The Sustained Sikh Genocide since

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The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

Since, the first edition of the Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty: An Historical Perspective published in June 1992, there have been many more events that have taken place. Accordingly, there was the need of the hour to update the history of the Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty. The Sikhs Diaspora in gen-eral and the Sikhs in their holy and historic homeland, Punjab, under the ‘occupation’ of the Brahmins-Hindus’ India, together with the saffronization (Bhagwakaran) of the prime religious places and the threat being swallowed by their enemies, especially by the Brahmins-Hindus administrations of India. The author, Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, decided on a second edition of this book simply because numerous changes, political, social, religious, cultural, educational, etc., have been taking place to eliminate the Sikh Faith. These attempts are being made by the people who are neither a religion nor a culture, and who are the biggest threat to the members of a different and world renowned faith, the 5th largest religion and culture of the world; the Sikh religion. The Hindus-Brahmins, have no regards for females, consider women as an entity only, and are traditional enemies of the Sikhs. It would, therefore, be regarded that they abuse women and use them for their sexual pleasure. Prostitutes are kept in their temples usually known as ‘Dev Daasis’. Further examples are rapes of young girls, by the gangs of hoodlums, of female medical students, foreign journalists, and foreign visitors. This is the reflection of the prime target of their sexual appetite. Precisely, the Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and other minorities, therefore, have no

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

future in the country where they have been clumped together in order to live as second class citizens.

Following the formal initiation (Amrit) Madho Dass was renamed Banda Singh Bahadar by Sahib Guru Gobind Singh ji, the 10th Master of Sikhs, giving him the name of Gurbaksh Singh, and ordered him to lead the Sikh army to establish the first sovereign and secular Sikh nation in Punjab, which had been under the rule of the Mughal invaders. To do this, Gurbakhash Singh created a sizable armed force of the Sikhs, to fulfill his commitment with the Sahib Guru Gobind Singh ji. Shortly thereafter, the General (leader) established, the first sovereign Sikh nation (Gurdaspur to Fatehgarh Sahib), known as Punjab in 1708. After many battles fought with the Mughals, the sovereign Sikh nation’s capital was established in Lohgarh (fortress of iron). His bravery in the battlefields against his enemy or invaders earned him the name of Banda Singh Bahadar (means the brave leader of the Sikhs). His Sikh nation was also known as Khalistan (Khalsa, an Arabic term means Sovereign and Stan means land, i.e. the Land of the Sovereign People). It was utterly essential for the Sikh religion to survive and flourish against the invading rule of the Mughals. This appeared as a prerequisite for the Sikh religion and their nation’s sovereignty to exist. Without which, the Sikh religion would not have been safe for its survival and ‘sovereignty’. In General Gurbakhash Singh’s time, the Sikh Raj issued its own coins or mints, in the name of Guru Nanak Sahib on one side and Sahib Guru Gobind Singh on the other. The first land reforms were carried out in South Asia, quite likely in the world, under the rule of General Gurbakash Singh, abolishing the Zamindari (land ownership of the state or the ruler) system. In the sovereign Sikh nation, the agricultural land ownership went to the farmers or person who cultivated the land. Since the Mughals invaded, they did not carry out such land reforms. Between 1708 to and 1716, General Gurbakhash Singh ruled the first Sikhs’ sovereign nation.

General Gurbakhash Singh had only one child, a son, named Ajai Singh. General Gurbakhash Singh was captured, persecuted, tortured and killed by the Mughals and his son was also taken into custody. A few days before his captors killed the Sikh head of State of Punjab, they brought his son to him

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

and told him to kill his son with a dagger, remove the heart and eat it. General Gurbakhash Singh replied to the Mughal ruler that what he was asking was to kill his son, and he told him that he would not follow his orders. He said that, if it were your (ruler) son, I still would not commit such a cruel and hei-nous crime. His refusal to carry out the order resulted in General Gurbakash Singh’s death on June 9th, 1716. Following persecution of the Sikh General, the first Sikh nation was again under the rule of Mughals. Since his perse-cution, the first sovereign Sikh nation had been ruled either by the Sikhs or Mughals, depending upon the power of the indigenous (Sikhs) people or of the invaders, i.e. Mughals. Rather, the Sikh nation had experienced a period of hide-and-seek, depending on who was in power. That is the people of the land, the Sikhs, or the invading Mughals. The latter ruled because of their military might and the former because they were in the peoples’ hearts.

Between 1716 and 1799, the Sikh Raj established its boundaries up to Delhi and beyond what is today called the ‘Hindi belt’. Bhai Bhaghel Singh and General Jassa Singh Ahluwalia’s forces planted the Khalsa flag on the Red Fort of Delhi, claiming Delhi as part of the Sikh nation. By hanging the Sikh flag - Nishan Sahib, over the Red fort, it shows that Sikhs are meant to be the Sovereign people. As mentioned earlier, the period of 1710 and 1799 had been a time of hide-and-seek rule. Both the Sikhs and the Mughal invaders ruled the Sikhs’ homeland in this period, up until 1799. However, the followers of Guru Nanak Sahib and Sahib Guru Gobind Singh and their teachings as inscribed in Guru Granth Sahib (the Shabad or word Guru) were the victors in the end. Whereas, the Mughals, far from similar to Sikhs, who in their nature of looting, persecuting and lifestyle, as such, the Mughals were discarded in the decades to come.

