The Transfiguration of Our Lord · 2 And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like...

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Transcript of The Transfiguration of Our Lord · 2 And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like...

  • The Transfiguration of Our Lord March 2, 2014

    8:00 AM Worship with Holy Communion

    White is the color of purity and completeness. The theme for the "great fifty days" of Easter is supported by the use of the liturgical color white which assists in bearing the message that "though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow." Christ's triumph from the grave on Resurrection day is the cause for our rejoicing. His purity before his Father becomes our purity. White reinforces that message of joy. White is used for Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, Trinity and today, Transfiguration Sunday.

    PASTORAL WELCOME We also welcome today those joining our service via our Live Web Stream on the Internet



    “From All that Dwell Below the Skies” LSB #816

    (We focus on the Processional Cross and the Light as they are brought forward in worship symbolizing the Lord’s presence among us.)

    DIVINE SERVICE – SETTING THREE (Setting Three begins in Lutheran Service Book on Page 184)

    INVOCATION, CONFESSION and ABSOLUTION LSB, p. 184 KYRIE - Lord, Have Mercy LSB, p. 186 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS - Glory to God in the highest LSB, p. 187 SALUTATION and COLLECT FOR THE DAY LSB, p. 189

    (Please be seated.)

    + WORD + FIRST LESSON Exodus 24:8-18

    8 And Moses took the blood and threw it on the people and said, “Behold the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.”

    9 Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel went up, 10 and they saw the God of Israel. There was under his feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness. 11 And he did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel; they beheld God, and ate and drank.

    12 The LORD said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and wait there, that I may give you the tablets of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have


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    written for their instruction.” 13 So Moses rose with his assistant Joshua, and Moses went up into the mountain of God. 14 And he said to the elders, “Wait here for us until we return to you. And behold, Aaron and Hur are with you. Whoever has a dispute, let him go to them.”

    15 Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. 16 The glory of the LORD dwelt on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud. 17 Now the appearance of the glory of the LORD was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the people of Israel. 18 Moses entered the cloud and went up on the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

    Reader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

    EPISTLE LESSON 2 Peter 1:16-21 16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the

    power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” 18 we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. 19 And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, 20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. 21 For no prophecy was ever pro-duced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

    Reader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

    ALLELUIA LSB, p. 190

    HOLY GOSPEL Matthew 17:1-9 Pastor: A reading of the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke. People: Glory to You, O Lord.

    17 And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. 3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. 4 And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 5 He was still speaking when, behold, a bright


    cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son,[a] with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” 6 When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” 8 And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.

    9 And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Tell no one the vision, until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”

    Pastor: This is the Gospel of our Lord. People: Praise to You, O Christ!

    CONFESSION OF FAITH The Nicene Creed, LSB, p. 191

    HYMN OF THE DAY “Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace” LSB #844

    SERMON Pastor Bill Harmon

    GATHERING OF THE OFFERINGS (At this time, please pass the pew registers back and forth, making sure that everyone in attendance has had a chance to sign in. We also have a parish guest register in the Narthex. We rejoice in having you with us!)

    OFFERING HYMN “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” The King of Glory Choir By Tom Fettke; Text based on Psalm 8

    When I gaze into the night skies and see the works of Your fingers; The moon and stars suspended in space, Oh what is man that You are mindful of Him?

    You have given him a crown of glory and honor, and have made him a little lower than the angels. You have put him in charge of all creation: The beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea.

    O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of Your Name transcends the earth and fills the heavens. O Lord, our God, little children praise You perfectly, and so would we. Alleluia! The majesty and glory of Your Name! Alleluia!

    PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH (please see Prayer Ministry page) After each petition, the leader will say: “Lord, in Your mercy,” and the congregation responds: “Hear our prayer.”

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    DISTRIBUTION HYMNS “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” LSB #621

    “Beautiful Savior” LSB #537


    “Alleluia, Song of Gladness” LSB #417

    (We focus on the Processional Cross and the Light as they lead us to leave this place to love and serve the Lord, carrying with us the Light and Life of Jesus into the world.)

    Pastor: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord! People: Thanks be to God!

    Scripture: The English Standard Version,

    All music reprinted with permission. CCLI #1533343.


