The Tekkie Die Tekkie - Vaal Athletic Club · October 2016 The friendly Club ... Raymond Pienaar...

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Transcript of The Tekkie Die Tekkie - Vaal Athletic Club · October 2016 The friendly Club ... Raymond Pienaar...

The Tekkie The Newsletter of

Vaal Athletic Club.

Die Tekkie Die Nuusbrief van

Vaal Atletiekklub

October 2016 The friendly Club

Oktober 2016


Not much to say, except keep on running, that is why you belong to a running club.

There are a few nice local races coming up. Please make an effort to support these, let us all be there

and show support to our own Club and members as well as the other AVT Clubs. We still look the

best in our Green and White!

We need a new Newsletter Editor please. Please advise if you would like to do it. Thanks.

Age is just a number. Mine is not listed, yet.

‘I am thankful for all of those who said ‘No’ to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself’

Albert Einstein

‘Every moment is a fresh beginning’

T.S. Elliot


Annual General Meeting and Prize giving: 11 November 2016.

Second Notice is hereby given of the AGM to be held on the 11th

of November 2016. Only paid

up members are allowed to vote if required.

Final detail including the venue, time, dress code and cost will be communicated nearer to the

proposed date.

It will also be our Annual Prize Giving night. It is the time to brag about our Club and runners

and have a nice evening out. Please forward your achievements for consideration. It is your

responsibility to inform the Committee of your achievements. Please refer to the HONORARY


If you have any questions regarding the AGM and Prize giving, please send us a mail.


2016 Club Committee: Chairman: Gys van den Berg

Vice Chairman: Wayne Pienaar

Secretary: Margaret Labuschagne

Finance: Linda van Wyk

Road &Cross Country: Bennie Botha

Web Administrator: Wayne Pienaar

Track & Field: Gys van den Berg

Equipment & Stores: Bennie Botha

Social Events: Rozanne Hamilton

Additional Members: Sharon Zeelie, Stephan Jackson

Newsletter: Roelof van Wyk


Our sincere condolences to Leon van Rensburg and his family with the sudden passing of his

father. May the comfort of God help you during this difficult time.

Birthday Celebrations : Oktober 2016

Stephen Jackson 1

Estelle Cloete 6

Michael Gaade 6

Paul Nicolas 11

Rozanne Hamilton 12

Maria Motaung 18

Leon van Rensburg 18

Roelof Van Wyk 26

Willie Du Preez 27

New “What is-up” group.

We are going to create a WhatsApp Messenger group for all Vaal Club members. This will

not be a group for chit-chat, but to inform all members of races, group runs, meetings and

other important Club related information. It is your choice if you would like to be in the group.

(Gys busy thinking on it !)

A word from the

Hallo alle Vaalies,

Dis amper ongelooflik om te dink dat driekwart van die jaar verby is. Met Oktober, die mooiste

maand wat voorlê, hoop ek julle almal is in goeie gesondheid … en goed oppad om fikser te raak. Vir

diegene wat nog leeglê, wees gewaarsku; die oefen pad terug na pad-fiksheid raak net al hoe styler

hoe langer jy wag. Vra maar die van ons wat net te lank gewag het na Comrades om weer te begin.

October is also the month during which many of the local and nearby racing events start taking place

again. First on the calendar is the Lite-to-Nite Relay and I hope all three our teams are ready to do

well and enjoy this unique and new local event. Later in the month it is the BASF run, hosted by

Mittal. A 32km slog, 21km jog or 10km run is catered for. Please support our local AVT races!

Please also remember to submit your achievements of the past running year so that you can be

given the recognition you so well deserve at our annual AGM and prize giving in early November.

Sien julle iewers op die pad!



Upcoming races: - Race Calendar

October 2016

Date Event Distance Time Venue

02-Oct Rainbow 21/10/5 07:00 Barnard stadium Kemptonpark

08-Oct Lite 2 Nite Circuit 12hr 06:00 Driehoek High School

09-Oct Spar Ladies 10 08:00 Wanderers

14-Oct Jannas 18/9hr 13:00 Jan Viljoen School

16-Oct Alex Fun Run 10/5 08:00 Altrec Sports

22-Oct CSIR 10/21 21/10/5 06:00 CSIR

23-Oct Sportmans Warehouse15/5 06:00 East Rand Mall

29-Oct BASF 32/21/10/5 06:00 Riverside Blvd Vderbijlpark

29-Oct Irene Farm Race 21/10/5 06:00 Agricultural Centre Irene

30-Oct Daxina Stiders 10/5 07:00 Daxina Primary Lens

30-Oct Diepkloof 21/10 06:00 UJ Soweto

Time Trail and Group runs.

