The Simple Plan

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Transcript of The Simple Plan

The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –


The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –



“The Simple Plan” is designed to teach the 12 Step Program of recovery in a straightforward and direct manner. There is no explanation of what God’s Will is or how to practice it. There is no guidance on how to do “the next right thing.” We are told to take action. What action should we take? Many AA meetings end with a group recitation of the “Lord's Prayer” (also known as the “Our Father.”) We pray for thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. What does this mean? What is God’s Will? “The Simple Plan” provides us with the answer. “The Right Side of the page” (6th

Step, Page 2) lists Universal Spiritual Principles. These principles provide us with direction so we can take action to heal and begin immediately to bring about the change we seek in recovery. Many of the spiritual principles are "universal" and do not require believing in a personal God or praying to Him in order to practice the principles. These spiritual principles or values have been vigorously discussed for many years as providing a "design for living." We can simply substitute Good Orderly Direction for every reference to “GOD” in the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.” “The Simple Plan” provides clear direction on how to begin to change your life and live in contented sobriety. By moving from the Inherent Character Defects on the “left side of the page” to the Spiritual Virtues on the “right side of the page,” we begin the process of Spiritual Growth that leads us to the Spiritual Awakening sufficient to bring about recovery described in the appendix of the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.”

The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

We continue to find ourselves on the left side of the page since these characteristics are found in every human being. How we choose to either respond with a left-sided re-action or choose to pause and redirect our attitudes, values, and pro-action is our choice.

The heart of “The Simple Plan” is found in the 6th Step, Page 2. On the left side of this page are listed the inherent and instinctive reactions that all humans are born with. These emotions are reactions to life. These negative emotions and reactions are responsible for all hell mankind had created on earth. On the right side of the page are the spiritual principles or virtues that we should follow. We find a positive spiritual solution directly across from each negative reaction or emotion. These are referred to throughout the text as “the left and right side of the page.” The author has listed the universal spiritual principles of the great religions and the principles referred to in AA, by pausing when experiencing any of the left-sided emotions and redirecting our thoughts, attitudes, and actions to the right side of the page, a new way of living begins. There is a design for dying- it is called Addiction. There is also a design for living- it is called Recovery. The key is to bring our best character (on the right side of the page) to every moment to the best of our ability for the rest of our lives. By doing so, we enrich our own lives and become blessings to those around us. “The Simple Plan” shows us the design for living a gifted life. The questions on the 4th Step (Pages 6 & 7) about the “spirit of resentment” gives us a better understanding of how resentment tricks us into thinking we were right when we couldn’t be more wrong. It helps us see how our ego was responsible for the problems we created for ourselves. This book is designed to provide clear, concise, and simple instructions to help anyone recover from the disease of addiction and lead happy, sober, and productive lives. Sponsors use this book every day to take newcomers through the 12 Steps. We are his students and we have been privileged to help him teach what he has taught us. We are excited that this book will be available to all who want to transform their lives and discover a new way of living.

The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

1st Step

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our lives had become unmanageable”

The vital principle of the 1st Step is “Honesty.” Understanding the problem prevents ignorance and belligerent denial,

two great enemies of recovery.

WE, the first 100 low bottom drunks, have recorded precisely a method and simple plan of action to recover. We started with 2, became 100 and now number in millions. Originally, there was a 75% success rate for those seeking sobriety. ADMITTED our use of (you name the alcohol and/or drug) had defeated us and reduced us to a state of complete hopelessness. Many of us with insurmountable problems wished for or were on the brink of death. WE, who surrendered absolutely to this designed treatment, now enjoy new freedoms and happiness. We have regained purposeful and productive lives. WERE guaranteed with our addiction we would end up in jails, institutions, and ultimately the morgue or worse. Often, we were the last to see this but it had been obvious to others. POWERLESS and fooled, we thought to control our addiction was a matter of self-will. Quitting was never a problem; we had done that many times. Staying clean and enjoying “living sober” is the real problem. OVER a misunderstanding, we didn’t realize that our reaction to alcohol was totally different than a social drinker (1st Step, Page 3.) We had an allergy called: “Dipsomania.” Alcohol is the only drug that activates all neurotransmitters leading to an obsession in addiction. 1st Step - Page 1

The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

1st Step

ALCOHOL is a toxic, depressant drug that can be used safely by non-allergic people who can stop with ease; but anyone who has the allergy or is an addict absolutely can’t. For addicts, where no allergy for alcohol exists, the receptor for their drug of choice is lit just enough to set up a craving for more. Drinking alcohol simply leads you back to your drug of choice. Has this been anyone’s experience?

THAT if we were struggling with our addiction, we lost. Struggle now means simply we are not taking the Steps to recover. Please don’t deceive yourself.

OUR ability to take all the necessary action to recover required us to concede to our innermost self that we were completely defeated, here and now.

LIVES and stories of others clearly show us that “the worse” was yet to come if we continue in addiction.

HAD reached an unbearable state of disillusionment. We could no longer be deluded by dishonest denial.

BECOME ready to honestly see the truth that our addictions must be treated. For us, all the horrible endings that we had heard of were in the form of “yet to be.”

UNMANAGEABLE: Be honest with yourself, how’s your way worked so far?

Regretting all the harm your addiction has caused is understandable. However, resenting yourself means you are using the

#1 reason for relapse upon yourself!

Do you now concede to your innermost self that your addiction has and/or will completely defeat you? In other words, are you 100% sure?

Yes __ No __

Note: Readings for the 1st Step should include AA’s Big Book, “The Doctors Opinion” and “Bill’s Story”

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1st Step

Let’s Look at the Human Reaction to Alcohol Normal Effect: enzyme signaled Abnormal: no enzyme causing allergy 9 out of 10 people 1 out of 10 people As soon as alcohol enters the bloodstream this effect happens:

Drinks to be social Brings on a memory of ease & comfort Brain signals slow down Brain signals speed up Doesn’t like, feels out of control Likes, feels in control The Idea of more creates nausea “Let’s party” Stops with ease Drinks until something stops them; Pass-out, black-out, run-out Maintains low tolerance Develops a high tolerance Avoids excess Mostly excessive; alcoholism Drinks and quits with ease Can never safely drink

Do you have a normal or abnormal response to alcohol? Does your drinking (drugging) fit the definition? Did you know if you’re an addict without the allergy you still can't drink?

If you understand what has been presented up till now, then you will also understand what powerlessness is and the need for a power greater than yourself. Self-management can’t work.

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1st Step

Were we designed to kill ourselves with addiction and

wreck everyone’s lives we were intended to love?

Yes __ No __

When we answered the above question, “No,” we were actually saying “Yes,” there is a Design for Life.

We will learn how our troubles are always connected with non-adherence

to this Design.

Addiction is in defiance of our Intended Design, yet a natural consequence of our Inherent Nature.

For the Addictive Personality, we overindulged with more and got less.

Satisfying the addictive-self is impossible because by its very nature it

cannot be satisfied.

Lacking a connection to our Intended Design, we unnaturally felt less than.

Misunderstanding this, we tried to fill this void with a person, place, or thing.

The harder we tried to satisfy ourselves the more we proved our lack of

being fulfilled outside our Intended Design. This only increased our anxiety.

Alcohol, a depressant drug, reduces the feeling of anxiety and conscious

awareness. By practicing the 12 Steps we gain a 6th Sense and a whole new dimension of Character for Living.

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1st Step

We alcoholics and/or drug addicts stuffed those nagging feelings of the “morning after the night before” deep within us by trying to deny or avoid the Truth.

Another major block is the defiant nature of stubbornness. We struggled with fierce determination to make our way work only to prove it can’t or won’t work.

Often rebelling against authority in being told what to do, we bond to failing self-will.

Being addictive, we try to fix our feelings, rather than our problems.

Avoiding problems, rather than facing them, they naturally worsen.

Fear, a by-product of self-reliance’s failure, sets up “Fight or Flight”


Restless, irritable, and discontent, we think our problem is one of management.

We will never fix our problems with the same consciousness that created


We can develop a “6th Sense” known as a “Spiritual Awakening.”

A Principle-Based Intuitive Knowing is the goal of the program. Are you willing to believe your way “DOES NOT” and “WILL NOT” work, and that another way could?

