The Temple 19.pdfcame across a siddur at the Temple Emanu-El...

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Transcript of The Temple 19.pdfcame across a siddur at the Temple Emanu-El...

Temple Beth El Service Schedule

Services Monday Morning 8:00 A.M. Thursday Morning 9:00 A.M. Friday Shabbat Evening 5:30 P.M. Services and Kiddush Hosted by the Temple Beth El Sisterhood Saturday Shabbat Morning 9:30 A.M. Dear Friends, To help make a minyan. Please join us. Temple Beth El Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. CANDLE LIGHTING – 5779/5780 September 6th 7:10 P.M. September 13th 6:57 P.M. September 20th 6:44 P.M. September 27th 6:32 P.M. October 4th 6:19 P.M.

Temple Beth El is

A Beautiful


October 25th

and 26th

The Temple Times 2710 Genesee Street, Utica, New York 13502

TBE 315/724-4751

Elul / Tishrei 5779 / 5780 Vol.11.1 September 2019


1919 to 2019



Temple Beth El

A Conservative Congregation Established for the Worship of God, the Study of Torah and the Practice of Righteous Deeds

2710 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 315/724-4751 Fax 315/724-6883

E-Mail: Website:

Cantor Kalman Socolof E-Mail:

Page 2

Temple Beth El Organization Cantor Kalman A. Socolof Dr. Stanley Gerstein, Rabbi Emeritus

Officers Marsha Silverman, President Michael Silverman, Treasurer

Trustees Ernest Berkowitz Rae Rosenfeld Dan Cohen Stephen Rosenfeld Michael Damsky Evgenii Samoshuk David Lowitz Brad Sklar Ann Nathan Mark Smith

Staff Mundy B. Shapiro, Executive Director Julie Cain, Secretary

The Temple Times

Temple Beth El Cantor Message In its Summer, 2019 issue, Moment magazine asked a number of prominent Jews to list the five books they thought were must-reads in order to be an educated Jew. Not surprisingly, the list was varied, with some books showing on multiple lists. Last month I came across a siddur at the Temple Emanu-El rummage sale. From the inscription, it was clear that the siddur had been presented to a young woman on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah. For whatever reason, she or her family decided that the siddur was no longer needed. This all got me to thinking about what books a Jewish person should have around. What books would constitute a basic library for a Jewish home? The list of potential candidates for such a list is ponderous, indeed. Far larger than would be practical for most people to start with. I present to you, then, a list of six (the number could just as easily have been 10, 15 or 25, but then this column would run way too long) books that I think would form the foundation of a basic Jewish library.

1. Tanach – Our bible. Preferably in Hebrew and English. It is at once a book of law, our people’s history, poetry, ethical behavior and masterful storytelling. It is a book whose true value lies in study, rather than merely reading. Which is why it should also offer commentary; it enhances and deepens the encounter.

2. Siddur – The prayer book. There is a wide variety available, reflecting the rich diversity of styles and attitudes towards approaching God that Judaism encompasses. Our congregation, like most Conservative ones, uses Sim Shalom. There are arguments to be made in favor of some other siddurim. What is most important is that it be a siddur that resonated with you and does a good

(Continued on Page 3)

The Temple Times

Temple Beth El Cantor’s Message (Continued from Page 2)

job of assisting you in speaking to God.

3. A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice by Rabbi Isaac Klein– Forty years old, and still the best comprehensive volume on how to practice Judaism from a Conservative perspective. An indispensable resource.

4. To Life! by Rabbi Harold Kushner – A highly readable guide to Jewish thought, practice and customs. I recently reread this book and was reminded of how pertinent it is. Rabbi Kushner brings a contemporary perspective to matters that have fueled debate for millennia and if that isn’t Jewish, what is?

5. Jewish Literacy by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin – A pretty good all-in-one assemblage of Jewish Information, from summaries of the books of the Torah to explanations of the holidays and so much more. Definitely a non-linear read.