    About our communion procedure at the 8:00 service:

    Approach the altar from the center aisle, and gather around beginning with the front center rail.

    Once all are at the table, we kneel together at the same time.

    Hold out your hands to receive the bread from the pastor.

    If you receive an individual cup of wine, keep the empty cup in plain view.

    The common cup is offered second by the pastor.

    Pastor dismisses each table with a blessing. Return to pews via the side aisles.

    Those who have difficulty walking may indicate so to an usher, and Holy Communion will be brought to those persons individually.

    If you are communing with us today, please take a moment to reflect upon our scriptural understanding of the Lord’s Supper, found on the inside front cover. If you choose not to receive communion today, we invite you to: · come forward to receive a blessing, · or you may remain seated and join in singing the hymns and songs, · or simply use this opportunity as a time of prayer and connection to God.

    We pray: Gracious Father in Heaven, be near me, guide me, and equip me in your love and grace. May this time of worship remind me of the sacrifice of your Son, the Savior of the world, and His victory over death and the grave. Enable me through the power of Your Spirit to depart in Your peace and live according to Your will. This I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

    March 2, 2014

    Transfiguration Sunday

    TODAY (March 2): Sunday Morning 9:30 and 10:45 AM Bible Classes Sunday Lectionary, 9:30: Join us today as Pastor

    Winterhoff leads us in a study of our Lord’s Transfiguration. What really happened? Why was it important? What does it mean for us? What are the four parallels between the Transfiguration and the Crucifixion?

    The Church is Faithful, 9:30: "St Paul's Commitment to be a Neighbor." Join Pastor Kuehnert in LE rooms 3 & 4 in the study of I Corinthians 9:19-23 which encourages us to reach out to the "very different" neighbor!

    Parents in the Word: Judy Kuehnert will be leading today’s study of Home-Grown Faith in Pastor Harmon’s office. For more info. Contact Judy ( or Emily Duffy ( or 757-229-1520).

    Parables of Jesus, 10:45: Pastor Froehlich will lead us in a discussion of the parables in LE 3&4.

    NEXT SUNDAY (Mar. 9): Sunday Morning Lectionary Study: Pastor Hengst will

    lead us in LE 1&2. The Church is Faithful: Next Sunday join Pastor

    Kuehnert in learning from St. Paul (Acts 17:22-31) the challenge of exploring "The Neighbor's

    World." Parables of Jesus, 10:45: Pastor Winterhoff will lead

    us in a discussion of the Parables in LE 3&4.

    THROUGHOUT THE WEEK: Tuesday Men’s Bible Study, 7:30 AM: Meets at the

    Olde Mill Pancake House on Richmond Road. Come

    and join us for food, fellowship, and the study of God’s Word.

    Tuesday Women’s Bible Study, 2 PM: Beth Moore Study: Malachi: For more info., please contact Judy Olver at

    GROWING POINTS Wednesday evening Being a parent is both a joy and challenge, and there

    are many questions that arise from being a parent. We continue our study on being a parent from a Christian perspective. Come and join us at 5:30 for a fellowship meal and at 6:30 for our study.

    Wednesday Evenings, 6:00-7:30 PM, Women: Beth Moore Bible Study: Stepping Up, A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent: This class meets in the Red Room.

    Wednesday Morning Bible Study: Join us in Life Enrichment Rooms 3 & 4 as we study Job.

    Friday Men’s Bible Study in New Kent: Join us for a time of breakfast and Bible Study at 7:00 AM.

    Saturday Men’s Fellowship Breakfast —hot breakfast buffet—at 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

    Saturday Women’s Bible Study in New Kent: We

    meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at 9:30 AM.


    Thanks of the Week

    To all who teach Sunday School To all who have vocations of care

    To all of our Stephen Ministers To Pastor Winterhoff, Pastor Kuehnert, and Pastor Froehlich

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    Thank you to the families that are hosting Captive Free team members!

    Name Tags: Please remember to wear your name tags each week. Another way to "love our neighbors" is providing an easy way for them to know our names. Thank you!

    Tara Wolf: Tara continues her studies toward her Master's Degree. We pray for Tara as she continues on this jour-ney.

