The Rotary Club Unmasked

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of The Rotary Club Unmasked

  • 8/14/2019 The Rotary Club Unmasked


  • 8/14/2019 The Rotary Club Unmasked


    *The Act of the Russian Church Abroad3489:7*The Act of the Church of %reece348997


    The follo+ing boo' +as +ritten by one of the most ;ocal opponentsagainst the e+ orld $rder in %reece. #t should be noted that theoriginal intended audience +ere %ree' $rthodo) Christians in %reece.For the reader +ho is unfamiliar +ith $rthodo)y and Hellenism1 themindset of the author may be hard to comprehend. Ho+e;er1 despitethis fact1 the information contained herein is ;aluable to all people ofall creeds for it essentially deals +ith one aspect of the e+ orld$rder +hich threatens all of humanity. #t is true there is a strongChristian undertone +ithin the te)t of this boo' 3+hich may offend non/Christian and non/$rthodo) Christian readers71 but regardless of+hether the reader is Christian or not1 there is ;ery ;aluable

    information contained in the boo'1 much of +hich is una;ailable in the(nglish language.

    &ince this boo' +as originally +ritten in 48

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    *ather, youve written the 3ives of the 4aints, "he pocalypseE/plained, and have unmasked so many dark powers in order tosave our race from the claws of the antichrists whove run amok allover the world recently and seek to e/terminate not only ourrthodo/y and 0reece, #ut also all of humanity.

    Yet, up to now, why havent you also written a#out the (otary+'erhaps you think theyre innocent and harmless+ s known, the(otary, together with the 3ions5and the various (otisseurs6 haverecently spread activity in our land without precedent. ur peoplecertainly smell something. "hey distinctly feel that somethingsuspicious e/ists #ehind all their action. nd their action is usuallye/pressed in intensive feasts5indeed, also on *ast 7ays6. -t is evene/pressed in the #estowal of awards to the organs of order. nd sopeople feel distinctly suspicious. &owever, why havent youunmasked the (otary+

    This1 then is the first reason for unmas'ing the Rotary? the letters ofthe people.

    2) The second reason for +riting the present boo' +as the calling ofthe 49th @an/Hellenic Conference by the Rotary in Agrinios. #tstarted on April 491 48

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    did the priest allo+ him. He said1 !$nly Christians can be agodparent. Ho+e;er1 you-re a Rotarian? you-re an antichristE"

    # +or'ed as a preacher in Aitoloa'arnanian for many years. This is+hy the Christians of Agrinios referred to me for help in the battle

    they +ere gi;ing to the Rotary. After all these things1 ho+ could #refuse to satisfy the reuests of my $rthodo) brothers0 From fara+ay # could hear the roars of battle that occurred not in distant&+iterland +here the enemy gatherings occur1 but +ithin the heartof our HomelandE

    # hear their ;oices burst out +ith the po+er of the Cross againstthe snea'y enemy1 that has destroyed our $rthodo) homeland foryears. # don-t turn a deaf hear. # cannot remain indifferent.Together +ith all the burning $rthodo) Christians1 # tell them>

    !Courage brothersE e-re comingE And +e-re bringing +eaponsand ammunitionE The ammunition +e send you are deadly bombsagainst the enemy. They are the copies of this small boo'G"

    Anyone interested about our orthodo)y and Homeland should notremain unarmed. &catter these handbombs e;ery+here. $urenemies don-t fear thoracic megatherium. either do they ha;e alac' of money. And they use both in abundance. Ho+e;er1 theyfear and tremble at only one thing1 the Truth. And this is becausethe Truth is of %od and they are of the de;il1 the father of lies.

    And so1 readers1 +e gi;e you the truth about the Rotary +ithinthis little boo'E se it +ell and it +ill fracture. Try to get as manypeopleeither Rotarians or non/Rotariansto read it so they can besafeguarded. #f1 out of ignorance they +ere misguided and becameantichrists1 they +ill not see %od-s face on Iudgment Day. But youalso1 +ho are able to safeguard them and yet do nothing1 +ill ha;ea great responsibility. %od says1 !The one 'no+ing good and notdoing1 it is sin unto him".

    Archimandrite Haralambos VasilopoulosAbbot of the Holy ,onastery of the Bodiless @o+ers1 @etra'i

    AthensIuly 48

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    (;erything dar' and antichrist is al+ays camouflaged inFreemasonry. The same thing occurs +ith the Rotary Club. #t is also acamouflaged display for today-s Rotary Club is nothing other than adisguised branch of Freemasonry? the antechamber1 as it has been

    characteried. The Rotary operates +here the ,asonic odges cannotact openly.

