The Service of Vespers -

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Transcript of The Service of Vespers -

for Sunday, August 15, 2021
Octoechos - Grave Mode. on Saturday Evening
Menaion - August 15 Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos
Texts in Greek and English
Links to Vesperal Prayers
VPA Copyright © 2016 by Virgil Peter Andronache
RB Copyright © 2019 by Richard Barrett
TC Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Carroll
SD Copyright © 2021 by Fr. Seraphim Dedes
GKD Copyright © 2017 by George K. Duvall
GOA © The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
HC Liturgical Texts courtesy and copyright of Holy Cross Press, Brookline, MA
AGH Copyright © 2019 by Andreas Houpos
EL Copyright Archimandrite Ephrem [Lash] ©
KW © Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
NKJV Scripture taken from the New King James Version™. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
OCA Copyright © 1996–2015. All rights reserved.
RSV Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
SAAS Scripture taken from the St. Athanasius Academy Septuagint™. Copyright © 2008 by St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
Βιβλα - Πηγα Books - Sources κτηχος - χος βαρς. Octoechos - Grave Mode.
Τ Σαββτ σπρας On Saturday Evening
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Ελογητς Θες μν πντοτε, νν κα ε κα ες τος ανας τν ανων.
Blessed is our God always, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
( μν. ) ( Amen. )
παγγελλομνου πσης το Προοιμιακο, Ιερες σταται σκεπς νπιον τς γας Τραπζης κα νπιον τς εκνος το Σωτρος Χριστο, στμενος π το Σολα (ς ν τ ρθρ), κα ναγινσκει μυστικς τς Εχς το Λυχνικο
While the Introductory Psalm is being read, the Priest with head uncovered stands in front of the holy Altar, or before the icon of Christ the Savior, standing on the Solea (as at Matins) and inaudibly reads the Vesperal Prayers.
Δετε προσκυνσωμεν κα προσπσωμεν τ Βασιλε μν Θε.
Come, let us worship and bow down before God our King.
Δετε προσκυνσωμεν κα προσπσωμεν Χριστ τ Βασιλε μν Θε.
Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ God our King.
Δετε προσκυνσωμεν κα προσπσωμεν ατ, Χριστ τ Βασιλε κα Θε μν.
Come, let us worship and bow down before Him, Christ our King and God.
λας σταται δι τν νγνωσιν το Προμιακου Ψαλμο.
It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the reading of the Introductory Psalm.
Ψαλμς ΡΓ (103). Psalm 103 (104).
Ελγει ψυχ μου, τν Κριον. Κριε Θες μου μεγαλνθης σφδρα. ξομολγησιν κα μεγαλοπρπειαν νεδσω, ναβαλλμενος φς ς μτιον. κτενων τν ορανν σε διν, στεγζων ν δασιν τ περα ατο. τιθες νφη τν πβασιν ατο, περιπατν π πτεργων νμων. ποιν τος γγλους ατο πνεματα, κα τος λειτουργος ατο
Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, You are magnified exceedingly; You clothe Yourself with thanksgiving and majesty, who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, who stretch out the heavens like a curtain; You are He who covers His upper chambers with water, who makes the clouds His means of approach, who walks on the wings of the winds, who makes His angels
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
πυρς φλγα. θεμελιν τν γν π τν σφλειαν ατς, ο κλιθσεται ες τν ανα το ανος. βυσσος ς μτιον τ περιβλαιον ατο, π τν ρων στσονται δατα. π πιτιμσες σου φεξονται, π φωνς βροντς σου δειλισουσιν. ναβανουσιν ρη, κα καταβανουσι πεδα ες τν τπον, ν θεμελωσας ατ. ριον θου, ο παρελεσονται, οδ πιστρψουσι καλψαι τν γν. ξαποστλλων πηγς ν φραγξιν, ναμσον τν ρων διελεσονται δατα ποτιοσι πντα τ θηρα το γρο, προσδξονται ναγροι ες δψαν ατν. π' ατ τ πετειν το ορανο κατασκηνσει, κ μσου τν πετρν δσουσι φωνν. Ποτζων ρη κ τν περων ατο, π καρπο τν ργων σου χορτασθσεται γ. ξανατλλων χρτον τος κτνεσι, κα χλην τ δουλε τν νθρπων. Το ξαγαγεν ρτον κ τς γς, κα ονος εφρανει καρδαν νθρπου. Το λαρναι πρσωπον ν λα, κα ρτος καρδαν νθρπου στηρζει. Χορτασθσονται τ ξλα το πεδου, α κδροι το Λιβνου, ς φτευσας. κε στρουθα ννοσσεσουσι, το ρωδιο κατοικα γεται ατν. ρη τ ψηλ τας λφοις, πτρα καταφυγ τος λαγωος. ποησε σελνην ες καιρος, λιος γνω τν δσιν ατο. θου σκτος, κα γνετο νξ, ν ατ διελεσονται πντα τ θηρα το δρυμο. Σκμνοι ρυμενοι το ρπσαι, κα ζητσαι παρ τ Θε βρσιν ατος. ντειλεν λιος, κα συνχθησαν, κα ες τς μνδρας ατν κοιτασθσονται. ξελεσεται νθρωπος π τ ργον ατο,