In the history of Sikh nation, the second sovereign Sikh nation had been established between 1799 to the March 14th, 1849. In the 19th century, the Sovereign and secular Sikh nation of the monarch Ranjit Singh, faced a famine due to drought in the Multan area. The people had been demanding food to survive. When the monarch heard his peoples’ voice, Maharaja Ranjit Singh ordered his food minister to open the doors of his nation’s grains warehouses. The Maharaja himself used to take rounds in the nation as to appraise how

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

his people were leading their lives. For this, he used to go about dressed ‘like a common person’, so that the people would not recognize him as their ruler. One day, after opening the doors of the grain warehouses, one old man with his grandson, came and spread a sheet to take as much produce as he could to his house. The old man, due to his age, struggled to take the tied sheet full of grains to put on his head and had been unsuccessful. Seeing that the old man struggling, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, in guise as he had covered his face to hide his royal identity, approached the old man and asked, “If you would help me to put the food grain sheet on my head, then I will take it to your house.” The old man agreed and his produce in the sheet was taken to his residence. The ruler asked the old man if everything is well. The old man expressed his satisfaction for the help, but asked who he was. The disguised person removed his sheet from his face and other parts of the body and in seeing his benefactor, the old man was surprised and recognized that it was his king the ruler of Punjab himself.

The Sikhs ruled their first sovereign and secular nation of Punjab because they belonged to the people of the land. The second sovereign Sikh nation emerged as a ‘sovereign and secular’ nation of South Asia under the rule of monarch, Maharaja Ranjit Singh from 1799 to March 14th, 1849. The Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Dogra Hindus all had been in the ‘ruling council’ of the Sikh nation until March 29th, 1849. The writer would challenge that none of the rulers of any other state and/or country, either of the democratic or autocratic system, could match the qualities of the Sikh nation’s ruler, monarch Ranjit Singh.

The author will not write of the nitty-gritty so as to not repeat information of Ranjit Singh’s fifty year rule; but would add a few more details that were left out in the first edition, as well as, add information on the sovereignty of the Sikh nation with what has been happening to Sikhs under the slavery of their enemies the Brahmins-Hindus. Ranjit Singh had been a unique ruler of South Asia and of the world as well. He was a unique administrator in the history of the world. The author would like to bring the developments up to date. Since the British Empire’s agent transferred the political power of the British East India Empire to an unelected clique of the Brahmins-Hindus,

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

including the Muslims’ small kingdoms, of the British India Empire on August 15th, 1947. The ‘annexed’ Sikh nation had not been the part of the British India Empire. Sikh nation had been brought under the British Empire of England for the purpose of administration only. The very status of their conquered ‘First Sovereign and secular Sikh nation’, annexed (but not amalgamated) to the British Empire on March 14th, 1849, remained unexplained (Singh R 2009 Betrayal of Sikh Nation By Master Tara Singh With British Documents of Transfer of Power 1947, second printing. ISBN978-0-9811360-6-6). Accordingly, there has not been any king, emperor, prime minister, president or emirate, to date, to match the qualities and administrative abilities of Maharaja Ranjit Singh of the Sikh nation, Punjab or Sikh Raj. Further, it has categorically been stated that the firepower of the Sikh nation was considerably superior to the armed forces power of the nation that had ‘annexed’ the ‘Sovereign and secular Punjab or Sikh nation’ to the British Empire. The reason is amply clear that the Empire’s military strength (Qazi SH 2004 Gun and political developments in its sub-continent. ISBN 969-8563-14-8), according to the British armed brass, had been much better than the conquered it. Further, watching Sikh artillery maneuvers at Peshawar cites, “We witnessed General Court’s artillery at Peshawar. General Court directed the native Kamidan (Commandant) who handsomely put his batteries through their drill. The maneuvers had been performed with great credit, their movements being executed with such clarity and precisions that would have done honour to any army.” On writing of the Sikh Gunners, the Sikh gunners never left their guns and when wounded they would throw themselves on their guns, kiss them and die (Qazi SH 2004 ISBN 969-8563-14-8). It should be mentioned that the Sikhs’ struggle for sovereignty, independence and political power has been continuing since the March 14th, 1849, by the Sikhs and citizens of the Sikh nation who had revolted against its takeover. They did not want to surrender their sovereignty, independence, freedom and secularity of their nation but the Sikh forces did end up surrendering their sovereignty to the British forces. The Sikhs who revolted carried out their struggle to regain their sovereignty and independence even after the annexation of their nation to the British Empire.

