The Tidings® For Boaters, By Boaters TM · journey north and look forward to seeing all of you...

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Transcript of The Tidings® For Boaters, By Boaters TM · journey north and look forward to seeing all of you...


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


The Tidings® For Boaters, By Boaters TM San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron May, 2019




May 18th – 24th Safe boating week

May 21 - The Boathouse Tiki Bar and Grille @11:30am 17101 State Rd 31

Fort Myers, 33905

It's located on the Caloosahatchee where the rte. 31 bridge crosses the river. There's even a pool to use if you want to bring your suit. They don't take reservations so plan to meet

at 11:30.

From the editor: Use your QR scanner on your smart phone, ipad etc. and scan the above QR code to access the San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron website▲

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Capt. Neil Eisner Page 3 Fish Tale Marina Page 4 Ron Dao’s Page 4 Finemark Bank Page 4 Shellpoint Page 5 Port Sanibel Marina Page 5 Diversified Yacht Services Page 8 Carefree Boat Club Page 11

The District 22 2019 Spring Conference and Change of Watch was a great event. Our friend from sister squadron Fort Myers Power Squadron, Sam Bonilla, was elevated from District 22 Administrative Officer to District 22 Executive Officer. Congratulations Sam! Members of our squadron who attended were P/C Ron Terciak, P/C Charlie Richardson, SEO (& ADEO) Melissa Butler, PDC Dan Flinn, ASAO Larry Tobias, Lynn Tobias and Xcomm Member Michael Aube. A BIG THANK YOU to each of you for your interest and participation. It is VERY appreciated! Continued on page 2 column 1

The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

This will be the last issue of “The Tidings” for the summer months, See you in the Fall Have a great summer!!!


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


The name “United States Power Squadrons” will not go away, and the organization shall retain that name as it’s official legal name, and is now DBA (doing business as) “America’s Boating Club”, an officially registered name. Also, the ship’s wheel will be phased out and the new “America’s Boating Club” logo will be used exclusively. I had a conversation with PCC Ojeda while at the District 22 Conference during which I asked him if he would be willing to travel to us and speak at a joint “Quad-Squad” membership meeting. He immediately responded with an enthusiastic yes, and said he would be honored to do so. I have spoken with the Commanders of the other three squadrons and all are on-board. We will need to coordinate with PCC Ojeda’s schedule and am hopeful this joint membership meeting can occur in late October or early November. This is quite an honor for us and for the Quad-Squads, as none of our squadrons have had a Chief Commander attend any of their functions. It is an event that all should look forward to attending and will be more than pleased they did. The Commanders Meeting the day before the Conference was extremely productive and several very timely subjects were covered, one of which was retention and growth of squadron membership. In fact, it was timed well as I was scheduled to be a presenter at one of the roundtables the next day at the Conference (along with three other Commanders) regarding membership. A lot of ideas and innovative methods to attract and also retain members flowed from the meetings. Continued on page 3 column 2

The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

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The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

Continued from previous column

District 22 - 2019 Spring Conference - Punta Gorda Florida

The Chief’s Representative, a person sent by the sitting USPS National Chief Commander to District Change of Watch events, this year was Past Chief Commander Luis (Louie) Ojeda, SN. He was a super Chief Commander for his two-year tenure, and brought to the District 22 2019 Spring Event some interesting information and fun conversations and exchanges. He is a straight talking “tell it like it is” person who is energetic, outgoing and very obviously dedicated to the organization and members of the “America’s Boating Club”.

Past Chief Commander Luis (Louie) Ojeda, SN

As you know, the United States Power Squadrons are in the process of re-branding the organization. Continued in next column →


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


From the Administrative Officer Lt/C Nancy Chambers, S.

The squadron has had a great year so far and I

hope we continue to have many more of you attend our events.

I've had many positive responses about the speakers we've had at the monthly membership meetings and I hope everyone has learned a lot. We should all have a better understanding of our local waters by now and hopefully some will be more active in finding solutions to the problems we face.