    The Rotary logo re;eals a lot to the e)perienced eye. The firstuestion to as' is> !hy is the Rotary logo not a simple +heel +hich+ould surely correspond more to its purpose0" The fact that it is atoothed +heel re;eals three possible things>

    a) (ither it is mo;ed by another unseen +heel.b) #t has an aim to mo;e other +heels.c) @erhaps it engages mens- gears +hich con;eys them to+ards

    further !+or'ing out" to other +heels of the in;isible machineEe +ill deal +ith the Rotary logo in another chapter.

    #n this chapter1 +e +ill deal e)clusi;ely +ith the Rotary Club-shistory. The Rotary Club +as born by a curious accident in the+orld+ide capital of crime and ;iolenceChicago1 #llinois. #t +asfounded on February :91 486. By a strange historical chance1 enin-sfirst Communist Re;olt in Russia occurred in 4861 +ith the aid of theIe+ish ban'ers1 &chiff1 ohb and John as +ell as other Ie+s3many of+hom +ere established in Chicago7. aturally1 its surely a matter ofsimple coincidence.

    At any rate1 the Rotary Club +as founded by an American la+yer1@aul @. Harris. His purpose +as !to unite prominent men of differentprofessions +ho +ould try to impro;e their enterprises and productsto+ards the better ser;ice of their fello+ man1 society in general and1naturally1 of themsel;es."

    T#e Na5e 9Rotar':

    The Club +as called !Rotary" because the first members- meetingsoccurred alternately in the office or residence of one of its members

    once a +ee'. aturally1 this happened before Chicago became themost !re;ol;ing" city of America and the entire +orld.

    T#e Cl!( Co5es to t#e 9Intereste Ones:

    All the in;estigations done on this subKect sho+ us the Club-s founder+as truly a sincere person. He +as an honorable American patriot and

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    did not ha;e any relationship +ith Freemasonry or other similargroups.

    There is no doubt that from the beginning1 the Club achie;ed its goal.Ho+e;er1 this could not escape the attention of the !interested

    ones"3i.e. Freemasons and the !Blac' ,asons" behind them and+orse than them1 the !Rosicrucians"7.

    aturally1 this +as in the age that these !gentlemen"that is1 theRosicruciansstill posed as a secret ,asonic order +ith noble aims.This +as also before it became 'no+n to all that their true goals +ereanything but noble.

    The +orld +as informed of this fact especially after the murder ofRobert F. Jennedy by the Rosicrucian &irhan &irhan as +ell as the the%erman press- entry that the Rosicrucians in &+iterland de;ote

    themsel;es to unspea'able orgies in the presence of smallchildren3see TA (A1 :5L

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    Tr!sts an S!$er5ar3ets

    The terrible !Trusts" of the multinational corporations+hich spreadout their terrible tentacles e;en beyond America1 stifling andannihilating e;ery personal indi;idual initiati;e of small businesses

    +as born +ithin the halls of the Rotary Club.

    ,oreo;er1 the idea of supermar'ets+hich stifled and still stifles thesmall1 poor family grocer+as also born +ithin the halls of the RotaryClub. And +hen the small grocer ceases to e)ist1 then a super grocer+ill feed usE And this super grocer or super ba'er +ill surly be a rotary4ME

    Today1 the frightening !trusts" not only undertoo' to feed1 +ater andclothe us monopolistically1 but they also strip us as recently happened+ith #$&1 of +hich the directors Nin' smeared7 in &+iterland3+here

    else07. e can cite lots of e)amples +hen these gangster trusts hurledthe go;ernments of many countries.

    Ho+e;er1 the money profits from drug smuggling1 the +hite fleshtrade1 and casinoes must be in;ested some+here. The dar'businessmen percei;ed their best in;estment +ould be in the +arindustries. Thereafter they too' sa+ to the best arrangement of theirproducts through the creation of +arsthere +here they +ereEE(;erything is to occur !turno;er" and rotate the toothed +heel.#nstead of lubricate +ith oil1 it is lubricated +ith the blood and tears ofunfortunate men.

    T#e ;"ctor' of t#e 9Intereste Ones:

    #n the past1 during one of the !symposiums"1 the hall had beenadorned +ith ;arious symbols1 including the initials R.C. &ome +illimmediately recognie these initials as proceeding from the odge ofthe Blac' ,asons. aturally1 by satanic !coincidence"1 the initials R.C.can mean both the Rotary Club and Rosi/Crucians. Then1 ;ariousfrictions +ere created by people +ho did not +ant their Club to beconnected in a Blac' mason den. Finally1 this discord e)pired +ith the;ictory of the !interested ones" and thus the Rotary Club transferred to

    the city (;anston1 #llinois.