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

The author would also like to point out that no ruler in the world could match the qualities and mode of ruling of the Sikh nation’s sovereignty and secularity, as Ranjit Singh had. He cared for the well-being of his people, according to the teachings of the Sikh Holy Scripture. There are other examples, of course, which explain the Sikh nation of Ranjit Singh, such as having no capital punishment. Ranjit Singh himself had been of a religious nature and had high regards for religious places, regardless it being a Gurdwara, Mosque, Church or a Hindu Temple. The Custodian of the Supreme Seat of Sikh polity, the Akal Takht Sahib, once said that he had violated traditions of the Supreme Seat of Sikh polity. He presented himself before the custodian and for the punishment. The custodian, Akali Phula Singh, rewarded him with a few straps as punishment. This is the evidence that Monarch Ranjit Singh considered the religion higher than the administration’s politics in compliance to the Sikhism’s teachings. The monarch also considered himself equal to an ordinary citizen as far as the law and order of his kingdom were concerned. Additionally, the ruler himself was a great soldier and passionate person.

It seems to the author that it had been quite likely that historians overlooked the qualities of monarch Ranjit Singh, especially those who had been misguided by the Hindus-Brahmins, such as M K Gandhi (a homosexual, who had the rank of Sergeant Major in the British Red Cross in South Africa. He advised Sir Winston Churchill to join the Nazi Germany in WW II, further hated Sikhs, Dalits, and used to sleep naked with his nieces and young girls to test his manhood; Gandhi was a racist, to say the least), JL Nehru (died due to a sexual disease of syphilis) and their unelected followers of August 15th, 1947. The author would like to make it amply clear that The Second Sikh Empire of Ranjit Singh had been ‘annexed’ to the British Empire only. The Brahmins or Hindus had nothing to do with it

It should be mentioned that during the 1965 war against Pakistan, the Lt. General of the Brahmins-Hindus’ army alias the Indian army’s area com-mander in chief left his duties and hid himself in a recently irrigated sugarcane field while these army men were supposed to fight the enemy of India (Singh Harbakhsh 2000 In the Line of Duty ISBN 81-7062-106-2; Sekhon AS 2010 The Sikhs: Sovereignty to Slavery ISBN 978-0-9811360-8-0).

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

Detailed accounts of the Sikhs’ struggle to regain their lost sovereignty, independence and political power to the British Empire have been presented elsewhere (Dilgeer HS Sekhon AS 1992 The Sikhs’ struggle for sovereignty: An Historical Perspective 1992 ISBN 0-9695964-0-5; Sekhon AS 2009 Attack on the Durbar Sahib Laying the foundation of Khalistan ISBN 0-9548929-4-1; Sekhon AS 2013 Murder of Pluralism: Coping with the democratic oppression in South Asia (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon ISBN 978-0-9868037-1-0;).

The present chapter deals with the detailed happenings to malign, terrorize and persecute, with staged-encounter killings of the Sikhs, crimes committed against human rights in the post-August 15th, 1947 era, deliberately by the Brahmins-Hindus, the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat (an extremist branch of Hindu fundamentalists and militants political party, e. g., Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh (RSS), its sister Brahmins-Hindus organizations, the Sikh Jathedars, like Puran Singh of Luv and Kush, Vedanti Joginder Singh Sran, Gurbachan Singh, Giani Mal Singh presently one of the five heads of the Sikh seats, i. e., Kesgarh Sahib). They failed to resist the pressure of the RSS of the Hindu fundamentalists in their daily affairs by listening to the Chief Minister of the ‘occupied’ Punjab, the Sikh nation. Disruption of the Sikhs’ religious affairs in 2014 in Ludhiana (Akhand Path), while the uninterrupted recitations of Guru Granth Sahib had been going on in Gurdwaras (Sikhs places of worship) is one of the prime acts among the anti-Sikhs activities, to cite the least. On February 7th of 1998, the then administrator of Punjab, Hanera Sinh Badal himself desecrated the Darbar Sahib Complex when he deposed the democratically elected custodian, Ranjit Singh, to The Akal Takht Sahib (supreme seat of Sikh polity). This was done with the aid of Gurcharan Sinh Tohra (deceased), the then Chief, Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC). In brief, the detailed account of the Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins administrations’ acts against the Sikhs’ holy of the holiest places, The Darbar Sahib Complex, Amritsar, and other historic Gurdwaras for example, the Gian Godri Sahib Gurdwara in Hardwar, UP, and the historical Gurdwara Sahib of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, to say the least. Additionally, the historic institutions, along with an ‘undeclared’ war in the form of a brutal military ‘Operation Bluestar’ of June, 1984 or the sustained

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

genocides of Sikhs since 15th August, 1947 are outlined. Other armed operations carried out to exterminate the Sikhs and Sikh youth had been Operation Black Thunder, Operation Clean, Operation Wood, artificial flood using waters from water reservoirs and dams, rivers, canals, giving the Punjab River Waters and by-products of river waters, etc., to other nearby the Brahmins-Hindus states free of cost, keeping Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana in the high security jail in Patiala, Punjab, on the fabricated charges made against him by the Punjab police and heavily politicized judiciary system of the alleged Indian state predominantly of the Brahmins-Hindus. It should be noted by the readers and students of the Sikh history that every time Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana, presented himself in court said to the presiding judge that he has no faith in the Indian judicial system and he is a ‘Khalistani alias the citizen of Khalistan’ i. e., the “occupied’ Sikh nation, Punjab and ‘long live Khalistan or Khalistan Zindabad. Following three decades of the ‘Sikh Genocide’ in the Sikhs’ holy and historic homeland, Punjab and outside Punjab, it has been admitted that the “riots or massacres of Sikhs, in fact, had been the “genocide of Sikhs (Hon Rajnath Singh, Home Minister and Narendra Modi’s cabinet colleague in 2014; see 26th December, 2014 NDTV 24/7).”