I want to thank everyone who volunteered to participate in our Shipmate program. Hermann Kuehnel, Brenda Battles, Jane Aube, Marie Ragone and Melissa Butler all welcomed new members to the squadron. New members seem to enjoy having personal contact to help them learn about USPS and to have someone company them to events. Please think about volunteering to be a shipmate in the future.

At our new member pizza party Bill Behrens, Ron Terciak, Chap Vail, Hermann Kuehnel, Melissa Butler, Bob Shaw, Jeanne Shaw, and Larry Tobias welcomed Nancy Bell to the squadron.

The yard sale the next day was a big success. We made a profit of over $300. Many thanks to all who helped - Jean and Michael Wilke, Brenda and Dick Battles, Robin and Michael Kohl, Nancy Bell, Ron Terciak and Bill Behrens. Also, thanks to everyone who made donations which made the sale a success.

May through September we will continue our C&Rs so watch the calendar on the website and your inboxes for more info.

If you have a location, you would like to go to

please let me know. Continued page 5 bottom of column 1

Our squadron received several awards at the D22 Spring Conference:

· Golden Life Jacket Award, from the Sea Tow Foundation, in recognition of dedication and commitment to boating safety.

· Century Club Award to Ron Terciak in grateful appreciation for outstanding contribution and support of the Vessel Safety Check Program for year 2018.

· Honorable Mention Award to our

squadron in recognition of outstanding membership growth and retention among all squadrons having 114 or more members.

· Squadrons Hospitality Coordinator Award for participation in planning, coordinating and set-up for Squadron Meet and Greet at the 2019 Spring Conference.

Continued on page 11 column 1

The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

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San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®



P.O. Box 5026 Ft. Myers Beach, FL. 33932-5026

(239) 466-4040 Web Site – Chartered 9 December 1968

A Unit of the United States Power Squadron District 22 – Sail & Power Boating


Cdr. Bill Behrens (239) 470-1773


Editor P/C John J. Ragone, P 8140 Breton Circle Ft. Myers, FL. 33912 239-768-6803

Assistant Marie Ragone, P. Published monthly except June, July and August

ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15TH of month before month of issue

Refer to the 2019/2020 membership directory for

Squadron Organization chart, Addresses, Committee Chairs, Telephone Numbers, and Other Information

Free Dinners to Squadron Members A reminder that, any squadron member receives a free dinner at one of our squadron meetings for bringing in a new member. Let us have more free dinners and bring in new members. ■


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


From the Exec Officer Lt/C Charlie Richardson, JN.

Hello all you SCBPS boaters……. Have you had your boat inspected yet? P/C Ron says that even though we have inspected over 140 vessels so far this year, very few have been those from our Squadron. Shouldn’t we be setting the example for the other boaters in our area? Arrange to have your boat inspected as soon as possible. Remember, the “BLUE LIGHTS” are out there, just waiting for a non-inspected boat to come by. On another topic…. Do you use our Squadron Website If not, give it a try. There is a lot of information on it for you. Starting at the home page you can select from a variety of topics on the “Menu Bar” at the top: Education, takes you to our education page where you will find the dates of our courses, along with the cost. Photos, takes you to a page where you can select and view photos of our many events. Civic Service takes you to a page with a description of the two civic service projects we are involved in; Vessel Safety Checks and the Co-op Charting program. Continued page 6 top of column 1

From the Administrative Officer Lt/C Nancy Chambers, S. Continued from page 3 column 1

Thanks to everyone for making this first part of 2019 a success. To all our snowbirds I wish a safe journey north and look forward to seeing all of you back in the fall.

To everyone, thanks for a great season. ■

Michael’s Article Michael Kohl, AP

Cruise to Fisherman’s Village April 9 to April 13 Ever since moving the JustUs, an Albin 34 Aft Cabin cruiser, to Southwest Florida from New York we have been trying to explore the local waters and not so local waters. Continued on page 7 bottom of column 2


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


Booster membership runs with the calendar year. All checks received now are being applied to membership for the year 2019. See below. Dick Battles Brenda Battles Ron Terciak Hermann Kuhnel Mary Smelter

