THE SEVEN DAYS (of the Liver-Gallbladder Flush procedure)

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of THE SEVEN DAYS (of the Liver-Gallbladder Flush procedure)

Michelle Edmonds, M.A, M.ED.Author|Public Speaking|Nutritionist

404 445-8579

When?Serenity Wellness Warriors

Liver Flush Procedure ScheduleGroup I = started the 7-day procedure

on or about November 10

Group II = December 1

Supplies Needed for the

Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse

– Apple juice or MALIC ACID supplement powder (preferred)

– 4 Tablespoons of Kalm Assure Magnesium powder or (Epsom


– 1/2 Cup of Black Seed Oil ~OR~ Extra Virgin Olive oil

– 1 big grapefruit or 3 lemons

What kind of Apple Juice?This kind

Not the clear cidery looking kind

Steps for the procedure:

1. Days 1-5 Drink 8 oz of organic apple juice

(Not the cider looking, clear kind of apple juice. We want the cloudy kind where you can see the pulp

settled at the bottom).

If you are diabetic, I recommend that you use pure MALIC ACID powder; in fact you may want to do so anyway. Why? The natural sugars in the apple juice could trigger a foodie relapse, so watch your step. Malic acid is the active ingredient in apples and so when you use the MALIC ACID it is like extracting the core ingredient. MALIC ACID helps to ensure that the liver flush is successful.

Link to order from Amazon: 5

Malic Acid- another good brand

Malic acid is perhaps one of the most under-valued compounds in natural medicine, as it can bring huge benefits to our health. Derived from plant foods, especially apples, malic acid is a colourless, crystalline compound that can work well to aid digestion and help us absorb the nutrients our body needs.

Link on Amazon:


DAY 62. Eat a light breakfast with no fat. Current Serenity members have been advised to follow a pescetarian meal plan . This enables the bile in your liver to accumulate, putting pressure on your liver. This pressure will eliminate more stones in your liver.

3. 2:00 PM

Prepare Recipe #1:


Mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salt with 2 cups of water and 1 cup of the freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and pour into another jar. Place it in the fridge to get as cold as possible. This is God-awful stuff that you want to get down as quickly

as possible! This jar will contain all 4 servings. Use the marker to draw 3 lines on the side of the jar (estimating 4 servings).


Black Seed Oil Note: or extra virgin Olive oil



Regular use of Black Seed Oil promotes:

- Healthy blood cholesterol levels* - Healthy blood pressure levels*

- Healthy blood sugar levels* - Healthy cardiovascular system*

- Healthy intestines* - Skin health*


You're not finished with DAY 6!

4. 6:00 PM drink 3/4 cup of this mixture.

5. 8:00 PM drink another 3/4 cup of this mixture. Get all your errands done, and prepare for the liver flush. You shouldn’t be doing ANYTHING after doing a liver flush, just lying down and sleeping.

6. 10:00 PM - Prepare Recipe # 2

The Liver/Gallbladder Flush COCKTAIL:

1/2 cup of virgin olive oil into a jar.

● Squeeze the entire grapefruit into the mix, removing most, but not all of the pulp with a fork. Be careful to move all seeds.

● You should have 1/2 to 3/4 cups of grapefruit juice mixed with the virgin olive oil the jar.● Close the jar, and shake it very hard until it is all liquid.


You're STILL not finished with DAY 6!!:

7. 10:30 pm ish, drink Recipe #2 Cocktail: Use a straw. It will make it easier. Try to get it all down within 5 mins or so.

8. 10:30 ish Lay down in your bed as soon as you are down. This is crucial, and most people do this wrong. Don’t do any work, don’t even bother brushing your teeth! Just lay down immediately! Lay on your right side, with your right knee up towards your chin for 20 or so mins. Stay still, and try not to move at all. Try to sleep.



9. A.M. when you wake up, drink dose #3 of Recipe #1 ( 3/4 cup) You can go back to sleep afterward.

10. Two hours later, drink the last dose and Dose #4 Recipe #1 Eat normally, per your coach. I am advising a pescatarian meal.

11. Take 1 TBS Super Colon Cleanse powder

12. Within hours, if not already, you will begin releasing stool. This is when I advise my team to watch, count, get a sifter, wash it off and count some more. Try to take pictures. You may send to this special line via text @ 404 445 8579. Your pics will not be shared in our FB chat room

13. Take another 1 tbs of Super Colon Cleanse the evening of Day 8 as well. This will help to ensure the painless removal of any remaining stones. Resume taking the Super Colon Cleanse every other night


BENEFITS of LIVER/GALLBLADDER FLUSH➢ Cleans out stagnant toxins from the digestive system

➢ Improves function of the digestive system➢ Purifies blood and lymph systems

➢ Aids in the absorption of important vitamins➢ Rejuvenates and calms the body

➢ Improved sleep➢ Alleviates congestion in the body

➢ Calms inflammation of the digestive tract➢ Improves immune system health➢ Less overall pain in the body

➢ Increases energy➢ Feel stronger and more energized

➢ Natural oils in skin improve 13

RESULTS and Pictures: (Warning- not for those with queasy stomachs, but if you have a queasy stomach you probably need a liver Flush!!

On the following pages are photographs of stones that people outside the program (courtesy of other professionals) as well as prior Serenity Wellness Team members who

took their own pics and passed them along to the coach!

All pics are from those who had passed these stones and parasites from their liver and gallbladder, using the liver flush procedure described in this manual.

Note: Results were no different for those who had their gallbladder removed. After one flush, you can expect to pass hundreds or thousands of small, medium and large stones

that are black, white, yellow or green in color.


Mixture of Gallstones and Liver stones


Green (Most often from the Gallbladder) Yellow (liver


You may release creepy things like Liver FLUKES!:


This is why a PARASITE

DETOX is next

Other Creepy things you may see:


Candida is the primary cause for

Herxheimer’s reaction (or Yeast DYE-OFF) causing

mild to severe detox symptoms when you begin a program or when you cheat and

get back on the program

This is what a stone looks

like still in the Gall bladder