The Term 3 Newsletter Hamazkaine Arshak & Sophie Galstaun ...

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Transcript of The Term 3 Newsletter Hamazkaine Arshak & Sophie Galstaun ...

The Term 3 Newsletter

Hamazkaine Arshak & Sophie Galstaun College

Bilingual Armenian and English School founded in 1986 to nurture a striving of excellence in students, to prepare them to be responsible and contributing citizens as well as leaders of the future

Principal: Mr Edward Demirdjian October 2015– Newsletter

5 Chiltern Rd, Ingleside NSW 210 Email.

Tel. 9998 3200 Fax. 999832

Dear Parents,

The College has decided to restructure the Executive and

create a framework which better promotes

continuous College improvement and educational

excellence. The restructuring of the College Executive will

provide the College with a dynamic and enthusiastic

leadership team who are devoted to achieving academic


I am delighted to announce the appointments of Mrs Vicki

Vartanians as Head of High School and Mrs Kate Hajdu as

Primary School Curriculum Coordinator. Both Mrs

Vartanians and Mrs Hajdu are experienced educators who

have the respect of students, teachers and parents. With

Mrs Sciacca, Head of Primary School and Mrs Forester as

High School Curriculum coordinator, the College has a

passionate Executive team who understand the needs of

the College and are committed to the delivery of quality


As Head of High School, Mrs Vartanians will be

responsible for all matters regarding the Secondary

school. Under the guidance of the Principal, Mrs Sciacca

and Mrs Vartanians will be accountable for all academic,

discipline and teacher related issues. The Primary and

High School Curriculum coordinators will support the

Heads of Primary and High School in ensuring effective

teaching and learning throughout the College.

Mrs Kate Hajdu has been appointed Primary Curriculum coordinator and will be responsible for teaching and learning in the Primary School. Mrs Hajdu will work closely with Ms Gillian Forester in implementing the new assessment program at the College and driving school improvement in areas of curriculum for both students and teachers as well as maintaining consistency throughout the College.

the school PDHPE teacher. As part of his

responsibilities, Mr Manougian will administer and be

responsible for the sport, outdoor education and

pastoral care/well-being program within the College.

The growing extracurricular program has meant that

the appointment of a PDHPE/sport teacher has

become necessary if the College sports/activities/

outdoor program is to develop further.

The appointment of a new PDHPE teacher will allow

students to have further opportunities to contribute

and represent the College.

From next term, whole college external testing will be

introduced in conjunction with data tracking software

to measure student academic performance. This will

allow us to improve our practices by measuring the

performance of our students to set benchmarks.

The data attained from testing will help determine

student needs and allow the College to support or

extend students depending on their performance.

The introduction of the new assessment policy and

the implementation of external testing will help

provide teachers and parents with valuable feedback

and also help in the continued development

of the academic culture of the College which is one of

my key priorities as Principal. Results from term 4

and onwards will be tracked using data software

which will allow the College to measure student

performance and for teachers to gain meaningful

feedback regarding their instruction and learning

practices. A focus on results is important if we are to

evaluate what we do as a college and I trust

that this review of assessments is embraced by the

College community.

I firmly believe that the new College Executive will further enhance the College’s continued priori-ty of academic excellence and ensure that processes

From The Principal

are implemented that will drive the College forward and

achieve sustained and substantive school improvement.

With forty new enrolments in the last year and strong

HSC results, the College is entering an exciting period of

growth which has demanded changes to the current

organisational structure.

The College Executive looks forward to working with

parents, teachers and students in continuing to strive for

and deliver academic excellence.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank

Mr Guy Cassarchis for all his efforts in improving

teaching and learning as well as the contributions he has

made in enhancing the College sports program.

The College wishes Mr Cassarchis all the best as he

begins his exciting new role overseas.

Edward Demirdjian

Galstaun College Principal

Earn & Learn Program

The Woolworths Earn & Learn program is back. The

community program enables schools to earn educational

resources when anyone from the school community

shops at Woolworths.

Starting from Wednesday 15 July, shoppers can collect

stickers to place on their sticker cards with shoppers

receiving one sticker for every $10 they spend. Once

sticker cards are completed, they can be placed in a

collection box at either the Galstaun College

administration building or local Woolworths store.