spirits and His ministers a flame of fire. He established the earth on its stable foundation; it shall not be moved unto ages of ages. The deep like a garment is His covering; the waters shall stand upon the mountains; at Your rebuke they shall flee; at the sound of Your thunder, they shall be afraid. The mountains rise up, and the plains sink down to the place You founded for them. You set a boundary they shall not pass over; neither shall they return to cover the earth. You are He who sends springs into the valley; the waters shall pass between the mountains; they shall give drink to all the wild animals of the field; the wild asses shall quench their thirst; the birds of heaven shall dwell beside them; they shall sing from the midst of the rocks. You are He who waters the mountains from His higher places; the earth shall be satisfied with the fruit of Your works. You are He who causes grass to grow for the cattle, and the green plant for the service of man, to bring forth bread from the earth; and wine gladdens the heart of man, to brighten his face with oil; and bread strengthens man's heart. The trees of the plain shall be full of fruit, the cedars of Lebanon, which You planted; there the sparrows shall make their nests; the house of the heron takes the lead among them. The high mountains are for the deer; the cliff is a refuge for the rabbits. He made the moon for seasons; the sun knows its setting. You established darkness, and it was night, wherein all the wild animals of the forest will prowl about; the young lions roar and snatch their prey, and seek their food from
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
κα π τν ργασαν ατο ως σπρας. ς μεγαλνθη τ ργα σου, Κριε, πντα ν σοφ ποησας, πληρθη γ τς κτσες σου. Ατη θλασσα μεγλη κα ερχωρος, κε ρπετ ν οκ στιν ριθμς, ζα μικρ μετ μεγλων. κε πλοα διαπορεονται, δρκων οτος, ν πλασας μπαζειν ατ. Πντα πρς σ προσδοκσι, δοναι τν τροφν ατν ες εκαιρον, δντος σου ατος συλλξουσιν. νοξαντς σου τν χερα, τ σμπαντα πλησθσονται χρησττητος, ποστρψαντος δ σου τ πρσωπον, ταραχθσονται. ντανελες τ πνεμα ατν, κα κλεψουσι, κα ες τν χον ατν πιστρψουσιν. ξαποστελες τ πνεμα σου, κα κτισθσονται, κα νακαινιες τ πρσωπον τς γς. τω δξα Κυρου ες τος ανας, εφρανθσεται Κριος π τος ργοις ατο. πιβλπων π τν γν, κα ποιν ατν τρμειν, πτμενος τν ρων, κα καπνζονται. σω τ Κυρ ν τ ζω μου, ψαλ τ Θε μου ως πρχω. δυνθεη ατ διαλογ μου, γ δ εφρανθσομαι π τ Κυρ. κλεποιεν μαρτωλο π τς γς, κα νομοι, στε μ πρχειν ατος. Ελγει, ψυχ μου, τν Κριον.
God. The sun arises, and they are gathered together; and they shall be put to bed in their dens. Man shall go out to his work and to his labor until evening. O Lord, Your works shall be magnified greatly; You made all things in wisdom; the earth was filled with Your creation. There is this great and spacious sea: the creeping things are there without number; the living things are there, both small and great; there the ships pass through; there is this dragon You formed to play therein. All things wait upon You, that You may give them food in due season. When You give it to them, they shall gather it; when You open Your hand, all things shall be filled with Your goodness. But when You turn Your face away, they shall be troubled; when You take away their breath, they shall die and return again to their dust. You shall send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. Let the glory of the Lord be forever; the Lord shall be glad in His works; He looks upon the earth and makes it tremble; He touches the mountains, and they smoke. I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing to my God as long as I exist; may my words be pleasing to Him, and I shall be glad in the Lord. May sinners cease from the earth, and the lawless, so as to be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul.
λιος γνω τν δσιν ατο. θου σκτος, κα γνετο νξ.
The sun knows its setting. You established darkness, and it was night.