    Pentecost Readers: We would like to have the readings read in different languages on Pentecost Sunday. If you can speak a different language and would be willing to read, please contact Pastor Harmon at:

    Women’s Weight Management Group, KOG Wellness. This is a unique approach to weight management that is not another diet, but an understanding of how certain foods make people eat more when they are not hungry. Group members will learn behavior modification to control cravings and make healthy food choices. Sign up at the Welcome Center. Orientation is Monday, March 3, at 9:30 AM in the Music Room.

    Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner: Please plan to join us for a delectable pancake dinner on Tuesday, March 4th from 5:15-6:30 in the Fellowship Hall at KOG. Donation pro-ceeds will benefit the high school summer youth mission trip as they prepare to travel to Work Camp in Mifflin-town, Pennsylvania to connect, grow, & live through ser-vice and sharing. Come hungry, leave satisfied!

    Ladies Out-to-Lunch Bunch: Tues., Mar. 4, 11:30 at Sal’s by Victor, 1242 Richmond Rd. For reservations contact Darlene Dewall, 345-2720 or

    Ash Wednesday: This Wednesday we will hold Ash Wednesday services at 11:15 AM and 7:30 PM. Ash Wednesday is a time for us to consider our human frailty and our need for the mercy of God. Ashes will be distrib-uted and Holy Communion celebrated at each service.

    Homeless Shelter: The next shelter, and the last one for the year, will be March 10, 11, & 12. To volunteer, please sign up at the Welcome Center.

    LWML Meeting: On March 10th, at 10 AM Ev Brown will present a Bible study on healing. Also, LWML will pre-pare care packages for delivery to college students and military persons. Please see the LWML table/Welcome Center in the narthex for a list of items you may donate. You may also give us names and addresses for those you want to receive a package. The deadline for names, and item donations is March 9th. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Elsass:

    Get off Your Donkey! Beginning March 12 we will begin a congregational book discussion of Get Off Your Donkey. Help Somebody and Help Yourself by Reggie McNeal. Please plan to join us for this important conversation. Books may be purchased in the church office or online through Amazon.

    Women’s Retreat: “Rest in His Embrace,” March 14-15. Speaker, Terry Weber; Music, Kim Grewe and Christy King; Cost $75. Contact Judy Olver for more info. (

    Connection Meeting Date Change: The Connection Cluster meeting has been changed to March 16 at 12:30. Please plan to attend so you can give your opinion on how small groups will work best as we move forward at KoG. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to Pastor Hengst:

    F.O.L.K.S. Senior Ministry will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at their March 18th meeting, 11:00 at the church. Our luncheon this month will be: Shepherd’s pie, green salad, rolls and desserts. Rev. Chip Froehlich, KoG’s Pastor of Senior Ministries, will present a program on the stories and legends of Saint Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint. Look for the March sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center (don’t forget to include any guests you plan to bring).

    Private Music Lessons: In guitar, drum, and piano. Contact Christy King at 757-645-6359.

    ANNOUNCEMENTS: Connect to God and His people; Live through Service and Sharing.

    Today! Captive Free: We welcome Captive Free to King of

    Glory today. May the Lord bless their witness and ministry. Please come hear their message at 9:30 and again at 10:45 in the Fellowship Hall.

    Mites for Missions – Today is Mite Box Sunday and those mites are doing MIGHTY things towards Bible translation in Africa, Chinese ministry in MD, and Our Savior Lutheran Schools for the Winnebago Tribe in Nebraska, to just name a few. Our February Mites added up to $177+. Thank You!! FYI – ALL confirmed women of KOG are LWML members. Don’t forget to pick up a new Mite Box on your way home to-day. “One in faith and hope and love, working for the Lord above.”

    Children’s Consignment Sale at KOG: Friday, March 7 from 11AM – 7PM; and Saturday, March 8 from 8AM – Noon. Deadline to consign is Friday, February 21.

    Our consignors receive 65% email Families in Need – we give out gift certificates to help the families in our community. Forms are available outside the the church office or by emailing Requests must be received by Sunday, February 23. Along with gift certificates given out prior to the sale, money raised will be split between the KOG preschool tuition assistance program and the National Youth Gathering.


    King of Glory Preschool and Kindergarten is now enrolling for the 2014-15 school year. In-formation regarding registration can be found on our web site at

    YOUTH AND FAMILY High School Ministry Sunday School-9:30 on Sundays. Seniors’ “Sticky Faith” Bible study in Tara’s office.

