The Top 25 Anti-Cancer Foods To Eat Every Day

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Top 25 Anti-Cancer Foods To Eat Every Day

The Top 25 Anti-Cancer Foods To Eat Every Day

And how they can help you prevent and heal cancer

What you put in your mouth matters

Diet alone accounts for 20-40% of all cancers

Here’s 25 foods with proven

anti-cancer effectsEat these foods every day to give your

body the best possible chance of healing

1. Garlic

Chopped or crushed garlic releases allicin, which lowers the risk of oesophageal, stomach,

pancreatic, colon and breast cancer.

Onions contain allicin, which protects against cancer, along with anti-cancer polyphenols

and quercitin.

2. Onion

Leeks contain anti-cancer compounds allicin, inulin, diallyl trisulfide and kaempferol, and

their juice stops cancer cells growing.

3. Leeks

Chives, spring onions and scallions are part of the garlic and onion family, and provide many of the same benefits in preventing and healing cancer.

4. Chives, spring onions and scallions

The sulforaphanes in broccoli help remove carcinogens, kill cancer stem cells, limit

oxidation in the body and protect genes from mutations.

5. Broccoli

Brussels sprouts contain glucosinolates, which turn into isothiocyanates and activate

cancer-fighting enzymes.

6. Brussels sprouts

Cabbage contains sinigrin, which protects against a range of cancers. It also switches

off genes that can promote cancer.

7. Cabbage

Cauliflower reduces the risk of a number of different cancers. Many of cauliflower's anti-cancer effects survive the cooking

8. Cauliflower

Kale is packed with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and anti-cancer

nutrients, and is one of the most nutrient-dense foods around.

9. Kale

Spinach is a powerhouse of anti-cancer substances, including lutein and zeaxanthin,

plus saponins, glycoglycerolipids and flavonoids.

10. Spinach

Rocket is a nutrient-dense leafy green, and contains isothicyanates which have

anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects in the body.

11. Rocket (Arugula)

Raspberries contain ellagic acid which encourages cancer cell death, prevents blood

vessel growth and reduces the spread of cancer cells.

12. Raspberries

The antioxidants and flavonoids in blueberries reduce inflammation, prevent cancer cell growth and increase cancer cell death.

13. Blueberries

Cherries contain perillyl alcohol, which stops cancer cell growth, encourages cancer cell death and prevents blood vessel growth.

14. Cherries

The dark blue-purple-red colour of berries means they contain lots of cancer-fighting

flavonoids, especially

15. Blackberries, strawberries, boysenberries, cranberries

The betacyanin in beetroot helps stop cancer cell growth, kills cancer cells and detoxifies the

liver, kidneys and lymph.

16. Beetroot

The lycopene in tomatoes stops cancer cell growth, kills cancer cells, protects against carcinogens and lowers the risk of many

17. Tomatoes

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which strengthens immunity, helps with

detoxification, improves liver health and works against many cancers.

18. Carrots

Sweet potatoes contain a unique protein which stops cancer growth. They also stablise blood sugar levels, which discourages cancer.

19. Sweet potatoes

The apigenin and luteolin in celery are effective against a number of cancers, including skin, breast, cervical and lung

20. Celery

Asparagus contains glutathione, which detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system

and protects cells against damage.

21. Asparagus

Eating an apple a day can reduce the risk of some cancers by up to 50%, including

stomach, oesophagus, lung and breast cancer.

22. Apples

Mushroom extracts shrink cancers, reduce blood supply to cancers, reduce treatment side

effects and extend survival times.

23. Mushrooms

Brazil nuts are one of the richest sources of the mineral selenium, which reduces the risk of

a number of cancers, especially prostate cancer.

24. Brazil nuts

Flaxseed is the best plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce

inflammation, stop cancer cell growth and boost immunity.

25. Flaxseeds

1. Eat plants

2. Minimally processed

3. Maximum variety

The bottom line

Focus on eating all of these plant-based foods and more every single day, with as much variety as

you can muster!

Now what?

To see more details on the research, to get helpful tips and common traps, and for simple and delicious recipes using each of

these anti-cancer foods,

For more information