Yes __ No__

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1st Step


“Smash Technique” Example:

“I don’t believe we were designed to kill ourselves. Yet, at the bottom of my addiction, my depression was at such a level, suicide seemed my only solution. Now every time a using thought appears, I simply say, oh, ya, give me some of that stuff that makes me want to shoot myself in the head! After smashing the thought, I go to an AA meeting and tell on myself for two reasons: 1. To reinforce my “Smash Technique” and 2. To help someone who hasn’t heard of the “Smash Technique” develop their own.” (Anonymous)

Now, before proceeding to the 2nd Step develop your own “Smash Technique.” Every thought to drink or drug must be dismissed otherwise it is retained in another part of your brain as a good idea looking for ways to be fulfilled. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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2nd STEP

“Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”

The vital principle of the 2nd Step needed for recovery is “Hope” gained through open-mindedness. The bitter enemies of hope are

prejudice and contempt prior to investigation.

As our denial system fails, death appears as a solution

CAME here because our addiction had beaten us into a state of submission. We were self-reliant and closed-minded prior to this beating. TO realize, without “help” we are powerless and hopeless. We managed to open our minds to new thoughts and ideas. We defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” BELIEVE in the “Recovery Steps Power” since we have millions of sober and/or clean examples. Our lack of belief and power could only come from contempt prior to investigation. THAT because we have a new level of honesty, now “open-mindedness” would be our entrance fee to work toward a sensible way of life. A doorway to hope and sanity just opened and all we have to be is willing to enter. POWER working with another recovered person, who had completed all 12 Steps, made our journey through them “simpler,” but not necessarily easier. We were promised that a complete “psychic change” would take place by the 10th Step. GREATER it would be to learn to live by the practice of principles as we accomplished each step. Our emotions and personalities would become secondary. Much greater….

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2nd Step

…. THAN overreacting, you learn and practice a new awareness that turns problems of resentment into serenity gains by simply pausing until the next right action is clear. OURSELVES, aided by the fellowship and a willingness to accept new ideas, could make it through early sobriety provided we didn’t fall back into using resentment against ourselves. COULD experience a roller coaster of feelings as suppressed emotions come up for review. Using all the tools of the program we awaken with a new calmness deep within. RESTORE our lives with hope and the willingness to practice proven serenity principles. US, or any person who had been hopelessly doomed by addiction, now become able to learn and practice new freedom. This freedom helps us amend damaged relationships and brings sobriety to fulfillment with gratitude and joy. TO all who have suffered the ravages of addiction, we can trust that today there are millions who have been restored from addiction’s awful failings to a contented sober life. SANITY will begin with a simple decision to practice a proven program of action that smashes all obsession to use.

Will you now choose to join the millions of successes over addiction?

Decision Time – Are you ready to:

Stay lost in your addiction’s design for death? Yes __ No __

Join those who are practicing the design for life? Yes __ No __

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2nd Step



● Our “Thoughts” determine our “Actions.”

● Our “Actions” determine our “Habits.”

● Our “Habits” determine our “Character.”

● Our “Character” determines our “Destiny.”

“Our character will be the only thing we take from this world”

● We have a “Step by Step” method of practice. We call this development a complete “psychic change,” in the form of a spiritual awakening (slowly developing over time with practice) or a spiritual experience (sudden drastic change usually those folks who couldn’t get it any other way and desperately surrender.)

● Our character improvement will be a result of identifying and removing

Inherent self-will Character Defects and replacing them with the Right Principles of recovery. This converts problems of resentment into growth opportunities as we take the action of the Steps and incorporate them into our lives.

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The true insignificance of one particle (your will) To the total scheme of the universe.

“THE SIMPLE PLAN” all rights reserved. May be duplicated in full or in part for personal use, enlightenment, and the sole purpose of education as an instrument for intervention, recovery, institutional programs, and public forums.

The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

3rd Step

“Made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the

care of God as we understood him”

The vital principles of the 3rd Step are the

“Willingness” to Believe, Practice The Proven Steps of Recovery and “Faith” will follow.

MADE a commitment to understanding how our misuse of “self-will” blocked us from enjoying a sober life. We are plagued by a black hole of insecurity. Our use was just its symptom. Most speakers confirm this with words like, “I felt less than,” “not a part of,” “full of anxiety,” “restless,” etc.

A resolution is needed to become teachable and set aside old worldly ideas until we grasp principle-based thinking. When we reach the 10th Step, the use of our will is returned.

DECISION; Die in addiction or find a better design for life. Find sobriety and live free by what is known as the development of the 6th Sense in the 4th Dimension.

TO combine this attitude of discovery, with the action of Steps 4 through 12, guarantees recovery and gives us the means for the proper use of will.

TURN from an ego-driven, self-directed life that could only end in early death or worse.

OUR allergy to alcohol (Dipsomania) is not treatable, but the subconscious obsession to use is if recognized and smashed every time it shows up.

WILL isn’t free. In a sense, it should be called expensive, as it costs the alcoholics and addicts among us everything worthwhile. The liabilities of self-directed Character Defects will have to become objectionable to have lasting sobriety.

AND in our effort to run the whole show, we’ve proven we’re not the proper designers because we produce confusion which creates resentment rather than harmony.

LIVES lived apart from our Intended Design always fail, resulting in relapse. We have a Step-by-Step Design for living sober that works!

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3rd Step

OVER this resolution a complete change in attitude will “humbly” be redirected to a principle-based realm. We will learn to trust this direction by the calmness and joy it brings. TO know and understand serenity with a new perception of consciousness that guides us through life intuitively by simply knowing when to pause or to take action. THE decision will only be as good as the steps we climb and the principles we learn and practice. CARE must be taken to become honest with ourselves and the results will develop our trust and faith. OF all the things worth having in life, our faith in the recovery plan will prove to be the greatest. GOD, as the designer and proper director of all life, wants us to take it a Step at a time to help us recover our lives. AS we are the only living creatures who have any choice in the design we follow, we desperately need to find a new direction for life. WE believers, agnostics, and even atheists, have to be “willing” to see for ourselves that our former plan, the self-centered addictive plan, leads only to futility and ultimately death or worse. UNDERSTOOD (in the 10th Step) the proper use of will is now defined through principles. HIM, a loving and forgiving being, who has provided through “synchronicity” a promised way out for us to follow “daily” and protect us from relapse.

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3rd Step Note: “Will” is our way of thinking. It directs our “Actions,” that develop our “Habits,” that develop our “Character,” that becomes and drives our “Lives” and “Destiny.” To fulfill this decision, we started by answering this question as honestly as possible in the 2nd Step: Has your way worked so far in keeping you clean and sober?

Yes __ No __

In the 3rd Step, don’t stumble on the word GOD, or in giving a name to this Higher Power so early in your recovery process. We suggest and ask that you simply reserve naming your Higher Power until you reach the 11th Step. This will keep you open-minded. Our experience tells us what name you choose isn’t that important and it could change. We know, as our perception changes. While you work your way toward the 11th Step, it is sufficient to realize there is a “power greater than you” and you lack the power to live sober on your own free (“costly”) will. Remember if you’re struggling with sobriety, it usually means you are closing your mind to new ideas and/or becoming complacent with your current gains. Remain open-minded, teachable, and keep moving through the Steps and you will continually receive better results. This is not a race and there is no finish line. This is a lifetime plan of action with promised results. If you decide you want what we are offering, we request you work Steps 4 through 12 with an earnest commitment and the help of someone who has been through them before.

Are you willing to go any length to recover?

Yes ___ No ___

Are you committed to being Honest, Open-Minded, and Willing (HOW?) Yes ___ No ___

If you said “Yes,” to both questions, you are ready to discover how to inventory and incorporate morality into daily practice!

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The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

3rd Step

Finding the “WOW” in Recovery By living in the NOW!!

WOW! A word that is always connected to design. When you see a really neat car we say, “Wow!” We are “Wowing” at the design. If we see a beautiful sunset we say, “Wow!” We are “Wowing” at the design, and since there is a design, there is a designer. In creation, there is a Creator. I have no idea of what the Creator is but I am in awe of creation and design which makes the Creator awesome! Whenever we do something that creates a “WOW!” effect, that “WOW!” is a plus to what we have done. Imagine creating the universe and no one going, “WOW!” I believe we were created for that effect. We were designed to have “WOW!” lives with the possibility of experiencing all the “WOW’s!” that exist forever. In addiction, we reach the point that instead of experiencing a life we were on a course for death. Since recovering 22 years ago, I’ve had a “WOW!” life. Today, with a book called: “The Simple Plan” I help people who were doomed, discover a new way of life. The other day while working with a guy for the first time, he said the word, “WOW” nine times in one hour. He went from feeling helplessly doomed to being excited about recovery. This is amazingly simple, yet profound. With the understanding and development of a “6th Sense,” we move from total doomed to principles of “WOW” which may last for eternity. Since Character is definable, then wrong character or wrong reacting, become the very thing that we use to improve, often referred to as a complete “Psychic Change.” Simply learning to move from hateful to grateful.