TAKE NOTE: SUMMER Start time: 17h45

PLEASE Wear white or bright colours to Time Trial.

Please wear a reflective belt!

We need to be safety conscious whilst running.

We invite all to come and join us on a Tuesday at 17H45. All friends and Walkers are welcome too.

This is where we as runners and Club meet, run a bit, socialize some more and where you can find

out about upcoming races. Flyers of upcoming races are available.

Group runs for the coming Saturday is also discussed and time, distance and venue set.

Normally group runs are from Virgin Active in Three Rivers from 06h00, in summer.

The RAT RACE on the 6th of September was won by …..

Paul Koorts ! AGAIN!

♫ It’s good, ♪it’s good♪, it’s good.. ♪… it’s NICE! ♫

NOTE: The next Race Against Time will take place on Tuesday, October 4th

, 2016 at 17:45.

We should have the normal bring and braai afterwards, weather permitting. Bring your boerewors and

bun and a drink to enjoy with other members.

Please join us for a nice little social after the running bit.

SEPTEMBER 2016 Time Trials

This was the final month of the ‘competition’. Well done to all and thank you to those that

attend regularly!

Name 06-Sep 13-Sep 20-Sep 27-Sep Points total

Zeelie, Sharon 42’50 (8) 42’50 (8) 42’25 (8) 45’40 (8) 51

Van Wyk, Roelof 35’12 (8) 36’39 (8) 35’12 (8) 37’38 (8) 49

Jackson, Steve 45’13 (8) 49’23 (8) - - 38

Van den Berg, Gys 35’12 (8) 36’39 (8) 35’12 (8) - 38

Grey, Cor - - - - 34

Hamilton, Erica 30’05 (6) - - 29’48 (6) 33

Van Rensburg, Leon 37’25 (8) 33’04 (6) - 30’12 (6) 33

Koorts, Paul 51’40 (8)

RAT 36’27 (6) 48’22 (8) - 32

Pienaar, Wayne 36’48 (6) 36’39 (6) - 45’10 (8) 31

Gloy, Alf 41’48 (8) 42’01 (8) 41’24 (8) 41’52 (8) 30

Hamilton, Robert - - - - 25

Smith, Stephen - - - 45’10 (8) 21

Coetzer, Kees 31’27 (6) - - - 18

Nel, Andries 43’49 (8) 46’10 (8) 42’55 (8) 45’40 (8) 18

Pienaar, Raymond - - - 40’49 (6) 18

Botha, Bennie - 37’55 (6) - - 17

Lombaard, Antoon - - - - 16

Smith, David - - 34’09 (6) - 15

Pienaar, Bethany - - - - 13

Smith, Louise - - - - 12

Pienaar, Kathy - - - - 9

Stols, Elizma 23’57 (4) 37’55 (6) 24’13 (4) - 9

Beukes, Charl 22’00 (4) - - - 7

Spies, Michelle 22’00 (4) - - - 7

Hunter, Bridget 36’00 (6) - 34’09 (6) - 3

Pienaar, Daniel - - - - 3

Motaung, December - - 31’39 (6) - 1

Relay: 8th October 2016

After initially battling to get 1 team together, we now have 3 teams running. The Committee

was, mmm…, “Forced” to pay the entries on behalf of the runners. Thank you kindly.

Let nobody say; “The Club does nothing in return for me as a member”.

Each team must decide between themselves when each member is running. If a member

cannot run, he must get a substitute or refund the Club the entry fee. Guaranteed, this

member will not be popular as it will mean that the rest of the team must run much longer.

These are the 3 teams. Good luck and Enjoy!

Vaal AC: Quick Team Vaal AC: Not so quick Team Vaal AC: Final Cut Sharon Zeelie Paul Koorts Erica Hamilton

Stephen Jackson

Leon v Rensburg

Gavin Murphy

Gys v d Berg

Roelof Van Wyk

Bennie Botha

Margaret Labuschagne

Daniel Pienaar

Raymond Pienaar

Wayne Pienaar

Michelle Spies

Charl Beukes

Clint Howes

David Smith Gregory Sykora Maria Koorts Gert Coetzer

Brigitte Korte

Khabi Motaung

Andries Nel

Elizma Stols

Please read the rules and adhere to them. (attached)