6. A Treasury of Jewish Folklore by Nathan Ausabel – This is one of my all-time favorite books and, after they read my copy, became one of my children’s as well. It is aptly named, for it is a treasure trove of stories, jokes, anecdotes, music and tid-bits related to Jewish culture. So far as I know, the book is out of print, but used copies are available.

The odds are good that you have a favorite book that you think should have been on this list. That is fine. There are many indispensable books that I did not name in the interests of brevity. The clear implication here is that a library, like a person, should continue to grow. Cantor Socolof

Page 3

Temple Beth El President’s Message As summer ends, I would like to say thank you to our lay leaders and speakers during Erev Shabbat services. We all appreciate you stepping up to the bimah. When the Cantor was on vacation, a special thanks to those that filled in on Shabbat morning. Preparations are underway for the High Holiday services. We will be setting up at the JCC on September 27th and dismantling on October 10th. It is not magic and extra hands are always welcome to assist. Please let Mundy know if you can help. Many hours are spent arranging and contacting congregants to assure everything runs smoothly during our High Holiday services. As summer comes to an end and autumn approaches, I hope we can look forward to working together and sharing upcoming opportunities as a Jewish community. Temple Beth El will be celebrating her 100th anniversary October 25th and 26th. Watch your mailbox for the invitation and more details. If there is a relative or friend that would like to attend, please call or email the office. Here is a wish for you and yours to have very healthy, happy and sweet new year. Apples and honey for all, Marsha

You may drop your Blue Box

off at the JCC or Temple.

Thank you, Marsha

Page 4

Temple Beth El Executive Director’s Message

Dear Friends,

As we welcome the New Year 5780 we will again observe Rosh Hashanah at the JCC on the first and second of Tishri and end with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on the 10th of Tishrei. Rosh Hashanah is the season for reflection and rededication of our daily life, of our Temple, and our family and friends near and dear to us. Let us rededicate ourselves to continuing to perform mitzvahs and support those in need. At the same time we will be thankful for our blessings, and our ability to find the strength for any difficult days ahead. Rosh Hashanah is solemn and serious but not gloomy, it is the start of the Ten Days of Penitence that ends on Yom Kippur, the very Holy Day of Atonement. These ten days are a time of thought, reflection, and rededication, a time to consider the changes we may choose to make in the coming year – habits we all choose to set and lessons we can learn as well as teach. May we all observe Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, a day completely devoted to prayer and fasting. May our prayers be answered as we ask for forgiveness of our sins and pray to be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of good health, days of pleasure and giving to others. As we share the celebration of our 100th Birthday may our Congregation move forward and continue to meet the needs of our people. May our congregation be inscribed in the Book of Life for a good and healthy year, let us pray for peace in our country, Israel and the world. Stan and I wish one and all a healthy, content and happy 5780. Mundy

The Temple Times

Temple Beth El Donations

THE VICTOR H. FLAX FUND In Memory Of: Norman D. Brown

Vivian and Ernie Berkowitz Judy and Mel Oster Sidney Brown Harold Klein Sherry Cooperman Judith and David Friedman Michael and Evy Damsky The Starer Family Michael and Lois Silverman Marsha Silverman

In Memory Of: Steve Rosenfeld’s dad Burt Friedman

Mel and Judy Oster Michael and Lois Silverman Bernice Malysa

In Memory Of: Ida Cohen Sherry Cooperman

In Memory Of: Beverly Sitrin Coleman, Helen Toffler Levy and Sheila Mardon Sukert

Bud and Roxie Coleman In Honor Of: Ernie Berkowitz’s Special Birthday

Dianne and Murray Kirshtein Myrna Lobenstein

In Honor Of: Harold Coleman’s Special Birthday

Elaine and Stuart Schwartz In Honor Of: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goldman on the birth of your grandson

Judy and Al Lovenheim For the Recovery Of: Shirley Brill

Dianne and Murray Kirshtein

PHILIPSON FUND In Memory Of: Norman D. Brown

Lisa and Gary Philipson In Memory Of: Ellen Eber (Ron Kay’s sister)