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The Simple Plan - 2020 Edition –

4th Step

“Made a Searching and Fearless Moral Inventory

of Ourselves”

The vital principles of the 4th Step are “Courage” and to discover the “Truth.” When we discover the right principles and practice them, we are set free from our

addiction. This is perhaps the most misunderstood Step. Many people do an “Immoral Inventory” by identifying their guilt and shame for the things they had

done which locked them into their use of alcohol and/or drugs for relief.

We must identify the exact Characteristics of our addiction if we are to practice a better way to live.

MADE an appointment “immediately” to find the help we need to learn what a moral inventory is and the easiest way to conduct a moral inventory. Certainly, we must understand the nature of resentment which has been identified as the number one cause for relapse. Our addiction also feeds on fear and anger. Recovery is the ability to find the character or courage to stand up with the principles proven to work. A spiritual illness manifested as “resentment” resulting in “fear” must be looked at with a new and objective vision. Identifying the use of selfish Character Defects becomes our greatest asset for assuring our sobriety. SEARCHING for a better response to life we try to find someone who could keep it simple; rather than complicating and compounding problems. Solutions are needed to be found in order to find our avenue to serenity. We strongly recommend that you do not complete the inventory alone, as you might stop short. AND we would like you to know, that the best way to prevent relapse is to learn how to identify and get rid of resentment. Therefore, you need help from someone who understands “The Simple Plan” for achieving this goal. FEARLESS is a state of mind in which courage overrides resentment and fear. If you care to use prayer, the recommended way to find courage is to ask for courage. Before learning the inventory procedure, we exercised fear, anger, and resentment, which built up and dominated our life with the power to kill us.

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4th Step

MORAL simply means learning a daily practice of principles proven to reverse wrong reactions. It’s clear that we need to be free of fear, anger, and resentment; otherwise, we will simply repeat the same mistakes over and over. INVENTORY in business allows removing, objectively and without prejudice, the liabilities of overstocked and non-saleable goods. Any business that doesn’t regularly do this goes out of business. OF this business called Life if we don’t learn and practice removing the liabilities of fear, anger, and resentment, then we die from the lack of truth and we will be dead wrong or suffering from living counter to our Design. OURSELVES and this practice will now make the things that bothered us most in the past become the very things we use to gain the assets of “serenity” which are “courage” and “wisdom.” Disappointing expectations are “premeditated resentments.”

How many people do you “resent” when they are doing what you want?

ANSWER: “ZERO” Are you ready to discover the “truth” for a sober life?

Yes ___ No ___

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4th Step

Remember our Journey has a goal called: “Recovery”

We believe the true measure of your recovery will be your ability to learn and practice all the Steps. Athletes who become professionals are not changing the basics, but practicing them until they become so good at their basic skills, that those skills become second nature, and then are outstanding. Learning the basics and practicing all 12 Steps offers promised results. We are not here to try to make you professionals, but rather introduce you to the basics. It’s up to you to develop your own lifetime practice of working the Steps so you will enjoy emotional sobriety with serenity and purpose. The true value of any business is measured by their “assets” minus their “liabilities.” The true value of a human is measured by their character assets minus their character liabilities (defects.) Steps 4 through 9 will provide us with the tools to build a new life of sobriety. So, the quicker we start assessing the true inventory of ourselves, the better chance we have for recovery. The main goal of the inventory process is to teach us to see our part in the problems we created (which we then can fix in a later Step.) For many of us, this will be our first attempt to achieve sobriety. The basic nature of resentment is to NOT achieve sobriety. After learning the inventory process, many of us have stopped having many of those problems which caused us to use alcohol and/or drugs in the first place. Understanding the exact nature of resentment unlocks the mystery of relapse. Measuring the Character used in resentment and avoiding making matters worse becomes the doorway to serenity. Instead of being hateful, we become grateful! We now have a solution that removes resentment from the trigger mechanism of use.

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4th Step

Character Assessment

The number one problem in maintaining recovery is overcoming the number one reason for relapse, “Resentment.” Addiction and Resentment have a parallel nature. The great ability to fool: In Resentment, we amplify Character Defects and feel right or justified. In Relapse, we are fooled into justification by turning down our reactive feelings. We then end up resenting ourselves and the disease elevates the wrong. Take stock of how many of these Natural Reactions have been increased and elevated in your addiction. The more there are the higher the percentage rate is for relapse. Score your Natural Reactions on a scale of 1 – 10: Prior To Using alcohol and/or drugs (PTU = 1) and, at your worst, the Bottom Of your Addiction (BOA = 10):

Prior to Use = PTU Bottom of Addiction = BOA


__ Aggravation __ __ Humiliation __ __ Anger __ __ Impatience __ __ Anxiety __ __ Inconsiderate __ __ Bothered __ __ Intolerance __ __ Condemnation __ __ Judgmental __ __ Contriteness __ __ Laziness __ __ Cowardly __ __ Loneliness __ __ Cynical __ __ Lustful __ __ Deceitful __ __ Offensive __ __ Denial __ __ Overactive __ __ Disbelieving __ __ Panic __ __ Dishonesty __ __ Procrastination __ __ Dislike __ __ Provoked __ __ Dismay __ __ Resentment __ __ Disturbed __ __ Resistant __ __ Doubt __ __ Revengeful __ __ Dread __ __ Self-Centered __ __ Fear __ __ Unwillingness __

Alcohol is a depressant drug with a diminishing return. The insanity of addiction is we have to increase these Inherent Character Defects to keep an illusion of relief. Feeling relieved we spiral downward. That’s why every relapse story includes a new and lower bottom with an elevation of our Character Defects. We are no longer drinking for a “high” we are now drinking to relieve a new “low.”

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Self ASSETS To Strive For



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4th STEP

How the “Spirit of Resentment” Defends and Protects the “Ego Nature”

If you’re struggling with resentment, try an inventory and admission with the following:

● Seeing the wrong and the ability to feel more right is the illusion of resentment.

● Resentment can be offensive or defensive and almost always is accompanied by hurt

feelings, feelings of superiority, or a victim status of self-pity.

● Hurt feelings produce a heightened reach for a pleasured stimulus of relief. We have now set into motion failing to feel better, which is the insanity of our disease.

● Each replay reinforces a cycle of hurt and pleasure, THIS is our image of life.

● Greater is the awareness for seeing wrong in others and missing it in ourselves is the result.

● It now takes half the fault to produce twice the reaction known as a “Conditioned Reflex,” forming a habit and projecting outcomes before they even happen.

● A love-hate relationship is now set in motion, what we call “emotion.”

● In our Ego-motion our feelings are now fluctuating from “superior” to ”inferior.”

● Secretly, we judge each other, producing relief and the belief as being right relative to a perceived wrong.

● Stealing, lying, cheating, or any misbehavior, can feel justified with a rebellious

feeling of superiority.

● Always looking for fault, we become good at finding fault.

● If guilt and shame set in, we give and give to those we secretly hate or resent.

● We call this “Enslavement Servitude,” and we puff up with a feeling of nobility.

● All the above behavior has “Ego” in charge. We’re selfish and self-centered, but we don’t think so.

● How often do you use these Obvious Ego Defense Statements “YEAH BUT” and “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND.”

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4th STEP

“The Ego is Seldom Objective to Fear, Anger, and Resentment”

● What Character Defects are either connected to or associated with your


● Character Defects are “natural” byproducts of fear and self-reliance.

● Fear on its own is the absence of faith in reliable principles.

● Fear will always accompany resentment, and will only strengthen “fight or flight” reflexes.

● How often are you reacting with resentment and how much time are you

spending at resenting?

● Are you more likely to have resentments with strangers or loved ones?

● Disappointment always includes an appointment. Did you expect more than you received?

● Did you make that clear, or are you resenting something you didn’t express?

● Are doubt and fear the aftermath of your resentments?

● Do you end up “resenting” yourself for “resenting?”

● How many times are you angry or resentful at someone doing what you want?

● Are you able to see that your resentments have more to do with a control issue or selfishness?

● Are you not getting what you think you should?

● Is this self-centered behavior and is it reinforcing a false sense of worth or an inflated ego?

● Is self-centered behavior a form of playing “GOD” or being fooled by the devil?

● Is that something you should be sorry for or proud of?

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5th STEP

“Admitted to God, ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs”

The vital principle of the 5th Step is restoring “Integrity.” Freedom with gratitude and useful service are the rewards.