„n Belangrike les oor die spoed van gebed. July 7, 2016 deur Stephan Joubert

Twee van die kortste gebede in die Nuwe Testament kom voor in die Lukas evangelie. In Lukas 18:9-14 hoor ons hoe die tollenaar in Jesus se gelykenis bid: “God, wees my, sondaar, genadig.” Net daar, in „n hemelse genade moment word sy gebed verhoor. Jesus vertel dat hierdie man huistoe gegaan het as iemand wie se saak met God reg is. Genadespoed is vinniger as lig. Dit tref jou elke keer wanneer jy bankrot voor God kom staan met niks anders as net jou sondes en jou stukkende lewe nie. Daar is geen spoedbeperking op God se genade nie. Hy is op sy beste wanneer ons sondes die grootste is. God kom op sy naaste aan ons wanneer ons op ons vêrste van Hom af is en dan uiteindelik met leë bedelaarshande voor Hom kom staan. Nog „n ander kort gebed in Lukas kom voor in hoofstuk 23 wanneer die man langs Jesus aan die kruis vra: “Dink aan my, Here, wanneer U in God se ryk kom.” Net daar, in „n hemelse genade moment, het Jesus geantwoord: “Vandag sal jy saam met My in die paradys wees.” Daar is nie tyd om te mors wanneer mense om genade bedel nie. Dan antwoord God elke keer teen genadespoed.

There is Good Medicine Available for Spiritual Amnesia 7 July 2016 Stephan Joubert

I am so easily forgetful. Let me be more specific: I become forgetful with great ease when it comes to God. I quickly forget that God‟s way is the best way to live when the demands of daily life overwhelm me as they so often do. My morning prayers quickly evaporate like mist when I simply listen to the daily news, let alone consider the challenges of my work, or the pervasive problems South Africa faces as a nation. In so many different ways, life tries to convince me that my faith does not have a place in real life. That is why it is my challenge to try and see God daily regardless of all the pain and uncertainties that my life holds. I desire to experience God in the midst of my own fears and uncertainty, as God is everywhere, always. He is still God. He hasn't given up on us or retired. God did not disappear because I suffer from spiritual amnesia. I simply need to exercise the muscle of my spiritual memory on a daily basis. How? Through returning to this core truth over and over again: Christ is with us all our days until the end of the world (Matt 28:20).


Fun spring exercises to build bone density Health 24 05 SEPTEMBER 2016

Spring is the perfect time to kick-start a new fitness regime to get

you fitter and leaner – and build strong, healthy bones to boot. BROUGHT TO YOU BY Caltrate

Spring brings with it a feeling of renewed energy, making it the perfect time to either start a new fitness

programme or refresh your current one. So where do you start?

The benefits of exercise are numerous. It not only provides cardiovascular benefits to the heart and lungs,

and challenges and strengthens and improves muscle flexibility, but is also very good for strengthening the


Starting from childhood, regular exercise provides bone-building benefits right the way up to old age,

when strong bones will help slow bone loss and help prevent falls and breaks. As bone loss begins

gradually and naturally from the time you reach your mid-thirties, there is no time like the present to start

strengthening those bones.

A balanced mixture of weight-bearing and non weight-bearing exercises is the ideal combination to help

you get fitter, build stronger muscles and bones and boost your overall health from the inside out.

Weight-bearing exercises

Weight-bearing exercise, which forces you to work against gravity, is the best type for building strong

bones and lean muscles. Weight-bearing exercises can be high- or low-impact, and depending on your

fitness goal and fitness level, it’s a good idea

to include a combination of these exercises to keep the body challenged.

High-impact weight-bearing exercises include:







Low-impact weight-bearing exercises include:

Elliptical trainers

Low-impact aerobics

Using stair-step machines

Walking outdoors or on a treadmill

Rowing machine

Non-weight-bearing exercises

Non-weight-bearing exercises are generally low impact and gentle on the joints, such as swimming, yoga,

Pilates and cycling. However, these are just as important to include in a fitness programme as they provide

cardiovascular benefits and improve strength, balance and flexibility.

’n Koppie koffie op

die lewe.

Filippense 1:12-18

As jy lewe het jy ’n baie goeie kans dat die lewe jou een of ander tyd ’n dwarsklap gaan gee of dalk

sommer ’n paar. En as jy ’n kind van God is, beteken dit nie noodwendig dat jy ’n paar van die klappe

gaan vryspring nie. Inteendeel. So die vraag is nie of ons ’n klap gaan kry nie, want dis ’n gegewe. Die

vraag is eerder wat gaan my reaksie op die klap wees.