    T#e E4$ans"on of t#e Rotar' Cl!(

    After a short time1 +hen the Rotary Club became 4O in America1 theClub-s representati;es established the ational Association of RotaryClubs3August1 4847. T+o years later3484:71 +hen there +ere already

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    many Rotary Clubs1 in and outside of America1 the #nternationalAssociation of Rotary Clubs +as founded.


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    57 %eorge hlig1 Ardmore1 @ennsyl;ania1 &A87 %iulio Antonio Veno1 Trento1 #taly47 %erald R. ooll1 &t. Catherines1 $ntario1 Canada

    %((RA &(CR(TAR2

    Harry A. &te+art1 (;anston1 #llinois1 &A

    TR(A&R(R loyd Hollister1 ilmette1 #llinois1 &A

    This sho+s that out of the 4O +ho comprise the brain and mo;e the+orld+ide operation of Rotary Clubs1 5 are Americans1 = are of theBritish Common+ealth and only = are !foreigners"E

    T#e Co!ntr"es In *#"c# T#e' Act2O$erate

    e offer belo+ the full picture of the Rotary-s +orld+ide acti;itytoday348

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    48:9 Belgium48:9 Chile48:9 #taly48:= Bermuda48:= &+iterland

    48:6 %uatemala48:6 @ortugal48:O Colombia48:O Finland48:O &+eden48:< Boli;ia48:< Costa Rica48:< (cuador48:< (l &al;ador48:< %ermany48:< Jorea

    48:< @a'istan48:5 %reece48:8 Arab republic of (gypt48:8 Burma48:8 Honduras48:8 #srael48:8 u)embourg48:8 ,alaysia48:8 icaragua48:8 &ri an'a Republic489 Algeria

    489 Hong Jong489 Jenya489 ,orocco489 Rhodesia489 &ingapore489 Thailand4894 ebanon489= #celand489O FiKi489< Bangladesh489< ,onaco

    489< etherlands Antilles489< Veneuela4895 Cyprus4895 &udan4898 %uam4898 &enegal48=9 Dominican Republic48=< ,acao

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    48O: Barbados48O: Trinidad and Tobago48O9 &ierra eone48O= iberia48O= ,auritius

    48O= ,oambiue48O6 Bahrain48O6 Comoro #slands48O6 Dahomey48O6 est #ndies Associated &tates48OO %ibraltar48O< Afars and #ssas3French regions748O< ,alta48O< iger Republic48O5 Afghanistan48O5 Faroe #slands

    48O5 &aipan48O5 &i''im48O5 Togo48O5 Tonga48O5 Virgin #slands3British748O8 American &amoa48O8 Coo' #slands48O8 &eychelles #slands48O8 Tunisia48

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    467 Jomotini4O7 amia4

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    ,arch 48>6 of the ncientand ccepted (ite of 4cottish *reemasonry.

    &((Y "(U!

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    e base our accusation upon the follo+ing points>

    1) e sa+ in the Rotary-s history ho+ the once good $rganiationof Rotarians came into the hands of ,asonry. From e;erything

    +e censured there1 one can be firmly persuaded that today-s,asonry in;isibly directs the Rotary Club in order to ser;e itspurposes.

    :7 The specific symbol of the prominent Rotarians has themonogram of the Theosophist uciferians in the middle? namely1the blac' and +hite triangle in interlaced form +ith the blac'triangle turned do+n+ards.

    3) The Rotarians follo+ the same tactic as ,asonsspecificceremonial admittances of ne+ proselytes1 helping one another1conferences and meetings1 the youth organiations1 etc.

    4) hen the Holy &ynod of the Church of %reece forbade the

    Rotarians from being godparents in an $rthodo) Baptism1 theTheosophists attac'ed +ith unprecedented animosity against theChurch> !$nce againE The Herodias of religious intolerance andobscurantism ragesG"1 they +rote in their periodical1!#lissos"3 Vol. 4=1 p. 46=7. 2et1 +hy did the Theosophists ta'eon the defense of the Rotary0 &imply because the Theosophistsalso belong to the same shop of ,asonry.

    67 $n more than one occasion1 the Rotarians ha;e put for+ard>a7 The idea of orld %o;ernment1 +hich is also the chief aim

    of Freemasonry1 ,RA3@an/Religion71 and ionism.b7 They teach that man must try to place himself in the

    ni;erse by ;irtue of his 'no+ledge and e)perience and+ith the presupposition that ,ysticism is the chief tool andmeansE3see !,AJ(D$#A"1 44.4:.48O81 the speech of&oterios Faltse1 assistant professor at the ni;ersity,edical &chool7.

    c7 They ad;ertise Blac' ,agic as a hobby1 Kust as the Blac',asons.