ADMITTED that a life based on self-will is full of Character Defects. They block us from understanding and contented sobriety. TO openly and honestly share our past behaviors with another person discussing the elevated character traits that have plagued our lives. The objective is to see how increasing the wrong reactions only contributed to the chaotic side of life that trigger a relapse. GOD could and would direct a life that was willing to face and live with the truth. He has synchronized the Steps so that all the negatives that cause guilt and shame turn to positive use. OURSELVES owning up, without excuse, now see the root cause. Our self-will character had run riot. A revolutionary method of change in character is unfolding. AND this new method of inventory and admission would be used whenever or wherever resentment and fear cropped up. This would keep our side of the street clean. TO see the truth in seeing our part and be willing to change is a freeing experience. ANOTHER, who has gone through this process helps us learn that they have committed the same and often worse offenses. We find out selfishness and wrong character traits are inherent in human beings. We were not as unique as we thought. HUMAN power should be used now to develop a vital “6th Sense” of the actual character being used in resentment. We can’t use a Character Defect to be Right.

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5th STEP

BEING willing to face our past without excuse, assures a promising future. THE guilt and shame, which plagued us, robbed us of hope and had been a major block from having a conscious relationship with our Creator begins to vanish. EXACT Character Defects and causes of all our “problems” are becoming clear. NATURE had tricked us with our own self-importance. Our new understanding of the flaws of the past made for a promising future. OF all our problems selfishness, self-centeredness, dishonesty, and arrogance were the root causes of our misery which fueled our addiction. OUR worst enemies, the guilt and shame from our past mistakes, are no longer blocking us from living happy, joyous, and free. WRONGS and their effects provide us with a dose of “humility.” We should be absolutely convinced that selfishness had us living counter to our Intended Design. The Character Defects in resentment served as the root of our “trigger mechanism” of addiction. They “must” become “clear and objectionable” to us if we are going to recover.

Note: From AA’s Big Book, Read Page 75, 3rd Paragraph, Lines: 1-12

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5th STEP

Review of the First Five Steps

1st Step: Admit means without denial or excuse - identify the problem.

● Definition of an Alcoholic or Addict: When you really want to quit you can’t and once you start, you have little or no control over the amount you use.

● Is this a description of your use? Yes __ No __

● How has your way worked so far? Yes __ No __

● Do you admit that your addiction is a disease? Yes __ No __

● Are you mad or resentful at yourself for having the disease? Yes __ No __ (If “Yes,”

you are using the number one reason for relapse!)

● Do you have the power to beat it on your own? Yes __ No __

● Are there any doubts about the awful effects of being addicted to drinking and/or drugging? Yes __ No __

● Are you absolutely convinced that you are not going to quit drinking and/or drugging

unless you develop and practice the principles of recovery? Yes __ No __

● Have you absolutely developed your “Smash Technique?” If so, are you committed

to using it in your defense against any type of relapse? Yes __ No __

2nd Step: Identify the Solution.

● Are you ready to develop and practice a proven recovery design?

● Are the fellowship and meetings the treatment for addiction? Yes __ No__

● Is a daily practice of the principles presented in the 12 Steps the treatment for the disease? Yes __ No __

● A Complete Psychic Change of the mind is required to overcome the “trigger to use.”

● Relapses have to do with NOT completing the Steps and/or becoming complacent and

giving up the daily practice of recovery techniques. 5th Step - Page 3

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5th STEP

Review of the First Five Steps

3rd Step: A decision is only as good as the action we take and practice we apply.

● Learn to drop old ideas and the prejudice they formed.

● Set aside closed-mindedness and contempt prior to investigation.

● Make and follow through on the decision to go to any length to recover.

● Understand the three Essentials of recovery Honesty, Open-Mindedness, and Willingness.

4th Step: Inventory, often for the first time, we see our part in all our troubles.

● Finding the root cause as being selfish, self-centered, inconsiderate, and dishonest, as well as the increase of Character Defects.

● The above characteristics are also known as “the bondage of self” and

liabilities of recovery.

● Can you be reacting in resentment and not have these characteristics? Yes __ No __

● Is fear a characteristic of self-reliance’s failure? Yes __ No __

● Do guilt and shame act as a block to recovery? Yes __ No __

● In recovery, we move from the liability side to the asset side.

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5th STEP

Review of the First Five Steps

5th Step: Admission by you to God and another human being.

● Did you play a bigger part in your troubles than you thought? Yes __ No__

● Have you skipped anything in your inventory? Yes __ No __

● Are you willing to make things right wherever possible? Yes __ No __

● Can you see that a life based solely on self-will is bound to fail? Yes __ No__

● Are you willing to continue to use this inventory process on any new resentments or fears? Yes __ No __

● Do you know yourself better and are you ready to take the next Step to learn to

live better? Yes __ No __

● As we take the rest of the Steps will these Character Defects be converted to

assets? Yes __ No __

Our Destiny is based on the development of the “6th Sense” by

identifying character liabilities and converting them into assets that will work here and last forever. (Referred to in AA’s Big Book as The Development of the 6th Sense in the 4th Dimension)

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6th Step

“Were entirely ready to have God remove all these Defects of Character”

The vital principle of the 6th Step is the “Willingness” To have all the Character Defects become Objectionable to us.

WERE taking responsibility by using a list of Character Defects to identify our need to change the things we can. ENTIRELY willing to do the next right thing, especially when we find ourselves on the left side of the page. READY once and for all, to be saved from “the bondage of self.” TO become “proactive” by living in the “NOW,” the only time frame in which our Higher Power is present and in which change can take place. HAVE an understanding of our part in any wrong and be willing to ask for co-operation with the right side virtues. GOD graciously does for us what we haven’t been able to do for ourselves. REMOVE self-will defects with a lifetime practice of right side character. ALL those defects described on the left side of the list must become objectionable. DEFECTS inherent to the “bondage of self-will” has lessened or blocked our ability to live with contented sobriety. OF all our defects, resentment is the root cause of all left-sided reactions. The right side is guaranteed to those who are willing to seek the truth and humbly ask for the courage to change. CHARACTER now defines humbled awareness; as we add wisdom in this new dimension we gain the “6th Sense.” We can now fully understand how to do the next right thing.

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The “Sixth Sense” Solution Self-will -vs- Designer’s Will

Character Defects Spiritual Solutions Inherent/ Re-Active Virtuous/ Pro-Active Restless, Irritable, or Discontent Happy, Joyous, & Free

Aggravated, Angered, or Annoyed Gratitude, Tolerance, Patience, & Acceptance Arrogance Humility, Love, & Self-Honesty Bothered, Bulky, or Contrariness Faith, Trust, Courage, Acceptance, & Humility Coldness, Condemnation, or Cynical Humility, Honesty, Love, & Concern for Others Cowardly, Frightened, or Dismayed Courage, Faith, & Trust Deceitful, Denial, or Dishonesty Honesty, Acceptance, Love, & Empathy Disbelieving, Disturbed, Doubt, or Dread Faith, Trust, & Courage Dislike or Dissatisfied Tolerance, Acceptance, & Appreciation Egocentric Humility & Self-Honesty Envy or Evasive Gratitude, Honesty, & Appreciation Gluttony, Greedy, Harmful, or Hatefulness Love & Concern for Others Humiliation Humility & Love Impatience or Provoked Patience, Acceptance, & Tolerance Inconsiderate Love, Humility, & Compassion Intolerance or Jealous Tolerance & Acceptance Judgmental or Critical Gratitude, Appreciation, Humility, & Empathy Loneliness or Lustful Love & Concern for Others Offensive, Self-Centered, or Self-Seeking Humility, Love, & Concern for Others Selfish, Spiteful, Stubborn, or Vindictive Humility, Love, & Concern for Others Over-Reactive or Panic-Stricken Courage, Faith, & Patience Prideful Humility & Self-Honesty Procrastination Service & Action Resentment, Revengeful or Self-Justification Acceptance, Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, & Love Resistance Courage, Faith, & Self-Honesty Self-Condemnation or Self-Destructive Self-Forgiveness, Self-Love, & Humility Self-Pity Gratitude, Appreciation, & Self-Honesty Self-seeking Humility, Love, Concern for Others, & Service Sloth Service & Action Suspicion Trust, Faith, & Acceptance Unwillingness Trust, Faith, & Acceptance Withdrawn Faith, Courage, Love, & Concern for Others Recognition and awareness of “Wills” develop a “Sixth Sense” with life’s experience.

You can’t be right and be on the left side of the page. We can develop and learn to ask for help to get to the right side.