The dire needs of the farmers of Punjab for their livelihoods are not being met and a high cost of agricultural loans is causing suicide rates of more than 100,000 per year since the 1980s. Punjab’s farmers are heavily taxed; their children remain without education, although photo-op sessions of the Chief Minister Hanera Sinh Badal himself have been appearing for the inauguration of new schools without teachers for the village children. We are also seeing female infants are aborted before their birth, because of the easy and quick abortion facilities that have been built. The results of this sin are that the male to female ratio has considerably dropped (Dr Harshinder Kaur, a medical professional addressing a gathering on infertility clinics opened in every vil-lage of Punjab August 10th 2015). The author regards this sin no less than an aid to carry out the ‘genocide of Sikhs’ (see below) by the Badal administration in the Sikhs’ Holy and historic homeland, along with Punjab administrations’ participation to reduce the population of Sikhs. Other

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

participants of anti-Sikh roles have been Harchand Sinh Longowal (deceased), Balwant Sinh Ramoowalia, Surjit Sinh Barnala, along with K P Gill, a retired Director General of Police, his successors, colleagues and subordinates (Sekhon AS 2016 Int Journal Sikh Affairs 26 (1), ISSN 1481-5435), to cite a few.

The author (A. S. Sekhon) gave a message to the international Diaspora Sikhs and the Sikhs of the ‘robbed’ Punjab that their Holy and historic homeland, Punjab had been ‘robbed’ by the Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins’ clique at the 23h 59m 59s hour of August 15th, 1947. Sikh Diaspora and the Sikhs living outside the ‘robbed’ Punjab have been considered ‘as servants or second class citizens’ in their holy and historic homeland by the predominant Brahmins-Hindus’ Indian demo[n]cracy. The text of the message has been: Anti-Sikh polices of the Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins-Baniyas alias the Sikh genocides.

Before the British India Empire’s agent, Lord Mountbatten, then the Viceroy of British India Empire, transferred political power on August 15th, 1947 and the hopeful ‘unelected’ leadership of the Brahmins-Hindus, the people who had been ‘subservient’ to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3,500 years, they deliberately ignored the Sikhs of Punjab as the ‘third’ legitimate group, although they had been the masters of Punjab with their monarch Ranjit Singh of Punjab and a prime party entitled for the return of their one time sovereign and secular nation. In fact, it was ignored that the Punjab had to be returned to the Sikhs because it had been the Sikhs’ sovereign and independent country in 18th and 19th centuries (see above) of the Sikhs. The Brahmins-Hindus, on the other hand, had always considered the Sikhs their enemies. It was no one else but the Sikhs of the Sikh nation ‘annexed’ to the British Empire who had lost more than 3.2 to 3.4 million people when the migration took place from both sides of the international borders drawn on the August 15th, 1947 era. Sikhs, from a sovereign Sikh nation of Punjab, of the General Gurbakash Singh, monarch Ranjit Singh, and prince Duleep Singh, according to the British Empire after the ‘annexation’ of the Sikhs’ Punjab. However, what it turned out to be slavery of the Sikhs by the Brahmins-Hindus and their ‘unelected’ Hindu leaders on the 15th day of August 1947. In fact, the Sikhs had been the prime

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

party at the negotiation table of the Ranjit Singh’s Punjab. Sikhs were made slaves permanently, of the Brahmins-Hindus, through a nefarious conspiracy.