ς μεγαλνθη τ ργα σου, Κριε πντα ν σοφ ποησας.
O Lord, Your works shall be magnified greatly; You made all things in wisdom. [SAAS]
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
Δξα Πατρ κα Υ κα γ Πνεματι. Κα νν κα ε, κα ες τος ανας τν ανων. μν.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
λληλοα. λληλοα. λληλοα. Δξα σοι Θες. (κ γ)
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Glory to You, O God. (3)
λπς μν, Κριε, δξα σοι. Our hope, O Lord, glory to You.
ν ερν το Κυρου δεηθμεν. In peace, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ τς νωθεν ερνης κα τς σωτηρας τν ψυχν μν, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For the peace from above and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ τς ερνης το σμπαντος κσμου, εσταθεας τν γων το Θεο κκλησιν κα τς τν πντων νσεως, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For the peace of the whole world, for the stability of the holy churches of God, and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ το γου οκου τοτου, κα τν μετ πστεως, ελαβεας κα φβου Θεο εσιντων ν ατ, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For this holy house and for those who enter it with faith, reverence, and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ τν εσεβν κα ρθοδξων Χριστιανν, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For pious and Orthodox Christians, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ το (ρχιερατικο βαθμο) μν (το δενος), το τιμου πρεσβυτερου, τς ν Χριστ διακονας, παντς το κλρου κα το λαο, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For (episcopal rank) (name), for the honorable presbyterate, for the diaconate in Christ, and for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ το εσεβος μν θνους, πσης ρχς κα ξουσας ν ατ, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For our country, for the president, and for all in public service, let us pray to the Lord.
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ τς πλεως τατης, πσης πλεως, χρας κα τν πστει οκοντων ν ατας, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For this city, and for every city and land, and for the faithful who live in them, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ εκρασας ρων, εφορας τν καρπν τς γς, κα καιρν ερηνικν, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For favorable weather, for an abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ πλεντων, δοιποροντων, νοσοντων, καμνντων, αχμαλτων κα τς σωτηρας ατν, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For those who travel by land, sea, and air, for the sick, the suffering, the captives and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ το υσθναι μς π πσης θλψεως, ργς, κινδνου κα νγκης, κα π το πειλοντος μς λοιμο το κορονοο, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and distress, and from the peril of the coronavirus against us, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
πρ τν δελφν μν τν κατ τς νσου το κορονοο γωνιζομνων, ατρν, νοσηλευτν κα πιστημνων, το Κυρου δεηθμεν.
For our brethren, those who lead the fight against the coronavirus, the doctors, the medical workers and the scientists, let us pray to the Lord.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
ντιλαβο, σσον, λησον κα διαφλαξον μς Θες τ σ χριτι.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
( Κριε, λησον. ) ( Lord, have mercy. )
Τς Παναγας χρντου, περευλογημνης, νδξου Δεσπονης μν Θεοτκου κα ειπαρθνου Μαρας μετ πντων τν γων μνημονεσαντες, αυτος κα λλλους κα πσαν τν ζων μν Χριστ τ Θε παραθμεθα.
Commemorating our most holy, pure, blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
( Σο, Κριε. ) ( To You, O Lord. )
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
τι πρπει σοι πσα δξα, τιμ κα προσκνησις, τ Πατρ κα τ Υ κα τ γ Πνεματι, νν κα ε κα ες τος ανας τν ανων.
For to You belong all glory, honor, and worship, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages.
( μν. ) ( Amen. )
ΧΟΡΟΣ CHOIR χος βαρς. Grave Mode.
Κριε κκραξα πρς σ, εσκουσν μου, εσκουσν μου, Κριε. Κριε, κκραξα πρς σ, εσκουσν μου πρσχες τ φων τς δεσες μου, ν τ κεκραγναι με πρς σ. Εσκουσν μου, Κριε.
Lord, I have cried to You; hear me. Hear me, O Lord. Lord, I have cried to You; hear me. Give heed to the voice of my supplication when I cry to You. Hear me, O Lord. [SAAS]
Κατευθυνθτω προσευχ μου, ς θυμαμα νπιν σου, παρσις τν χειρν μου θυσα σπεριν. Εσκουσν μου, Κριε.
Let my prayer be set forth before You as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Hear me, O Lord. [SAAS]
Δεξε Στιχολογαν Show Stichologia
Θο, Κριε, φυλακν τ στματ μου, κα θραν περιοχς περ τ χελη μου.
Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, a door of enclosure about my lips.
Μ κκλνς τν καρδαν μου ες λγους πονηρας, το προφασζεσθαι προφσεις ν μαρταις.
