The Season of Pentecost - 3, 2014 The season of Pentecost is...

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Transcript of The Season of Pentecost - 3, 2014 The season of Pentecost is...

Prayer Walk: Please take a few minutes prior to or following the service to pray for the mission and ministries of the congregation. A prayer guide has been prepared to assist you and may be picked up from an usher. We ask the Lord to be upon this place and all who serve for the sake of His mission.


We also welcome today those joining our service via our Live Web Stream on the Internet


ENTRANCE HYMN “Greet the Rising Sun” LSB #871*


P: We gather in the Name of the Father and of the Son and

of The Holy Spirit.

C: Amen!


P: Dear Friends in Christ, let us draw near with a true heart and

confess our sins to God our Father. As we do, we ask Him in the

name of our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us.

Silence for Personal reflection and repentance

O Almighty God, merciful Father,

C: I, a poor sinner, confess to You all my sins—those sins that

have offended You and those sins that have offended others.

All my sins Lord deserve Your punishment. This day I repent of

those sins and pray that, of Your boundless mercy and for the

sake of Jesus Christ who gave His life to serve as the full and

complete sacrifice for my sins, You would be gracious and

The Season of Pentecost September 3, 2014

The season of Pentecost is celebrating from Sunday to Sunday the life-giving words and works of Christ.

Today the color on the altar and on the banners is green. Green is the color of abiding life, nourishment, and rest.

About the Service

Processional Cross: These

crosses have been used since the 4th

century. They signal the focus of our worship and the presence of

Christ as we gather and depart.

The Pulpit: This symbolizes the authority of the

church to preach the Word of God.

Altar Candles: Lit candles are a symbol of Christ being the light of the world. In the worship service

Christ comes to us in both the Word

and in the sacraments.


merciful to me, a poor sinful being.

P: Upon this your confession, I, by virtue of my office, as a called

and ordained servant of the Word, announce the grace of God

unto all of you, and in the stead and by the command of my Lord

Jesus Christ I forgive you all of your sins in the name of the

Father, and of the (+) Son and of the Holy Spirit.

C: Amen!


THE READING Matthew 16:21-28 Page 973

Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

CONFESSION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed LSB, p. 192

HYMN OF THE DAY “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” LSB #770*

SERMON Pastor Umbach


At this time, please pass the pew registers, making sure that everyone in attendance has had a chance to sign in. We also have a guest register at the

Welcome Center in the Narthex. We rejoice in having you with us!

OFFERING SONG “Here I Am to Worship”

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH Please see Prayer Ministry Page

After each petition, the leader will say: “Lord, in Your mercy,” and the

congregation responds: “Hear our prayer.”



Pastor: The Lord be with you. 2 Timothy 4:22

People: And also with you.

Pastor: Lift up your hearts. Colossians 3:1

People: We lift them to the Lord.

Pastor: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Psalm 136

People: It is right to give Him thanks and praise.

What you see in church:

Banners: The

banners on the front walls

share the color of the day and

often depict other symbols

used in the church to

remind us of the church

season and/or the gifts of God.

Altar Book:

Sits on the Altar and includes

the liturgies of the church,

prayers (including the prayers of the

day), and special services

that the presiding

minister may use.

Readings: Each worship service is grounded in

scripture. Readings are

appointed to be read each week. The

collection of readings is

known as the “lectionary.”


THE WORDS OF OUR LORD Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26


Pastor: As often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we

proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.

People: Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!


Pastor: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

People: And also with you.

THE COMMUNION DISTRIBUTION For those who have difficulty walking or if there is a need to stay at their seat, indicate so

to an usher and Holy Communion will be brought to those persons individually. For more

information about our communion practice, please see the front cover of the worship folder.


“God of Wonders”

“Everlasting God”



Pastor: O God the Father, the fountain and source of all

goodness, who in loving-kindness sent Your only begotten


People: We thank You that for His sake You have given us

pardon and peace in this sacred meal. And we ask that

you always rule in our hearts and minds by Your Holy

Spirit that we may be enabled constantly to serve You

and our neighbors.