It is time to renew your booster membership for 2019

Wayne Berger Judy Berger Carole Terciak Karin Kuhnel Harold Theibert


We have CONTINUED our “Booster” program again to support our squadron. To join, make checks, for $5.00 per person payable to the San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron and mail to: John Ragone

8140 Breton Circle Ft. Myers, Fl. 33912

It is VESSEL SAFETY CHECK time again. The VSC is an annual event, and it allows those that avail themselves of the free safety check to be assured they have all the necessary safety equipment on board their vessel. It also ensures items that have an expiration date are not expired and are valid, such as their fire extinguishers and flares. This squadron service is, or course, available to all members of our squadron and is available to the public as well, such as your friends and neighbors. If one’s boat does not pass, there is no punitive action taken, and it is not reported to any agency. Once the item(s) that needed attention is corrected we will re-visit and re-do the VSC and, when one’s boat passes, issue the current year safety sticker. Contact P/C Ron Terciak to schedule your VSC. ■

From the Exec Officer Lt/C Charlie Richardson, JN.

Continued from page 5 top of column 1

You can click on a box which will allow you to request a VSC online. Bridge Officers and Contacts, here you will find a page with all our current officers and their contact information. Quick way to look up any officers’ email or phone number. Calendar, here you will find a standard format calendar with our events on it, click on an event for more information. Return by clicking on the link at the bottom of the calendar. Up Coming Events, find out quickly what is happening in our Squadron. Dates and information on, C&R’s, Meetings and special events such as boat shows etc. Membership, here you can click on a link to “Member Benefits” find out how valuable your membership is. If you need a membership application (for a friend or someone who is interested) you can download it and print it. The Tidings Newsletter, this takes you to a page where you can select an issue of the Tidings to read or print. Continued page 7 column 1 bottom


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


From the Exec Officer Lt/C Charlie Richardson, JN.

Continued from page 6 top of column 1

From the Exec Officer Lt/C Charlie Richardson, JN.

Continued from previous column

Three years of this publication are available. Tides and Weather, this page gives you the opportunity to get weather information from “Cape Weather”, tide information for the current week, wind information, and a link to the National Hurricane Center. Local Water Nav Information, this page has information about our local chart 11427. Click on: Class information, Alerts or Chart Corrections. Squadron Information gives information about our mailing address and the physical location of our classroom a Google map is provided. Links, this page is full of links to websites of interest to all boaters. Member Login, this page is password protected for members only. Members can access a copy of our By Laws, Standing Rules and a copy of our current membership directory. To get the password contact me. Continued top of next column

→ I hope this is helpful in getting you started with our website. Have a safe boating summer, Charlie ■

Michael’s Article Michael Kohl, AP

Continued from page 5 bottom of column 1

We have found a few nice places to gunkhole in the area and last month we ventured to Marco Island and Naples on a 4-day excursion. With the planned squadron rendezvous at the Green Flash on Captiva we decided to look North for out next foray. Continued on page 9 column 2


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


Our Squadron now has four more members who join the ranks of “Seamen.” They are also the first to earn that grade by passing the revamped and renamed course called “Boat Handling” and taught by Doy McPhail. Congratulations are in order for the Ahlemeier family, Barry, Barrett, and Carolyn, and also for Joe Aten. Joe had previously passed Piloting, so he now has both his “S” and his “P.” Looking ahead to fall, if you haven’t earned the grade of Seaman yet, you can plan to take Boat Handling, starting on October 28 at 7:00PM. That schedule should allow you to get your “S” for Christmas! At the recent D22 conference in April, I led a panel on Seminars. USPS has assembled a large variety of short courses, intended to take about 2 hours, and focused on a single topic. District-wide, seminars appear to be an underused resource. The basic materials USPS provides for each seminar cost $13, although there are optional, supplementary, materials available at a variety of price points for many of the seminars. In addition, to get formal credit on your USPS certificate, there’s a $10 registration fee. Do you think we should do more of these in our squadron? Would you be interested in taking one? In teaching one? Which ones? Would you be willing to pay $25 for a seminar? I’ll also be asking for your input at our May Squadron meeting, but if you aren’t going to be able to attend, I’d love to hear from you by email at>. Continued next column →

From the S.E.O. Lt/C Melissa Butler, JN.

