temporary Jobs

REDISCOVER THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE! Is your marriage going down the right road…or is it a little off track? Life can be difficult, and so can the challenges you face in marriage. Retrouvaille

can help get your relationship back on track. Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you already separated? Looking for a better way? Retrouvaille (retro-VIE) can help and offers hope for a better relationship; it is Christian-based and Catholic in origin but welcomes all married couples. Next Program will be held August 8-11, 2019 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For information or registration call 1-800-470-2230 or visit:

All inquiries are kept strictly confidential

Lifeline of Berks County needs your help.

Lifeline provides options counseling and continuing support for women facing an unplanned pregnancy. We currently have volunteer opportunities in the

following areas: Pantry volunteers are needed to sort incoming donations, put together layettes and material service boxes for clients, and restock our shelves for the Earn While You Learn program. Help is needed on Wednesday evenings and

Thursday during the day. Translators are needed to assist our staff with clients. Volunteers need to be fluent in Spanish and English, but no other special training is required. Help is needed on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Food handlers are needed to pick up orders at the food bank, carry them up to storage, and put them away in our food pantry. We also need helpers to put together bags of food for clients and rotate stock. These positions are vital to our services for clients. When volunteers help, our staff can see more women in difficulty. You help us to save more lives and serve more women. For more information, please call Stephanie Giles at 610-374-8545 or email

If you have received an adverse Prenatal Diagnosis …You are not alone. There is help. The Diocese of Allentown has a network of concerned parents and professionals who have experienced or worked closely

with issues surrounding adverse prenatal diagnosis. For

support, contact: Sr. Janice Marie Johnson at 610-

289-8900 x 2280, or


What tastes great in Autumn? Apple Dumplings, of course.

Holy Guardian Angels is selling Apple Dumplings that you can

take home!

1 apple dumpling is $5, but for $10 you can get 3 apple

dumplings. Either drop this off in the rectory, or the

collection basket at mass in an envelope marked Apple

Dumplings. The apple dumplings need to be picked up on

Sunday October 27 from 12:30-2:30pm in the Father Camilli

Social Hall at the school.


Phone Number

Number of Apple Dumplings


_______________packs of 3

Total amount $

Celebrate Mission Sunday with real, live missionaries! MSC Sisters Dorothy Fabritze, Mary Seibert and Bernard Overkamp will share with you their experiences in Papua New Guinea. Visit this part of the world through their eyes and hearts Sunday, October 20 at Sacred Heart Villa, Reading from 1:00-3:00. Light refreshments will be served and an RSVP is requested. Contact or call 610-929-2802.

Clare of Assisi House

Clare of Assisi House is a 501(c) (3) community-

based organization whose mission is to provide

long-term and transitional residential services

and life skills training for non-violent women with

a history of domestic violence, substance abuse

and/or prostitution.

Why is this project important to our

community? As a result of this project, women

ex-offenders in Berks County for the first time will

have a dedicated transitional residential facility

that provides a safe environment focusing on

their specific needs and supporting each resident

in her attempt toward self-sufficiency and

independent living. Participants will benefit from a

spectrum of social service programs designed to

maximize their potential for success and reduce

recidivism. Clare of Assisi House will use the site

of Mary’s Shelter, 325 South 12th St, Rdg as the


Berks Encore needs your help! Berks Encore is looking for volunteers for the Meals on Wheels and Grocery Shopping Programs. The Meals on Wheels Program is a

service that allows Berks Encore to deliver over 600 hot meals to homebound seniors and disabled persons in your community Monday through Friday every week. For many of these seniors, this program allows them to remain in their homes and their communities. We couldn’t do this without the help of many volunteers who pack the meals every morning and deliver them from our six Senior Centers throughout Berks County. Volunteer schedules are very flexible and whether a volunteer chooses to volunteer once a month or once a week – whatever fits their schedule! The Grocery Shopping Program is a service that makes it possible for homebound seniors and disabled persons in your community who are no longer able to go to the grocery store for themselves, have a volunteer do the grocery shopping for an assigned client and take the groceries to the client’s home. Some clients may order groceries once a week, bi-weekly or monthly. The volunteer coordinates with the client what day will work with their schedule to do the shopping and deliver the groceries. If you should have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Rita Phillips at (610) 374-3195, Ext. 225 or by email at Thank you so much for your help with this important matter.

Learn more about Natural Family

Planning! Over and over, couples practicing NFP reveal dramatic improvements to their marriage including communication, spiritual growth, and deeper intimacy. Furthermore, NFP maintains and supports the natural dignity of women’s reproductive health and fertility without dangerous drugs or devices. See a new video on NFP and get more information by visiting

You’re Invited: Celebrate Life

40 th

Anniversary Banquet

Be part of a special banquet celebrating life. Laugh

‘til your sides hurt as you listen to Diamond and

Silk, the evening’s emcees. Offer your support for

PA Pro-life by joining members from our diocese at

the Celebrate Life 40th Anniversary

Banquet Featuring Diamond and Silk on Tuesday,

October 15, 2019 at the Radisson Hotel

Harrisburg. We reserved a table for 10 for

representatives of our diocese. Our seats are $50

each (normally $75). Please register by emailing

Maria Loch ( or by

calling (610) 289-8900, Ext. 2021. These seats will

fill up quickly so please reserve your seat(s) this


Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage!