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6th STEP

Recognition and awareness of wills develop the “6th Sense.” We will improve our spiritual experience by going to the same places in which the left side of the page appeared and practice having those same experiences using the right side of the page. When we fail to use the present tense of the right side, even our best expectations become intentions that never materialize.

We can’t be right and on the left side of the page. We can learn to ask for help to get to the right side.

Are you ready to develop this vital 6th Sense? Yes ___ No ___

The following was taken from a plaque in Doctor Bob’s office

“Perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore: to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and

shut the door and pray to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around me and about is seeming trouble.”

Other descriptions of Humility include:

Serenity, being calm in the face of chaos Courage to change what we can and wisdom to know when to let it alone To become unimportant, to serve Ego-less and self-less Absence of anger and resentments A position of grace, peace, and love that is above human power A higher or unselfish connection of love

Our goal is to practice being humble and to place what we understand as a Higher Power as the director. We ask only for the power to do the “next right thing.” Our life is filled with promise and we now become a human being, proactive through conscious awareness. The right side of the 6th Step List (6th Step, Page2) transforms our lives into new directed freedom.

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7th Step

“Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings”

The vital principles of the 7th Step are “Humility” and “Persistence” living with the Awareness of NOW!

HUMBLY observe our true character and learn not to struggle. Switch wills from the left side by pausing when upset and turning it over in favor of being on the right side. ASKED by a sincere request for guidance, we develop a gifted, proactive, graceful way of being. HIM- the same loving Higher Power redirects the arrogant self with gifts of virtue which allows us to either remove or smash any idea of relapse. TO the degree we add humility we are enhanced with gratitude and find serenity. REMOVE all the false (old ideas) of self and build a new character that will add joy in this life and becomes what we take to the next. OUR new identity and freedom from use will be the attraction for those who still suffer. SHORTCOMINGS become the very things that our spiritual growth is built upon. We truly begin to comprehend how to do the “next right thing.”

“It’s About Asking for and Receiving Specific Help” Converting the liabilities of Character Defects to assets of humility becomes our greatest tool to improve the quality of life and sets the pattern for continuous spiritual growth.

Note: The 7th Step Prayer is found in AA’s Big Book, Page 76, and 2nd Paragraph.

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7th Step

Greater Actions Create Better Habits - Work against Self-Centeredness by Practicing these Suggestions!

Have concern for and show interest in others.

Be true to yourself, say “yes” or “no” honestly. Don’t pretend or let fear rule. Ask for and look for opportunities to practice courage.

Seek to be humble by making yourself less important. Read the “Description of Humility” daily (6th Step, Page 3.) Practice forgiveness to receive forgiveness. Pause when irritated, and ask to be shown the right response. Speak from your own experience and don’t interfere with others. Be open-minded about change. Keep the good deeds you do, to yourself! Stay away from criticism and don’t participate in gossip. When you find yourself on the “left side” of the page, admit it and identify

the proper “right-sided” action to take.

Remember: Faith is based in Works and The “right side” of the 6th Step List works best.

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7th Step

(Cut out and place on the mirror)

Are you unhappy?


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8th Step

“Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all”

The vital principle of the 8th Step is the “Love for Others” By making our wrongs of the past as right as possible

With direct amends. (Refer to: “Paul’s Description God’s of Love,” Appendix-Page2.)

MADE use of the four-column list attached (8th Step, Page 3). A “preliminary” list of who we were to see was made when we did the 4th Step. LIST all persons we have harmed. OF all the Steps “thoroughness” is imperative in making your list. PERSONS with emotional scars are often healed with simple right-sided amends. WE realized, this action is vital to remain clean and sober in order to fulfill our goal of finding serenity. HAD clearly admitted the left-sided liabilities for which we needed to make amends. HARMED in some cases, more by them, we would have to remember we were only trying to clean our side of the street. AND we are creating this list in order to admit and identify our part.

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8th Step BECAME willing and committed to this vital action, knowing that it will ensure promising and lasting sobriety. WILLING to start with the NOW list, then the MAYBE list, and with those successes, move to the LATER list, while reconsidering the NEVER list. TO understand this list is for everyone’s sake because we want to stay sober and live a better life. MAKE our list and realize that the real benefit will be ours as a result. AMENDS means full restitution (or to the best of our ability) for the harm we have done. TO make our list as thorough as possible. THEM being those affected by the liabilities we had listed in the 4th Step, Page 5 and had agreed to place on this list. ALL past errors may be corrected and freedom from guilt and shame will be the reward. Note: In AA’s Big Book, read the 8th & 9th Step, Chapter 6; “Into Action” (3rd Paragraph, Page 76, to the middle of Page 84.)

It is strongly recommended that in order to start an amends process, One should utilize the first two spaces in the NOW column of the

Amends List by placing Our Designer first and then Yourself.

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8th Step

Amends List


Our Designer


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9th Step

“Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so

would injure them or others”

The vital principles of the 9th Step are “Discipline” with “Consideration” and “Freedom.”

Reconciliation restores “Dignity” and “Honor” with promises

of a New and Fulfilling Life.

MADE a request for guidance from our Higher Power and also talked it over with our sponsor or an advisor prior to making any amends. DIRECT simply means, using our Designer’s Will (Right Side of the List, 6th Step, Page 2) for the best amends whenever and wherever possible. AMENDS, change “left-sided” Character Defects to “right-sided” Character Assets. TO complete the 9th Step is a must in our recovery. Be careful not to fall into selfishness and inconsideration in the process. SUCH regard will protect others and ourselves from creating more harm.

PEOPLE, institutions, and our Higher Power all need to be considered. EXCEPT we never clean up our past, at the expense of others. WHEN additional hurt may be caused, we consider what alternative means can be used. TO make right the wrong to the best of our ability is the goal.

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9th Step DO this with sincerity and this behavior will seldom be repeated. SO, making our amends will help restore our relationships, giving us the best chance for a bright future. WOULD gladly go to this length now to ensure and secure our recovery. INJURE is what we MUST avoid (do no further harm!) With the help of others beforehand, we can now see our way. THEM: the people we feared and dreaded seeing, “NOW” become friends of our recovery. OR, skip this vital Step and our experience proves you will fall back into your addiction. OTHERS usually respect our actions; going to such lengths to achieve freedom from our addiction. Note: Read more about the Amends Process in AA’s Big Book, Pages 76 to the middle of Page 84.

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9th Step

Developing Healthy Relationships by converting Left-Sided Liabilities to Right-Sided Assets

Closed Communication Dishonest Avoids Self-Examination Deaf to Ideas from Others Uncommunicative Lacks Empathy

Open Communication Truthful Reflective Listens to Others Open Minded and Forthcoming Sensitive to Feelings of Others

Victim Role Self-Pity Blames Others or Circumstances Complies Only for Self-Benefit Sees Self as Victim of Others

Personal Accountability Sympathetic to the Pain suffered by Others Takes Responsibility for Actions Fulfills Obligations Recognizes Hurtful or Damaging Impact on

Others Over-Inflated Sense of Self

Self-Importance, Arrogant, and Views Self as Superior and/or Entitled

Focuses only on Own Good Qualities and Deeds Denies or Hides Shortcomings and Hears Criticism as

an Insult Demands Respect

True Self-Confidence Views Self as No Better or Worse than

Others Appreciates and Shows Gratitude to Others Seeks to Grow and Evolve Seeks Respect by Respecting Others

Instant Gratification The: “I want it now” attitude Ignores Past Mistakes Impulsive

Self-Discipline Builds and Plans for the Future Learns from Past Mistakes Thoughtfulness

Fearfulness Defensive and Fears Criticism Denies Fear Avoids Change Needs to Control Others to Feel Safe Lives with Jealousy and Insecurity

Courage Seeks Intimacy Communicates and Overcomes Fears Sees Change as a Challenge Respects Integrity of Others Trusts Others

Power & Control Demands More of Others than Self Demands to be Heard and Understood Manipulates and Deceives Competitive (You vs. Me Mentality) Becomes Abusive

Healthy Partnership Demands More of Self than Others Seeks to Listen and Understand Negotiates; Seeks “Win/Win” Outcomes Collaborates (You and Me Together) Practices Nurturance

Possessiveness/Privilege Ignores or Denigrates the Rights of Others Discounts Ideas and Opinions of Others Acts Selfishly with Possessions Sexism, Racism, etc. Inconsiderate

Respect of Others and Humanity Recognizes & Respects the Rights of Others Respects Other’s Ability to Think Shares Things Freely Recognizes that “ALL” People have Value Considerate of Other’s Needs

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10th Step

“Continue to take personal inventory

and when we were wrong promptly admitted it”

The vital principle of the 10th Step is “Perseverance” with Diligence

To Live in the NOW! CONTINUE constant awareness of wrong motives and Character Defects, especially those which involve dishonesty, selfishness, self-centeredness, and inconsideration.

