The “Tenting” God and the Tenacity of Hope By Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D.

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Easter Sunday 2010 marked the last Mass at Historic Saint Peter Church in Cleveland, Ohio. After over 150 years of continuous use, the oaken doors of this sacred space on 17th and Superior were closed and locked. In rich irony, the building that once had been the womb of a vibrant inner-city Catholic community closed like a tomb on the very day when the Christian church around the world celebrated the feast of Christ breaking the bonds of death and rising triumphant from the grave. The official ecclesiastical act of “suppression” that closed the church building was intended likewise to roll the stone across the grave of the vibrant parish community that inhabited that domus ecclesiae. But Christians know that Resurrection happens. Easter cannot be stopped, not even by bishops.Almost before he set foot in the door of the Chancery in Cleveland, Bishop Richard Lennon announced his intention to close one-third of the 180+ parishes in the diocese. Sixty-three parishes were to be selected for elimination based on the criteria of declining membership and financial dependency. Not surprisingly, many of the faithful were quite disturbed at this announcement. The diocesan spokesman sought to reassure them: “We don’t close parishes; we close empty buildings.” “Alright,” I thought, “maybe this won’t be so bad as it sounds.” And at first, that looked to be the case.Continue reading:

Transcript of The “Tenting” God and the Tenacity of Hope By Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D.

Original posted on the Feminism and Religion Project:

The Tenting God and the Tenacity of Hope By Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D.January 8, 2012 Easter Sunday 2010 marked the last Mass at Historic Saint Peter Church in Cleveland, Ohio. After over 150 years of continuous use, the oaken doors of this sacred space on 17th and Superior were closed and locked. In rich irony, the building that once had been the womb of a vibrant inner-city Catholic community closed like a tomb on the very day when the Christian church around the world celebrated the feast of Christ breaking the bonds of death and rising triumphant from the grave. The official ecclesiastical act of suppression that closed the church building was intended likewise to roll the stone across the grave of the vibrant parish community that inhabited that domus ecclesiae. But Christians know that Resurrection happens. Easter cannot be stopped, not even by bishops. Almost before he set foot in the door of the Chancery in Cleveland, Bishop Richard Lennon announced his intention to close one-third of the 180+ parishes in the diocese. Sixty-three parishes were to be selected for elimination based on the criteria of declining membership and financial dependency. Not surprisingly, many of the faithful were quite disturbed at this announcement. The diocesan spokesman sought to reassure them: We dont close parishes; we close empty buildings. Alright, I thought, maybe this wont be so bad as it sounds. And at first, that looked to be the case.

Continue reading: Tags: heretics, schismatics, Sheila E. McGinn, St. Peter Church, Cleveland Diocese, The Community of St. Peter, Bishop Richard Lennon, The Vatican, Clustering of Parishes, Closing Parishes, Catholic Church, Community, Christianity, Church Doctrine, Canon Law, Catholicism, Hope, Abuse of power, community building, ideological disputes