The program closes on Tuesday 8th September .

Year 12 Graduation

The Year 12 graduation dinner will be held at the

Nalbandian Hall and will take place on Saturday 19

September. The evening will begin at 7.00pm and is a

formal affair that allows our students, parents and staff

to celebrate the achievements of our graduating class.

Students will be wearing their school uniform for their

graduation. More information will follow shortly

regarding details and prices. The Year 12 final assembly

will be taking place on Friday 18 September at 9am. The

assembly is prepared by the Year 12 students and is used

as an opportunity to say goodbye to classmates and

thank teachers for their efforts over the years. Following

the assembly, morning tea will be provided for Year 12

students, Galstaun College staff, family and friends.


The College Literacy Committee has assessed a range of student works, consulted with teachers from each subject area, and listened to students. As a result, the Committee has recommended that Galstaun College, for the duration of 2015, focus on developing students’ skills sets in:

- Deconstructing questions; and - Writing clear and concise paragraphs.

Key terms and definitions that appear regularly on Board of Studies syllabuses and which are used in assessment tasks and examination questions across the different subjects are now displayed in each classroom and around the school. Teachers of different subjects will use the key terms to help students better understand what the questions in their subjects require. For example, students will confidently respond to an ‘assess’ question if they develop an understanding that 'assess' requires them to make a judgment. You can find these key terms on the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) website using the link: Your support is critical in ensuring your child fully benefits from this initiative. Please print a list of the key terms from BOSTES and display it at home. Focus on one key word with your child each day. For example, you can ask them to describe their day at school, discuss recent developments in their local community, or assess the role of media in our lives. Alternatively, you can ask them about the word they are focusing and use that as a basis for asking questions of them each day.

PEEL Paragraph Writing

To improve students’ paragraph writing skills, we will be encouraging them to use the PEEL (Point, Explanation, Evidence, Link) paragraph structure. Please find a detailed explanation of PEEL on the following page. Please consider displaying PEEL at home and asking your child to explain it to you as well as to other family members. Ask them about the PEEL paragraph they wrote at school that day, note their effort and any improvement in their writing skills, and reward them for it. All teachers at Galstaun are committed to implementing this strategy. However, it is essential that we have your support to maximise its effectiveness. Please show your interest, and support,

Topic Sentence (POINT)

A sentence that introduces the reader to the

general point that you are making in the


Supporting sentences


These sentences explain and elaborate on the

point introduced in the topic sentence in detail.

Evidence Sentence(s) (EXAMPLE\EVIDENCE)

In sophisticated writing, evidence will be

integrated throughout your supporting sentences.

However, it doesn’t hurt to have an illustrative

example that highlights the point of your topic


Concluding sentence (LINK)

A good concluding sentence will do two things:

i) Sum up your paragraph and relate it back

to the question

ii) Link the paragraph to the next paragraph.

P point

E explain\elaborate

E evidence\example

L link

Paragraph Structure

PEEL Paragraph Structure

The following scaffold is the PEEL Paragraph Structure which will be used throughout the school.

The scaffold has been put around the High School so students are aware of what is required when

completing extended writing responses. Parents are encouraged to help support their child by

using the PEEL structure for extended writing tasks.

Big Ideas

This is a discussion session that will run every Tuesday at lunchtime, where students will explore contemporary issues. This activity is designed to encourage students to think independently and employ critical thinking strategies in order to make an independent judgment about a certain topic. This and next week’s question is: Is social media making us smaller as people? A group of students discussed the negatives of social media this week and will focus on the positives next week.

