The Sales Incentive Strategy Your Entire Finance Team Will Love

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Sales Incentive Strategy Your Entire Finance Team Will Love


Are you rewarding your sales team fortheir deal margins?

You’re makinga big mistake.

The first incentive element: volume

Incentivizing on volume makes sense. Reps who sell more should be rewarded.

But if you stick with this single-angle incentive strategy, your margins will quickly go off the rails.

Sales reps will do whatever it takes to sell more, and they will get reckless.

Sales Incentive

Element #2:Target Price Achievement

Margins hold your reps responsible for uncontrollable variables.Incentives based on target price achievement, however, keeps reps from relying on discounts to close deals.

How to Incentivize on Price

Step 1Build an incentive formula that takes into account how close to target price the sales rep closes their deals.

Step 2Empower sales reps to see their impact on margins with a pricing analytics application.

Step 3Leverage your most profitable sales strategies by reviewing your highest-margin customers and how reps close deals for them.

Point Your Sales Repsin the Right Direction

Make sure every sales rep can easily determine the true impact

of their pricing decisions with deal analytics.

KiniMetrix can improve your sales incentive

strategy and execution.

See it in action by viewing a video demo