From the S.E.O. Lt/C Melissa Butler, JN.

Here’s the current list of classroom seminars · Advanced Powerboat Handling · AIS Electronics for Boaters · Anchoring · Weather and Forecasting · Boat Handling Under Power · Boating on Rivers, Locks & Lakes · Crossing Borders · Emergencies on Board · Fuel and Boating · Introduction to Navigation (using Open

CPN) · How to Use a Chart · Using GPS** · How to Use GPS

Updated seminar coming this Spring!!! Continued page 9 bottom of column 1

Happy Birthday May 2019

Ahlemeier Carolyn S. 15-May Aten Lee 13-May Flinn Daniel L. 3-May Franklin Norm 23-May Greenwald William J. 8-May Mehmel Marsha A. 30-May Morgan Ronald A. 20-May Nohre Sandra L. 14-May Patterson Julien 11-May Suever Michael 5-May


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


These items and more can be purchased from Ship's Store at squadron meetings or contact Bill/Ron.

From the S.E.O.

Lt/C Melissa Butler, JN. Continued from page 8 bottom of column 2

Michael’s Article Michael Kohl, AP

Continued from page 7 bottom of column 2

· Hurricane Preparation for Boaters · Knots, Bends and Hitches · Man Overboard · Marine Radar · Mastering the Rules of the Road · Partner in Command · Propane Systems on Your Boat · Sail Trim and Rig Tuning · Tides and Currents · Trailering Your Boat · Using VHF & VHF/DSC Marine Radio ■

We planned on attending the C & R at the Green Flash on Captiva, staying overnight and continuing on to Charlotte Harbor the next day. The Itinerary was tentatively Fisherman’s Village on Wednesday, Burnt Store on Thursday, Cayo Costa on Friday and home on Saturday. With the cancellation of the C&R we had to modify our plans. We decided to go all the way to Cayo Costa on Tuesday then continue with the rest of our planned cruise. Continued on page 10 column 1


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


Michael’s Article Michael Kohl, AP

Continued from page 9 column 2

Michael’s Article Michael Kohl, AP

Continued from previous column

Tuesday dawned windy and cloudy. Undeterred, we set of through a lumpy San Carlos Bay. By the time we reached the famous marker 101 and the Dismal Mile things had calmed down. We had an uneventful run to Pelican Bay in the Cayo Costa State Park. As a novice to the area, I entered Pelican Bay from the south and, with much breath holding, felt our way into the anchorage without running aground. WHEW!!!! We launched the dingy and ferried Sharky, Robin’s 1-year old Havanese dog to shore. We walked across the island and visited the lovely beach, collecting some shells. Returning to the dingy, we had a soaking wet ride back to the boat. We had dinner, read our books and listened to music until bed time. The next day we returned to the island and took the shuttle to the beach. After a nice walk we returned to the boat, stowed the dink and took off (via the north entrance) to Fisherman’s Village. We arrived at the marina around 2pm. We cleaned up, had lunch and waited for our boating friends from New York to arrive. While waiting we watched the Dolphins play near the dock. After a fine dinner at Fisherman’s Village we walked around for an hour then returned to the boat. The next morning our friends picked us up to take us to breakfast. When we returned, we made the JustUs ship shape and took off for Burnt Store with dolphins frolicking off the bow. Arriving at Burnt Store around Noon, we had pizza in their Deli for lunch. We then explored the area on foot. Another set of friends joined us for dinner at the restaurant and we danced to the live music playing while we dined. It was a lovely evening. The next morning, we set up our bikes and went exploring.