    O7 As +ith all uciferic organiations1 the Rotary Club also has its(uropean Center in &+iterland. They freuently organie theirinternational conferences there. Their 48

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    8) The $rthodo) and Catholic Church had condemned Rotarians assuspect ,asonry both before and after ##. The CatholicChurch issued an encyclical on 44.4.4864 and in 48651 theChurch of %reece ordered> !ntil the Rotarians liuidate theirposition against the Church1 the abstinence of the Clergy from

    the Rotary groups and conferences is enKoinedG" #n 48

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    0od, without you nothing comes to #e on earth,

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    professor says the second thingsE Both of them ha;e a lot ofeducation and life e)perience. But one of the t+o are surelytelling big lies and attempt to decei;e usG#t-s possible that +edon-t ha;e as much education as they do1 but +e see the liesand deceit at first glanceG

    @roceeding thus1 +e see ho+ ,r. Athanasopoulos- phrasesaddressed to ,etropolitan Theo'letosthat !the encyclical-scontentGis full of inaccuracies"rather concerns himselfE $nthe one hand1 perhaps someone could Kustify +hate;er the,etropolitan +rote out of ignorance1 not 'no+ing the entireuciferic depth of Rotary. But on the other hand1 such a gross lie+hich the Rotaries themsel;es ser;e us1 together +ith theunforgi;able ignorance of their o+n matters1 can only pro;o'ethe +rath of e;ery honorable person.

    3) The honorable Ban' Director +rites that the Rotarian&ymposiums start +ith prayer1 the first +ords of +hich are1

    !ord1 bless this symposium". Ho+e;er1 can he responsibly tellus +ho this !ord" is0 @erhaps it-s the %reat Architect of the,asons0 Because after the +ord ord1 his name+hich theseRotarians a;oid mentioningal+ays follo+s. hy do they a;oidmentioning the name of the !ord" they are addressing0 At anyrate1 +e Christians said and +ill say clearly and plainly1 !$urord1 Iesus ChristE" hy don-t the Rotarians mention our ordIesus Christ by name0

    4) ,r. Athanasopoulos +rites that years ago1 the Holy &ynod of%reece consigned to commission an application of the Rotaryand the broadening of the Rotarian mo;ement. He says that it

    +ould be good for the relati;e findings in the Holy &ynod-sarchi;es to be sought and studied by e;ery !cautious" person.Ho+e;er1 because +e feared that ,r. Athanasopoulos is ;ery!unstudied" in this case also1 in our turn +e ad;ised to study therelati;e encyclical of the Hierarchy of %reece of 4865 and in thecase that it is @apal or niate1 the @apal (ncyclical of 44.4.4864on this subKect.

    5) ,r Athansopoulos +rites that the Rotary adopted the basilica of(piros1 homeland of @atriarch Athengoras1 of +hom he alsouotes e)tracts of his letter to the Rotary of %reece. But +hatdoes he find astonishing in this0 $r perhaps once again1 as one

    !unstudied"1 he did not 'no+ +hen he +rote his letter of!admonitions" to ,etropolitan Theo'letos1 that unfortunately thelate @atriarch Athengoras +as a Freemason of the 99rd degree0e do not 'no+ +here to render this point. To the in;oluntaryattempt of our deceit or simply to gross ignorance.

    6) #n other points of his defense1 the eminent Rotarian +rites aboutentire ro+s of the Rotary-s !philanthropic" +or's1 e;idently inorder to impress. But the %ree' people 'no+ ;ery +ell +hat

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    these !philanthropies" are and +hat these !philanthropies" ofthe enemies of $rthodo)y and ation usually pursue. This isbecause there is not one dar' organiation +hich did not busyitself in %reece +ith !philanthropy" after the +ar.

    Finishing this brief chapter1 +e consider it to be a mista'e on our partnot to mention +e feel niether hate nor contempt for the honourable#oannis Athanasopoulos and the Rotary in +riting all these things. edo not struggle against them1 but rather against the idea of Rotary andthe dar' po+ers that are hidden behind itE Contrarily1 +e than' himfor gi;ing us such arguments. #ndeed1 +e as' them to +rite because+hen sna'es come out of their nests1 someone can 'ill them.hereas1 +hen the sna'es stay hidden inside1 they fatten. e +armlyrecommend him to read this small composition of ours +ith the a+e ofattention and ans+er us only one uestion> !#s he or is he not a ,asonhimself0" #f he doesn-t ans+er then it means he is. And if he falsely

    ans+ers1 +e +ill tell him the truth.

