The Social Marketer's Essential Toolkit

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Everyday, tips, tools, apps and best practices fly by in our social feeds, making it challenging to figure out what to invest time in. But there are a few timeless tools you should have in your arsenal that will make your job easier and your results better, even as the latest bells and whistles sail on by

Transcript of The Social Marketer's Essential Toolkit

The Social Marketer’s Essential Toolkit !




Build Your Social Marketing Toolkit

The pace of change in social marketing is lightening speed

Tips, tools, apps and best practices fly by in our social feeds, making it challenging to figure out what to invest time in

After all, there are only so many hours in the day, and if you tested every new tool and read every instructional blog post that crossed your screen, you’d never be able to get your job done


Build Your Social Marketing Toolkit

There are a few timeless tools you should have in your arsenal

These tools have been the stalwarts of the social media practitioner and will make your job easier and your results better, even as the latest bells and whistles sail on by

Social Media Monitoring



Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social media listening and content monitoring go hand-in-hand for social media marketers

They both boil down to being plugged in to the latest happenings in your industry - whether it’s breaking news, popular blogs or social sentiment toward your brand

To keep up with the never-ending stream of content, comments and social media mentions, here’s what you’ll want to have in your arsenal of tools…


Social Media Dashboard

Manage all your social media channels from one main dashboard

Two of the most popular tools in this space are Hootsuite and Buffer

Both allow you to share posts on multiple channels, track likes, shares and mentions, and schedule updates in advance


Content Aggregator


A content aggregator allows you to stay up-to-date on your favourite sites all in one place


Since Google shut down its RSS reader, many RSS enthusiasts have migrated over to Feedly, which aggregates content from RSS feeds and social channels for web browsers, Android and iOS users


Mention Tracker


A comprehensive tool like Mention makes it possible to track and respond to mentions in real time

Keep track of what others are saying about your brand by signing up to receive alerts whenever someone mentions your chosen keywords online


Influence Tracker

Numerous tools exist to help you identify and engage with your influencers. Klout applies a score out of 100, while Traacker and Little Bird offer identification and monitoring tools for your influencer stream

Tapping into the power of social media influencers has become a key part of an online marketer’s strategy. But before you can engage and collaborate with your influencers, you have to know who they are

Content Creation



Content Creation Tools

Content marketing has become one of the most powerful ways to attract an audience in the social media space

Pull them in with free insights and resources, and watch them convert to paying customers

These tools will help you create compelling and beautiful content that generates attention and drives leads…


Document Editing

When an idea hits, you’ll want to be able to capture it no matter where you are

You’ll need the ability to write or edit on any device, in any location, and maybe even collaborate on it with a team

Storing your content in the cloud makes this easy. Try Google Drive to create cloud-based documents, and Dropbox or Copy to share content that’s too large for e-mail


Image Editing

Images are key to great content, but you don’t have to have professional images, as long as you can do basic touch ups and enhancements

Numerous online editing tools allow you to make average images better, create collages or put together illustrated quotes and infographics

Try PicMonkey for editing and collages and Easely for creating infographics


Keyword Research

Hyper-optimization of content around specific keywords is a thing of the past, but keyword research is still an effective way to brainstorm content ideas

Ubersuggest takes a base short-tail keyword, (such as “red sneakers”,) and makes long-tail keyword suggestions based on what people are actually searching for

If you have an account, Google Adwords also includes helpful keyword research tools

Results Measurement



Results Measurement Tools

The beauty of working in the digital space to drive leads, increase engagement and boost conversions is that all of your efforts are measurable, so you can figure exact what works and what doesn’t

These tools will help you capture and contextualize the key metrics you need to regularly measure your results…


Analytics Tracking


There’s no better free tool than Google Analytics for website and campaign traffic, and as such, it is accepted by most as the industry standard

Many social media channels have built-in tracking tools that are also useful (for example, Facebook Insights)

Measuring your results is critical to effective social marketing, and allows you to see what’s working and what isn’t so that you can tweak as you go


Lead Tracking

If your focus is inbound marketing, you’ll want to want to be able to see where your leads are coming from - whether it’s a specific blog post, a PPC ad or a social promotion

Lead tracking tools like KISS Metrics and Marketo are invaluable for this




SurveyMonkey is a great tool with a wide range of solutions based on your budget and organization size

Use surveys to gauge customer sentiment toward your product or service, gain insight into your website experience, or simply ask questions

Inbound Marketing



Inbound Marketing Tools

Driving in-bound leads require a multi-channel approach to building out your sales funnel.

And when you’re constantly feeding those channels with content, offers, ads and promotions, you need to be able to see which ones are converting. These tools will help you track and measure your efforts…


The Swiss Army Knife


An all-encompassing solution such as Moz Analytics can help you monitor inbound marketing efforts

Moz offers link profile analysis, technical website analysis and social media monitoring and outreach tools, among other things

As many aspects of inbound marketing often intersect, using multiple tools can be expensive and difficult to manage


E-mail Campaigns


Cloud-based mail management tools like Mailchimp make it easy to manage your lists, create custom templates and monitor your key metrics

Setting up and sending out e-mail campaigns is still an important part of the marketing mix


Link Profile Analysis


A platform such as ahrefs will show you a complete overview of backlinks to your website, and gives you the opportunity to do the same for any other website as well

An important aspect of the search engine ranking aspect of inbound marketing is your website’s link profile, otherwise known as the websites that link back to yours


Rank Tracking


Authority Labs is a great service for this purpose

Although your website’s ranking in search results is less relevant in real terms than the actual traffic you are receiving, search ranking can be an important metric to track the efficacy of inbound marketing tactics


Social Promotions


A SaaS platform that is flexible, customizable and works across multiple channels will allow you to launch your promotion quickly, engage your influencers, collect data and build relationships

Sweepstakes and contests are excellent ways to build your list and engage and reward your customers, but can take time to build from scratch

Strutta’s social promotions platform is the leading SaaS solution for powering promotions that get results

We can help you get your contest or sweepstakes

launched quickly! Our social promotions platform

makes getting results easy



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