The Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd. Yokohama, December 25,2012 ...

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Transcript of The Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd. Yokohama, December 25,2012 ...

The Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd. Yokohama, December 25,2012

Deep NINJA pioneered a way to explore 4,000m deep in advance of other floats in the world

Numerous profiling floats are operating in oceans around the world. The descendible depth of them is up to 2,000m at a maximum. Therefore, Deep NINJA developed jointly by TSK (The Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd.) and JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) is the first float succeeded in driving down to a depth of 4,000m.

This success has opened up a new way of deep sea observations to increase accuracy in understanding climate change as well as expanding the scope of observations.

Before Deep NINJA succeeds in its descent up to a depth of 4,000m, it has repeatedly been tested in coastal waters around Japan time and time again. Deep NINJA has a structure specially designed by TSK to put up with pressure at a depth of 4,000m.