Incline not my heart to evil words, to make excuses in sins.
Σν νθρποις ργαζομνοις τν νομαν, κα ο μ συνδυσω μετ τν κλεκτν ατν.
With men who work lawlessness; and I will not join with their choice ones.
Παιδεσει με δκαιος ν λει, κα λγξει με, λαιον δ μαρτωλο μ λιπαντω τν κεφαλν μου.
The righteous man shall correct me with mercy, and he shall reprove me; but let not the oil of the sinner anoint my head.
τι τι κα προσευχ μου ν τας εδοκαις ατν κατεπθησαν χμενα πτρας ο κριτα ατν.
For my prayer shall be intense in the presence of their pleasures. Their judges are swallowed up by the rock.
κοσονται τ ματ μου, τι δνθησαν σε πχος γς γη π τς γς, διεσκορπσθη τ στ ατν παρ τν δην.
They shall hear my words, for they are pleasant. As a clod of ground is dashed to pieces on the earth, so their bones were scattered beside the grave.
τι πρς σ, Κριε, Κριε, ο φθαλμο μου π σο λπισα, μ ντανλς τν ψυχν μου.
For my eyes, O Lord, O Lord, are toward You; in You I hope; take not my soul away.
Φλαξν με π παγδος ς συνεστσαντ μοι, κα π σκανδλων τν ργαζομνων τν νομαν.
Keep me from the snares they set for me, and from the stumbling blocks of those who work lawlessness.
Πεσονται ν μφιβλστρ ατν ο μαρτωλο κατ μνας εμ γ ως ν παρλθω.
Sinners shall fall into their own net; I am alone, until I escape.
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
Φων μου πρς Κριον κκραξα, φων μου πρς Κριον δεθην.
I cried to the Lord with my voice, with my voice I prayed to the Lord.
κχε νπιον ατο τν δησν μου, τν θλψν μου νπιον ατο παγγελ.
I shall pour out my supplication before Him; I shall declare my affliction in His presence.
ν τ κλεπειν ξ μο τ πνεμ μου, κα σ γνως τς τρβους μου.
When my spirit fainted within me, then You knew my paths.
ν δ τατ, πορευμην, κρυψαν παγδα μοι. For on the way I was going, they hid a trap for me.
Κατενουν ες τ δεξι, κα πβλεπον, κα οκ ν πιγινσκων με.
I looked on my right, and saw there was no one who knew me.
πλετο φυγ π' μο, κα οκ στιν κζητν τν ψυχν μου.
Refuge failed me, and there was no one who cared for my soul.
κκραξα πρς σ, Κριε επα Σ ε λπς μου, μερς μου ε ν γ ζντων.
I cried to You, O Lord; I said, "You are my hope, my portion in the land of the living."
Πρσχες πρς τν δησν μου, τι ταπεινθην σφδρα.
Attend to my supplication, for I was humbled exceedingly.
σα με κ τν καταδιωκντων με, τι κραταιθησαν πρ μ.
Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than I.
Κρψε Στιχολογαν Hide Stichologia
Στιχηρ ναστσιμα. χος βαρς. Resurrectional Stichera. Grave Mode.
Τς κτωχου - - - From Octoechos - - - Στιχηρν Α. Sticheron 1.
ξγαγε κ φυλακς τν ψυχν μου, το ξομολογσασθαι τ νματ σου.
Bring my soul out of prison to give thanks to Your name, O Lord. [SAAS]
Δετε γαλλιασμεθα τ Κυρ, τ συντρψαντι θαντου τ κρτος, κα φωτσαντι νθρπων τ γνος, μετ τν σωμτων κραυγζοντες Δημιουργ κα Σωτρ μν δξα σοι.
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord who destroyed the power of death and enlightened mankind; and let us cry along with the angels: Glory to you, our Creator and our Savior. [HC]
Στιχηρν Β. Sticheron 2.
μ πομενοσι δκαιοι, ως ο νταποδς μοι.
The righteous shall wait for me, until You reward me. [SAAS]
Σταυρν πμεινας Σωτρ, κα ταφν δι' μς, θαντ δ ς Θες, θνατον νκρωσας δι προσκυνομεν τν τριμερν σου νστασιν, Κριε δξα σοι.
On our account, O Savior, you endured the cross and the tomb. As God you put death to death by death. Therefore, we worship your resurrection on the third day. Glory to you, O Lord. [HC]
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
κ βαθων κκραξ σοι, Κριε Κριε, εσκουσον τς φωνς μου.
Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. [SAAS]
πστολοι δντες τν γερσιν το Δημιουργο, θαμασαν βοντες τν ανεσιν τν γγελικν. Ατη δξα τς κκλησας, οτος πλοτος τς Βασιλεας, παθν δι' μς, Κριε δξα σοι.
On beholding the resurrection of the Creator, the apostles, marveling, sang an angelic song of praise: This is the glory of the Church. These are the riches of the kingdom. Glory be to you, O Lord, who suffered death for us. [HC]
Στιχηρν Δ. Sticheron 4.
Γενηθτω τ τ σου προσχοντα ες τν φωνν τς δεσες μου.
Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. [SAAS]
Κν συνελφθης Χριστ, π νμων νδρν, λλ σ μου ε Θες, κα οκ ασχνομαι, μαστχθης τν ντον, οκ ρνομαι. Σταυρ προσηλθης, κα ο κρπτω ες τν γερσν σου καυχμαι γρ θνατος σου ζω μου. Παντοδναμε κα φιλνθρωπε, Κριε δξα σοι.
Though you, O Christ, have been taken captive by evil men, you are my God and I am not ashamed. I do not deny that your back was scourged, nor will I hide that you were nailed to the cross. I boast of your resurrection, for your death is my life. Almighty and loving God, glory to you. [HC]
Στιχηρ τς ορτς. Stichera for the Feast. Το Μηναου - - - From Menaion - - -
χος α. Ατμελον. Mode 1. Automelon.
ν νομας παρατηρσς, Κριε Κριε, τς ποστσεται; τι παρ σο λασμς στιν.
If You, O Lord, should mark transgression, O Lord, who would stand? For there is forgiveness with You. [SAAS]
το παραδξου θαματος! πηγ τς ζως, ν μνημε τθεται, κα κλμαξ πρς ορανν, τφος γνεται. Εφρανου Γεθσημαν, τς Θεοτκου τ γιον τμενος. Βοσωμεν ο πιστο, τν Γαβριλ κεκτημνοι ταξαρχον Κεχαριτωμνη χαρε, μετ σο Κριος, παρχων τ κσμ, δι σο τ μγα λεος.
Marvel at the wondrous paradox! * Now the fount of our life has been laid within a tomb; * her tomb has become a ladder to heaven above. * Gethsemane, holy place, * the Theotokos reposed in you. Celebrate! * Believers, together sing, * having the Archangel Gabriel leading us. * "We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you." [SD]
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
νεκεν το νματς σου πμειν σε, Κριε, πμεινεν ψυχ μου ες τν λγον σου. λπισεν ψυχ μου π τν Κριον.
Because of Your law, O Lord, I waited for You; my soul waited for Your word. My soul hopes in the Lord. [SAAS]
το παραδξου θαματος! πηγ τς ζως, ν μνημε τθεται, κα κλμαξ πρς ορανν, τφος γνεται. Εφρανου Γεθσημαν, τς Θεοτκου τ γιον τμενος. Βοσωμεν ο πιστο, τν Γαβριλ κεκτημνοι ταξαρχον Κεχαριτωμνη χαρε, μετ σο Κριος, παρχων τ κσμ, δι σο τ μγα λεος.
Marvel at the wondrous paradox! * Now the fount of our life has been laid within a tomb; * her tomb has become a ladder to heaven above. * Gethsemane, holy place, * the Theotokos reposed in you. Celebrate! * Believers, together sing, * having the Archangel Gabriel leading us. * "We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you." [SD]
π φυλακς πρωας μχρι νυκτς π φυλακς πρωας λπιστω σραλ π τν Κριον.
From the morning watch until night; from the morning watch until night, let Israel hope in the Lord. [SAAS]
Βαβα τν σν μυστηρων γν! το ψστου θρνος, νεδεχθης Δσποινα, κα γθεν πρς ορανν, μετστης σμερον. δξα σου επρεπς, θεοφεγγσιν κλμπουσα χρισι. Παρθνοι σν τ Μητρ, το Βασιλως, πρς ψος πρθητε. Κεχαριτωμνη χαρε, μετ σο Κριος, παρχων τ κσμ, δι σο τ μγα λεος.
