The Story Of Two Cups

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Story Of Two Cups


The first cup is known as the Gundestrup Cauldron and

comes from a century or two before Christ,

a time when the Irish worshiped violent pagan gods.

These gods demand human sacrifice to appease their appetite.

The second cup is called the Ardagh Chalice

and comes from the seventh or eighth centuries after Christ

a time when the Irish had turned to Christianity.

this is a cup of peace, designed to be used

in Holy Communion.

As the worshiper lifts it to

their lips they are reminded

that this God does not demand

human sacrifice, but instead sacrifices

Himself for us.


1.Which Cup represent goodness?

2.How did God show goodness to us?3.What is goodness?4.What is the difference between goodness and kindness?

You are good, and what you do is good;

teach me your decreesPsalm 119:68