Some authors consider this figure to 20 lakhs (2 million), less than 3.2 to 3.4 million, and some totally ignored this data, especially the historians who wrote their books in Punjabi on the events of the Sikh genocide of June, 1984 and beyond. From Indira Gandhi to the Narendra Damodar Modi’s administrations of the Congress and BJP, both non-Sikhs political parties, simply because of their fear and excesses, carried this out. In their first edition of the present book, Dilgeer and Sekhon (1992) cited the figure of 20 lakhs (2 million). In 1978, the Prakash (Hanera) Sinh Badal’s Akali administration of the ‘robbed’ Punjab carried out the genocide of Sikhs in Amritsar, while the state armed personnel provided a free passage to the killers of Sikhs and to those who acted against the Sikhs. No one from the justice system of Punjab or the JL Nehru administration cared to carry out investigation of the massacre, pogroms or genocide of Sikhs of Punjab and outside Punjab of the post-August 15th, 1947. The reason is very simple. Hanera (Prakash) Sinh Badal himself is known as the bootlicker (chaplianchutt) of the New Delhi administrations (NDA), which is corrupt and anti-Sikhs. JL Nehru to Narendra Damodar Modi; the latter, and then Chief Minister of the State of Gujarat is a criminal, murderer and one of the chief organizers of the ‘genocide of Muslims’, 2002-2003. The figures of the Sikhs genocides is no less than 3.2 - 3.4 million in the pre- and post-15th August, 1947 era. Since 1980 to date are 280,000 Sikhs (infants, children, youth, females, males and elderly have been murdered by the Indian state. In the 1980s and 1990s, the alleged Indian demo[n]cracy of the Brahmins-Hindus kept four deep pans, size 8’x12’ size, full of the boiling oil to kill the Sikh youth. Since 15th August, 1947, the figures estimated for the non-Sikh and non-Brahmins-Hindus are over 500,000 for Muslims in general and Muslims in Shamli, Baghpat, Saharanpur and Meerut districts of U P in 2013 is over 100,000 (as monitored by a New Delhi newspaper and; Muslims of the Internationally disputed areas of the Jammu and Kashmir (IDA:JK), 977,802 (dead, 222,952; arrests, 216,184; disappeared, 110,527; houses destroyed, 116,592; widows, 123,602; orphans, 207945; , chairman: Habib Yousafzai);

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

Christians, 312,500; tens of thousands of Dalits; Tamils, 100,000 (34th Session of the UN:HRC, Geneva 2017); Adivaases, Bodos, etc., thousands (Murder of Pluralism:Coping with Democratic Oppression in South Asia (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon ISBN978-0-9868037-1-0; 2014).

To suppress the demands of the Sikhs an autonomous Sikh state was promised in the North of Punjab, by the Brahmins-Hindus-Baniyas of the Indian National Congress party in the pre- and post- August 15th, 1947 days. However, the Brahmins-Hindus did not honour their own promises to the Sikhs. Rather called the Sikhs ‘long haired Hindus’ and denied them their political, religious, social, cultural and language rights. Using Gurmukh Singh Musafir, the then Speaker of the ‘robbed’ Punjab’s legislative assembly, the Punjab’s state language of Gurmukhi script or the language of Sikhs, which is far older than the Hindus’ Hindi language, Musafir’s tie vote made the Hindi as Punjab’s language. The anti-Sikh forces attempted to eradicate the Punjabi script Gurmukhi from the academic syllabus of the Sikhs holy and historic homeland of the ‘robbed’ Punjab. Sardar Pritam Singh Gill, one of the former principles of Doaba College, Jallundhar, was of the view “to kill a community, kill its language, kill its literature, and kill its culture (Sikhs’ Culture and Heritage, published by the SGPC, Amritsar in the 1960s).” This policy had been used exactly to suppress and oppress the Punjabi script and language of Gurmukhi in the ‘robbed’ Punjab. How strange it is that Punjab’s politicians speak Hindi, instead of their state language (mother tongue) and that the state’s news media questions them in Punjabi? Indeed, Sikhs’ holy and historic land’s politicians have been made impotent or castrated (Khassi in Punjabi) by the Brahmins-Hindus of the Punjab legislative assembly, the NDA and the imposition of their Hindi language. So much so, the Hindus in the state census of 1966 said that their ‘mother tongue’ is Hindi, while answering in Punjabi. At this critical juncture, the Punjabi Hindus disowned their mother language, Punjabi script Gurmukhi, especially under the directions of Gulzarilal Nanda and J L Nehru of the NDA. Because of these denials and policies, the Sikhs’ elected representatives to the parliament of India alias the Lok Sabha (parliament), from Punjab “rejected” the Indian Constitutional Act in 1948,

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

November 26th, 1949, 1950 and September 6th, 1966. The Sikhs’ representatives to the parliament who ‘rejected’ the Indian Constitutional draft and act had been Sardar Hukam Singh, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Maan and Sirdar Kapur Singh of the Indian Civil Service, MP, MLA and the National Professor of Sikhism. Sirdar Kapur Singh called the Constitutional act as “curate’s eggs, devoid of nutritional values and unacceptable for the human consumption.” On behalf of his electorates and Sikhs, he rejected the Constitutional Act and demanded a Sikh nation in the north of the Indian state. None of the Sikhs’ elected representatives has ever signed/accepted/endorsed the Constitutional act of 1950. In fact, the Sikhs’ elected representatives had walked out from the parliament in protest, when the Brahmins-Hindus’ lawmakers adopted the concerned Act. It is, however, interesting that the Sikhs in India’s services keep on taking an oath of the constitution that was ‘rejected’ by their elected Sikh parliamentarians. The question arises, what is the meaning of taking an oath of a constitution ‘rejected’ by their representatives? Maybe a vast majority of parliamentarians do not know the meaning of rejection?