Ճեմարանի Հայերէն Լեզուի դասատուները մասնակից դարձան հայերէն լեզուի

դասաւանդման վերապատրաստման դասընթացքին

Հայաստանի Հանրապետութեան Սփիւռքի

Նախարարութեան նախաձեռնութեամբ,

Օգոստոս ամսուայ ընթացքին մայր

հայրենիքէն գաղութս այցելեց Հայերէն

լեզուի մասնագէտ, տարիներու

դաստիարակ եւ վաստակաւոր մանկավարժ

Տիկ. Աստղիկ Պալայեան: Տիկ Պալայեան

երկրորդ անգամ էր որ կ’այցէլէր

Աւստրալիա վերապատրաստելու համար

գաղութի հայկական միօրեայ եւ ամենօրեայ վարժարաններու հայերէն լեզուի ուսուցիչները եւ անոնց

ծանօթացնելու հայերէն լեզուի դասաւանդման արդի ու ժամանակակից միջոցներուն:

Տիկ Պալայեան իր առաքելութեան ծիրէն ներս նաեւ ընդգրկած էր Համազգային Գօլստըն Ճեմարանը: Ան

Օգոստոս 3– 7ի ընթացքին , այցելեց վարժարանս եւ իւրաքանչիւր Հայերէն լեզուի ուսուցիչի հետ

ունեցաւ երկար հաղորդակցութիւն ու մտքերու փոխանակում անոնց դասաւանդած դասարաններուն եւ

դասանիւթերուն վերաբերեալ: Տիկ. Պալայեան դասարաններէն ներս նաեւ մօտէն շփման մէջ մտաւ

աշակերտութեան հետ եւ հայերէն լեզուի դասապահերուն իր գործօն ու օգտակար ներդրումը բերաւ:

Ճեմարանի տնօրէնութիւնն ու հայերէն լեզուի ուսուցիչները իրենց խորին շնորհակալութիւնը կը յայտնեն

Հայաստանի Հանրապետութեան Սփիւռքի Նախարարութեան ինչպէս նաեւ ազնուափայլ Տիկ. Աստղիկ

Պալայեանին, այս օգտաշատ ու կենսական ծրագրի իրագործման համար, որուն բարի պտուղները արդէն

իսկ համտեսեցին գաղութիս հայ աշակերտներն ու ուսուցիչները:

Բիւր յաջողութիւն կը մաղթենք Տիկ Պալայեանին իր ապագայ ծրագիրներուն , ինչպէս նաեւ նորանոր

նուաճումներ Սփիւռքի Նախարարութեան իր տարած հայանպաստ գործունէութեան մէջ:

Ցաւակցագիր եւ Շնորհակալագիր Համազգային Արշակ եւ Սօֆի Գօլստըն Ճեմարանի Խնամակալութիւնն ու Տնօրէնութիւնը իրենց խորին

ցաւակցութիւնները կը յայտնեն

Գայսէրեան ընտանիքին եւ համայն պարագաներուն

իրենց կրած խոր վշտին ու կսկիծին ,

իրենց մօր, մեծ մօր եւ անէրմօր հանգուցեալ

Մաքրուհի Գայսէրեանի մահուան տխուր առթիւ:

Այս առթիւ Ճեմարանի ընտանիքը նաեւ իր շնորհակալութիւնը կը յայտնէ եւ երախտապարտ է

Տէր եւ Տիկ. Յակոբ եւ Ժուլիէթ Գայսէրեաններուն եւ ընտանիքին

Իրենց վեհանձն կեցուածքին եւ փոխան ծաղկեպսակի կատարած $10,000.00- ի սրտափուխեւ

առատաձեռն նուիրատուութեան Ճեմարանին:

Թո՛ղ ամենակալ Տէրը հանգուցեալի հոգին երկնային արքայութեան արժանացնէ եւ մխիթարութիւն ու

համբերութիւն պարգեւէ իր անմիջական սիրելիներուն եւ հարազատներուն:

Հայ Օգնութեան Միութեան Կեդրոնական Վարչութեան ատենապետուհի Ընկհ.

Վիգի Մարաշլեան այցելեց Գօլստըն Ճեմարան

Երկուշաբթի 3 Օգոստոսի առաւօտեան,

Ճեմարան այցելեց Ամերիկայի Միացեալ

Նահանքներէն գաղութս հիւրաբար գտնուող ՀՕՄ

ի Կեդրոնական վարչութեան ատենապետուհի

ընկհ. Վիգի Մարաշլեան: Ընկհ. Մարաշլեան

Սիտնի Աւստրալիայ այցելած էր ներկայ

գտնուելու Աւստրալիոյ շրջանէն ներս ՀՕՄ ի

հիմնադրութեան 50-րդ տարեդարձին, որ տեղի

ունեցաւ Շաբաթ 1 Օգոստոսին, Րայտ

արուարձանի St Anne Uniting Church-ի շքեղ սրահին մէջ:

Ընկերակցութեամբ Աւստրալիոյ ՀՕՄի Շրջանային

վարչութեան ներկայացուցիչներուն Ընկհ.

