The Secret to Why Members Join an Association

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Secret to Why Members Join an Association

The to WhyMembers Join an Association

Do you know why your

members really join and renew?

Barely more than half of all associations (corporate or individual) saw growth in their membership between 2010 and 2014

Source: MGI: 2014 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report

Why is that?

Most frequently cited challenge for associations =

not effectively communicating

membership value.Source: MGI: 2014 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report

You survey members…

You talk to members…

And they tell you whatthey “value”

Your marketing reinforcesthat value

You even demonstrate the tangible ROI

So why is membership stagnant or declining?

The economy Competition

Market dynamics Staff issues

Could be any or all of thesebut not likely

Let’s uncover the to grow membership

Step 1: Identify the problem

Look at many associations’ websites and collateral and you’ll see…

Seem familiar?

Sure they’re the benefitsyour members said they value

And many are tangible

But they’re about whatthe member “gets”

What’s wrong with that?

Let’s dig a little deeper

If all cars come with 4 wheels, a motor and a steering wheel…

Then why did you purchase your car?

Yours hasextra benefits,

you say?

If I took ANY car and added all the features you said you value…

Would you buy it?

I didn’t think so!

So how is membership in your association any different?

Step 2: Understand the problem



We typically focus on the ROI of membership

It’s tangible, measurable, marketable

Too often ROI is based on what’s provided,

not what’s received

It shifts the focus to cost

instead of value


What I get as a member

ROI tells me what I get

Not how it makes mylife better

Selling the tangible is only half of the equation

Step 3: Identify the Solution

What’s missing?

The primary emotional driver leading to a join or renewal decision

All purchase decisions are

based on emotion and rationalized afterward.

This is an excellent resource to better

understand decision-making behavior

Consider AAA (American Automobile Association) membership for a minute

Many of their members join for the towing service benefit

But that’s not why they joined

That’s what they tell AAAand their friends

This is where 45%+ of

associations miscommunicate

theirvalue proposition

Don’t be one of them!

Place yourself in the mind of the AAA member.

Did the member join to get “free” towing?

No, it came from a deeper level

What was the member thinking when they joined

or renewed?

“I fear being broken down on a dark road, late at night, with

no way to get home”

Towing may be the tangible benefit, but peace of mind is


Membership includes free

towing (up to xx miles)

AAA members enjoy peace of mind with 24/7 towing service

(up to xx miles)

Tangible Emotional

Understanding the personal needs and challenges our

prospects and members face...

And the emotions they experience in confronting


Makes us tremendously more effective in communicating value

So why do your members really join and renew?

Connectedness Belonging to something of importance

Contribution Giving for the greater good and benefiting others

Prestige Achieving recognition or status

Competence and confidence Appearing informed and knowlegeable

Security Knowing someone is there to help

Power Leading change to produce positive outcomes

The 6 Emotional Drivers

Step 4: Put it in Practice

4 Things You Can Doto Grow Membership

Develop an understanding of the

unique emotional drivers behind your members’ decision to join/renew.

Create ongoing, year-long dialog with


Assess your mission and benefits to determine

how they address emotional needs.

Communicate in a way that demonstrates you

understand the emotional needs of


Aligning benefits to prospects’ and

members’ emotional needs is

the formula for success

Steven E. Glover

Thank you for viewing my presentation! These are only highlights of what you can do to place your association on the path to growth. Let me know how I can help you with your membership challenges.

© 2014 Steven E. Glover