Continued in next column →

After a 15-mile bike ride we returned to the boat for lunch and to prepare to take off for Cayo Costa. After an uneventful ride to Cayo Costa we took a spot in the anchorage. With the water significantly calmer than it was on Tuesday and Wednesday we decided to go exploring after the obligatory trip to the beach for the dog. The last time we were here we observed boats going in and out of a cut in the mangroves and wondered what that was about. We entered the cut in the dinghy and discovered a lagoon about a quarter mile across. As we sat there, idling the motor, two manatees popped up to greet us. They stared at us as we stared at them for a good 5 minutes. I was so taken that I didn’t fish out my camera and left with no pictures of the encounter. We returned to the boat, had a fine BBQ and tried to figure out how to deal with the stifling heat without cranking up the generator. Around one in the morning the heat broke with a tremendous downpour and a stiff breeze. We scrambled to close the ports and avoid a wet mess. The next morning was cloudy and windy. We took the dog to shore and bumped into sailing people that were in the same sailing club with us in New York. This was the first time we’ve seen them in 20 or so years. After spending an hour catching up, we headed back to the JustUs (another wet ride) and stowed the dingy. We weighed anchor and took off for home, into the wind the whole way. The trip home was uneventful until we got to San Carlos Bay. Nice sized waves and whitecaps greeted us but we powered through and arrived at our dock in Fort Myers beach at 6pm after a fuel stop. In all, it was a wonderful trip and we can’t wait for the next. We are thinking of Venice and or Sarasota.

Michael & Robin Kohl ■


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


· USPS Educational Fund Certificate of Merit (31st annual award to our squadron) in appreciation of the extraordinary contribution for the furtherance of education in the fields of navigation and small boat handling.

· Distinctive Communicator Award presented to publisher of The Tidings in recognition of Distinctive Performance for United States Power Squadrons publications in 2018. Way to go (again!) P/C John Ragone!

· Distinctive Communicator Award presented to the webmaster for our squadron Web Site in recognition of Distinctive Performance for United States Power Squadrons Websites in 2018. Way to go (again!) (P/C) and current XO Charlie Richardson!

· District 22 Youth Poster Contest,

Second Place, age group 6 to 8, based on theme “America’s Boating Club Saves Lives”; awarded to Jay Vion Mosidor.

· District 22 Youth Poster Contest,

Third Place, age group 6 to 8, based on theme “America’s Boating Club Saves Lives”; awarded to Jose Estrada.

As you are reading this it is already May, 2019. Yikes. Where do the days (and months) go? I think it is true that as we get older the time goes by faster. Continued in next column →

Over the summer months (May, June, July, August and September) we will not be having any Monthly Membership Meetings. Also, and there will not be any Executive Committee meetings in June, July, August and September, except if circumstances warrant a special meeting. However, please remember we will continue to have Cruise and Rendezvous’ (C&R’s) throughout the summer months and maybe a special event or two. I believe our friendships and camaraderie are important and the C&R’s offer a wonderful way to continue that, and have fun, while some of our member friends are up north during the warmer months. The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce announced the (Off-Shore) Power Boat Races are returning to Fort Myers Beach (after being elsewhere for several years) and they have invited our squadron to participate in the planning and administration of the event. This is scheduled to take place in October, 2019. More information to follow as it is developed and/or becomes available. Our overnight C&R to Lake “O” (Clewiston) was fun, exciting and, even though not everything we planned was able to be done, we all had a great time. The weather was windy for both the trip to Clewiston and the trip back. Two boats were disabled – mine and Sam Bonilla’s (Sam is the current D22 XO and P/C of the Fort Myers Squadron; Fort Myers members were invited to join our squadron on this trip). My boat problem was as a result going aground just after the Moore Haven lock, on the Calusa Waterway. I apparently got too close to the shore line and went into a sand bar. A couple of members pulled me off of the sand bar and, afterwards, my starboard engine was overheating so it was shut down. Continued on page 12 column 1

The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

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The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

Continued from previous column


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


I limped into the Roland Martin Marina on my Port engine. Sam’s boat was also aground, along with other problems (linkage on the throttle was a huge problem and issue). He also went aground and another member went and towed him into the marina. My engine problem was subsequently resolved and I was good to go and able to return to Fort Myers. Sam’s boat, however, was not operational with several large issues. He ended up using Boats to return, being “towed” all the way to the Franklin Locks, where his boat spent the night in the small boat marina there, and then again “towed” by Boats to the marina where Sam’s boat is kept. The big thunderstorm that hit Fort Myers on Friday also moved along and hit Clewiston that evening where our group was staying. Continued in next column →

