The Tree-zine June 2012

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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DREAM BIG! Read about the powerful dreams of The Song of the Tree Initiative and how you can connect with them. Meet Minna Penttilä, head of TSTI in USA, hear comments about TSTI from Lebohang High School in Boipatong, South Africa and be inspired to bring TSTI to your community.

Transcript of The Tree-zine June 2012

"Take the first step in faith. Youdon't have to see the wholestaircase, just take the first step."

"Having a dream you don't pursue islike buying an ice cream cone andwatching it melt all over your hand

"New York has been my dream for along time and I was very glad to finallymake it come true"

You can now read Minna's blog Join for freeand read her weekly updates from the BigApple. See how her dream come true andhow she is implementing The Song of theTree Initiative to the States.

Going on: the script is available now in English,Finnish and Swedish. We are currently workingon the translation to French, German andSpanish. Download the script for free

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Forknowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces theentire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research."

Going on: Mary-Ann Mandishona is adapting The Songof the Tree script to five stories about five children. Thefilm is in pre-production.

Going on: The “Dreamingon Stars” project is inpre-production.

Going on: Our visual director Janne Kopu will also be the art director for our feature length animation film The Songof the Tree. The film will be produced when the time is right and the funding is granted.

If your lifewas a story in a movie, how would youwant that story to unfold?

Going on: we are excited to be recording theoriginal version of The Tune of the Tree and to becollaborating with Chiwoniso Maraire on a uniqueversion of the song for TSTI in Africa.

Going on: Maria Sundell (Finland) has illustrated herversion of the story and it will be available as an e-book shortly.

Kenny Gibe is our head of TSTI in SouthAfrica and he was invited to present

TSTI in his hometown Boipatong during acareer expo for the youth. Over 300children were present and many learnersand educators were excited to engage TSTIin their schools. This will be the first step indeveloping a model of establishing TSTI aspart of the curriculum as an ongoingactivity in schools promoting arts andculture and life skills education. ReadKenny’s story.

I aspire to dwell in the fountainof wisdom and knowledge,for I have the willingnessto make a better tomorrow.

I aspire to be the seed bearerof my destiny, for I amdetermined to navigate its course.

I am the champion at carving the paththat leads to high echelons of success,because I have aligned with my willingness toachieve it.

My gravitation towards failure and mistakes,sharpens my skill and tweak my wisdom to bebrave and wise.

I will not succumb to failure and laziness, for Iam driven by motivation and determination.

“Having a dream, living that dream, losingthat dream, dreaming again and then havingthat dream come true again is one of thegreatest feelings ever because I'm stronger.”

"The future belongs tothose who believe in thebeauty of their dreams"Eleanor Roosevelt