    Youth Group-5:30 on Wednesdays 3/5: Spiritual Disciplines: Sacrifice 3/12: Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting

    Christian Discipleship Training 6PM Wednesdays 3-5 Commandments 4-10

    KidsZone - 6:00 Wednesdays. Join us for music, games and devotions.

    Connect 5+6—6:00 Wednesdays. Starting new discussion of different Bible stories. Come for fun, games, and fellowship!

    Sunday School Every Week at 9:30AM. Check-in stations are found outside the Nursery and in the Preschool Hallway. Classes are:

    2’s/3’s; 4’s; Kindergarten; 1st grade; 2nd grade; 3rd/4th grades; 5th/6th grades; 9th-12th grades.

    Group WorkCamps Huddle Today: 12:15PM-1:30PM

    Parents of Seniors Sticky Faith study Today: 1:30PM

    Save the date: March 23. KidsZone and Grades 5-8 Connect event: LaserTag! More details soon.

    KOG CHOIRS—News and Events The King of Glory Choir is rehearsing the “Holden Evening Prayer” by Marty Haugen to be sung during

    Wednesday evening Lenten Services. Wednesday’s sanctuary rehearsal begins at 7:30. All are welcome.

    The King’s Kids Choir has begun a new program for children (grades 1-5): “Joyful Sounds” (instruments and music skills) begins at 4:15 on Wednesdays. “Joyful Songs” begins at 4:40 and will sing during the 11:00 Service on March 9. For more information contact Mim Hettler.


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    Ground-Breaking Celebration on March 23, 2014, 12:30: Plan to join us to celebrate when we break ground to start our Making More Room building project.

    The country-themed event will feature fried chicken and BBQ with all the fixins’ and special guests The Kellys, a blue-grass gospel band. The festivities start at 12:30 in the fellowship hall. Information on how to sign up to attend will be forthcoming. Hope to see y’all there on March 23rd!

    The Concordia Choir from Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan, will be in concert at King of Glory on Wednesday, March 26th at 6:30PM. Plan to attend this special musical program - invite your friends and neighbors! More info about the concert coming soon!

    Host housing will be needed for the 45 choir members on Wednesday evening. If you are able to help, please contact Pastor Larry at or 757.784.2170 or you may phone the church office: 757.258.9701.

    LWML news-- Save the Date! KOG ladies, please save these dates and plan to attend--- April 5th is the Tidewater Zone spring rally to be held at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Portsmouth, VA. April 27th will be the King of Glory afternoon tea, with Jon Diefenthaler present-ing a program on the church's malaria project. More information will follow as we approach these dates.


    Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars by March 31 Per a December 31, 2013 Choice Dollars Summary Report, only 14 KOG Thrivent

    members out of 45 eligible directed their choice dollars last year. If you are an eligible member of designated Choice Dollars and have not already done so, be sure to direct your designation by March 31, 2014. After that date, any undirected Choice Dollars will expire. Please do not miss this opportunity to help support “King of Glory Lutheran Church” or “King of Glory Lutheran Preschool.” Go to and use search criteria: King; Williamsburg; VA to make your selection or call 800-847-4836 and state “Thrivent Choice.” Thank you for your continued support by designating your Thrivent Choice Dollars.

    KOG Volunteers are needed one last time this season to staff the COFM shelter at Smith Memorial Baptist Church on Monday, March 10 (evening) through Wednesday March 12 (check-out), just like all the other shelters this year. The sign-up book is at the welcome center. Please sign up TODAY for the job(s) and time(s) that suit you.

    Host housing will be needed for 45 Concordia choir members on Wednesday evening, March 26. Responsibilities would be to provide a simple snack, a place to sleep, and breakfast in the morning before returning them to the church. The choir depends on the hospitality of the churches where they perform as they journey across the country. Would you be willing to host some students? Your help is needed! If so, please contact Pastor Larry at or 757.784.2170 or you may phone the church office: 757.258.9701.