Toe 'n jong vrou eendag by haar Ma huil en moedeloos haar lewe beskryf asof sy net wil handdoek ingooi,

neem haar Ma haar sonder 'n woord kombuis toe. Sy neem drie kastrolle en vul elk met water. In die eerste

plaas sy 'n paar wortels, in die tweede 'n paar eiers en in die derde gemaalde koffiebone.

Toe sit sy dit op die stoof en laat dit kook... Twintig minute later skakel sy die plate af. Sy haal die wortels

uit die kastrol, toe die eiers en laaste die heerlike geurige koffie en vra haar dogter: "Wat sien jy?" ...

"Wortels, eiers en koffie," antwoord sy.

Die Ma laat voel haar toe aan die wortels... Dit was sag gekook. Sy dop 'n eier af en laat haar voel aan die

klipharde eier... Daarna skink sy vir haar ’n heerlike, geurige beker koffie.

"Elk van die drie het dieselfde krisis deurstaan – KOKENDE WATER", verduidelik haar Ma. "Maar

elkeen het verskillend reageer. Die wortel is hard en onverbiddelik die water in, maar dit het sag en swak

daar uitgekom.

Die eier was broos en sag. Die dun dop het die vloeibare inhoud beskerm. Maar die kookwater het die

binnekant verhard. Die gemaalde koffiebone het uniek reageer. IN PLAAS DAARVAN dat dit verander

het, het dit die KOOKWATER waarin dit was, verander.”

"Watter een is jy?" vra sy die dogter. "As krisis en pyn aan jou deur klop, hoe reageer jy? Soos die eier, die

wortel of die koffiebone?" “Baie mense swig onder die druk van krisisse en word kragteloos... Ander lyk

oënskynlik maar nog net dieselfde van buite, maar binnekant is dit kliphard. Sal dit nie wonderlik wees as

ons soos die koffiebone kan reageer nie?" (Skrywer onbekend)

God staan ons nie net by nie, maar Hy vorm ons ook in die swaar tye. Dit is nie altyd lekker om dit te hoor

nie en soms klink dit soos goedkoop troos, maar God gebruik die krisistye tot ons voordeel. Hy kap die

dinge af wat nie in sy prentjie van ons pas nie. Baie keer is dit seer en glad nie lekker nie.

Neem nou maar vir Paulus as voorbeeld. Hy sit in die tronk. Die omstandighede in daardie tyd was glad

nie soos vandag nie. Geen TV. Geen beddens. Geen niks nie en tog het hy wysheid om die krisis waarin hy

is, reg te gebruik. Hy spring nie op en af en raas met God, omdat Hy nie vir Hom cover nie. Hy gooi nie sy

speelgoed uit die cot nie. Hy sien deur die krisis en gebruik dit om ander te bemoedig. Nie net die mense

aan wie hy die brief rig nie, maar ook vir miljoene mense daarna.

My liewe vriende, ek wil julle graag iets vertel. Al die dinge wat so met my gebeur, lyk of dit sleg

is, maar eintlik is dit goed. Hoekom is dit goed? Dit help die verkondiging van die evangelie aan.

Met groot versigtigheid, sonder goedkoop troos, wil ek jou uitnooi om ’n koppie koffie te maak en op ’n

stil plek te gaan sit. Vra dan vir God vir wysheid en insig sodat jy sal weet hoe om te reageer op die seer en

swaar tye in jou lewe.


Here, kom ons wees nou maar eerlik. Dit is nie maklik nie. Die lewe is nie aldag maklik nie. Die krisisse in

ons lewe breek en trek en maak ’n mens moeg. Sommige skeur ’n mens uitmekaar. En ek sien nie aldag U

prentjie nie. Ek verstaan dit nie. Ek het wysheid nodig. Baie wysheid. Wys my U prentjie en help my om

in my krisisse op te tree sodat U Naam verheerlik word. Amen

(Dankie Cor)

Race Results

Value Logistics Addicted To Life (AGN) 21km race - 2016-09-10

Position Initials Surname Age Club Finish Time

19 J Burger 40 Vaal 01:35:04

Value Logistics Addicted To Life (AGN) 10km race - 2016-09-10

Position Initials Surname Age Club Finish Time

35 Armand 20 Vaal 00:49:29

Aucor Wanderers (CGA) 21km race - 2016-08-28

Position Initials Surname Age Club Finish Time

499 D Pienaar 21 Vaal 01:49:09

2192 R Pienaar 60 Vaal 02:39:58

Fred Morrison (CGA) 21km race - 2016-09-11

Position Initials Surname Age Club Finish Time

219 S Jackson 58 Vaal 01:49:53

Clover Irene Mall 21km Race 24 September 2016.