Pastor: Through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and

reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and

forever. Amen!

About the Service

The Altar:

The altar is a symbol of

God's gracious

presence in His church. Its significance is

that of sacrifice. It

signifies primarily the sacrifice of Jesus Christ

for the redemption of

the world.

The Lord’s Table:

This is another name for the

altar and is also used for

the preparation,

consecration, and

distribution of the Lord’s




Pastor: The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be

gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and (+)

give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

People: Amen!

SENDING HYMN “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” LSB #656*

Pastor: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

People: Thanks be to God!

* Denotes Hymns suggested by members

Prayer Walk: Please take a few minutes prior to or following the service to pray for the mission and ministries of the congregation. A prayer guide has been prepared to assist you and may be picked up from an usher. We ask the Lord to be upon this place and all who serve for the sake of His mission.

Scripture: The English Standard Version, All music reprinted with permission. CCLI #1533343.

The King of

Glory Cross:

The cross is a

variant of the

historic Flowered

Cross. This cross

is a development

of the Budded

Cross, once worn

on the tunics of


The intersection

of the cross arms

and stem is

surmounted by a

crown, symbol of

Christ’s kingship.

In the interstices

are carved rays

which depict

Christ's glory,

and behind the

rays a disc



Mr. Thomas

Wessels of

Newport News is

the artist and

craftsman who

constructed the



TODAY (August 31):

Sunday Morning 9:30 and 10:45 AM Bible

Classes Through the summer we will

continue to have classes on Sunday Mornings.

Discipleship, 9:30: WRAPPING UP! The final class

of the Matthew Bible Study will be led by Pastor Kuehnert this morning. Two things: a celebratory look back over this extraordinary Gospel....and an opportunity to give feedback about the class whose leadership was shared between Dr. Claire Partlow and Pastor Kuehnert. In the Annex, Room 1.

Parents in the Word: On break this summer. 10:45: On break this summer.


Tuesday Women’s Bible Study: This class is on break for the summer.

Tuesday Morning Men’s Breakfast: Every Tues-day at 7:30 the men of King of Glory meet at

the Olde Mill Pancake House on Longhill road. You are invited to join us for this time. Please contact Cap Neilson for more information.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study: Join us as we study the Book of Daniel in Life Enrichment Rooms 3 & 4 at 10 AM.

Friday Men’s Bible Study in New Kent, 7 AM: Join us for a time of breakfast and Bible Study.

Saturday Women’s Bible Study in New Kent, 9:30 AM: We meet the second and fourth Sat-urdays of the month.

NEXT SUNDAY (September 7): No Bible Studies. Please join us at York River

State Park for a combined service at 10:30 and fellowship to follow. Bring your own picnic lunch!

UP AND COMING (starting in Oct.)

Find out more about the plans for small-group study on The Story. See the “Looking Ahead” section in this News and Notes for more details.


KING OF GLORY MISSIONS King of Glory at New Kent: Located at 9120 Pocahontas Trail (Route 60), Providence Forge (directly behind

the Food Lion/Rite Aid Shopping Center). Visit: or call 804.966.5525. Worship services at 11:15 AM and 6 PM.

FISH: FISH needs volunteers, non-perishable food and clothing (no worn-out shoes or clothes. Good condition only!).

KING OF GLORY CARE MINISTRIES King of Glory is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. To learn about this Lay Ministry, contact one of our

leaders: Rev. Phil Kuehnert, Dan Scungio, or Jon Falck. For more information about our extensive care ministries, contact Pastor Adam Hengst at:


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Connect to God and His people; Live through Service and Sharing.

Next Sunday, September 7, 10:30: Fall Kick-Off Service at York River State Park. Worship will be at 10:30; bring your own picnic to follow. We look forward to coming together as one community to worship the King of Glory. Should you not be able to make it, there will be a service here at 8 AM. Our hope is to come together-- all services, all campuses to worship together in His name. We hope to see you there.