Մարաշլեան ներկայացաւ Ճեմարան եւ մտերմիկ

հանդիպում մը ունեցաւ Ճեմարանի

տնօրէնութեան եւ վարչակազմին հետ: Ընկերուհին

իր ուրախութիւնն ու խանդավարութիւնը յայտնեց

ի տես Ճեմարանէն ներս տեղի ունեցած

բարելաւումներուն եւ աշակերտութեան թիւի

աճման, ան գնահատեց ուսուցիչներու եւ

տնօրէնութեան տարած ժրաջան աշխատանքը ինչպէս նաեւ յայտնեց թէ ՀՕՄ ը միշտ եղած է հայ

դպրոցին կողքին եւ կը հաւատայ որ հայ դպրոցը կը պատրաստէ ապագայ հայ ղեկավարներ եւ ինչու

չէ նաեւ ՀՕՄ-ուհիներ:

Տնօրէն Պրն Էտի Տէմիրճեանը եւ հիւր ընկերուհին զրուցեցին զանազան հարցերու մասին ինչպէս նաեւ

մտքեր փոխանակեցին ՀՕՄի եւ ճեմարանին վերաբերող ներկայ եւ ապագայ ծրագիրներու շուրջ:

Գօլստըն Ճեմարանի տնօրէնութիւնը կը շնորհաւորէ շրջանիս ՀՕՄ-ի հիմնադրութեան 50րդ

տարեդարձը ինչպէս նաեւ նորանոր վերելք կը մաղթէ ՀՕՄ ի մեծ ընտանիքին, Կեդրոնական

վարչութեան ինչպէս նաեւ իր խորին շնորհակալութիւնը կը յայտնէ ընկհ. Վիգի Մարաշլեանին իր

Ճեմարան այցելութեան :


Parental and community feedback is very important to us at Galstaun

College. Parents are encouraged to provide feedback using the email address

Chinese Study Tour

The College was privileged to host thirty Chinese students as

part of an international study tour to our school. The Chinese

students spent the week at our school participating in classes

and sampling the day to day life of a student in Australia.

The study tour allowed our students the opportunity to interact

with a different culture, make new friends and learn about the

different types of teaching and learning that takes place in


What was most pleasing was the efforts

made by our students in helping the Chinese

students feel welcome. During the last day

of the study tour, the students organised a

barbeque lunch and held a sporting

competition where the students competed

against one another. During the farewell

assembly, teachers and students bid farewell

to one another in an emotional send off.

We hope to make the study tour an annual event at our school.

Year 10 Harmony Day “Respect, Understanding & Acceptance” at the Sydney

Jewish Museum Darlinghurst

On Tuesday the 4th of August, Year 10 students participated

in an innovative three-part intercultural program titled

Harmony Day - “Respect, Understanding &

Aceptance” (RUA). This program brings together students

from Galstaun College, Masada College, St Pauls Catholic

College, Auburn Girls High School, St Spyridon College and

The Pittwater


The theme for this program this year was Genocide and the

students had the opportunity to move between classrooms, halls

and museum exhibits. The students heard from various guest

speakers from the Jewish community and from the Indigenous

community. One of the features of the day was the guided action

step where students were able to consolidate what they had

learnt during the day.

This is the third year Galstaun College has had the opportunity to participate in the program at the Learning

Centre in the Jewish Museum and we look forward to being a part of it again in 2016. The students all really

enjoyed it and this year was particularly special because we had the privilege to share the experience with our

exchange students from China!

Year 9 Camp – The Duke Edinburgh

The Duke Edinburgh Award is an internationally recognised program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure.

“Some of us knew that it was a difficult three day hike, and some of us had never even heard of it before. Once we arrived we realised that it would take a lot of hard work and motivation. We started off the first day which was orientation day with a repack. We then sat in a room and discussed who would be navigating for each leg of the hike.

