The Supernatural Challenge Chapter 1

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Supernatural Challenge Chapter 1

Meet Gavigan Supernatural. Yes, this is his intro page. This is my *OFFICIAL* attempt at the Verification Project or

the Supernatural Challenge, created by me here: Tl;dr basically you try to get a family of sims

to become all the supernatural creatures. I’m also going to attempt the Master Challenge, which means one sim becomes all of the creatures.

This is Gavigan’s intro page because this is how he spent most of his first day: at community lots, in hot tubs, making

friends. In fact, he was pretty boring throughout the entire challenge.

Gavigan is a knowledge sim with the LTW of Prestidigitator whose hobby is Music/Dance and whose personality is

approximately 3/7/10/0/5. His turn-ons are Vampirism and Witchiness, and his turn-off is face paint.

This was one of the many girls he met, but the only one he had two bolts with. Her name is Genesis Grove, and yes

that hat is horrible. But she is quite pretty. She’s a knowledge sim with a LTW of Criminal Mastermind.

Here’s a better picture of Gavigan. I figured I was trying to get all the supernatural creatures, and even though elves

aren’t a life state, I still wanted to do it.

Even though it was spring, the next morning it began snowing.

Gavigan is absolutely horrible at cooking. Here he is eating his first attempt at a toaster strudel. Or whatever the sims

call them.

This is his third try. Perfect!...finally…

After a few days of working (in the Intelligence career, he couldn’t find show business), skilling, and making friends,

he invited Genesis back over for a date.

Aw, how cute…Except her hat is eating into Gavigan’s face. Oops.

And Gavigan moves in for the first kiss…

But he hit his nose on Genesis’s. Smooth move, Gavigan. He also stepped on her foot while slow-dancing, something I

haven’t seen in game before.

But other than that the kiss went as planned.

…But Genesis found that he was a bit slobbery.

If he had traits, he would be clumsy and a bad kisser.

And you know what this means…I was going to have them wait, but Gavigan had high-scoring wants for First Woohoo,

First Woohoo with Georgia, and Woohoo with Georgia. Knowledge sim my butt.


See? Told you. And this is just one of them.

Here’s a tour of the house real quick. Top floor has a balcony with a telescope that Genesis brought. Thank you! My

plan is to have Gavigan abducted and his child will complete the Master Challenge. Anyway, the master bedroom has a

desk with the Humble computer as well as an adjoining bathroom. The spare bedroom, which is going to be the kid’s

room, is now the dog room.

Bottom floor. You see the dog house as well as the study area, dining area, kitchen, and bathroom. Also there’s space

on the other side of the house for a greenhouse when I need a plantsim.

On the other side of the house is my beautiful landscaping. I swear, this tree burns so much.

Here it goes again, and random townie kid stops by to do the fire dance.

Random townie kid: Shake it out, man. Shake it out.

Ooookayyy then.

Gavigan stops in the middle of a date to jump around in a puddle. Yep, that’s how you get a girl to like you.

They really do like each other, though. I thought this was such a sweet picture, Gavigan’s plumbbob included. Of

course it would be better if Genesis’s wasn’t in the shot, but we can’t have everything, can we? Also, I’d like to point

out that they were on a date at the time and Gavigan had to sleep…But Genesis stopped what she was doing to join

him. Aww :)

And then once his energy was full he woke up, but his arm around her, and proceeded to stay there for several

minutes watching her sleep.

Gavigan is the funniest sim I ever had. He loves jump-roping.

Meanwhile Genesis enjoys planting and playing with the Simix Sphere. (Rubix Cube)

OMG. You’re a wolf.

I had Gavigan greet him and he made friends, but not best friends. Darn it :(

However, they do decide to get a dog. But they can’t afford one yet. But they can afford a collar!

Have you ever noticed that the traffic light blinks?

See? It does.

Also, the street sign says something to the extent of Baatep An.

I send Gavigan and Genesis out to a community lot, where Gavigan makes some money…From his wife.

And that’s when I see this.

Ladies and gentlemen, Count Pong.

Yes, you heard me right. Count Pong.

And then…at the SAME FRICKING TIME this lady shows up. Chloe, I believe? Not really sure.

And makes a kitty cat! D’aaw.

They arrive home where it is still 5 in the evening, although they were at the community lot for like…forever…

Gavigan had been introduced to Count Pong, while Genesis made friends with the witch.

Gavigan is stalked in the daytime by a random lady who he pissed off…

…and is stalked in the nighttime by the Science Hobby lady.

WOLFIE! You’re back!!!

*runs at with hug*

Or Gavigan can. That’s fine too.

He became best friends, but did not become a werewolf.

But the next day, the witch-lady visits.

They make best friends, but have no time yet to make Genesis a witch.

They’re pretty boring sims. Their nights are almost always like this…


I do give Genesis a makeover, though.