Fall Activities Guide: This week the Looking Ahead—Fall Activities Guide was sent out via e-mail. Copies are also available at the Welcome Center. The guide includes information from Pastor Harmon about events in September and October. It also includes information from ministry leaders about opportunities to connect, grow and live in the months to come. Please take a look through the guide and plan to be part of the great things happening at KOG!

Pastoral Care Fund: We are blessed to help many people through your gifts to the Pastoral Care Fund. Funds are currently low. If you would like to give toward this fund, please place your gift in the offering or mail it to KOG and on the memo write: pastoral care. Thank you.

Congregational Cluster: On Thursday, September 11 you are invited to join Pas-tor Harmon for a congregational cluster. This will be a time for Pastor to share with you the vision of the next year and the re-mainder of the time will be for you to share with Pastor. What is going well? What are we doing that you like? What is not going well? What concerns do you have? What questions can I answer? Join Pastor on Thursday, September 11 from 7-8:30 PM.


TODAY….WE PRAY! With our prayer booklets in hand

(available from the ushers), we will move to each station on the PRAYER WALK and stop there to pray. We might choose to pray alone or with our family members or with our friends. There is no certain order to our journey.

When you have completed your prayer-walk, please return the booklet to an usher or place it at the Welcome Center. THANK YOU for your participation today. May the experience be a blessing to you and may it bring glory to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Stephen Minister Commissioning

today: This morning at the 11:00 AM service, Bill Osborne will be commissioned as a Stephen Minister. Bill completed 50 hours of training in May along with 26 others from the Stephen Ministry network of Williamsburg, which included four from King of Glory. Bill was out of town visiting his seriously ill mother in June when the other three, Maryann Balint, Georgianne Aztrodt, and Wendy Waldek were commissioned. We pray God's blessing on the caring and compassionate minis-try of all Stephen Ministers.

Barb McKenna: We thank Barb McKenna

for sharing her testimony today. May the Lord continue to use her to His glory

and praise.


ANNOUNCEMENTS, continued: Connect to God and His people; Live through Service and Sharing.

Lunch Bunch starts the year with a fun luncheon at Fat Tuna Grill & Oyster House, 1433 Richmond Road. We will meet at 11:30 on September 2 at the restaurant. Please call Lana Wingate, 259-5949 for reservations. Come, ladies, and bring a friend!

Community Café, Thursday, Sept. 4 1:00-3:00 PM, St. Martins Episcopal Church (1333 Jamestown Road): Are you 60 or better? Get ready for fun, informa-tion, and lighthearted entertainment! The Faith Community and the Senior Services Coalition are sponsoring an afternoon out. Bring your friends in the Williamsburg Community, or make new ones. Join us for a short panel discussion, question and answer period, snacks, entertainment and prizes. Our first theme is "Physical Well-Being." If you have any questions, please call Lana, Parish Nurse, at 259-5949.

LWML, Sept. 8, 10 AM: The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League asks the King of Glory Ladies to please join us at the church for fellowship, business meeting, and refreshments, as we begin a new year.

Women’s Weight Management Group. The group, which is under the auspices of the Parish Nurse, has been meeting twice per month since February. This is a unique ap-proach to weight management that is not a diet, but a process to create an understanding of how to develop techniques for managing one’s weight. The Group recently completed an exploration of The End of Overeating, by David Kessler. Mem-bers have shared experiences, recipes, food samples and helpful publications. There are no public weigh-ins. Currently there are several openings for new members. A detailed description of the activity is available in the Welcome Center with a signup sheet. The next meeting is Sept. 12 at

9:30 AM, Life Enrichment Room 4. A brief orientation will be provided for those interested in joining.

Announcing a new ministry: Women's Ministry! The kick-off event is Sept. 13, 9:30-11:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Kate Chuckney will be our speaker and has a wealth of information about women's ministry. Christy King will provide music for this event. Come check out this new ministry and meet fellow members who may attend a different service. Breakfast and babysitting will be provided.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Mark your calendars for September 13 at 9 AM. The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be meeting at church. Materials and new patterns for knitting and crocheting prayer shawls are available. New members are always welcome. Contact Sheila Heim or Carol Schmidt with any questions.