The second day was the most challenging. We all woke up at six and it was very cold. We then got on a mini bus and they drove us to the starting point, which was in the middle of nowhere. All of us thought that the hike would be easy because it would just be a path and we would walk along it, but we were wrong as we started the hike by climbing a mountain.

It was very difficult at first because we immediately started to climb uphill and all of us had our ruck sacks, tents, mats, sleeping bags and our food and clothing on our backs. That whole day was just climbing and walking. But when we stood at the summit of the mountain and saw the view we really appreciated it, and saw how high we had climbed. The hike required a lot of teamwork and when someone saw you needed help, there was a lending hand straight away. We walked 9 Km in 8 hours, with 5-10 minute breaks.

After walking for 8 hours we finally made it to our second sleeping point. All of us were so tired that when we got there we just dropped our bags and sat down.

After 10 minutes, we started to pitch our tents. It soon became dark and everyone was very hungry. It was a fun night telling riddles and playing games around the campfire. We discussed a plan for the next day and as to how we could make better use of our time. We were so tired that when it came time to sleep, no one refused.

On the third day, we continued the hike by climbing up a very steep mountain, that day we would walk 5Km in 3-4 hours. We were very happy and relieved when we got back to base camp because that meant the hike was finished and that we would go home to our comfortable beds, well cooked meals, and nice hot showers.

Although it was a challenging and tiring 3 day hike, it was a great experience and we made memories that we will never forget.”

By: Nanor Mouradian

and Anna Berberian

Book Week

Book Week was a hugely successful week of

celebrating quality literature and promoting reading.

All Primary students participated in Buddy Reading, a

bright and colourful Dress-up Parade, Craft

activities as well as attending the highly entertaining

and meaningful ‘Shine a Light’ incursion.

Thank you to the parents for all of your thought,

effort and support towards the Dress-up Parade.

Thank you also to the wonderful staff who dressed in

various character costumes for this year’s parade.

Congratulations to the stage winners of the colouring

competition; Milena, Anita, Tianna and Lana. These

students received a special book prize for their efforts.


Username: galstauncollege Password: 39achieve

This term the College gained access to the Study Skills Website to ensure that students have the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful in their studies. The following is an article from the

study skills handbook website to help students with their studies.

Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is the act of putting off a task which you know you have to do, even though you know that putting it off will probably be worse for you in the long run. For example, when you procrastinate about starting an assignment it doesn’t make the assignment go away, or the deadline change, it just gives you less time to get the work done. To manage this, try the following:

Become aware of the excuses you use - make a mental note when you procrastinate. What excuses do you give yourself? Too tired? Too difficult? Too boring? Being aware is the first step in changing your behaviour. Keep yourself honest by asking questions like “is this the best use of my time at the moment?” and “am I doing this as a way of avoiding what I really should be doing?”.

Reduce or eliminate distractions - creating a clear, uncluttered work environment which is free from distractions will help you avoid procrastinating. Turn off your social media or Wi-Fi, turn off your music or TV, close the door. It’s easy to get distracted and lose focus on what you are trying to do, or to procrastinate by surfing websites that are barely related to the topic you are meant to be researching. You can find out more in the Home Study Environment unit and Dealing with Distractions unit.

Make a prioritised list - before you start work (or procrastinating) take a few minutes to work out what your priorities for the session are, based on your deadlines. Take into account all the time you have available and make a pri-oritised list. Work on the most important thing first (see also tip 7 below). There is more information in the Time Management Skills unit on techniques for prioritising.

Break down projects into chunks - if you have a big task that you have to do, or something that you really don’t want to start, have a think about how it can be broken up into smaller parts. A big assignment might need a plan, the purchase of resources, a trip to the library, internet based research, and then several days to write and edit each section. If you just focus on doing one of these tasks it’s easier to commence.

Just start - stop focusing on getting it done perfectly, or even well, just make a start, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Starting the task makes you realise it’s not as daunting as you originally thought and allows you to make a small amount of progress which encourages you to keep going. Sometimes once you get started you can even do more than you originally thought you could or would.