TO review my day with the goal of reducing the left-sided defects by looking for ways to improve my right-sided assets. TAKE the right-sided moral principle for a pro-active approach to life. PERSONAL emotions are always reactions causing resentments blocking virtue and reason. INVENTORY our day with this new awareness and yesterday’s mistakes become the assets for spiritual growth. AND use the actions we have learned in Steps 4 through 9 immediately on any violations. WHEN we realize “NOW” is the only time when change can occur. WE use our mistakes to grow by practicing spiritual principles. WERE doomed in the past, using “left-sided” Character Defects in resentment. We maintained an illusion of righteousness and justified our use of alcohol and/or drugs. WRONG and selfish motives had plagued our lives and had ruled our thinking.

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10th Step

PROMPTLY we recognize with no regret and quickly make “right” our “left-sided” wrongs by converting resentment with forgiveness. ADMITTED to ourselves, our Higher Power, and those we violated, the exact nature of our daily mistakes. IT the ism in alcoholism: The Individual Spiritual Malady; our addiction’s continuous bid for our return. Will you continue to use the daily practice of this personal inventory, especially being aware of selfishness, self-centeredness, dishonesty, and inconsideration? Yes __ No __ Are you committed to the proper use of your will, making “right” any new mistakes as you develop your use of the “right-sided” principles? Yes __ No __

If you answered “Yes” to both questions, Congratulations…

…Your “Will” has just been returned, you should now understand your will’s flaws and how to use it properly. We simply need practice and we will naturally (or presently) enjoy continuous spiritual growth. Note: Read the 10th Step Promises, An A’s Big Book, Page 84, 3rd Paragraph, and Page 85, 1st Paragraph.

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10th Step

Our “Designer’s Will” and our “Self-Will”

Are now Apparent

The 10th Step challenges us to continuous awareness of whose “will” we’re utilizing. We refer to this as progress, not perfection. If we think of it in terms of a “spiritual target,” then the idea becomes very clear. The words “sin” and “evil” are archery terms and derivatives from the Aramaic language. The term sin meant, “Missing the bull’s eye” and evil meant, “Missing the target.” Score the left side of the Character Defect List (6th Step, Page 2) on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Our nightly review becomes our daily spiritual score vs. worldly clamor. If we regularly and honestly take stock of today’s shortcomings, this information will define our Character Defects and our need for spiritual progress. Our aim for the bull’s eye is to live continuously on “the right side of the page” using a pro-active approach, always looking for ways to “do the next right thing.” Let’s look at the use of earlier Steps and their relationship with specific faults. If we feel out of sorts and overwhelmed by stress, then we need to check if we have taken back the helm of management, and without realizing it, we are suffering the consequences of self-will run riot!

We can’t be “Disappointed” except when we “Appoint” in the first place. If we’re “Appointing” then we’re playing GOD.

GOD’s will: “Peace”

Our will: “Chaos”

Stress is most often felt when time is a factor. Where possible, give things all the time they require by removing the time element. This becomes an exercise in acceptance and patience.

“Serenity can only be gained with the practice of our Designer’s Will”

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10th Step

Nightly Review Resentment and fear are always issues of the 4th Step, check where you have been selfish, self-centered, dishonest, and inconsiderate. When resentment persists, use the tools in the 4th Step, (Pages 6 and 7.) You will likely find out the only thing wrong, is you’re not getting what you want or expect to receive. Resentment is often only an effort to try to “justify our wrongs” as being “right” in our minds. As soon as you identify the Character Defects involved, tell on yourself and make direct amends. You won’t find amends to be easy, so you are a lot less likely to want to repeat the same mistakes. For repetitive problems question, which left-sided Character Defects are present. Become prayer-specific by naming the left-sided defect and placing your Higher Power between you and the problem. Ask your Higher Power to help direct you to the proper “right-sided character traits.” Since faith is a practice of works, that actually work, we develop an understanding of GOD and reliance on higher principles. The formula for continuous growth and change: Willingness to believe, taking action, and learning to trust the results of our efforts as the promises are fulfilled.

The “WILL” of our Higher Power is for us to live on

The “right-side” of the 6th Step List. As we develop and practice the virtues listed, we will be gratefully

humbled by living in the present, with a Higher Power directing our way to be happy, joyous and free. This is the value and purpose of life and the completion of our Intended Design. It is the development and proper use of our will that enables all The Promises to materialize.

We will experience a “real spiritual awakening” that we would

not want to miss, and an “experience of recovery” We can’t afford to miss.

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10th Step

Pathway to Serenity

Practicing awareness and gaining reliance on the proper use of your will.

Learning to pause when upset and make use of the Step by Step Checklist in order to obtain serenity and maintain your sobriety.

Realize you cannot and will not manage left to your own emotional reactions.

An honest concern will dictate when practicing proven principles resulting in Faith and Trust.

Conduct your inventory from a Moral Perspective. Resentment now being defined as self will run riot without realizing it or being “fooled” into left-sided reactions.

In the 4th Step, we learned to look at life as a business, measuring the “assets and liabilities” of our Character Defects of fear and resentment.

We learned that fear and resentment are byproducts of “the bondage of self.”

If you are having a resentment, conduct an inventory with your sponsor utilizing the 4th Step (Pages, 6 & 7.)

In the 5th Step, we admitted to ourselves, another person, and GOD that we missed HIS PLAN in the development of “right-sided” virtues.

In the 6th Step, we learned the difference between self-will “left-sided” reactions and “right-sided” principles of pro-active being.

We saw clearly that any life based on self-will using resentment and fear to protect our ego was to squander all that might have been worthwhile.

Asked in an unselfish prayer to be contributors to life and to keep the “right side of the page” as a primary goal in life.

Made direct amends wherever possible, admitting without excuse, our left-sided wrongs.

Gave the Right Side List to those whom we were making amends and giving them permission to inform us when we violated that List.

Made a real effort to maintain the right side virtues in all our affairs. Paused several times daily (10 am, 2 pm, & 4 pm) to check our spiritual condition.

Used the awareness of yesterday’s mistakes to improve our spiritual conditioning by recalling the places where left-sided Character Defects showed up and then practiced replacing them with right-sided Virtues.

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11th Step

“Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood

Him, praying only for knowledge of His Will for us and the power to carry that out”

The vital principle of the 11th Step is “Spirituality.” Intuitiveness and Insightful Planning are the rewards.

SOUGHT to improve our “spiritual awakening” by learning and practicing a “simple plan” of communication with GOD.

THROUGH daily realization of left-sided Character Defects and wrong motives, the 11th Step becomes the planning action for our nightly reflections. PRAYER becomes a two-way communication process as we learn a way to ask and then discern our thoughts for an answer. AND this new practice secures our faith in a loving Higher Power. MEDITATION becomes a simple practice and works to solve the problems which used to baffle us.

TO no longer depend on what we think, but rather discern with the principles of virtue, what is right, rather than who is right. IMPROVE on a continuous basis as we obey the direction of the right side.

OUR new freedom and happiness bring real peace and joy that we have always been looking to achieve. Hope is transformed into reality. CONSCIOUS and now operating with a presence of mind, we’ve been given this new method of inventory and two-way communication.

WITH this Spiritual Awakening, our conscience has moved from the guilt and shame of hindsight to one of joyful foresight. GOD, in his design for living, transforms us with right-sided character traits. AS we practice the 10th and 11th Steps, we are on a path of continuous growth. WE can now carry this message of recovery to those seeking to achieve sobriety.

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11th Step

UNDERSTAND with these works we have a new faith to trust and stand under. HIM, the spirit of serenity, provides wisdom and courage to make clear when to take action or when to let it be. PRAYING turns the trusted occasional hunch into a way of life. ONLY to be mindful of these principles of virtue in all we seek to achieve. FOR us, there is NOW no reason to alter our minds with any chemicals. KNOWLEDGE is replaced with a “faith-based” intuitive understanding. OF our new-found friend who has changed our minds to sanity. HIS gift of virtues is listed on the “right side” of the 6th Step List, (6th Step, Page 2.) WILL take us to a way of life beyond what we could have achieved or even imagined on our own. FOR a whole new way of life-inspired instead of hell-fired. US who have had the obsession to drink or drug removed. AND now seek continuously to improve our 6th Sense in the 4th Dimension. THE assets of guidance we received are the tools used to help others. POWER will be in the form of taking the necessary Steps forward to save lives. TO use the guidance found in the two-way prayer whenever doubt is present. CARRY out the thoughts received if they pass the divine guidance test (the right side of the page.)