    HEALTH NOTES by Marla Lichtsinn, RN, MPA, FCN

    MARCH 2014

    PREVENTING FALLS Each year, one in every three adults, age 65 and older, falls. Each year, two million are treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries. The risk of falling increases with each decade of life, but falls are not an inevitable part of aging: consider the following strategies… CAUSES AND OUTCOMES The causes of falls are known as risk factors. Many of these are preventable – a lack of knowledge about these factors leads to a lack of preventive actions, and results in preventable falls that threaten the person’s health and independence. As a result of falls, 20-30% of people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries such as lacerations (skin cuts and tears), hip fractures, hand and wrist fractures (trying to “break the fall”), and head trauma; some are severe enough to increase the risk of early death. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (“TBI”) in older adults: a review of falls in just one year’s time revealed 46% of fatal falls among older adults were due to TBIs. Most fractures among older adults are caused by falls, including fractures of the spine, hip, forearm, leg, ankle, pelvis, upper arm and hand. Many people who fall, even if they don’t suffer a serious injury, develop a fear of falling, causing them to limit their activities. This, in turn, leads to reduced mobility and loss of physical fitness, and actually increases their risk of falls! FIVE KEY FACTORS • Osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become more brittle, more likely to fracture when pressure (“stress”) is applied. Caused by hormonal changes of aging, calcium and vitamin D deficiency, and decreased physical activity.

    • Lack of physical activity results in poor muscle tone, loss of bone mass (“bone density”), poorer balance, flexibility and strength. • Impaired vision due to glaucoma or cataracts, which changes older people’s depth perception, visual acuity, peripheral vision and susceptibility to glare of lights. These limit their ability to safely negotiate their environment, whether in their own home or anywhere else. • Medications such as sedatives, anti-depressants, and anti-psychotic drugs can contribute to falls by reducing mental alertness, poor balance, irregular gait (movement of legs and feet for walking or running), and changes in blood pressure due to changes in position (from lying down to sitting or standing), causing dizziness. • Environmental hazards cause at least one-third of falls of older adults in their homes, most commonly tripping over objects on the floor (a loose rug, an electrical cord). Other causes include poor lighting, lack of grab bars and unsteady furniture. PREVENTION TIPS • Eat and drink adequate calcium and vitamin D for bone strength (milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, vegetables such as broccoli, soybeans, collards and turnip greens, tofu, and almonds. • Exercise! – do regular weight-bearing exercises (don’t have to pay for a gym membership! – just use cans or vegetables or 1-pound cartons of butter!). Many folks enjoy walking, swimming, and exercises designed to increase balance and flexibility, such as yoga or Tai Chi. Always wear proper fitting, supportive shoes with low heels and non-slip soles. • Have regular eye exams to identify eye diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts; use color and contrast to define different levels (e.g., steps) or help identify objects such as hand rails and grab bars; clean eyeglasses often! • Keep a list of all medications in your purse or wallet (be sure your healthcare providers are aware of all of them!) and know common side effects of each medication; use the lowest



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    Take 15 minutes a day this week to read Matthew 22:38-40. Read it several times. After you read it, reflect on the verse and listen to what God might be saying to you. Then respond by living according to His love.

    We want to thank the pastors at KOG for all the prayers and visits. Thanks to the congregation for all the cards and the flowers. Thanks to the ladies who knit the comforting prayer shawls. Al is now

    recuperating at home. Praise the Lord! It is a pleasure to be part of KOG. —Al and Alice Friedrich

    effective dose of medicines that may change your level of awareness and balance; destroy all out-of-date medications or those no longer in use; while taking medicines that affect balance, consider use of walking aids such as canes, walkers; limit intake of alcohol as it may interact with medications. • Identify possible environmental hazards by conducting a “walk-through” of your home: repair cracks in sidewalks and driveways; install hand rails at stairs and steps; keep walkways clear of clutter and well lighted; secure rugs with non-skid tape; avoid loose throw rugs; have at least one phone extension in each level of the house, one within reach of your bed; reduce clutter; avoid running electrical cords in usual paths of walking; use adequate lighting with night lights or motion-sensitive lights throughout the house; install grab bars on walls near the tub and toilet; add non-slip mats to bathtubs and showers and other surfaces that may get wet; add a bath or shower chair and install a portable, hand-held shower head; keep

    commonly used items within easy reach; use a sturdy step stool when you need something from a high shelf (don’t climb on a swivel chair or a chair on wheels!); arrange furniture so you can easily move around it (especially low coffee tables); make sure sofas and chairs are easy to get in and out of (higher seat is better, and arms allow you to steady yourself while getting up); remove wheels (“casters”) from furniture; use TV remote control and cordless phones; add a bedside light with an easy on/off switch or “touch control”; adjust bed height to make it easy to get in and out; have a sturdy chair, with arms, to sit and dress; keep stairs free of clutter; add non-slip treads to bare wooden stairs; have adequate light in stairways and hallways with light switches at each end. Learn more at