With the heavy usage of the state-controlled print news media and airwaves by the All India Radio, the Brahmins-Hindus’ democracy imposed three wars on its traditionally hated enemy Pakistan and one on the People’s Republic of China. In these four military wars, the Sikh armed units and Sikh military personnel had been used. It was simply because of the Sikh personnel, that the India of Brahmins-Hindus could save its face in the world, and that the Sikhs would be killed in the battles, but the NDA did not succeed in its anti-Sikh policies. These wars by India had been deliberately imposed against Pakistan and Peoples’ Republic of China, as the author perceives it.

JL Nehru, the first prime minister of India, the major formulator of anti-Sikh policies, wanted to thrust a war on the Sikhs of the ‘robbed’ Punjab of August 15th, 1947, in his lifetime. His intelligence submitted a report that more than 33% armed personnel and 9 out of 10 generals in the army are Sikhs. Similarly, the Sikhs had higher numbers in the air force and naval services as well. It would be like committing suicide for him if he thought to wage a war on the Sikhs of Punjab. Like Nehru, VB Patel, Deputy Prime Minister of India, saw the Sikh

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generals at the first freedom anniversary’s parade at the Red Fort, Delhi, his face turned red and he could not resist asking what the Sikhs were doing there? MK Gandhi himself had passed derogatory remarks towards the 10th Master of Sikhs, Sahib Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Recently, at the January 26th 2016 national parade in the Red Fort ground, no Sikh contingent was included. There had been many questions raised in the news media. Sikhs raised their eyebrows, but to their displeasure, there had been no answer given by the NDA. It should be mentioned that what the author had studied in the Indian History texts of the 1950s; he could not find any reference about the Sikhs, and the history text, i.e., Golden Itihas Bharatvarsh (Golden History of India). Yet, there are ample examples how the history of Sikhs and non-Hindu minorities has been distorted.

In India’s war against East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), the surrender of the latter took place before a Sikh Lt.General Sardar Jagjit Singh. It has come to be known that the Indian authorities said that the record of surrenders has been missing or lost, when in fact, there were over 90,000 soldiers who sur-rendered. The author questions why such important documents are missing, lost or even burned? Is it because the East Pakistan forces surrendered before a Sikh Lt.General, Sardar Jagjit Singh?

In June 1984, after the government prepared for over two years at five secret locations, the daughter of JL Nehru, Indira Gandhi waged an ‘undeclared’ war in the form of a brutal military called “Operation Bluestar” on the holiest Gurdwara ‘Darbar Sahib’ in Punjab. The cream of Indian armed and intelli-gence personnel was used, along with foreign advisors from the defunct state of the USSR and the constructive advice of the then British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher and her intelligence.

The author wrote an open letter to his Sikh brothers, sisters and elderlies of the Sikh Nation of the ‘robbed’ PUNJAB of August 15th, 1947. The text of the letter is given follows: Satkaryog (respected) Bhai Sahib jios (brothers):

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!Please do not overlook the following statement and policy of the

Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins-Baniyas of the NDA and Punjab administrations which said, “Brig R P Sinha gathered all Sikh males of a village

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

in the Amritsar district and said “that all Sikh males will be killed and all females (Sikh) will be taken to army barracks to yield a new breed, i.e., after the Genocide of Sikh males.”

Further, the policy of introduction of narcotics, drugs, and alcohol in Punjab are making the Sikh youth in their reproductive age ‘impotent’. Where will be the new generation or torch barriers of the Guru Khalsa Panth coming from?”

The former Director General of Police KPS Gill’s armed personnel in Gurdaspur district had practiced more drastic policies in the the 1990s. It had been ensured that in the next 15 years, there would be no male Sikh youth left, so that the Sikh females could wed in the coming years. Most of the remaining ones went into the ‘Brahmins-Hindus orbit’.

The Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins administrations of the PUNJAB of Sikhs and other provinces have been carrying out their policy of the Sikh geno-cides; exterminating the Sikhs, getting them addicted to narcotics, alcohol, and then sending them to visit the recently opened infertility clinics, for their problems of impotency, etc. In every village, Bhai Sahib jios (brothers), you and other Guru Khalsa Panth-Dardis alias well-wishers are requested to make themselves aware of the anti-Sikh policies applied by the enemy of the Sikhs. The Sikhs’ Holy and Historical Homeland, the PUNJAB, was ‘robbed’ on August 15th, 1947, right under the nose of so-called Sikh leaders alias Turbaned Brahmins, along with the Chief and followers of the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat, the Brahmins-Hindus’ RSS (Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh alias Brahmins-Hindus’ RSS).

These plans have been used to exterminate the Sikhs, through the sustained genocide, and non-Brahmins-Hindus minorities of the largest democracy of South Asia, either by the hook or by the crook. Similarly, in 2013, genocides have been carried out against Muslims in Bhopal, Shamli, Meerut and Saharanpur districts of UP and throughout India. Christians, Dalits, Buddhists and other religions have been given the same treatment. The Brahmins-Hindus are deaf, however to all the cries of liberty. The latter is neither a culture nor a religion. Recently, in July 2016, one tried to find the definition of the word “Hindu’. The person did not find the meaning of the word, and the NDA did not answer

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

his question. Interestingly, the Brahmins-Hindus call India, Hindustan. The meaning of the word should be the “land of Hindus.” No, the Brahmins-Hindus will never come up with the answer to the question, what is a Hindu or what does the word Hindu mean? They will never have the answer to the question, although these Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins’ RSS belong to the RSS, BJP, etc., to feel mighty. Genocides of non-Hindus as stated above do not include the genocides carried out by the Indian armed personnel, since 15th August 1947. However, the Brahmins-Hindus and their NDA always claim that the IDA: JK (Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, since 15th August, 1947), is the ‘integral’ part of India yet it is against the 1948 resolution of the Security Council, the United Nations Organization, New York.