Tens of thousands of couples have healed their

Marriages through Retrouvaille (Retro-VIE). If

you know of anyone who could benefit from

this program please pass it on.

Couples learn to build communication skills

and rediscover intimacy. Retrouvaille provides

help for marriage problems, difficulties or


For more information, or to register for one of

our weekends, visit our website

at: or call 215-766-

3944 or 800-470-2230. All inquiries are strictly


2020 Census Jobs apply online now at or call 1-855-562-

2020. Federal Relay Service 800-877-

8339TTY/ASCII US Census Bureau

is an EOE. **Excellent Pay **Flexible Hours

**Paid Training **Temporary Jobs

Holy Land Discovery

Take your FAITH ON A JOURNEY, to the HOLY

LAND on this 8 days experience. November 15th,

2019 – November 22nd, 2019.

Your included destinations while on this Journey:







Plus, Mass will be offered throughout your journey.

Land prices begin at $1449 per person, based on

double occupancy. Deposits of only $400 per person

will reserve your space. Space is VERY LIMITED. For

further info, contact Michael or Eileen at 860-399-


Your Catholic Cruises and Tours Staff

Phone 860-399-1785

Call and ask for Eileen, your Faith Based Journey

Specialist Phone 860-399-1785

Independent Reconciliation and Compensation

Program – As a reminder to victims of clergy sexual abuse in the Diocese of Allentown, the deadline to apply for compensation as one aspect of your healing is Sept. 30, 2019. To learn more about the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program, visit , or call 1-833-267-6389.

Catholic Devotions and Practices at HGA

Do you have a favorite Catholic Devotion or practice that you would like to see celebrated at HGA? The Liturgy committee is planning to celebrate several devotions but would like feedback from parishioners. Examples of devotions or practices would be Bambinelli Sunday (parishioners bring the baby Jesus from their manger to church for a blessing during Advent), Devotion to the Infant of Prague or the Devotion to the Seven Sorrows. If you have any ideas, please call Liturgy committee member Dr. Brian Schwab at 610-413-7091 or email at

Holy Ghost Church 417 Carlton Ave

Bethlehem 18015

Spaghetti Supper – Save the Date!

HGA will hold a Spaghetti Supper in the school social hall on Saturday

November 23rd - 5:00 - 8:00 pm.

Healing Mass : On Monday, October 28 th at 6:30

PM there will be a Mass Celebrating the Lord’s Comfort and Healing Love. All are invited to join in prayer at this Mass with The Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert as celebrant and homilist at St. Mary’s Church in Hamburg, located at 94 Walnut Rd, Hamburg, PA 19526. Following Mass there will be a Holy Hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity for confession. The evening will conclude with Benediction at 8:30 PM.

Anchored in Peace Teen Retreat Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join us for a relaxing day of faith and fellowship, including Eucharistic Adoration, opportunities for Confession, talks by Fr. Mark Searles, and other activities. The Anchored in Peace Teen Retreat is on Sunday, October 6, 2019

2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Stone Lake Inn,407 Greenview Dr., Saylorsburg. Lunch will be included and there is no cost to attend. info:


Loving and merciful God,

I am so aware of my sins and weaknesses.

But as painfully aware of my faults as I am,

Let me also remember your tender love,

Your gentle and limitless forgiveness.

I come before you filled with pain and guilt

But look into your eyes

And see the forgiving love I so long for in my life.

Help me to forgive the same way.

Teach me to love as you love.


A good Christian woman is wanted as a part-time caregiver for an elderly woman in the parish. The rate would be $10/hr. We would work around your schedule. Mostly day work is needed. Please call 610-929-5538 or 610-374-6377. Please ask for JoAnne

There will also be…

A Beer Garden, A Bottle Pull,

Basket Raffles, Bake Sale,

50/50 changes, and more!

or call the parish office at 610-856-1006.

Seats are limited!

So… “ Roll Out the Barrel” and join us in the

fun as we dance the day away to benefit

St. Benedict Parish!

St. Benedict Parish

Polka Dance Fundraiser

To benefit the Parish of St. Benedict

When: Sunday October 20, 2019

Time: 12:30-5:00PM

Where: St. Benedict Family Life Center

Cost: $40.00 per person

Cost includes…

Entertainment, Buffet of Polish Foods,

non-alcoholic beverages,

and snack foods

Ent Entertainment by …

12 12 Time Grammy Nominee

and Polka Hall of Fame

Lenny Gomulka and the Chicago Push

For tickets please email Andrew Angstadt


Food provided by…

Professional Chef



Menu includes…




And more…