A Couple of Valies enjoyed the race; Sharon found the route to be flat! (I beg to differ) and run a very

good near PB since 2000 of 1:58. (Full Results later). Excellent venue and route, well organised and a

definite race on the to do list.

Friends from the past.

1993Comrades Down 10:52:02 Bronze Finished

37 Vaal Athletic



Energy drinks – the good, the bad and the ugly Energy drinks can sometimes give you more of a kick than you

bargained for. This is what you need to know. BROUGHT TO YOU BY CENTRUM

Energy drinks are among the most popular drinks on the market despite the fact that there is quite a lot of

controversy surrounding their ingredients. Here is what you need to know about how and when to consume

energy drinks.

Caffeine and other stimulants

It’s important to note the difference between an energy drink and a sports drink. Energy drinks contain

varying amounts of caffeine, taurine, guarana, amino acids, vitamins and sugar and are designed to give

you a “boost” mentally and physically.

Sports drinks contain carbohydrates, primarily in the form of sugars and glucose. They also contain

electrolytes to replace chemicals lost through sweat to keep you going on hot days or in sports events

lasting longer than an hour.

The primary difference between the two is the caffeine and other stimulants in energy drinks. Many energy

drinks also claim to include amino acids and vitamins, which together with the carbohydrates, caffeine and

stimulants boost performance, concentration and endurance.

The good

In the instances where energy drinks do include the claimed vitamins and minerals, these could be

beneficial. It is, however, far healthier to get your vitamins from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other

natural food sources.

The bad

Unfortunately, most energy drinks are loaded with sugar, and in some cases one 250 ml serving can

contain up to 27 g of sugar. This means that drinking more than one of these at a time can contribute to

weight gain, insulin resistance, and even type 2 diabetes.

The ugly

Drinking more than one energy drink a day may overstimulate the nervous system and contribute to

restlessness, anxiety and irritability. A typical can of energy drink may contain up to 300 mg of caffeine,

from added caffeine and natural sources.

High levels of caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure and increased heart rate. Too much caffeine

can also cause dehydration.

This, in turn, can affect the regulation of body temperature, reduce plasma volume and upset the

cardiovascular system. Drinking energy drinks in excess, and mixing them with alcohol can lead to an

overdose of certain ingredients.

A study published in the Medical Journal of Australia states that “the phenomenon of mixing energy drinks

with alcohol, stimulants and other co-ingestants is clearly a serious concern” and that “consumers are

likely to be unaware of the variation in chemical composition and caffeine dosage in energy drinks, and

with little or no warnings on products, the potential for overdose and poisoning remains ever-present”.

Caffeine toxicity can mimic amphetamine (drug) poisoning and result in seizures, psychosis, cardiac

arrhythmias and, rarely, death. Instead of reaching for that energy drink, rather focus on eating a healthy,

well-balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly to naturally improve your energy levels.

This article is provided through a sponsorship from Pfizer in the interests of continuous medical education.

Notwithstanding Pfizer's sponsorship of this publication, neither Pfizer nor its subsidiary or affiliated

companies shall be liable for any damages, claims, liabilities, costs or obligations arising from the misuse

of the information provided in this publication.

Readers are advised to consult their health care practitioner for specific information on personal health

matters as this is not the intention or purpose of the publication. Specific medical advice or

recommendations on the clinical management of patients will not be provided by Pfizer.

In this regard Pfizer does not support the use of products for off label indications, nor dosing which falls

outside the approved label recommendations and readers must refer to the package insert of any product

for full prescribing guidelines.


Australian Drug Foundation; The Medical Journal of Australia; Eat Right Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Sponsors Page. Please support our sponsors, they support Vaal Athletic Club.

Our Main sponsor for the Vaal Marathon for 21 Years.

MRG is the industrial roofing and structural specialist. MRG is a registered asbestos removal contractor

Supply and install Stainless Steel, Polycarb, Galvanised, Chromadeck and Nutec sheeting. Design and install lifeline systems.

Always there to assist, thank you to the Hamilton family.

CCG is recognised as one of the major specialised manufacturers of cable glands and junction boxes in the


(Sponsor of our Comrades tops for the past 10 years!).