The formulation by the NDA of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) of Manipur (North Eastern states or the Assam and its 8-sister) is one of the blackest laws used indiscriminately by the NDA to protect armed personnel from prosecution because the AFSPA protects the armed personnel from charges under the Constitutional Act. The Human Rights Council of the United Nations (HRC: UN) has debated repealing the AFSPA many times, but it is of no avail so far.

I would request my Sikh brothers and sisters and member of the Guru Khalsa Panth to ‘compare’ the qualities of the monarch of South Asia’s “Second Sovereign and Secular nation, i.e., the Sikh Raj alias the Land of Five Rivers called PUNJAB, where the Sikh religion originated in the 15th century,” and that the time has come to dissociate themselves from the people who do not know the meaning of the word ‘Hindu’. However, they are anxious to make India the ‘Hindustan or Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Nation)’. The people without religion, culture and not having one unique language to speak are the ‘Hindus’. According to many Sikh and non-academics including the first prime minister of India, Hinduism is neither a religion nor a culture. The literary meaning of the word Hindu is a chor (thief), Daku (dacoit) or oochaka (scoundrel), according to Dr J.S.Sarna 1997. Sant Sipahi, November issue, published from Amritsar. Also, see Justice Ajit Singh Bains’ verdict Cr. M. 1356-M/1984 on 11th May, 1984, of the Punjab and Haryana High Court; RN Surayanarayana’s Universal Religion, pp. 1-2,

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

published from Mysore in 1952: “The word ‘Hinduism’ is a very vague one. It has neither denotation nor connotation; a Persian dictionary entitled Lughet-e-Kishwari, published in Lucknow in 1964, gives the meaning of the word ‘Hindu’ as “chor, dakoo, raahzan and ghulaam.”

“Well, one can understand if Hinduism is a religion promoting brotherhood of all Hindus.” But does it? Hinduism/Brahmanism is not a religion at all, but a set of exploitative/divisive/discriminative rules codified and mercilessly enforced by the intruders - the Aryan-turned-Brahmins to suck the blood of the natives. Can this be a factor for the formation of a nationality/nation [The Alternative (Blueprint for Revolution) Dalit Sahitya Akademy 2001, Bangalore 560 003]?

They (Hindus) have been ‘subservient’ all along in their history (of more than 3500 years until 14/15th August, 1947), to the Afghan, Mughal, Sikh, British, Portuguese, etc., periods. Now the reins of one segment of the British East India Empire has been passed, by default, to an unelected bunch of the elite and trader classes of people, under the smoke screen of the democracy on August 15, 1947. The Brahmins and their followers (pro-Brahmins) are, by and large, insecure people and the world’s largest butchers. According to the founder of the Sikh faith, Guru Nanak Sahib, “Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kakhai, Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasai,” as quoted in the Guru Granth Sahib. Other devious deeds of the Brahmins are well inscribed in Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs’ Holy Scripture. Now, these ‘butchers’ have a nuclear arsenal in its possession and possess an even a bigger threat to world peace and to the peace-loving people of our world. Does anybody think that the Agents of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), NDA and, Vedanti Joginder Singh Saran (deposed Custodian of the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib), Kirpal Badungar, Gurcharan Tohra (deceased, Sikhs’ traitor and pro-BJP). According to Dr Udhoke 2005), Akalis of Badal (non-Sikhs or the ‘Dastaardhari/turbaned Hindus in The Sikh Identity, like Hanera/Darkness Sinh Badal), Badal’s “joe boys and joe-girls”, the Badal Clan, Sikhs’ apex institutions (Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee, the Darbar Sahib Complex, including The Akal Takht Sahib and Gurdwaras) Talwandi, Simranjit Mann, Amarinder of Patiala, Sukhdev Dhindsa, Avtar Sinh Makkar, Manmohan Sinh (not a Member of Parliament, but the

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

former Chief, Council of Ministers, NDA), the rapist of the Brahmins autocracy/Zamhooriat/Zulamhooriat or the ‘Democracy of Propaganda, deceits and hatred’ alias the alleged Indian democracy), Puran Sinh of Luv and Kush, seekers of the Hindu votes, Gurbachan Sinh-like scoundrels (jathedar) and nderjit Singh, etc., do know what the Hindus are? The author, Dr. Awatar Singh Sekhon of Canada, wonders if any of these people will dare to speak the truth about the Hindus.