    At the &ymposium of Rotarians in Agrinio1 many unorthodo) things+ere chec'ed. Behold +hat the ne+spaper !$rthodo)Typos"346.6.48

    "he former captain of (otary, !r. !enas Cergis, undertook to refutethe accusation that the (otarians are not faithful rthodo/ =hristiansand deployed the theme, "he (otaryG 4upporter of (eligion%

    mongst other things, he also said the following clearly unorthodo/

    and ecumenistic thingsG - would like to start my speech with a simile. @ust as throwing astone in a calm and 1uiet lake creates tens of concentric circles whichare lost within its #oundlessness, thus also the (otary resem#les thislake which in its #oundlessness are lost tens of concentric circles ofhuman #ehavior, human messages and activitiesthe concentriccircles that help man to his ascent high in the #oundlessness of thelake of life. ne of these concentric circles that includes the lake of (otary isreligion. "he religion of every man, #lack and white, orthodo/ and protestant,

    =hinese and @apanese, religion #eyond the #oundaries of everycountry$ the religion of each one of us. -t is very difficult for someone to try to unravel and analyJe twonotions so tightly #ound #etween them with a common #asis and goal. -t would #e easier for one to find soil not touching any soil than tofind the (otary far from religion. small review and return to the (otarian message always #ears it asupporter of religion.

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    We e/pose the following with a#solutely no disposal of hostilityagainst anyone, #ut also without hesitation or fear for the discontentwhich it will pro#a#ly provoke.

    1) "he (otary rganiJation has a tight relation and affinity to

    *reemasonry, characteriJed knowingly as cousinL, first depotL,antecham#erL of !asonry, and the introductionL to it.2) large percentage of (otarians also happen to #e *reemasons.

    -ndeed, the first =aptainL of the (otary in 0reece was aprominent mem#erL of 0reek !asonry.

    3) -n the form of syncretism5namely a mi/ture of religious #eliefswhich they foundL, as the (otarians themselves confess, trying toreconcile the irreconcila#le6, it comprises something whichaccurately constitutes the depreciation of the religion of =hrist.=ontrarily, =hristianity is not found in harmony towards the rest ofthe creeds$ it stands a#ove them as the only uni1ue revelation,

    possessing the truth out of revelation.4) "he international character of the (otary is evident. !any

    1uestions are provoked through certain of its activities which showsuspicious signs in contrast to =hristianity.

    5) -n the 'rayerL #efore the conference, there is not one mentiona#out the 4avior =hrist or the &oly "rinity. -t is vaguely anda#stractedly addressed to the divine, while the head of anidolatrous deity is depicted in their #anner.

    6) With the symposiums and discussions of the practice ofphilosophyL, one of the #asic slogans is we serveL. &owever, it isnot necessary for one to #e a (otarian to apply this since this is

    the very first command of =hristianity.7) "he &oly 4ynod of the =hurch of 0reece and the &oly 4ynod of our

    &ierarchy maintained many reservations against the (otaryrganiJation, at times for#idding the participation in (otariansymposiums due to pertinent 1uestions of the rch#ishop589A8,89AM, and 89:6. "he 89AM encyclical certainly seeks the (otaryto settle their position, if, that is, they happen to #e faithfulchildren of the =hurch.

    8) =ertainly, the esta#lishment of the (otarian 0roup constitutes anoffense against our &oly =hurch. uur forefathers struggled unitedunderneath our flag and succeeded in carrying out the &oly

    4truggle for

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    suffices and he should #e proud a#out this. &e doesnt needanything else. "he (otary has nothing new to offer him.

    -n knowledge of our responsi#ility towards 0od and man5for thisreason we are una#le to remain silent$ this would constitute the

    #etrayal of our *aith and mission6, we add that =hrist, the uni1ue4avior, the &ope of the world, waits the return of our carried away#rothers from ignorance, for whom we certainly pray in love.

    With 'aternal #lessings,"he !etropolitan


    T#e Na5e

    @arallel +ith the ,asonic antechamber1 the Rotary1 +e also ha;e themo;ement of its !other branch"1 the ions Club1 here in %reece. The+ord !ions" brings to mind a passage from the Bible +hich tal's aboutthe de;il. The &criptures say that1 !the de;il1 as a roaring lion1 +al'ethabout1 see'ing +hom he might de;our"34 @et. 6>57.

    For the time being1 the ions- action in %reece is insignificant andmainly limits itself to the self/ser;ice of its members. For the present1then1 +e +ill also limit oursel;es to report only the follo+ing fe+ thingsabout the ions.

    Iust li'e the Rotary1 the organiation has its headuarters in thecapital of international crime1 Chicago3!ions #nternational" :8 north,ichigan A;e.1 Chicago1 #1 &A7. #t began in Iune 484< +hen a youngChicago insurance agent1 ,el;in Iones1 presented to a group ofseparate business clubs the idea of consolidating the indi;idual clubsinto one strong influential club +ith the goal of helping the communityand ser;ing humanity. Today348

    47 Create and foster a spirit of understanding among the people ofthe +orld3Freemasonry also pursues this7.

    :7 To promote the principles of good go;ernment and goodcitienship.