Lisa and Gary Philipson In Honor Of: Aviva Philipson’s Special Birthday

Adele and Robert Sossen The Slater Family

(Continued on Page 5)

The Temple Times

Temple Beth El Donations (Continued from Page 4)

CEMETERY FUND In Memory Of: Pearl Hymes, Jacob O. Nusbaum and Allen A. Samuels

Charles and Rita Manning In Memory Of: Norman D. Brown

Charles and Rita Manning

ARLEN FUND For the Recovery Of: Shirley Brill

Barbara Freeman

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In Memory Of: Steve Rosenfeld’s dad Burt Friedman

Bernice Malysa

Temple Beth El Simcha Boards Temple Beth El has Simcha Boards to celebrate birthdays, Bat and Bar Mitzvahs, anniversaries, graduations, weddings and honors. If there is someone in your family or a friend you would like to recognize you do so by sending all the necessary details to the office. For $125.00 you can make someone proud and happy forever.

Page 5

Temple Beth El Memorial Boards The long hallway where Temple Beth El’s sanctuary and office are located contains our Memorial Boards. If you have a family member that you would like to memorialize, and have a memorial light lit on the week of their yahrzeit year after year you may call the office. The cost of the plaque is $300.00. For any questions or additional information to honor or memorialize a loved one call the office at 724 4751. Mundy

Save the Date

October 25th and 26th, 2019

Invitations will be sent soon


will be held jointly with Temple Emanu-El to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Perlman

son of Victor and Eva Perlman The service is at 10:00A.M.

Head and Foot stones have

been cleaned for this year.

We will be taking requests in the spring

so mark your calendar.

Headstones - $50.00 / Footstones - $35.00

In Memory of Burt Friedman

In Memory of Norman Brown

New Year’s Greetings May this coming year 5780 be one of spiritual attainment.

May it usher in a new era of brotherhood and peace for all mankind. We wish our friends and families a year full of peace, love, laughter and good health.

Cantor and Mrs. Kalman Socolof wish everyone a Happy New Year

Marsha and Sara Silverman

Robert and Adele Sossen

Judy and Mel Oster

Stan and Mundy Shapiro

Norm and Ann Siegel Lynn Tomaino

The Hirshfields – A happy healthy New Year

Sherry Cooperman – A happy healthy New Year

Evgenii and Tatiana Samoshuk and Children – L’Shana Tovah!

L ’Shana Tovah Tikatayvu

“May you be inscribed for a good year!”

TEMPLE BETH EL L’Shanah Tovah 5780

Schedule of High Holy Days

Sunday September 29th Selichot 8:45 AM Annual Cemetery Services at Temple Beth El conducted by Cantor Kalman Socolof 10:30 AM At the conclusion of this service, Cantor will be available to recite memorial prayers at individual gravesites upon request.

Temple Beth El Cemetery at 10:50 AM

House of Israel Cemetery at 11:30 to 11:45 AM

House of Israel on Mason Road at 1:00 PM


Sunday, September 29th (JCC) Erev Rosh Hashanah Evening Services 7:30 PM September 30th and October 1st, Monday and Tuesday at the JCC Preliminary Service 9:00 AM Shacharit 9:15 AM Torah Service 10:00 AM Shofar Service 10:45 AM Sermon and Hin’ni 11:00AM Musaf 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM September 30th, Monday Tashlich (corner of Genesee Street and Brookline Drive) 5:00 PM October 5th, Saturday – Shabbat Shuva at Temple Beth El 9:30 AM


October 8th, Tuesday (JCC) Mincha 5:50 PM

Kol Nidre 6:20 PM

October 9th, Wednesday (JCC) Preliminary Service 10:00 AM

Shacharit 10:30 AM

Torah Service 11:30 AM

Sermon and Hin’ni 12:30 PM

Martyrology and Yizkor 1:00 PM

Musaf 1:30 PM

Recess 3:00 PM

Mincha 5:10 PM

Neilah (Concluding Service) 6:10 PM Ma’ariv Havdalah - Shofar Blowing, Break the Fast 7:00 PM