The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

Continued from page11 column 2

The timing ended up fairly good as almost all of us had walked to the restaurant and were seated and having dinner at the three tables reserved for our group when the bottom fell out. It was a huge storm with high winds and lightening but we all ate dinner and then, as the storm was ending the entertainment started and we finished dinner and the rain subsided. The next morning, we all got an early start and, after fueling the many boats, we were underway and returned to the Fort Myers area. All in all, a very good time and lots of camaraderie amongst all members. Many pictures were taken and have been posted on Facebook. Stay safe. Be Active. --Bill Behrens Commander ■

The Commanders Message Cdr. Bill Behrens, P

Continued from previous column


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


The below members have gone “above & beyond” and made donations that are worthy of special recognition for the years 2017 & 2018 2017 Wayne & Judy Berger – Donation to the squadron to fund the 2017 printing of the Squadron Directories (after tirelessly compiling and updating the information). 2017 Bob & Carol Amerine – Donation to the squadron fund membership in the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce for 2017. 2018 Anonymous Member – Donation to the squadron by a member wishing to remain anonymous to fund membership in the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce for 2018.

2018 Wayne & Judy Berger – Donation to the squadron to fund the 2018 printing of the Squadron Directories (after tirelessly compiling and updating the information). 2018 Dan Finn – Donated a used laptop computer, with Windows 7 for squadron use (proposed for Treasure’s use for Quick Books from Tech Soup. 2018 Donation - Larry and Lynn Tobias made a donation to the squadron to help fund the purchase of QuickBooks (accounting software) or other general purposes, where ever the need is greatest! 2018 - SCOTT CARTER, a newer member of our squadron, donated $200.00 to the squadron to be used as the squadron deems appropriate. $30.00 of the donation went towards his obtaining a second (2nd) new burgee (with the 50-year gold edging). He proudly flies the squadron burgees on both of his boats. Thank you, Scott! Continued in next column →

Continued from previous column 2018 A member - made a contribution that is to be used towards the renewal fee for maintaining membership in the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce. The member specifically requested to stay anonymous. A big THANK YOU to that member! 2019 Wayne and Judy Berger – Donated to the squadron funds to cover the printing of the 2019 Squadron Directories (after tirelessly compiling, updating and verifying the information). Their donation was above and beyond the cost of printing and the extra amount to be used as needed.

2019 Steve and Priscilla Mortonson – Donated a laptop computer and software (aggregate value approximately $300.00) for use in and for the Squadron’s Treasurers functions.

2019 A neighbor of Hermann Kuhnel, Brian P. Dotson, generously insisted on donating $50.00 to our squadron after Herman completed a Vessel Safety Check on his boat. Unsolicited and subsequently graciously accepted. ■


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®



Our Public Classes

We offer several classes to increase boater knowledge and skills. These classes are open to the public (membership is not required). The classes are presented as a public service by the Squadron and are

taught by experienced Squadron members America’s Boating Course 3rd Edition ® Is our basic boating class. The class will cover the basics of boat handling, PWCs, required equipment, navigation aids and rules, and dealing with emergencies. It will provide instruction and examination for laws and regulations of the State of Florida. The course is a total of 8 hours spread over two days. Read a detailed description of the course by clicking on "America's Boating Course 3rd Edition".

Local Waters – Local Charts Is our course for boaters in the Ft. Myers area. The Local Waters class is directed toward new boaters and boaters new to the area, as well as those who wish to learn chart reading. Using Chart 11427, boaters will learn some of the basics of navigation in the Fort Myers Area. Students would bring their own copies of the chart. Read a detailed description of the course by clicking on "Local Waters - Local Chart". Using GPS GPS has become a common tool for navigation. However, using GPS on the water is distinctly different from a moving map display in your car. This 2-3-hour seminar explains the principles of waypoint navigation which you will use. It then shows you how to use the buttons on your GPS and how to relate the GPS to your charts. Using VHF & VHF DSC Marine Radios This class is essential for those with a 'new' radio or those planning to buy a new radio. DSC is operational in Fort Myers. You need to register your radio and learn how it's different. We also cover standard VHF operations. Read a detailed description of the course. Paddle Smart This seminar is intended for those interested in Paddle sports or are considering the purchase of a Kayak, Canoe or other Paddle sport equipment. Read a detailed description of this course by clicking on "Paddle Smart". Hurricanes & Boats This is a mini-seminar. It covers how to select a location and prepare your boat for a hurricane.