Oh! So impressive are your mysteries! * You are known, O Pure one, as the throne of God Most High; * and from earth to heaven, you were transported today. * Your glory is grand and bright, * with graces shining divine and resplendent light. * O virgins, be lifted up into the heights with the Mother of God the King. * "We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you." [SD]
τι παρ τ Κυρ τ λεος κα πολλ παρ' ατ λτρωσις, κα ατς λυτρσεται τν σραλ κ πασν τν νομιν ατο.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption; and He shall redeem Israel from all his transgressions. [SAAS]
Βαβα τν σν μυστηρων γν! το ψστου θρνος, νεδεχθης Δσποινα, κα γθεν πρς ορανν, μετστης σμερον. δξα σου επρεπς, θεοφεγγσιν
Oh! So impressive are your mysteries! * You are known, O Pure one, as the throne of God Most High; * and from earth to heaven, you were transported today. * Your glory is
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
κλμπουσα χρισι. Παρθνοι σν τ Μητρ, το Βασιλως, πρς ψος πρθητε. Κεχαριτωμνη χαρε, μετ σο Κριος, παρχων τ κσμ, δι σο τ μγα λεος.
grand and bright, * with graces shining divine and resplendent light. * O virgins, be lifted up into the heights with the Mother of God the King. * "We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you." [SD]
Ανετε τν Κριον, πντα τ θνη, παινσατε ατν, πντες ο λαο.
Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; praise Him, all you peoples. [SAAS]
Τν σν δοξζουσι Κομησιν, ξουσαι Θρνοι, ρχα Κυριτητες, Δυνμεις κα Χερουβμ, κα τ φρικτ Σεραφμ. γλλονται γηγενες, π τ θε σου δξ κοσμομενοι. Προσππτουσι βασιλες, σν ρχαγγλοις γγλοις κα μλπουσι Κεχαριτωμνη χαρε, μετ σο Κριος, παρχων τ κσμ, δι σο τ μγα λεος.
Dominions and Principalities * honor your Dormition * with Authorities and Thrones * and Powers and Cherubim and the sublime Seraphim. * And we, born on earth, exult, * as we are decked in the glory you have from God. * To you bow the heads of state, and with Archangels and Angels they sing to you, * "We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you." [SD]
τι κραταιθη τ λεος ατο φ' μς, κα λθεια το Κυρου μνει ες τν ανα.
For His mercy rules over us; and the truth of the Lord endures forever. [SAAS]
Τν σν δοξζουσι Κομησιν, ξουσαι Θρνοι, ρχα Κυριτητες, Δυνμεις κα Χερουβμ, κα τ φρικτ Σεραφμ. γλλονται γηγενες, π τ θε σου δξ κοσμομενοι. Προσππτουσι βασιλες, σν ρχαγγλοις γγλοις κα μλπουσι Κεχαριτωμνη χαρε, μετ σο Κριος, παρχων τ κσμ, δι σο τ μγα λεος.
Dominions and Principalities * honor your Dormition * with Authorities and Thrones * and Powers and Cherubim and the sublime Seraphim. * And we, born on earth, exult, * as we are decked in the glory you have from God. * To you bow the heads of state, and with Archangels and Angels they sing to you, * "We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you." [SD]
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
Δξα κα νν. Glory. Both now. Το Μηναου - - - From Menaion - - -
χος α. Mode 1.
Θεαρχ νεματι, πντοθεν ο θεοφροι πστολοι, π νεφν μεταρσως αρμενοι.
By the command of God, the God-bearing Apostles everywhere were transported through the skies on clouds. [SD]
χος πλ. α. Mode pl. 1.
Καταλαβντες τ πανχραντον, κα ζωαρχικν σου σκνος, ξχως σπζοντο.
And reaching your all-immaculate body, that origin of Life, they kissed it in grand veneration. [SD]
χος β. Mode 2.
Α δ πρτατοι τν ορανν Δυνμεις, σν τ οκε Δεσπτ παραγενμεναι,
The supreme Hosts of heaven arrived with their Master. [SD]
χος πλ. β. Mode pl. 2.
Τ θεοδχον κα κραιφνστατον σμα προπμπουσι, τ δει κρατομεναι περκοσμως δ προχοντο, κα ορτως βων, τας νωτραις ταξιαρχαις δο παντνασσα Θεπαις παραγγονεν.
Seized with awe, they ushered your inviolate body, which had hosted God. High above the earth, they went before you, and invisibly they shouted to the angelic orders above them, "Behold, the Queen of all, the Mother of God, has arrived. [SD]
χος γ. Mode 3.
ρατε πλας, κα τατην περκοσμως ποδξασθε, τν το εννου φωτς Μητρα.
"Lift up the gates, and give a formal heavenly reception to the Mother of the everlasting Light. [SD]
χος βαρς. Grave Mode.
Δι τατης γρ παγγενς τν βροτν σωτηρα γγονεν τενζειν οκ σχομεν, κα τατ ξιον γρας πονμειν δνατον.
"For the salvation of all humanity came through her. We are unable to gaze on her, and it is impossible to bestow worthy honor on her. [SD]
χος δ. Mode 4.