SUKKOT (Temple Beth El)

October 13th, Sunday - Service 7:00 PM

October 14th, Monday – First Day 8:00 AM

October 17th, Thursday – Chol Hamoed 8:00 AM

October 19th, Saturday - Shabbat Chol Hamoed 9:30 AM

October 21st, - Monday - Sh’mini Atzeret 9:30 AM

October 21st, Monday – YIZKOR 10:00 AM

October 21st, Monday – Simchat Torah 7:00 PM

Flowers for the Bimah Rosh Hashanah provided by Mark and Kathy Smith - In Memory of MARTIN and BERNICE SMITH

Yom Kippur provided by Edward and Melissa Kowalsky - In Memory of Father WILLIAM KOWALSKY

The Temple Times


One bam, two crack. What’s that? Those are tile names in Mah Jongg, an ancient Chinese game that came to the USA in the 1920’s. At that time, it was primarily played by Jewish women in New York City. It remained that way for years. However, it is such a challenging, social and interesting game, as people were exposed to it, they wanted to learn and play. It has become popular everywhere, including several places in Utica. Many women (and even some men) have learned to play and do so at public venues and often at each other’s homes. Maj is played with tiles etched with Chinese symbols. Each player has a Mah Jongg card with various configurations of the tiles. These are called hands. Tiles are picked and thrown with the goal of completing a hand from the card. Whichever player does this first calls Mah Jongg and is the winner! Not only is Maj fun, it also brings new people into players lives and provides an acceptable reason to kvetch (complain) and have other players commiserate. As important and enjoyable as that is, Maj is also a great game for the brain. The cognitive skills used such as concentration, memory, sequencing, calculating and planning result in a sharper brain and a way to hold off or improve dementia and other degenerative brain disorders in older adults. A small study of elderly people with dementia in Hong Kong concluded that playing Mah Jongg regularly cured dementia. Degenerative brain disease can begin as young as 30. The younger one begins to play Maj regularly, the better the benefit to the brain. This is true for the male brain as well. If you can play cards or dominoes, you can learn to play Mah Jongg. Many at the Parkway Center in Utica, the North Utica Senior Center and MVLIR have done so and now play regularly. Once you learn, you will want to play frequently. You will enjoy it. You

Page 11

will feel challenged. Whether you know nothing about Mah Jongg, know just a little or played in the past, but haven’t for years, please come and learn or refresh your skills. Bring your friends. You can play together as you learn. Bring your significant other. Learn to play as a couple. Encourage other couples to learn. It is a great way to spend a Saturday night. Bring your adult children. It is a great family game. Here is where you can learn and also play: Tuesday - JCC, Noon-4PM, Play only Wednesday - North Utica Senior Center, 1-3:30 PM. Play and learn from Gwen Mancini Thursday - New Hartford Library, 11:30-3:30. Play only Thursday - MVLIR, Noon-3:00. Play and learn with Gloria Schaefer *You must be a member of MVLIR Friday - Parkway Center of Utica, 1-4PM, Play and learn with Lynn Tomaino For all the Maj players reading this, SAVE SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 27 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM for our FOURTH ANNUAL TEMPLE EMANU-EL/TEMPLE BETH EL MAH JONGG TOURNAMENT. TELL YOUR FRIENDS! For all of you who will learn to play mah jongg this year, we look forward to you participating in the Fifth Annual tournament, next year. May your hands be filled with Jokers! Lynn Tomaino

The Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley cordially invites you to

The 2019 United Jewish Appeal

Kickoff Event

Sunday, Sept. 22 • 10 a.m. Jewish Community Center Auditorium

This year’s event will feature a beautiful brunch buffet, including rolled lox and sliced bagels with onion, tomatoes and capers, white fish salad, grilled vegetables, feta-spinach quiche and grilled

salmon with sour cream dill sauce. There will also be a beverage station with iced tea and assorted juices, fruit salad and other brunch favorites.