    The Board of Directors and all the volunteers, as well as the thousands of clients referred to FISH for services, join me in thanking KOG for your continued support of FISH.

    —Don Butts, President.

    Taking Care of Ourselves is Loving Ourselves:

    As we strive to love God and love our neighbors, we are also called to love ourselves. Doing so means caring for the bodies and the mind that God has given us. There are many folks in our

    own community who serve in vocations of care and health. Should you ever need assistance or advice, feel free to contact one of the Pastors, or here is a sampling of folks within our

    community who serve in various ways:

    Finances Christopher Walls Financial Advisor Davenport and Company 757-941-1079 Stephanie Baker Financial Representative 757-476-6739 Russell Beyer Franchisee Jackson Hewitt Tax Service 804-218-1440 cell

    Wellness Lana Wingate, RN, MSN Gerontology / care management 757-259-5949 Judy Kuehnert Stephen Ministry Leader Women's Coordinator 757-603-2248 Dan Scungio Stephen Ministry Leader Men's Coordinator 757-897-8123

    Lisa Doak Wellness Blogger 757-784-5180

    Medical Jay W. Floyd, MD, FAAFP Riverside Medical Group 757-903-6827 Jill Jertson, MD Gynecologist Riverside Partners In Women's Health 757-253-5600 Ross S. Fuller DDS Williamsburg Dental Group 757-229-7210 Nancy Dodenhoff Certified Massage Therapist


    King of Glory Lutheran Church 757-258-9701


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    At KOG, for the last 15 years, we have sponsored a wonderful outreach ministry entitled "Storybook Connection". This program ministers to female and male inmates at the Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail (on Jefferson Avenue just southeast of Route 199). The ministry involves a KOG woman and man volunteering to take children's books, tape recorders, and tapes to the jail each Saturday morning (or afternoon--the choice is the volunteer’s) and allowing inmates to choose a book and read it on tape to their child(ren). The volunteer then puts the book, tape, and a letter from KOG into an envelope and brings it to the church office for mailing each Monday.

    This program is extremely popular with the inmates. In over 10 years that I've been a volunteer, I have never had an inmate that did not thank me for giving them the opportunity to stay in touch with their child(ren). I'm sure all of our volunteers have had the same gratitude shown them.

    We now only have five women and five men volunteers. Each volunteer visits the jail about once every 4 to 6 weeks. A few more volunteers would make visits occur about once every 2 months. Each visit takes about 1 to 1.5 hours.

    If you are interested in becoming a part of this program, please let me know. I'll get you cleared to visit the jail as an observer with a qualified KOG volunteer. After one visit (or as many as you'd like), you can decide if this is a program in which you'd like to participate.

    Please give this some prayerful thought. In this service to our God and our neighbors, you will find that you receive much, much more than you give.

    Dale Walter 757-229-2026 Matthew 25:36---"...... I was in prison, and you came to Me....... Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."


    Pop-top soups or pastas

    Granola bars

    Cheese crackers or Peanut butter crackers

    Fruit cups


    Juice boxes/Milk boxes

    Pudding cups

    Snack mixes

    Beef sticks


    Dried fruit

    Tuna pouch

    FOOD DRIVE! For the next two weeks King of Glory is assisting in a Backpack Food

    Drive for the homeless and extremely low income children at one of

    our local schools. Please consider donating food to go in backpacks of

    kids in need. The backpacks generally can just hold a few cans and

    snacks. Consider donating non-perishables such as:


    Welcome Center: Andrea Grimes, Joy Gosselin, Lynne Bundick

    Flower Visitation Ministry: Carol and Jim Doebler

    Altar Guild: Linda Gilbert, Barbara Streb

    Coffee Fellowship: Peter Ligman


    ...By the one man’s obedience, the many will be made righteous.