χος πλ. δ. Mode pl. 4.
Δι χραντε Θεοτκε, ε σν ζωηφρ Βασιλε, κα τκ ζσα, πρσβευε διηνεκς,
Therefore, O immaculate Theotokos, as you now live forever with the life-bearing
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
περιφρουρσαι κα σσαι, π πσης προσβολς ναντας τν νεολααν σου τν γρ σν προστασαν κεκτμεθα.
King who is your Son, intercede unceasingly, that He guard us, your children, and that He save us from every hostile assault, since we are under your protection. [SD]
χος α. Mode 1.
Ες τος ανας, γλαοφανς μακαρζοντες.
And to the ages with splendor we call you blessed. [SD]
λας σταται δι τν Εσοδον. It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the Entrance.
ΔΙΑΚΟΝΟΣ (χαμηλοφνως) DEACON (in a low voice)
Το Κυρου δεηθμεν. Let us pray to the Lord.
ΙΕΡΕΥΣ (χαμηλοφνως) PRIEST (in a low voice)
ΕΥΧΗ ΤΗΕ ΕΙΣΟΔΟΥ Entrance Prayer σπρας κα πρω κα μεσημβρας, ανομεν,
ελογομεν, εχαριστομεν κα δεμεθ σου, Δσποτα τν πντων, Φιλνθρωπε, Κριε. Κατεθυνον τν προσευχν μν, ς θυμαμα νπιν σου κα μ κκλνς τς καρδας μν ες λγους, ες λογισμος πονηρας, λλ σαι μς κ πντων τν θηρευντων τς ψυχς μν τι πρς σ, Κριε, Κριε, ο φθαλμο μν, κα π σο λπσαμεν μ καταισχνς μς, Θες μν.
At nightfall, dawn and noon, we sing to You, we bless You, we give thanks to You, and we beseech You, Master of all, Lord and lover of mankind: guide our prayers aright as an offering of incense before You. Let not our hearts be led to wicked thoughts or words, but deliver us all from those who pursue our souls. For it is on You, Lord, Lord, that our eyes are fixed, and in You that we have our hope; do not put us to shame, O our God.
Φς λαρν γας δξης, θαντου Πατρς, ορανου, γου, μκαρος, ησο Χριστ, λθντες π τν λου δσιν, δντες φς σπερινν, μνομεν Πατρα, Υν, κα γιον Πνεμα Θεν. ξιν σε ν πσι καιρος, μνεσθαι φωνας ασαις, Υ Θεο, ζων διδος * δι κσμος σ δοξζει.
Gladsome light of holy glory of the holy, blessed, heavenly, immortal Father, O Jesus Christ: arriving at the hour of sunset and having seen the evening light, we praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. It is worthy for You to be praised at all times with happy voices, O Son of God and Giver of life; * and therefore the world glorifies You. [SD]
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
ΧΟΡΟΣ CHOIR Προκεμενον. χος πλ. β. Prokeimenon. Mode pl. 2.
Κριος βασλευσεν, επρπειαν νεδσατο.
The Lord reigns; He clothed Himself with majesty. [SAAS]
Στχ. νεδσατο Κριος δναμιν, κα περιεζσατο.
Verse: The Lord clothed and girded Himself with power.
Κριος βασλευσεν, επρπειαν νεδσατο.
The Lord reigns; He clothed Himself with majesty.
Στχ. Κα γρ στερωσε τν οκουμνην, τις ο σαλευθσεται.
Verse: And He established the world, which shall not be moved.
Κριος βασλευσεν, επρπειαν νεδσατο.
The Lord reigns; He clothed Himself with majesty.
Τ ναγνσματα The Readings Το Μηναου - - - From Menaion - - -
Γενσεως τ νγνωσμα. The reading is from the book of Genesis.
ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΗΣ READER Γε Κεφ. κη 10 Gn 28:10-17
ξλθεν ακβ π το φρατος το ρκου κα πορεθη ες Χαν. Κα πντησε τπ, κα κοιμθη κε δυ γρ λιος κα λαβεν π τν λθων το τπου, κα θηκε πρς κεφαλς ατο, κα κοιμθη ν τ τπ κεν, κα νυπνισθη. Κα δο κλμαξ στηριγμνη ν τ γ, ς κεφαλ φικνετο ες τν Ορανν, κα ο γγελοι το Θεο νβαινον κα κατβαινον π' ατς. δ Κριος πεστρικτο π' ατς, κα επεν γ εμι Θες βραμ το πατρς σου, κα Θες σακ, μ φοβο, γ, φ' ς σ καθεδεις π' ατς, σο δσω ατν, κα τ σπρματ σου. Κα σται τ σπρμα σου σε μμος τς γς κα πλατυνθσεται
Now Jacob went out from the Well of Oath and went toward Haran. So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. Then he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. So behold, the Lord stood above it and said, "I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. Do not fear, the land on which you lie I will give to you and your seed. Also, your seed shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread
    σπερινς τ Σαββτ τ Βρδυ    
π θλασσαν, κα λβα, κα βον, κα π νατολς, κα νευλογηθσονται ν σο πσαι α φυλα τς γς, κα ν τ σπρματ σου. Κα δο γ εμι μετ σο, διαφυλσσων σε ν τ δ πσ, ο ν πορευθς, κα πιστρψω σε ες τν γν τατην, τι ο μ σε γκαταλπω, ως το ποισαι με πντα σα λλησ σοι. Κα ξηγρθη ακβ κ το πνου ατο κα επεν τι στ Κριος ν τ τπ τοτ, γ δ οκ δειν. Κα φοβθη, κα επεν ς φοβερς τπος οτος! Οκ στι τοτο, λλ' οκος Θεο, κα ατη πλη το ορανο.
abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the tribes of the earth shall be blessed. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "The Lord is in this place, and I did not know it." So he was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." [SAAS]
Προφητεας εζεκιλ τ νγνωσμα. The reading is from the Prophecy of Ezekiel.
ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΗΣ READER Ιεζ 43:27-44:4 Ezk 43:27-44:4
Τδε λγει Κριος σται π τς μρας τς γδης κα πκεινα, ποισουσιν ο ερες π τ θυσιαστριον τ λοκαυτματα μν, κα τ το σωτηρου μν, κα προσδξομαι μς, λγει Κριος (μδ' 1). Κα πστρεψ με κατ τν δν τς πλης τν γων τς ξωτρας τς βλεποσης κατ νατολς, κα ατη ν κεκλεισμνη. Κα επε Κριος πρς με πλη ατη κεκλεισμνη σται, οκ νοιχθσεται, κα οδες ο μ διλθ δι' ατς, τι Κριος Θες, σραλ εσελεσεται δι' ατς, κα σται κεκλεισμνη. Διτι γομενος οτος κθηται π' ατν το φαγεν ρτον νπιον Κυρου, κατ τν δν το Αλμ τς πλης εσελεσεται, κα κατ τν δν ατο ξελεσεται. Κα
Thus says the Lord: "When they have completed these days, then from the eighth day onward the priests shall offer upon the altar your burnt offerings and your peace offerings; and I will accept you, says the Lord God." Then he brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, which faces east; and it was shut. And the Lord said to me, "This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it; for the Lord, the God of Israel, shall enter by it; therefore it shall remain shut. Only the prince shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gate, and shall go out by the same way." Then he brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple;
    Vespers on Saturday Evening    
εσγαγ με κατ τν δν τς πλης τν γων τς πρς βον, κατναντι το οκου κα εδον κα δο πλρης δξης οκος Κυρου.
and I looked, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. [SAAS]
Παροιμιν τ νγνωσμα. The reading is from the Proverbs of Solomon.
ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΗΣ READER Παρ Κεφ. θ 1 Pr 9:1-11
σοφα κοδμησεν αυτ οκον κα πρεισε στλους πτ. σφαξε τ αυτς θματα, κα κρασεν ες κρατρα τν αυτς ονον, κα τοιμσατο τν αυτς τρπεζαν. πστειλε τος αυτς δολους, συγκαλοσα μετ ψηλο κηργματος, ς π κρατρα, λγουσα ς στιν φρων, κκλιντω πρς με, κα τος νδεσι φρενν επεν λθετε φγετε τν μν ρτον, κα πετε ονον, ν κεκρακα μν, πολπετε φροσνην, κα ζσεσθε, κα ζητσατε φρνησιν, να βισητε, κα κατορθσητε σνεσιν ν γνσει, παιδεων κακος, λψεται αυτ τιμαν, λγχων δ τν σεβ, μωμσεται αυτν, (ο γρ λεγχοι τ σεβε, μλωπες ατ). Μ λεγχε κακος, να μ μισσωσ σε, λεγχε σοφν κα γαπσει σε. Δδου σοφ φορμν, κα σοφτερος σται, γνριζε δικα, κα προσθσει το δχεσθαι. ρχ σοφας, φβος Κυρου, κα βουλ γων, σνεσις, (τ γρ γνναι Νμον, διανοα&