FOLKS, Tuesday, Sept. 16, 11 AM: Fellowship, Outings, Luncheons, and Knowledge for Seniors (FOLKS) will be having a “Back to School” lunch and program at their next meeting. Lunch will be a school special: subs, chips, fresh veggies, drinks, and for dessert our favorite cookies and Dixie Cups. Following lunch Michelle Clauberg, KoG’s Pre-School and Kindergarten Director, will be our guest speaker. Also at this meeting FOLKS will be collecting school supplies for local students in need. Bo Wingate will deliver our supplies to area charities to distribute where needed.

FOLKS will gather at 11:00 for social time before the 11:30 luncheon. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center (include any guests you invite). If you need a ride to this meeting, please contact Pastor Chip Froehlich, Pastor of Senior Ministries (220.6783).


Day of Caring: The KoG Geezer Group plans to take on a project during the United Way’s Day of Caring on Friday,

September 19th. If anyone would like to join in, that would be great! Our project depends on how many can join the KoG team. You will get breakfast and a free T-shirt in addition to helping a local non-profit or public service agency with an improvement project. It’s a good way to have a good day. Contact Bo Wingate at

LWML: Mark your calendars: September 26-28 will be the Chesapeake District convention in Richmond, VA at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel. Convention registration is open now and forms are available on the LWML table. The theme of the Convention is “Quenched! By the Living Water.” Come to the River City for a weekend of worship, Bible study, interest sessions, great speakers and awesome music!

Small Groups and The Story: Beginning on October 12th, King of Glory will be starting a congregation-wide Small Group study of The Story. Small Groups are comprised of 8-12 people who meet twice a month to come together in fellowship, study, and prayer. The goal of Small Groups is for people to grow in their faith and to connect to their brothers and sisters in Christ. We invite you all to join in a Small Group. Please prayerfully consider joining one, and keep your eyes open for more information. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Hengst at or at 258-9701.


WORDS TO LIVE BY: Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

—-Romans 12: 12

Good news! Flooring is being installed in the narthex and nursery . This means lots of items will need to be relocated during this

(approximately) 2-3 week period of demolition and installation. Be prepared for dust, noise, disruption...and soon a new floor!

Thanks of the Week To Linda Winterhoff and Debbie Ward who prepared the prayer guides to assist us as

we walk through this campus and shroud it In prayer.


The Story: Beginning in September, the congregation will come together for a joint

project to increase biblical literacy and receive biblical blessing by reading the biblical text of both the Old and New Testaments arranged chronologically in 31 chapters.

Called The Story, this Bible will be presented as the basic text in preparation for sermons, worship themes and Bible Studies each week. The Story will touch every aspect of our congregational life over this next ministry year. Sunday School, Adult Education, Small Groups, Youth Ministry, and even our preschool religion time will involve and share The Story.

We will journey together and discover--for the first time or once again in a new way--how our story is woven into God’s story. We will explore how God’s story touches our lives so that in turn we may live and share His story.

Here is how it works:

Between now and September 14 you are invited to purchase The Story. Harry Grimes serves as our point of contact for this opportunity. An order guide has been prepared and sent through our e-blast. You may also pick one up at the Welcome Center.

Order forms and payment may be submitted at The Story box at the Welcome Center or given to Harry Grimes.

We are asking you to pre-order, and books will then be available for pick-up on Sunday, August 24, 31, and September 7.

Please do not let the cost of the books hinder you from taking this journey with us. If cost is a concern, please speak with Pastor Harmon, Pastor Hengst, or Tara Wolf.


We are asking the entire congregation to make a commitment to be part of this journey. When you pick up The Story you will be invited to place your name on a card that will be added The Story wall: a witness to all who gather of who is embarking on this journey.

If you have already purchased The Story, we invite you to add your names to the wall on Sunday August 24, 31 and September 7.