The Akalis (who worship formless God), with the contacts of anti-Sikhs Brahmins-Hindus, have become senseless creatures, no less than bigots. It would suffice to mention the visit of three Akalis headed by Maluka Singh, Tota Singh and company when visited Canada in 2015, of the Hanera Sinh Badal’s administration. They thought as though they are the ‘masters’ of Canada. Maluka Sinh made the comment that the Punjab police are better than the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in looking after them. This statement is better to realize that Punjab and the NDA is no less than a police state; the author’s comments are in accord with the United States Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. The Hon Rohrabacher said, “as far as the Sikhs and other minorities are concerned, India is not less than the Nazi Germany.

The worst international criminal, India, its intelligence agencies, foreign diplomats, and its foreign missions had prepared to cover up the “Air India Flight 182 from Toronto-Montreal-London-Delhi, which originated from Canadian soil.” The flight could not make its landing in London UK, in the morning of 25th June 1985. It exploded on the west coast of Ireland. The Indian administra-tion tried its best to put the blame on the Sikhs, especially the Sikh Diaspora, to call them as “terrorists”. What a nightmare for the law-abiding and peaceful Canadian Sikhs. The entire story of the Air India explosion and India’s further ill wills against the Sikhs can be read elsewhere (Zuhair Kashmeri and Brian MacAndrew 1989 ISBN 1-55028-221-2, James Lorimar & Company Publishers; David Kilgour 1994 Betrayal: The Spy Canada Abandoned. ISBN 0-13-525697-9; Sekhon AS 2014 The Sikhs, Diaspora Sikhs…Indian administration in Murder of Pluralism Coping with Democratic Oppression in South Asia (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, pp 269-298, ISBN 978-0-9868037-1-0).

The Sikhs’ Struggle for Sovereignty

The author would say categorically that if the Sikhs have been terrorist and criminal people, as India says, there would not have been at least four cabinet ministers in the Government of Canada headed by the Right Honourable Justin Pierre Sinclair Trudeau of Canada. It reflects that the Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins’, Indian administration is full of criminals, murderers and the organizers of genocides of the Sikhs and Muslims, as headed by a criminal, murderer and organizer of genocide of Muslims of Gujarat, India.

None of the languages of Hindu India are unique, with the exception of the Sikhs’ Gurmukhi, Muslims’ Urdu, etc.

It is concluded that the Sikh nation had been “sovereign, independent with its own political system in the 17th and 18th centuries. Whereas, the Brahmins-Hindus, their enemies, had been “subservient” to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for the last 3,500 years and until the 15th August, 1947. The Sikhs have been nothing but the slaves of the Brahmins-Hindus since 15th August, 1947.

The British Empire presumably overlooked the “annexation” of the second Sikh nation, Punjab, of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and withdrew from it without taking into consideration that what they are leaving for the Sikhs of Punjab, the slavery of the Brahmins-Hindus or What?

The Sikhs have not accepted the Brahmins-Hindus’ Constitution of 1950, which makes the Indian democracy a “republic” on the 26th January of 1950.

The Sikhs’ right for their “sovereignty and independence” is amply clear. Until 1966, the Punjab of Sikhs and Punjabi-speaking people included Himachal Pradesh and Haryana in it; but the deceitful Brahmins-Hindus republic took these areas out of Punjab and granted them the status of states within the Hindus’ India. This had been the second betrayal of Sikhs by the Brahmins-Hindus of the alleged Indian democracy.

The alleged Indian democracy robbed Sikhs on the 15th day of August 1947. How could a nation that had been “sovereign and independent” in the 17th and 18th centuries live as ‘slaves or subservient’ to the people who had been “subservient” for more than 3,500 years.

The Sustained Sikh Genocide since 1947

During the sustained genocide of Sikhs, their holy and historic homeland had been used for chemical warfare since 15th August 1947. The table water levels have dropped from a minimum of 30 to more than 500 feet and only Punjab’s waters are not drinkable. This is the same water that had brought the ‘green rev-olution’ throughout India and made the alleged Indian democracy self-sufficient in food grains.

The Sikhs cannot and will not trust their enemy, the Brahmins-Hindus; who ‘robbed’ the Sikhs’ Punjab from its capital city of Chandigarh in 1966. This had been the plan of the prime minister who carried out the genocide of Sikhs and Punjabi speaking people, along with an ‘undeclared’ war on the Darbar Sahib Complex, including the Sikhs’ Seat of Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib.

The Sikh youth are kept in the highly tight security controlled jails through-out in India. Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana is one of the prisoners who is on the death row and has no trust, whatsoever, in the Indian Constitution and the highly-politicized judiciary.

The Sikhs have been struggling for their sovereignty and independence since 14th March, 1849

To sum up, the Indian democracy is not one nation; it is a conglomerate of over 550 nations, and these Nations have been struggling for their ‘sover-eignty and independence’ to make their future generations the citizens of the Sovereign nations.

*****“Na Sajo Na Baazo Na Fauzo Na Farsh

Khudawand Bakhshnidah O Aeish Arsh”

By: Sahib Guru Gobind Singh ji