Honoring Anne Yoss

“An energetic, fearless, intelligent leader who makes it a priority to be available. She is naturally predisposed to compromise and makes sure that those whom

she directs are always looking towards a brighter future.” These descriptors best reflect this year's special honoree, Anne Yoss.

The Utica Jewish Federation is ecstatic to thank her for all that she has done and continues to do. The United Jewish Appeal is just one of many groups in our

community that benefit from Anne's caring, attention, and time. Please join the community in honoring Anne's service.

Guest Speaker: Chloé Valdary

Chloé graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from the University of New Orleans in 2015. From 2015-2016, she served as a Bartley and Tikvah Fellow at the Wall St

Journal where she assisted and was mentored by Bret Stephens. While there, Chloé wrote an 82 - page thesis on the topic of Israel and millennials – what

works, what doesn't, and how to make it better. Afterwards, Chloé worked for an Israel educational organization for two years

before founding her startup, Theory of Enchantment, a mental health and resilience training program based loosely off the original research paper Chloé

produced at the Wall Street Journal four years earlier. Chloé has been published in The New York Times, Atlantic-Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and

Commentary Magazine, to name a few.

The name of Chloé's lecture is "Identity Through the Looking Glass: An exploration of Israel, the Diaspora, and the Theory of Enchantment.”

Please remit $30 per person to:

The Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley 2310 Oneida Street

Utica, NY 13501

Reservations are due by October 5, 2018


will pay Temple Beth El

for you to buy your groceries!!

Fill out the coupon below

with your check payable to Temple Beth El

and mail it to 2710 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13502

We will send you a gift card for the same amount!

You have not spent an extra penny and in return

Temple Beth El received a percentage from

PriceChopper and Hannford.

Name ______________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________


PriceChopper $25. $50. $100

Hannaford $25. $50. $100

Thank You!!!

Page 22 The Temple Times

Temple Beth El October Simcha Grams


Cis Rogers 03 Mark and Diane Kall 10/5/91

Sam Stern 03 Stanley and Mundy Shapiro 10/21/56

Rosalyn Philipson 08

Leo Orkin 11

Jeremy Schor 12

Chet Cohen 14

Sherry Cooperman 14

Adam Hirshfield 21

Norman Siegel 26

Barry J. Benson 28

Michael Foote 30

Enclosed is $1.50 per name that I have indicated. I have enclosed a check made out to the

Sisterhood of Temple Beth El for $__________ for ______ (#) of Simcha Grams

Mail to: Rae Rosenfeld

3008 Oneida Street Sauquoit, NY 13456

Due by the 15th of the month

I have printed my name and date as I wish it to appear on the Simcha Gram.


Telephone Number:

Please call the Temple Office 315-724-4751, if you wish to add any names to the list

The Temple Times Page 23

Temple Beth El September Yahrzeits

The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of September 7 to 13, 2019 7 to 13 Elul 5779

These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday September 6, 2019 Irma Berger* Jacob Friedlander* Joe Polak* Gerald Sherline* Dr. Nathan K. Bernstein Harry M. Friedman* Abraham W. Rizika* Jessie K. Siegel* Harry Cramer* Anna R. Harrison* Max Leonard Seld* Jane Targer* Ethel Cohen Samuel W. Miller* Abe E Samuels* Minnie Tumposky Toffler* Leonard Cramer Moe Meyer* Saul Silverman* Julius L. Weinstein* Johnny Dreels* Joseph A. Plotka Joseph H. Sherman*

The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of September 14 to 20, 2019

14 to 20 Elul 5779 These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday September 13, 2019