Together, we begin reading on the evening of Sunday, September 14. You will have a whole week to read one chapter of The Story. Take a look at how the flow of each week will proceed:

Sunday evening, begin reading the chapter for the week.

Wednesday Bible Studies (9:30 AM and 6:30 PM) will focus on the chapter you are reading.

Sunday Morning, the chapter comes to a close. When you come to worship, the sermon will focus on what you have read as we ask the question: How does God’s story apply to your story?

Sunday Morning Education focuses on digging deeper into some of the accounts and revealing deeper truths about what you have read.

Sunday Evening, begin reading the chapter for the coming week to continue the process.

Sunday Evening-->Wednesday Study-->Sunday Morning-->Sunday Evening

This is a great opportunity for each person in our community (Connect). This is a great opportunity for your neighbors and friends (Live). Think what a great blessing it will be to receive an in-depth understanding of the Word of God and how our story is woven into His (Grow).



Sunday School Begins on September 14 9:30-10:30AM No need to pre-register, simply ensure all of

your information is up-to-date in My KoG. All children should have a complete birthdate (Month/Day/Year) in order to sign in.

High School Bible Study meets in the Youth Room.

T.A.G. (Teens And God, 5th-8th grade) meets in Life Enrichment Rooms 3 & 4.

3rd & 4th Grades meet in Life Enrichment Rooms 1 & 2.

3 year olds, 4 year olds & Kindergarteners, 1st & 2nd graders all meet in the preschool wing.

High School Youth Group New fall schedule begins September 3 5:30-7:30PM Dinner is every week. A $5 donation is

appreciated and can be made by check, cash, or online.

9/3: Mystery Fun activity. 9/10: Welcome to HSYG! 9/17: We begin The Story

Christian Discipleship Training New fall schedule begins September 14 with a

Kick-Off event. Parents, youth and small group leaders are all invited to the Kick-Off at 12:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.

Please register your child for CDT. If you have not received an email invitation or a paper letter, please email Tara Wolf at


Save the Date! September 27th is the second

annual King of Glory Preschool & Kindergar-ten 8K. To register or to volunteer , please visit the school’s website or call the office at 258-1070.

Thanks to everyone who supplied the school with paper bags and bottle caps this summer!

Please visit our web site to learn more about our school.

Come and join in singing! THE KING OF GLORY CHOIR

Begins regular rehearsals Wednesday, Sept. 10 at 7:30 PM The choir sings during Worship Services as follows:

8 AM Service—1st and 3rd Sundays 9:30 AM Service—2nd and 4th Sundays



Summer Hours: The church office hours will be 9-3 all summer. Submissions for the News and Notes: deadline is 12 Noon on

Tuesdays. Please send announcements to E-blast announcements will include mid-week announcements only. Name Tags: Don’t forget to wear your name tags each week. Another way to "love our

neighbors" is to provide an easy way for them to know our names.

KOG 25th Anniversary Cookbook Calling all King of Glory Professionals and Service Providers:

If you would like to help defray the cost of the 25th Anniversary Cookbook and advertise your business or service to our congregation, please

submit your business card along with $25 cash or check by September 7th.

We would love to support your business!

Contact Georgianne Atzrodt, 757-565-2310;

Calling All Cooks: Recipes Needed—Today!

Please submit all recipes for this 25th anniversary King of Glory Cookbook by TODAY, August 31st! Place the recipes into the basket in the narthex.

For questions, call Georgianne at 757-565-2310.

Cancer Support Group—Join us!

A Christian based Cancer Support Group is coming to you! Are you a Christian? Have you had cancer? Are you currently going through treatments? We want you!

Join us on the 3rd Monday of each month here at King of Glory from 6-7 PM. Bring your dinner and your Bible!

We will talk and we will share. We will grow our courage through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Barbara McKenna M.Ed, and Pastor Adam Hengst will lead us. We will meet in Life Enrichment Rooms 3&4. Let’s grow in courage and strength together!