…and then forgot I had videos on and didn’t take a screenshot, but…

I think those two pictures say it all. Nevertheless, Genesis was very happy to be engaged.

On the morning of her wedding day, Genesis gets a new hairstyle…

And also a surprise.

Hey, at least they were getting married that day, right?

They did have a wedding party, but the only guest of note was this one.

They got married by the telescope balcony…

Genesis wore a toga-styled dress in honor of Athena, the god of knowledge (they are both knowledge sims) while

Gavigan wore a smart hat and dapper suit. Hehe, see what I did there?

It was actually very sweet…I love these sims so much <3

Here’s another picture of the ceremony…I didn’t have very much room on the lot, so I kinda had to shove them in a

corner. Sorry.

First bite of cake…

He fed it nicely, which doesn’t seem like him.

However, the chipmunk cheeks DOES seem like her.

Classy, Gavigan. Talk about the weather. You’re married now, I think you’re past that.

And then the champagne bottle. I swear, this thing annoys me so much. I bought it, but sold it about five minutes

later. It did bring them up to a roof raiser, though.

Woah, look! It’s a floating champagne glass!

“Okay, everyone. Party’s over.”

Geez. Party pooper much?

“That’s our limo? It’s an old beat-up car!”

No, actually Gavigan, it’s your ride for work. The limo never showed up, I don’t know why. Maybe because Genesis is


But we sure could have used the motive boost that came with it.

Genesis was hungry, tired, stinky, needed to pee, her social and fun were down…It was a bad time.

Alright, you really need to eat. There’s some food on the table, go grab it.

What? Genesis! NO! EAT SOME FOOD!

Gavigan! Nobody cares about how well you did in school! Go save your wife.

“But gross…. She’s dead, and she stinks.”


Thank you. He saved her, luckily. Personally I don’t think Grim wants to have a motive-deprived pregnant lady



First thing Genesis does? Invite Chloe over and…

Become best friends.

And solve a Simix Sphere.

Oh, and THEN she became a witch. She’s an evil witch, but I’m planning to make her neutral.

Genesis: I feel different. OH, I know! I have a hat now!

Yep, that’s it. /sarcasm

So she tried out her first spell…


I make a little tower for her to keep all her witchiness stuff in. The door is a mysterious bookcase, but after a while

that bugged me so I just made it a door.

Downstairs is her cauldron and the spellbook, which was later moved up.

She still enjoys eating just as much as before.

And then…She goes into labor.

She has…TWIN BOYS. What? No cheats, nothing. I never get natural twins. Except for when I don’t want them. I’m

planning on an alien baby anyway. Gah, you two…

They are twin boys named Irving and Walton.

So I decide it’s time to decorate the nursery!

Here’s a picture of the layout. Fairly small, and girly wallpaper…I need to fix that.

But when I place one of the cribs, it’s glitched and has no bedding. Incidentally, this is Walton’s crib. Which is the

beginning of the saying…Nobody likes Walton.

One baby (Irving) is being cuddled...

Walton’s on the floor.

Nobody likes Walton.

Geez, Gavigan. Give your children nightmares, why don’t you?

Gavigan basically works all day and then comes home, uses the energizer, and stargazes. I try to let him see his

children as much as possible, but we need money! And an abduction!

Later, we adopt this dog. His name is Frankie, after Frankenstein.

The family loves him…

Even if he’s bad sometimes.

Genesis takes him for a walk, but I really wish there was a leash and everything. Gosh, Maxis.

Meanwhile Genesis is still working on being a witch.

“Who’s going first?”

Is it just me, or does the mailman look worried?

It’s okay, he doesn’t bite.

Why do I feel like Genesis enjoys going to work on a broomstick way too much?

I mean really. That does NOT look comfortable.

Frankie! What did you do to that poor dog?

Maybe we should have named him “Stitch”…

*creepy nanny smile*

Unfortunately neither parent was home when Irving grew up…

He grows up with interesting eyebrows and some elvish facial features, but no ears. Darn. He has blond hair and blue



And while Irving is all grown up…

Nobody likes Walton.

Finally, almost a day after his brother grows up, Walton follows suit.

But he’s bald, and wearing a tuxedo.

Nobody likes Walton.

I’m sorry if that seems mean. Walton is actually really sweet, and I love the fact that he has elf ears. But everything bad

in the game seems to happen to him. I don’t plan this stuff.

And I missed the screenshot, but…

An empty telescope in the middle of the night can only mean one thing… Gavigan got abducted.

The two toddlers got bad memories

But Genesis, being a knowledge sim, got a good one.

And that was when my game crashed. Meaning, Gavigan never got abducted. But come back next time and see… Will

Gavigan get abducted again? Will people start liking Walton? What other supernatural creatures can we get?