Family of Mrs. Rivkah Baril* Ida Cohen* Dr. Harold Katzman* Hymen Sitrin* Family of Mrs. Chayah Barrat* Joseph T. Cramer* Evelyn Lacher* Hy Slakter* Miriam Baker* Lewis Fink* Evelyn Wineburgh Lacher* Eva Sugarman* Morris Bittker* Lipman Fialko* Sera Mine Levein* Elias L. Sevillia* Joseph Brooks* Chaya Leibe Friedman* Hinda R. Movsh* Louis Sugarman* Diana Boff* Hattie S. Galinsky* Helen H. Mathiasen* Leah Sladusky* Irma Lumberg Berger* Benjamin C. Grossman* Leo Rudnick* Ethel Rose Solomon Rachel Cominsky* Bessie C. Goldman* Robert Rosenfeld Herbert Spring Solomon Caplan* Rose Greene* Philip Simons* Howard Slater M. Donald Cohen* Salimon Z. Kaplan* Leon Sperling Family* William E. Woods George Cherr* Ethel Cone Wilcove*

The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of September 21 to 27, 2019

21 to 27 Elul 5779 These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday September 20 2019

Norman Asher* I. Wolfe Gilbert* Eliaser Y. Rizika* Rachel F. Sumberg* Samuel Bedzofsky* Mary Kaplan Greenfield* Joseph Rubin* Florence L. Slater* Chaye Cohen* Morris Kay* Samuel Snyder* Tillie Sonne Freda L. Caro* Jessie Libbie Lazarus* Sara Samuels* Bernice Smith* Ida Daniels* Mildred Leve* Mary Lena Solomon* Wesley H. Smith Betty Fink Abe E. Nathan* Morris Shulman* Jennie Weinstein* Birdye Goldwater* Sadie Oberman* Fannie Silverman*

The following Yahrzeit will be observed during the week of September 28 to October 5, 2019

28 Elul to 5 Tishrei 5779/5780 These names will be read from the pulpit on Friday September 27, 2019

Esther Ableson Elaine Silverstein Gurvitz* George Mengers* Esther Simon* Neville D. Barnett Benjamin Harris* Albert I. Mishket* Amelia Shacofsky* Fannie Block* Charles M. Karo* Family Malachowski* Ray K. Stone* Muriel Cohen Adele L.Karo* Alan Copeland Movsh* Raymond Smith Jane Freeman* Rose Kopel Krohn* Michael Nusbaum* Morris J. Savett* Katherine Freeman* Morton D. Kowalsky* Harry Oberman* Isaac Smith* Hilda H. Friedlander* Adolph Lenchner* Charles Robbins* Milton Solomon Rose Frankel* Rosalyn Lowen Fannie D. Rosenthal* Milton Winter* Morace Freedman* Dr. Leonard Levinson* Lillian Shapiro* Jacob Winnick* Minnie Grossman* Goldie S. Levee* Gershon Smith* Eliahu Zuta* Leah Berger Goldstein Alex Landau Laurence R. Stone*

David S. Sherline, CPFA The Sherline Group Senior Vice President Associate Resident Director NY3-102-01-00, 120 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502 T 315.738.2090 T 877.201.8801 F 315.849.1838

Bentz Funeral Service, Inc.

Mark C. Bentz

13 Oxford Road, New Hartford, NY 13413

(315) 724-2731


Web Site:


4684 Commercial Drive New Hartford, NY 13413

Savings : Selection : Service

(315) 768-6400

Purveyors of Wine and Spirits

Ads in the Bulletin If you are interested in placing an ad in The Temple Times, now is the time to do it. Your ad will be in each monthly bulletin for the next year at the following prices:

Business Card Size $125.00 Quarter Page $150.00 Half Page $175.00 Full Page $200.00

If you are interested, please contact either Mundy Shapiro (Temple Beth El) 724-4751 or Rita Davan (Temple Emanu-El) 724-4177.

Mohawk Valley Monuments, LLC

Ben Morgan, Owner

(315) 724-7629

2270 BROAD STREET, FRANKFORT (Just beyond Main Post Office)



3993 Oneida Street

New Hartford, NY 13413 Phone 797-5670

Hair Designers: Arthur Nole Donna Nole

Star Bakery Fresh Kosher Baked Goods

103 Main Street, Whitesboro, NY 315 768 1462

Wednesday to Friday 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 6 a.m. to 1.p.m.