    Romans 5:19

    Service Coordinator: Tim Mitchell

    8:00 AM:

    Acolyte & Crucifer: Harry Grimes, Jacob Rogers

    Readers: Ruth Hughes, Jacob Rogers

    Greeters: Bruce and Robin Zophy

    Ushers: Jim Milby and Dan Gilbert

    Communion Assistant: Burlyn Rogers and Tim Mitchell

    Live Stream: Peter Ligman

    9:30 AM:

    Acolyte & Crucifer: Nick Gosselin, Zeke Chorba

    Readers: Rick Munro, Austin Ross

    Greeters: Jeanne and Larry Lubbs

    Ushers: Ken Doak and Tim Mitchell

    Communion Assistants: Rick and Carol Munro, Jim

    Brown, Michelle Clauberg

    Live Stream: Tom Sargent

    Liturgy Projection: Leif Romberg

    11:00 AM:

    Acolyte & Crucifer: Briar Ownby-Connolly, Hannah


    Readers: Lexie Hiestand, Zack Tayman

    Greeters: Ev and Jim Brown

    Ushers: Bob Burns and Tim Mitchell

    Communion Assistants: Mark and Beth Elgert, Chris

    and Laura Walls

    Live Stream: Tom Sargent

    Liturgy Projection: Grace Walls

    10:45 AM:

    Common Cup: Tara Wolf

    Individual Cup: Christiana Hoff

    Water Blessing: Gayle Harmon

    AV Booth: Isaiah Woo

    Service Leader: Tara Wolf

    Ushers: Chris and Ethan Hoff

    Praise Band: Christy King, Max Harmon, Noah Harmon, Laura Koestel, Shea Wooten, Rachel


    5:00 PM:

    Greeters: Valerie and Larry Tiffany

    Usher: Don Weber

    Communion Assistants: Mel Grewe, Phil Herbst

    Snack: Scott King

    Live Stream: Phil Herbst

    Liturgy Projection: Marcus Mitchell

    Praise Band: Christy King, Kim Grewe, Jim Olver, Brendan Dellos, Drew McElroy, Corey Pavlosky,

    Max Harmon, Noah Harmon, and Ryan Foster


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    The Apprentice How do you live as a Disciple of Jesus? What are others in the church and outside the church doing?

    This is a new forum through which ideas can be shared and everyone can grow. Here is how it will work.

    A question will be posed every two weeks. You can share your practice or thoughts (anonymously) by

    sending the information to We will then share it here and together grow and


    This Week’s Question These are real questions asked of real people of faith

    How do you pray at home?

    Submitted by a Family at King of Glory

    Prayer time is special for our children. We pray with each of them individually. This provides one-on-one

    time and an opportunity to pray. We always leave an opportunity for our children to add to the prayer.

    Submitted by Member of King of Glory

    One of my favorite prayers is from Thomas Cramner's "Collect for Purity," the opening prayer in the

    Communion service from The Book of Common Prayer (1928):

    "Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid;

    Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee,

    and worthily magnify thy holy Name, through Christ our Lord. Amen!" I personalize it by substituting 'my

    heart' for 'our hearts’ and 'I' for 'we'.

    Submitted by a Couple from King of Glory

    At dinnertime we take time to pray with each other and our family. When our children were smaller we

    would rotate letting each of them say the dinner prayer. We let them say and pray for whatever they

    wanted. It was beautiful to hear what was on their mind and what they wanted to share with God.

    Submitted by a Member of King of Glory

    My daily practice uses a subscription to the "Encounter with God," which is issued by the Scripture Un-

    ion, Valley Forge, PA. This publication is a guide for meeting God daily in His Word. Each issuance cov-

    ers daily devotionals for three months. Each daily devotional begins with prayer followed by the Scrip-

    ture reading for the day. Then one is asked to meditate on that reading with a brief guide. Then one is

    asked to apply the reading. Finally, the devotional ends with a closing prayer. Each daily session is con-

    fined to one page.

    I have found this daily devotional a blessing. I use the devotional each morning to begin each day be-

    fore daily distractions get in the way.

    The Next Question What Christian books have you read that have helped you grow in faith?

    Share with us at Remember your name will never be published. Thank you for your sharing.