Questions may be directed to Barbara McKenna through email or phone contact, 757-345-2534

We look forward to seeing you for our first meeting on September 15th at 6 PM!


The members of the Congregation have been very generous with their contributions to the 2014 MDF (Mission Dedicated Fund), and contributions continue to be received. For that we are extremely thankful. King of Glory’s ability to reach out and help others depends on this fund.

The MDF addresses needs that exist nationally, internationally, and also needs of our community, in a number of ways. One of the ways your MDF contributions support our community is through our Human Care Partnership with the Community Resource Center of the United Way. In 2014, this fund, through the end of July, has provided $3208.72 to assist 18 community families escape eviction, prevent utility disconnect (or to reconnect), make a deposit to get out of a motel room into an apartment, and to obtain emergency medications, among other things.

There are 18 different stories behind these 18 gifts. Many went to single parents with small children, some went to elderly couples, one to a truck driver who had a leg amputated, and one was for a family living in a camper damaged by a storm. All funds were well spent doing what Jesus commanded Christians to do when our brothers and sisters are in need.

Other MDF areas of local Ministry, such as Homeless and Hungry, Homeless Discretionary, Winter Shelter, Greater Williamsburg Outreach Mission, 3eRestoration and local Financial Support to other “helping” organizations will be covered in later editions of the News &Notes.

We praise God for not only the funds to be able to help others, but also for the many who give of their time and abilities to make these ministries possible.

Attention Seniors! 2 Upcoming Programs at Sentara—

Both held at:

Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center

100 Sentara Circle Williamsburg Conference Room

"Wounds and How They Heal" Thursday, September 11, 2014 9 —11 AM Presenter: Dr. Mark Marcuson "Medicare Annual Election Information" Thursday, October 9, 2014 9 —11 AM Presenters: Bill and Ruth Sherman of Bay

Aging, Inc.


Service Coordinator: Tim Mitchell

8:00 AM:

Acolyte & Crucifer: Harry Grimes

Readers: Kurt Trochuck, Ward Wheatall

Greeters: Tony and Verlene Price

Ushers: Jon Falck, Pete Blair

Communion Assistant: Tim Schellpeper

Live Stream: Marcus Mitchell

Music: KOG Summer Choir

9:30 AM:

Acolyte & Crucifer: Cooper Gravel, Abby Schugeld

Readers: Ev Brown, Karen Peifer

Greeters: Jeanne and Larry Lubbs

Ushers: Barb Hain, Bob Hain

Communion Assistants: Rick Anders, Linda Anders, Cookie Baker, Jim Beaty

Live Stream: Peter Ligman

Liturgy Projection: Leif Romberg

9:30 AM (Family Worship):

Common Cup: Tara Wolf

Individual Cup: TBD

Water Blessing: Gayle Harmon

AV Booth: Jack Harmon

Service Leader: Tara Wolf

Ushers: Chris and Ethan Hoff

Praise Band: Christy King, Max Harmon, Noah Harmon, Laura Koestel, Shea Wooten, Rachel Rogers, Kate Clauberg, Bill Wake, Ross Fuller,

Jake Duffy

11:00 AM:

Acolyte & Crucifer: Briar Ownby-Connolly, Evan Blade

Readers: Mark Eckstrom, Devon Underwood

Greeters: Joy Gosselin-Blair and Nick Gosselin

Ushers: Tim Mitchell, Chris Olver

Communion Assistants: Mark Elgert, Harry Grimes, Michelle Clauberg, Tara Wolf

Live Stream: Carley Calfee

Liturgy Projection: Mikaela Welty

Praise Band: Christy King, Jim Olver, Kevin Clauberg, Max Harmon, Ryan Foster, Roger Heer

Flower Visitation Ministry: Janet and Diem Nguyen

Altar Guild: Kay Hoff, Faith Staples

Welcome Center: Caroline Peters, Alison and Ross Fuller, and Bob Enko


Take 15 minutes a day this week to read Matthew 18:1-20. Read it several times. After you read it, reflect on the verse and listen to what God might be saying to you. Then respond by living according to His love.