Reward yourself - set yourself a small goal (to do with the task you are procrastinating about) and then reward yourself appropriately when you complete it. For example, write an outline for your essay and then have afternoon tea. You will be more motivated to complete the task to get the reward. Note: for extreme procrastinators you may need to get someone else to check you’ve done the work and to give you the reward! Learn more about this in the Goal Setting unit.

“Twofer Concept” - when you are working on a difficult or boring task, break it up by having a more interesting or easy task that you work on in the same study block. You get 2 lots of homework done, but when you are losing focus on the difficult one you can switch to the easier one for a bit of a break.

Create routines - establishing a routine can help you avoid procrastination as you get into the rhythm of working for a set time each day at a set time of the day. Making this routine known to your family and friends also helps keep you accountable and stops them interrupting you during your work time.

Find a study buddy - perhaps starting that difficult work will be easier if you have someone to work with. This could be a school friend or a sibling. You could share resources and help each other to get started with similar work.

HSC Timetable

The following is the timetable for the upcoming HSC.

We wish every Year 12 student the very best as they prepare themselves for the HSC.

Monday October 12 English (Standard) and English (Advanced) Paper 1 10.20am - 12.30pm

Tuesday October 13 English (Standard) Paper 2 9.25am–11.30am English (Advanced) Paper 2 9.25am–11.30am

Wednesday October 14 Information Processes and Technology 9.25am–12.30pm

Thursday October 15

Friday October 16 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1.55pm–5.00pm

Monday October 19 Biology 9.25am–12.30pm

Tuesday October 20 Armenian Con-tinuers 2.00pm–4.40pm

Wednesday October 21 Mathematics General 2 9.25am–12.00 Mathematics 1.55pm–5.00pm Mathematics Extension 2 1.55pm–5.00pm

Thursday October 22 Legal Studies 9.25am–12.30pm

Friday October 23 Chemistry 9.25am–12.30pm Software Design and Development 1.55pm–5.00pm

Monday October 26 Modern History 9.25am–12.30pm Mathematics Extension 1 1.55pm–4.00pm

Tuesday October 27 Physics 9.25am–12.30pm

Wednesday October 28 Business Studies 9.25am–12.30pm

Thursday October 29

Friday October 30

Monday November 2 Design and Technology 1.55pm–3.30pm

Tuesday November 3 Drama 1.55pm–3.30pm

Wednesday November 4 Visual Arts 1.55pm–3.30pm

Thursday November 5

Friday November 6

Important Dates for your calendar Term 3/ 2015

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun Aug 10

Aug 11

Start Smart

Primary Program

Aug 12

CDSSA Athletics


Aug 13 Aug 14

HSC Biology


Aug 15/16

Aug 17

Grass Roots

Yr. 11/12 Per. 4

Aug 18

Aug 19

Year 9 D of E

Prelim Camp Day 1

Yr. 10 Coastal

Environment Field


Aug 20

Year 9 D of E

Prelim Camp Day



submission of

project & Book by


Aug 21

Year 9 D of E

Prelim Camp Day

3 & return

Aug 22/23

Aug 24

Grass Roots

Yr. 11/12 Per. 4

Book Week

Buddy Reading

after lunch

(15 mins.)

Aug 25

World of Maths


Yr. 7 & 8 Maths

Incursion in the

Hall Per.3 & 4

Aug 26

Book Week

Incursion K-6

“Shine A Light”

1.30pm Hall

Book Week

Dress-Up Parade

2.30pm in the Hall

Aug 27

ASISSA Athletics


Book Week

Class Craft

Aug 28

Book Week

Reflection Time

in Class

HSC Trial


Written Exam

Aug 29/30

Aug 31

Sep 1 Sep 2

Inter. School Sports

Day Yr3-6 (All day)

Sep 3 Sep 4 Sep 5/6

Sat. Fathers Day

function at the

Nalbandian hall.

Sep 7

Yr. 11 Preliminary

Exams Begin

Stage 1 Book


Sep 8

Sep 9

NSWCIS Athletics


Sep 10

Sep 11

Sep 12/13

Sep 14

Yr. 11 Preliminary

Exams End

Sep 15

Sep 16

Sep 17

September 18

Year 12 Final


End of Term 3

Sep 19/20

Sat. Year 12

Graduation Dinner