The State of Social Media Address: Campaign Results Are In

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Transcript of The State of Social Media Address: Campaign Results Are In

The State of Social Media Address

Results are in! How do you measure your 2016 campaign success?

Sani Nielsen @TheJollyPoly Caz Bevan @AreYouWithCaz

Know Your Audience

Sample Demographics

Facebook Demographics

To review your social media demographics on Facebook:

1. Login to your Facebook Business Page as a page admin

2. Click on the “Insights” tab at top of your Business Page

3. Click on “People” on the left hand side

Facebook Sample

Facebook Sample

Twitter Demographics

To review your social media demographics on Twitter:

1. Login to your Twitter page

2. Then, go to in your browser

3. Click on “Audiences” tab at top of page

Twitter Sample

Google Demographics

To review your social media demographics on Google Analytics:

1. Login to your Google Analytics page at

2. View “Audience” information

3. Click on “Demographics” below “Audience” for greater detail

4. Compare your website visitors to your social media follower demographics

Google Analytics Sample

Review demographics throughout the year & analyze/question/consider any fluctuations.

Analyze Your


Ask Yourself…Howoldismy





Buyer Personas

What is a Buyer Persona?

A fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

Ask Yourself…

How does your current customer base measure

against your ideal audience?

How does your social media audience measure up to your

ideal customer?

How does your website audience measure up to your

social media audience?

Which one represents your ideal customer balance?

The Ideal 2017 Strategy:

Develop and/or refresh your Buyer Personas

What To Look For



18-35 No College

Some College Children



18-24 age In college

No children Unmarried


Followers vs. Visitors

DiscoverVisitors vs.


What more can you learn about

your buyers?

Primarily mobile users

$50,000-$100,000 income

Post-Graduate degree

Enjoys golfing

Test & Test


2017 Strategy:

Fill in the gaps of what you currently know about your audience A/B test your new audience

discoveries to determine what demographic details convert to higher sales

Analyze Your Content

Research Trends

Consider recent trends in the social

media space and how you can adjust your

content strategy.

Trending Now 2017 Strategy:

Create a Live Video Strategy Make Time For Real-Time

Content Become a “Story Teller”

Measure Engagement

Content is crucial for social media marketing. If you have no content, you have nothing to say online. Great content is what resonates with your audience and increases engagement.

Facebook Engagement

To review your social media engagement on Facebook:

1. Login to your Facebook Business Page as a page admin

2. Click on the “Insights” tab at top of your Business Page

3. Click on “Posts” on the left-hand side

Facebook Sample

Facebook Sample

Twitter Engagement

To review your social media engagement on Twitter:

1. Login to your Twitter page

2. Then, go to in your browser

3. Click on “Tweets” tab at top of page

Twitter Sample

Full Engagement


What To Look For

1. Sort your posts by highest engagement rate

2. Compare to discover what your most engaging posts have in common

Ask Yourself

Does it contain a photo?

A link?

Is it a blog post?

Is it a funny post?

How is it worded?

How long was the post?

What hashtags were used most often?

Was the post promoted or advertised at all?


Day of week and time of day that trends most often with your highest engaging posts and utilize that information to test future posts for higher engagement rates.

Analyze Your Clicks


1. Login to Google Analytics at

2. On the left-hand side click on “Acquisition”

3. Then click “Social”

4. Then click “Network Referrals

5. Set your calendar for a variety of views (all of 2016 versus month-to-month analysis)

Here, you’ll see what social networks drive the most traffic to your website.

What?Social Network - what website your visitor came from

Sessions - how many clicks to your website

Pageviews - how many pages on your site were viewed as a result

Avg. Session Duration - how long this audience stays on your website

Pages/Session - average number of pages viewed per session

What To Look For

Amount of time spent on website vs. Pageviews

Carefully consider your top networks that:

1. Drive traffic

2. Drive Pageviews

3. Encourage time on site

4. Compare these results to your social media posts with the highest engagement

Ask Yourself

• How can I change posts in the future to encourage time on site?

• How can I change the pages I am promoting in these posts to encourage more clicks or conversions?

• What is different about the posts that drive traffic from these sites as compared to the other sites?

• Did I advertise for this and are clicks coming from that advertisement or organically?

Utilize this information to allocate your 2017 Social Media Budget. Increase your budget on

social sites that result in more web page activity. These sites are the sites driving brand

awareness, boosting your search value, and increasing conversion rates.

2017 Marketing Checklist Develop and/or refresh your Buyer Personas Fill in the gaps of what you currently know about your

audience A/B test your new audience discoveries to determine

what demographic details convert to higher sales Create a Live Video Strategy Make Time For Real-Time Content Become a “Story Teller” 20/80 Rule Personalization Trend (up 344%) Long-form posts

Start the new year with a clean slate & plan your 2017 strategy with us. We will be discussing Real-Time

content and hacks for optimal social media growth in our January


Sign up today!

Questions?Ask Us:

Sani Nielsen @TheJollyPoly Caz Bevan @AreYouWithCaz