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    97 To ta'e an acti;e interest in the ci;ic1 cultural1 social and moral+elfare of the community.

    =7 To unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship1 good fello+ship1and mutual understanding.

    67 To pro;ide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of

    public interest? pro;ided1 ho+e;er1 that politics and religion shallnot be debated by club members.O7 To encourage ser;ice/minded people to ser;e their community

    +ithout personal financial re+ard1 and to encourage efficiencyand promote high ethical standards in commerce1 industry1professions1 public +or's1 and pri;ate endea;ors.

    At least the ions themsel;es here in %reece tell us these things.This organiation prints the monthly periodical1 !The ion ,againe"1+hich is published in 4: languages.

    The official logo of the ions is a circle +ith an in the middle and ithas t+o lions- heads on either side and the inscription1 !ions/#nternational". aturally1 this is for !public consumption". #n reality1ho+e;er1 the has another meaning>

    a7 The initial of the +ord ucifer +hich means !ight/bearer"1!&atan"1 etc.

    b) #t represents the right/angled ruler that1 in combination +ith thepair of compasses1 is the international ,asonic symbol.

    #n order for our readers to be better persuaded that the ions aremainly occupied +ith their self/ser;ice1 +e could offer photocopies of a

    plethora of clippings from the %ree' @ress1 e;en though the highsociety ions say that they-re mainly interested in>

    a7 Agricultureb7 Children of young agec) The de;elopment of @atriotismE

    oe and thrice +oe if +e %ree' $rthodo) Christians e)pect to betaught all these things by the ions. oE There are other aims of allthese dar' organiations +hich +e also denounce. At the same time1+e summon our %ree' brothers +ho +ere entangled by ignorance orsnobbism in the dar' +eb of the ,asonic spider to abandon its ca;e

    the sooner and return to the uniue1 straight road of Christ and%reece. e don-t 'no+ if it-s due to simple coincidence1 but the ions+ere founded in 484

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    ausanne7. The ions also labour for the constriction of !brotherlyrelations" +ith their borthers in ucifere1 the Tur's 3Kust as the ,asons1Rotary1 etc. do7. The ions are also ardent adherents of the restorationof idolatrous !holy" places1 +hich +ould prepare the return to Apollo+orship and the remaining !gods". i'e the ,asons1 Rotary and ,afia1

    the ions also ha;e their !%odparents/&ponsors". Being +armadherents of !Humanism"1 the ions also do not deny they are also its;anguard.

    In 6reece

    Both %reece and Cyprus comprise the Q44< complete andautonomous district of the ions. aturally1 the +ord autonomous isused symbolically because as in e;erything ,asonic1 e;erything isguided by unseen ,asonic reinsE The ions made their appearance in

    %reece in about 486=. o+ their 44< District contains 9 clubs1 : of+hich +ere established in the last decade. These 9 clubs ha;e about41 members.

    #n 48

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    civiliJation upon the thought of the human factor and human relations,the conservation of the environment and the leading role of individualsand their contri#ution to the social whole. &e was the founding mem#er and first 0eneral 4ecretary of the3ions =lu# in thens from 89AK. 'resident of the =lu# of thens)

    'atesia, 'resident of the =ommittee of ctivities and 0eneral =hairmanof the European =onvention of thens, he was appointed #y the-nternational 3ions as 0overnor of 7istrict 88:50reece and =yprus6 forthe period 89:8):; and 89:;):>. Within a decade, the num#er of =lu#s has increased from 8 to >$accomplishing *ull5self)powered6 7istrict and a#out 8, activemem#ers. 7uring the Bth):K. &is election was ratified #y the-nternational Doard of directors. n active mem#er of the European =ouncil, he took part in the

    European =onventions in 3ausanne, 'almas, "oulousse, "aorminas .

    The same photograph and e)actly the same te)t +as published inthe Acropolis and other ne+spapers36.8.48

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    go;ernment recently nullified many permits of e)propriation. But if asno+ +e 'no+ their names1 no+ +e should also be+are of somethingelseE

    Ho+ many of those responsible are members of the aforesaid clubsE

    The ans+er is much more than one could imagineE And so +hy this@harissism0 #n reality1 the people that seemingly labour for sa;ing ourhealth1 do +hate;er they can for us not to e;en ha;e o)ygen tobreathE

    But perhaps the eternal enemy of the human race is only interestedin the destruction of our souls0 Certainly notE The +ars1 plagues1narcotics and all his other things are eually good for his goal. And sothe destruction of the en;ironment simply only fills in the ;oid that itlac'ed for their souls- e)tinction1 +hich +ere created in the !image andli'eness" of their Creator.