THAT our actions guided by faith result in the attraction to others. OUT of all the insanity of our past, comes the promise of hope through which can enrich our lives and the lives of others.

Note: AA Text reference: Chapter 6 Into Action, see Pages 85 through 88.

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11th Step

Practice the proper use of “Will” With Quiet Meditation!

Stop struggling with a problem! Practice meditation to reach a “Spiritual Solution!” Prepare for this simple meditation and humble inventory process in order to develop decision-making skills with “principle-based” intuitive thought.

Simply write down whatever question you need to have answered.

Pause and become quiet, realizing a perfect “Spiritual Solution” exists.

You need to be relaxed with the absence of worry in these moments.

Place your hands on your lap with your palms facing upward.

Begin to notice them, as soon as you do, you will feel energy rising off them.

Allow this energy field to connect and your awareness will increase.

This is simply known as getting “centered” or in the “present moment.”

Ask your question as gently and sincerely as possible in order to realize what the right action is that you need to understand.

Thoughts and ideas will start flowing.

Be sure you are prepared to record all of your thoughts and ideas; good or bad.

Write down each and every thought and idea you have; do not edit them.

This will take some practice as thoughts and ideas come and go quickly.

When the flow slows or stops, use the 6th Step List (left side vs. right side) to evaluate each and every thought.

Cross out thoughts that are on the “left side of the page.” Circle those thoughts that are on the “right side of the page.”

If any doubt exists, talk it over with someone who understands and agrees with practicing the right side virtues.

“Courage” is needed in order to take action when the path is clear. “Faith” practiced in this manner works and serenity becomes your partner. “Wisdom” would dictate non-action when the path is not clear.

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11th Step

“The Beach Mentality”

Refer to the Right Side of the List (6th Step, Page 2) …. ALL the things happening in this life are giving us the potential to develop a greater sense of character. Here’s the potential …. “Is it WISE to plan for retirement in this life?”


Just because you plan for it, will you make it to retirement?


What is the potential of life?


This would be equivalent to one speck of sand as compared to all the beaches in the world.

So, now, we’re upset over one speck of sand!

Whereas, if we develop a BEACH MENTALITY …. Every challenge is an OPPORTUNITY to improve our character on THE BEACH!

There is no problem, only an opportunity to improve our life. The measurement of life will be our character.

Our character is the only thing that we take from this life.


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12th Step

“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics

and to practice these principles in all our affairs”

The vital principle of the 12th Step is “Service.” To use our experience and save a life is a special type of heroism that satisfies the soul with a great sense of purpose and worth.

HAVING the gift of sobriety, we help others as a result of taking these Steps. HAD no idea that we could enjoy life without drinking or using.

A new life of freedom was unfolding that we couldn’t even have imagined. SPIRITUAL sickness required a complete psychic change in our lives. AWAKENING intuitiveness and understanding beyond anything we had known as we develop our new vital “6th Sense.” AS we work with others, we renew our connection to the one who has all power. A faith that works will add new meaning, with a purpose that fulfills our lives.

RESULT: The goals of recovery and the actions you take are perpetuated. OF all who suffer the fatal disease of alcoholism and/or drug addiction, deserve the very best of recovery. THESE Steps and our growth are only as good as how we apply them. STEPS are best taken with responsible guidance. WE have the right spiritual tools and continue to grow by giving them away. TRIED to live our lives by example, so as to attract those who seek what we have to offer. TO accept the responsibility of sharing our recovery with those in need.

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12th Step

CARRY this vital message of freedom forward to those in need. Applying this principle of service guarantees continual growth and an awakening of spiritual experiences as a result of these Simple yet profound 12 Steps. THIS proven method now guarantees hope to those once hopeless. MESSAGE- That proven principles and a precise message of recovery exist. TO preserve and pass this method of recovery to others who would otherwise die or worse. ALCOHOLICS and/or drug addicts who are powerless and hopeless on their own can now find new hope. AND recovered alcoholics and/or drug addicts respond by spreading the good news of the potential of a 4th Dimension! PRACTICE improving our 6th Sense with all whom we come in contact. THESE are gifts: The Spirit of Serenity offers wisdom and courage. They are given to us to offer to others, along with a calmness that allows us to choose our battles in life. PRINCIPLES from each Step save us from the misuse of self-will. To the degree we practice all 12 Steps, we build faith in a design that is guaranteed to work. IN life, we can only give what we have. The same is true with recovery principles, the more we give, the more joy we have to share. ALL the problems we face, are giving us an opportunity for growth through the practice of spiritual principles. OUR actions, under trial, and through problems, becomes the measurement of our serenity. AFFAIRS and worldly clamor will always provide temptations and challenges. Nothing ensures and protects sobriety like working with others.

Note: Read AA’s Big Book, Chapter 7 “Working with Others”

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12th Step We prevent the # 2 reason for relapse; which is complacency with a continuous reminder of where addiction took us as we help others. We keep it by giving it away After completing the Steps we are now obligated to help others as we have been helped. Gather as much information from others about the depth of their addiction. Confirm, as best you can, that the person you’re meeting with wants sobriety. Best to meet the person alone. Always explain exactly where your addiction took you. Ask about similarities. Explain how lost you were in doing something about it on your own. Keep the focus on what happened to you. Explain also that millions have been freed with this method. Explain the difference between normal vs. an allergic effect. That what started as a solution became your biggest problem. They have nothing to figure out except to follow. Emphasize your willingness to help guide them in the process. However, it is an ism, not a wasim, and requires the development of character to prevent being fooled into relapse. They are helping you by letting you help them. Convey the message, not only did you have a drinking and /or drug problem but, when you stopped you discovered you had a living sober problem.

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“The Simple Plan”


A Step by Step move from the “Left Side” to the “Right Side”

We Drink with: We Live Sober by: (Our Inherent Design) (Our Intended Design) Stubborn Character Blocks Moral Principles

Dishonesty, Self-Centered Honesty, Convinced

Closed-Mindedness, Hopelessness Open-Mindedness, Hopeful

Self-reliant, Faithless Belief, Faithful

Fear, Denial, Doubt Courage, Trust

False-Pride, Arrogance, Self-Pity Integrity, Humility, Grateful

Hate, Resentment, Willful Love, Forgiveness, Willing

Unjust, Unfair, Arrogant Justice, Amends, Humility

Procrastination Perseverance, Love

Self-Based, Undisciplined Principle-Based, Disciplined

Use, Take Service, Giving, Patience

Left to my own Self-Will Principles, Fellowship

Restless, Irritable, Discontent Service, Happy, Joyful, Free

The #1 cause of Relapse is Resentment! Resentment is always the result of being

Self-Centered and Selfish!

The #2 cause for Relapse is Complacency.

Decision Time: Die in Addiction or Live Free?

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Paul’s Description of God’s Love

Love endures long and is patient and kind.

Love is never envious nor boils over with jealousy.

It is not boastful or vainglorious, it does not display itself haughtily.

It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly).

Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking.

It is not touchy, fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it (it pays no attention to a suffered wrong.)

It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes; is ever ready to believe the best of every person.

Its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and it endures everything (without weakening.)

Love never fails, becomes obsolete, or comes to an end.

Our ego image is always acting and reacting as it attempts to play the role of the designer -- running the whole show, selfish and self-centered. Using resentment on its throne of judgment, it deludes itself and falls into the abyss of misdirected self-will. This creates inherent separation from right side peace with habitual use of left side reactions. This keeps us in a state of restlessness, irritability, and discontentment. Are the characters on the left side of the 6th Step List (6th Step, Page 2) objectionable to you? If not; we are to ask what we understand as our Higher Power for willingness.

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Understanding the Prayer: “The Our Father”

“Our Father” Originally known as “HU.” Since we are known as “HUmans” it certainly fits the Our Father statement.

“Who art in Heaven” An eternal dimension that the use of Right Side traits also referred to as the “Fourth Dimension” is required for entrance.

“Hallowed be thy Name” Holy is God’s name and through him, we are given the spirit of serenity.

“Thy Kingdom Come” So, we might gracefully be saved from ourselves here on earth and develop grace with the character needed for eternity.

“Thy Will be Done” Converting one’s character by practicing the gifted heavenly virtues listed on the right side of the 6th Step List.

“On Earth, as it is in Heaven” Simply understanding and practicing the development of a 6th Sense, to convert what’s wrong, (left-sided) reaction to what’s right, proactive (right-sided) virtues.

