The Spanish Invasion | Created by Potential Ability

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Spanish Invasion | Created by Potential Ability

In the past few years, Spain has become the main source of talent for Israeli teams.

What started as a small wave in 2006 with the signings of David Aganso and Javi Gonzales, has become an outstanding trend, with 8 Spanish footballers making Spain the #1 exporter of players to Israel.

So, what changes have made Israel such an attractive destination for futbolistas?

Tel Maccabito serve as Director of Football for Cruyff JordiThe arrival of was a giant leap of professionalism for Israeli football. 2012 in Aviv

The son of former football legend Johan Cruyff built a Spanish-only

(Which has since been Garcia Oscar Manager by led professional staff, straight 2 Tel Aviv to Maccabi). His team led Paolo Sousareplaced with

championships, while opening the gates to many connections between Spanish and Israeli colleagues.

Cruyff’s arrival also served as a huge “stamp of approval” for many Spanish players considering a move.

A top Israeli agent was the market for Spanish players”, opened Cruyff“

is very strong in Spain, Cruyff“The name quoted saying in a recent article.and if two years ago no Spanish player would have even considered coming to Israel, nowadays a lot of them would seriously consider an interesting offer, even players who play regularly in medium and small teams”.

is also considered to have a part in making Israel professional staff Cruyff’sa desirable location. “They are in constant contact with many people in the Spanish soccer industry”, a source from Maccabi Tel Aviv was quoted saying in that same article. “They say only good things about the life in Israel - especially that it’s a calm & safe place to live in.”

A lot of sources attribute the successful acclamation of Spanish players to the similarity between life in Spain and in Israel.

beach cities by 10 One of the world's top Tel Aviv, which was voted

cities by Lonely three of the world's top One and National Geographic, is most often compared to Barcelona, while Israelis are considered Planet

highly similar in character to people in Spain.

“When I arrived here, all I knew was what I saw on the news. There is no doubt things here are completely different from what I imagined – I’ve already gotten to see most of the country and it is truly amazing”. –

An –The difference between Israel and Spain Christian Hidalgo from “Spaniards” Sakhnin’sinterview with

“Life here are very European. Weather's always good, you can go to the beach and have fun with your family. There are also a ton of restaurants and places to hang out with friends. My wife and daughter are very happy

Juan Pablo Colinas: Life here is just Juan Pablo Colinas from “ –”. wonderful”

“My initial impression of Israel is excellent, and I think Tel Aviv is very

“Carlos Garcia: ‘I want to experience a Carlos Garcia from –beautiful.” fight for a championship and a cup“

“30 grados en pleno febrero no está mal el invierno aquí en haifa!!! ”

Twitter onRayos Ruben

The Spanish football’s “Golden Era” has caused the Spanish player’s reputation to rise substantially.

This has created an increased interest in Spanish players all over the world. Israeli teams also became increasingly interested in Spanish players – Even those without international experience or from the Seguenda division.

Agents like Ronen Katzav, who until then were focused on transferring Israeli players to Spain, saw the opportunity and started using their connections to bring Spanish players to Israel.

The average Spanish player could enjoy a significant upgrade in financial terms if choosing to come to Israel.

Based on official publications and various estimations, the average Spanish player in Israel earns ~€250,000/year, with Ruben Rayos (Top Spanish

. /year on his new contract000,600€raking up Earner)

, 2013/2012Vigo in Celtaregular first team player for Although being a Tunez was set to leave the club at the end of the season.

The Venezuela international started looking for a club that would meet his current contract which was set at £320,000/year, but the highest offers he received were around £120,000/year.

would help Jerusalem, he was able to structure a deal that BeitarBy joining

/year.000,150paying £ Beitar/year contract, with 000,320him maintain his £

• Spain is now the #1 exporter of foreign talent to Israel,

with 8 players currently playing in the Israeli Premier League.

• The main reasons for the rise of the Spanish player are Jordi Cruyff’s arrival, Israel’s similarity to Spain, the rise in the Spanish player’s reputation and the highly competitive wages.

• Israel could be a great upgrade financially: The average Spanish player earns ~ €250,000/year, with Ruben Rayos (Spanish top earner) bringing in €600,000/year.

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