    And no+ our second uestion1 or rather our perple)ityE hy is ite;ery+here the ;arious aforesaid clubs sprout li'e rotten fungus- theareas sprout and are contaminated +ith unprecedented crimes1 before+hich the blood of all honorable people freees0 hy1 since there aree;en policemen amongst the members of the clubs in uestion1 arethere ne;er speeches against crime and the mafia0 $r perhaps they+ould upset the ;arious interested members of the same clubs0

    But there is also another uestion on the same subKect> hy don-tthese clubs do e;en the minutest thing to hinder the crime+a;e thathas spread e;ery+here0 Ho+ can one be interested about thesummer mission1 young boys and girls in camps in order to breathclean air and strengthen their bodies and yet not be interested thatthey could be raped in the most beastly manner1 or learn to smo'emariKuana0

    Ho+e;er1 because the unprecedented strands of more detestablecrimes has already reached e;en our $rthodo) %reece1 +e +ill deale)tensi;ely +ith this matter in the ne)t chapter.

    Are T#e' 6oo C#r"st"ans=

    e 'no+ +ell that the orld+ide &taff of !%ahalla" e)erts enormouseffort primarily for the disappearance of Christianity 3especially in the,editerranean Basin71 and also the replacement of Christianity +ith the+orship of the 4: %ods of $lympus. nfortunately1 the number ofadherents of this idea in Athens increases continuously and manyup

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    sources +hich cannot be labeled anti/&emitic considering the fact thatIe+ish people themsel;es are saying these things. As +ell1 #-;eincluded an inde) further elaborating some of the informationcontained herein1 as +ell as1 gi;en sources +here this information canbe found and1 again1 this is all from legitimate Ie+ish sources3i.e.1>? En of note?

    As it +as sho+n1 the Rotary and ions are antechambers ofFreemasonry. But Freemasonry is the main tool of #nternationalionism. And so all the unfortunates +ho enter into theseorganiations and the other branches of Freemasonry1 ser;e theantichrist ionism in;oluntarily and in ignorance. And +e-;e seen%od-s curse +eigning on them for the last :1 years no+1 since the+retched ones said1 !His blood be on us and on our children"3,att.::67 +hen they crucified the Theanthropos.

    The ancients said1 !(;erything in its proper time"1 and +e alsobelie;e this. The follo+ing is a speech deli;ered on Ianuary 4:1 486:in Budapest at a secret meeting of ionists under Rabbi Rabino;#ch.This speech +as published in ,ay of 486: in the ne+spaper1 !omen-sVoice". #t should be noted that after this issue +as released1 thefinancial supporter of !omen-s Voice" died mysteriously? somethingso common in the &A. nder serious threats and intimidation1 it-sdirectorate +as forced to sell the paper to the American ai @arty anddisappeared +ithout lea;ing a traceE @erhaps all these things seemstrange for our readers in %reece but for those li;ing in America1 surelythey-re notE @erhaps because they ha;e become accustomed to the

    !silence of terror"GHere is the speech>


    $,(-& V$#C( is in receipt of a communication +hich1 in our opinion1is of the greatest importance. #t is important because the contents;i;idly recall the boastful1 impertinent and contemptible utterances ofa certain ,arcus (li Ra;age +ho1 in Ianuary 48:5 and in February48:51 in the C(TR2 ,A%A#( published t+o articles> 47 A R(ACA&( A%#&T TH( I(&? :7 C$,,#&&AR2 T$ TH( %(T#(&.

    The contents of the speech here+ith published so specifically fit thepresent day +orld that e;ery thin'ing American should ponder o;erthem? the spirit therein displayed is the ;ery spirit +hich animates theconcealed +ire/pullers in the councils of the nited ations +ho aredestroying America1 its Constitution and institutions. The speech alsoe)emplifies the ,A&T(R @A outlined in the @R$T$C$& $F TH((D(R& $F #$. Although made in Budapest1 Hungary1 a countrybehind the #ron Curtain1 the Rabbi-s speech1 li'e many other
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    documents of importance1 has lately reached the nited &tates. #tfollo+s>

    0reetings, my children% You have #een called here to recapitulatethe principal steps of our new program. s you know, we had hoped to

    have twenty years #etween wars and consolidate the great gainswhich we made from World War --, #ut our increasing num#ers in vitalareas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with everymeans at our disposal to precipitate World War --- within five years.

