The Teaching Profession

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of The Teaching Profession

The teaching profession is no ordinary profession. It is not as

easy as it gets. Some people would say, teachers just

teaches. They tell students of what, why, how, when or

where but they don’t have the knowledge of an underlying

dilemma that teachers do encounter. It’s on how can

teachers make the facts that they are teaching meaningful to

their students. Often that I ask myself of the relevance of my

explanations in my chemistry classes and I attempt to ask my

students too. Anyway, the goal of meaningful learning is to

make everything done in school as relevant as it could be to

the lives of our students. The more that it is relevant, the

more that it can be stored on their long-term memory and

the more that they can appreciate the beauty of the world.

As the quote on the side is saying, “teaching them what

counts is best”. With that, there exist an argument. It’s the

dispute on the congested curriculum that we have. We are

I was about to start writing in this journal when an idea popped into my mind. While I’m

thinking of this journal, I was surfing the internet then. What will I write about the teaching

profession? - That’s the question. So I thought, I could have a descriptive essay. An essay that

will describe teachers as perceived by the students, the society and the teaching community

itself. Back to the internet, because I wanted to make a descriptive essay then I might include

some twist- a Photo descriptive essay. So here it is.


Cagayan State COLLEGE OF TEACHER Andrews University EDUCATION


“The Teaching Profession”

I remember my professor when I

read this thing. “Bring all

resources that you need in

teaching your subject matter

and if possible bring even your

house here”, he exclaimed in

one of our post-cons. I laughed

upon hearing those words not

because I don’t believe him but

because I am expecting that to

happen. The teaching

profession, again, is no ordinary

profession. Aside from providing

the instructional materials, there

is another justification. Think of

these. If you are an accountant,

you leave the bank and you are

But if you are a teacher; you leave the school

then walk in the streets and enter your home,

you are still a teacher.