The Skeleton And Joints Wk3

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The Skeleton And Joints Wk3

The Skeleton and JointsWhat the skeleton does

The SkeletonThe skeleton is the basic framework of the body. It has

four major functions:1. Shape2. Movement3. Protection4. Blood productionIt is important to remember that the body has other

systems that support and enhance these functions as well.

The four major functions have a direct affect on how well or how much physical activity you can do.

Shape and Support

Without its rigid skeleton the body would have nothing to support its self on. It is the skeleton that gives each of us our own unique shape and frame.

The skeleton also determines size. Taller people will have longer bones then shorter people. Sturdiness (thickness of bones) can also effect people often determining overall body weight.

MovementSo how does the skeleton move?• Each joint has muscles either side of it, as these

muscles contract (get smaller) they allow the joint to perform the movement required by the body.

• This kind of movement is called articulation.• Its not just the joints that are important when moving

the skeleton also provides a base for the muscles to attach.

• Without this the muscles could not move and physical activity would be limited

Range of movement

Greatest Range of Movement• Shoulder• Elbow• Wrist• Hip• Knee• Ankle

Green = Upper Body

Red = Lower Body

Range of movement

Smaller Range of Movement

• Hands

• Neck

• Spine

• Feet

Green = Upper Body

Red = Lower Body


The skeleton also fulfils a very important role in protecting the vital soft tissue organs of the body. Most important are:

1. Rib Cage: protects the heart and lungs.

2. Pelvic Girdle: protects the abdomen

3. Spinal Column: protects the spinal chord

4. Skull : protects the brain

Blood production

• The body makes blood in the bone marrow• Blood contains both red and white blood cells• The red blood cells carry oxygen to muscles,

which they need in order to work• The white blood cells fight infection in the



Types of bones• There are over 200 bones in the body• There are over 100 joints in the body

Bones are divided into four main types:1. Flat bones: the scapula, sternum, cranium, pelvis

and the ribs.2. Irregular bones: the vertebrae, patella.3. Long Bones: bones in arms (humerus) and legs

(femur).4. Short bones: carpals and tarsals.

Flat Bones

• Flat bones and irregular bones are usually protective bones.

• The skull, ribs and pelvis protect vital organs.

Irregular bones

• Bones that are not the same shape as each other.• The vertebrae bones and patella are good examples.

Long Bones• Long bones are the levers where the

movement in the body takes place.The arm contains three:1. Humerus2. Radius3. UlnaThe leg also has three:1. Femur2. Tibia3. Fibula


1. Label as many bones as you know on the skeleton.

2. State next to each bone whether they are a long bones (L), irregular bone (I) or flat bone (F).

3. Work in pairs to label the rest of the skeleton.

Joints of the Human Body