“Give us this day our daily bread” Nourish us with Grace over selfish nature to save our souls now and forever.

“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us:” All resentment blinds us to the true value of Life’s Purpose. We must overcome resentment through forgiveness.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen” Let us develop our 6th Sense which makes our left-sided character objectionable.

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Definitions Abstinence: The act of not doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyed. Addict: To devote or surrender to something habitually or obsessively. Addiction: A compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal. A pejorative state of always choosing the wrong action. The combination of mental urges to reach for the first drink and/or drug, combined with the physical reaction for more and never gets enough. Adverse Reactions: Acting against or in a contrary direction opposed to one’s interests causing harm. Alcohol: A mixture of any of a class of organic compounds that are similar to ethanol (flammable and toxic) that are derivatives of hydrocarbons. A toxic depressant drug with diminishing returns. It is also a poison in which 9 out of 10 people have natural protection from an overdose. Alcoholic: A person reacting with addictive behavior to alcohol. One out of ten people is missing an enzyme in the liver which sets a pattern for more and never gets enough. Alcoholism: Continued excessive or compulsive use of alcoholic drink leading to psychological and physical dependence. A fatal disease called Dipsomania in which complete abstinence from any alcohol consumption is the only protection. Alcoholism is an allergic reaction that sets up a craving for more known as Dipsomania. Awful: Addiction result (synonyms): Discussing, Horrible, Terrible, Dreadful Nasty, Vile, Foul, Revolting, Repulsive, Repugnant, Odious, Sickening….it inspires Fear, Dread, Hopelessness, and Resentment.

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“The Simple Plan” Appendix Definitions

Belief: A state of a habit of mind in which confidence is placed in someone or something; conviction of the reality of some being or phenomenon when based on examination of evidence.

Character: One of the attributes of features that make up and distinguish an individual; the expression of an action.

Character Defects: Negative Character Defects (referred to as left-sided Character Defects) that are inherent reactions to problems which can trigger a relapse (Refer to 6th Step, Page 2.) Complacency: Calm or secure satisfaction with oneself; self-satisfaction when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. The number two reason for relapse. If you simply stop doing what has worked to keep you clean and sober, you will fall back into your addiction. Death from Alcohol: Inevitable without assistance; in the age group of 20 through 39, approximately 25% of deaths are attributed to alcohol and drugs. Defective Pattern Match: Misinterpreted memory of ease and comfort. Allergic reactions imprint (permanent memory) both mentally and physically (Engram.) Denial (False Hope): A psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or reality is avoided by refusing the existence of the problem or reality. Refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant. The false hope of control. A major trigger for taking the first drink or drug. Depressant: An agent that reduces a bodily activity or instinctive desire; to cause to sink to a lower position. Happiness is based on relief from the worst position.

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Appendix Definitions

Diminishing Returns: The rate of benefits that beyond a certain point, fails to increase in proportion to the additional volume of a substance. A guarantee of left-sided elevation for a continued illusion of relief. “The ultimate fool’s position!!” Dipsomania: Is an uncontrollable subconscious urge for the first drink and/or drug combined with a missing liver enzyme (one out of ten alcoholics) that causes a physical response to want more and the inability to stop because we never get enough. Discernment: Keen insight and good judgment. The ability to grasp and comprehend what is obscure and not within the realm of the senses. Ego: One of the divisions of the psyche that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality. Self-reliance blocks the reach for help. Ego Centric: Concerned with the individual rather than society. Elusive: Difficult if not impossible to catch, find, duplicate, achieve, or remember. The Imbued Memory of the first drink or drug. Engram: A change in neural tissues (memory) in order for an advanced essential condition for reasoning; an account for the persistence of memory. Permanent mental and physical imprint of a false memory of ease and comfort signaling the defective pattern match to take the first drink. (See food, feel hungry, eat, etc.) Enzyme: Any proteins in the liver producing certain chemical changes in organic substances, as in digestion. Faith: Something that is believed with a strong conviction for which there is no tangible proof. The successful use of the right actions, principles, and/or virtues, over wrong reactions forming a trust in results.

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Appendix Definitions

Fatal: To cause death. Alcohol addiction is guaranteed to be fatal unless a person has complete abstinence.

Fixation: A total uncontrollable preoccupation in which we lose all discernment and control. Forgiveness: To give up resentment of or claim to; a form of discerning instead of reacting with condemnation and judgment. Grateful: Appreciative of benefits received. The doorway to sanity and joy. Guilt: A feeling of deserving blame for offensives. Honesty: Fairness and straightforwardness of conduct; adherence to the facts. The ability to give up denial for the truth. HU: Was associated with the creation of the universe and it was characterized as “AL-LA-HU” (Allah) in Arabic, prior to the word GOD. Humble: Modest opinion of one’s own importance or rank. Imbued Memory: A permanent memory or memory influenced deeply in the subconscious. An imbued memory is formed through “Dipsomania” which is a reach for the 1st drink or drug in order to find relief through ease and comfort which is triggered by stress and resentment. Imprint: To fix an event or experience so firmly in the memory that it cannot be forgotten, although you do not try to remember. Inevitable: Unable to be avoided, evade, or escape; certain. Inherent: Belonging by nature or habit. Inherent Design: A gifted proactive, gentle concern for what is right instead of who is right.

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Insanity: A deranged state of the mind; something utterly foolish or unreasonable. Keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Ism: “Individual Spiritual Malady” Left-Sided Reactions worsening to keep the relative delusion or relief by increasing the amount of alcohol and/or drugs worsening left-sided Character Defects. Judgment: An authoritative decision; an opinion by comparison. Left-sided: An inherent reaction to emotions and outside stimuli that makes small problems bigger and lasting. Pejorative: Having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force. The disease never gets better it always gets worse. Powerless: Lacking the strength to act in one's own defense. Refer to the definition of “Dipsomania.” Proactive: Tending to initiate change rather than reacting to events and emotions. Reactive: Readily responsive to a stimulus (usually without thought) as a result of stress or emotional upset. Re-Covery: Daily works of using Left-Sided Character Defects to improve Right-Sided Gifts of Serenity through the practice of Gratitude, Tolerance, Patience, and Acceptance. We take what is wrong with us to develop the Right-Sided Character Virtues for Life here and NOW, and if there is a hereafter we take with us only our Character. Right-sided: A gifted, virtuous way of turning chaos into serenity. Relapse: A return to a former state, especially after apparent improvement.

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“The Simple Plan” Appendix Definitions

Relief: Alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain or distress. Resentment: A complex emotion described as a mixture of disappointment (when one expects a certain; usually an unexpressed; outcome) anger, fear, disgust, sadness, envy, and surprise, as well as the perception of injustice. The use of the wrong reaction combined with a righteous feeling of being justified which is the number one trigger for use. Sanity: Admission that help is required to stop. The soundness of mind. Selfish, Self-Centered: All about what you want or expect in your false pursuit of happiness. Trying to be more or trying to live counter to our intended design. Serenity: The graceful, blessed ability to know based on the character present when to take action or pause until becoming right-minded. Shame: A feeling of regret, humiliation, or disgrace. Serenity Development: A daily exercise in improving our “6th Sense” by knowing how to maintain the ability to stay on the “Right Side.” Synchronicity: A set of events that seem coincidental and not connected, but when combined – work for the common good. We believe the harmonious action is from a power greater than ourselves. Sobriety: Gained as a result of taking action with the 12 Steps that have proven successful. 6th Sense in the 4th Dimension (make sure to reference the AA’s Big: Book): The 6th Sense is the ability to understand and choose when to take action with Heavenly (Right-Sided Character Virtues – 6th Step, Page 2) or when to pause because you’re reacting with (Left-Sided Character Defects – 6th Step, Page 2.) Virtue: Of particular moral excellence, a beneficial quality or power.

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Appendix “Twelve Step”

The Promises

If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us; sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work on them.

Note: AA’s Big Book, Pages 83 & 84

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“Twelve Step”

The Rewards

Hope instead of desperation Faith instead of despair Courage instead of fear Peace of mind instead of confusion Self-respect instead of self-contempt Self-confidence instead of hopelessness The respect of others instead of their pity

and contempt A clean conscience instead of a sense of

guilt Real friendships instead of loneliness A clean pattern of living instead of a

hopeless existence The love and understanding of our

families instead of their doubts and fears The freedom of a happy life instead of the

bondage of an addicted obsession

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“The Serenity Prayer”

God grant me the …Serenity…

To accept the things I cannot change…. Courage to Change

the things I can And the Wisdom to

Know the Difference

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