Public Classes


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


Member Courses:

We offer our members "Advanced Grade" and "Elective" courses.

Advanced Grade Courses Five Advanced Grade courses are offered by USPS. They are designed to be taken in sequence because each build on skills taught in the previous course.

Seamanship Covers basic deck seamanship, marlinspike (knots and ropes), anchoring and rafting, basic boat care and maintenance, and nautical and USPS customs and etiquette. Course cost: $50.00 Classes held on Wednesday evenings 7:00pm Squadron Classroom, Class starting

Date TBA

Piloting Is the first and most basic navigation course, covering chart reading, course plotting, and basic coastal or inland navigation, including basic GPS usage. This course goes into more detail than the charting information covered in the public courses. Course cost: $75.00 includes "The Weekend Navigator". Course Plotter, Parallel Rules & Dividers are required. Students bring their own. Classes held Tuesday afternoons, duration 6-8 weeks. Class starting date January 17, 2017, 2:00pm Squadron Classroom

Advanced Piloting Covers more advanced coastal navigation techniques, navigation in tides and currents, and more advanced GPS and Rader usage. Course cost: $55.00 (Includes "The Weekend Navigator") Course only: $40.00 Classes held Wednesday mornings 9:30am Squadron Classroom, Class starting date TBA Junior Navigation

Teaches the basics of offshore navigation, including basic celestial navigation using the sun and offshore course planning.

Navigation Is the most advanced navigation course taught by USPS, covering more advanced celestial navigation techniques, emergency navigation, and additional sight reduction techniques.

Membership Classes


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


Elective Courses

Six Elective Courses are offered by USPS. They cover separate and independent topics and therefore may be taken in any order according to a member’s interests and time.

Engine Maintenance Covers the operating principles and basic care and maintenance of outboard and inboard engines, including diesels. This course is offered by Cape Coral Power Squadron Course Cost: $52.00 - $25.00 deposit upon registration. Date to be announced.

Marine Electronics Covers installation and maintenance of both boat electrical systems (AC and DC) and marine electronics (VHF radio, radar, GPS, etc).

Cruise Planning Covers topics of interest for someone planning a cruise – whether for just a weekend or for a year – including preparation and planning, anchoring, security, chartering, and cruising outside the US.

Weather Covers weather forecasting and reading weather patterns on-board.

Sail Covers everything from the basic elements of how a sailboat works to sail trim, rig tuning, and sailboat racing.

Instructor Development Teaches effective communication skills for not only USPS instructors but everyone, covering various methods of presenting information to others, effective use of audiovisual aids (including PowerPoint), etc. This class is scheduled for: January 12, 2015 9:30 - 11:30 there will be 6 sessions. If one or more of these member courses interest you, Register Online at Member Courses generally start in January. They meet weekly at our classroom. Class schedules will be developed to best accommodate the students

Elective Courses


San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron in its 51st year is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, District 22 Copyright 2018 United States Power Squadrons®, America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®


Members Classifieds and Ad’s Editor’s Note: Please let me know of any changes in the below


Condo south end of FMB with Back Bay Water views.2/2 plus den-1637sq ft. Underground parking, storage, pool etc. Great rental potential. $520,000. Call Dick Battles 239-220-2166

For sale PLEASE CALL 239-415-3670 - Noritake China, 6 Place setting, blue and silver

pattern, plus Cream & sugar, desert dishes, 3 serving bowls, 1 gravy boat, 1 serving platter & soup bowls

For Sale

Beautiful framed, matted & numbered (131 of 150) signed, Scott Wooster Print, Journey of the Heart. Priced at $450 unframed on eBay will sell for $350 firm. Call 239-415- 3670

Boat for Sale