    "he goal for which we have striven so concertedly for threethousand years is at last within our reach, and #ecause its fulfillment isso apparent, it #ehooves us to increase our efforts and our cautiontenfold. - can safely promise you that #efore ten years have passed,our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every @ew a Fingand every 0entile a slave%Npplause from the gatheringO. You

    remem#er the success of our propaganda campaign during the 89>s,which aroused anti)merican passions in 0ermany at the same timewe were arousing anti)0erman passions in merica, a campaign whichculminated in the 4econd World War. similar propaganda campaignis now #eing waged intensively throughout the world. war fever is#eing worked up in (ussia #y an incessant anti)merican #arrage,while a nationwide anti)=ommunist scare is sweeping merica. "hiscampaign is forcing all of the smaller nations to choose #etween thepartnership of (ussia or an alliance with the United 4tates.

    ur most pressing pro#lem at the moment is to inflame the lagging

    militaristic spirit of the mericans. "he failure of the Universal !ilitary"raining ct was a great set#ack to our plans, #ut we are assured thata suita#le measure will #e rushed through =ongress immediately afterthe 89A; elections. "he (ussian, as well as the siatic peoples, arewell under control, and offer no o#Iections to war, #ut we must wait tosecure the mericans. "his we hope to do with the issue of anti)4emitism, which worked so well in uniting the mericans against0ermany. We are counting heavily on reports of anti)4emitic outragesin (ussia to whip up indignation in the United 4tates and produce afront of solidarity against the 4oviet power. 4imultaneously, todemonstrate to mericans the reality of anti)4emitism, we will

    advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenlyanti)4emitic movements in merica to increase their effectiveness,and we shall stage anti)4emitic out#reaks in several of their largestcities. "his will serve the dou#le purpose of e/posing reactionarysectors in merica, which then can #e silenced, and of welding theUnited 4tates into a devoted anti)(ussian unit.

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    that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and merica aredestroyed #y atomic warfare, the whites can offer no resistanceagainst the larger masses of the dark races, who will maintain anunchallenged technological superiority.

    nd so with the vision of world victory #efore you, go #ack to yourcountries and intensify your good work, until that approaching daywhen -srael will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the light ofthe world.

    3This transcription of Rabino;ich-s speech +as gi;en to me by aformer Bulgarian diplomat +ho bro'e +ith the Communist regime andreached Budapest1 Hungary1 +here he hid out +ith anti/Communistfriends until ,arch. hile1 there1 he obtained a copy of this speech1and +as then smuggled to Hamburg1 %ermany1 finally ma'ing his +ayto this country. A gentleman in Hamburg ga;e him my name1 and he

    met me and urged me to distribute this speech at once. # sincerelyhope that it +ill gi;e the American people a better picture of the forcearrayed against them7.

    3&igned7(&TAC( ,#&

    And no+ +e come to another article from the same ne+sletter1 +hich+as published in 48661 +hich re;eals the disappearance of smallchildren for ceremonial reasons.

    TRANSLATERS NOTE> This particular article may present a

    stumbling/bloc' for some of the readers because it deals +ith the ;erycontro;ersial topic of !Ie+ish Ritual ,urder". $f course1 neither theauthor1 nor the translator is under the impression that this is an aspectof Iudaism1 nor that e;ery Ie+ish person is !in;ol;ed". e are +ella+are that there ha;e been many false accusations in history and +edo not support the pogroms that ha;e resulted from these incidents.2et1 it is an undeniable fact that these things ha;e occurred in history.e see the same thing in both the Catholic and $rthodo) Church+here some clergy ha;e been secret &atanists? +hich does not meanthat all of them are. #t is an undeniable fact that a large number ofpriests ha;e been pedophiles1 +hich does not mean all priests are1 yet1

    in the public image1 this has become a label and suspicion for priests.To further assure the readers that there is no anti/&emitic or aiideology on our part in dealing +ith this subKect1 in Appendi) +e citethe Ie+ish sources that testify to these particular ritual murders.3note>the original photocopy is unreadable in a couple of places so #-;e hadto omit a fe+ sentences1 but #-;e included an appendi) from othersources +ith more details concerning these crimes7>en of note?

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    "oday, =hicago stands disgraced in the eyes of the world. "he most#rutal series of child murders in the history of this country is unsolved.

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    Certainly +e don-t accuse the %ree' Rotarians1 ions1 etc. today forall the aforesaid. &omething else. Ho+e;er1 +e dra+ their attention tothe fact that they become their in;oluntary tools1 +hich commit all theaforesaid crimes of #nternational ionism.

    &ince there is still time1 +e beg them +ith tears and the lo;e ofChrist to abandon the dinner table of the demons because1unfortunately1 the day isn-t far +hen these crimes +ill also occur here1if they ha;en-t occurred alreadyE But much +orse than the happeningsin ChicagoE And +e as'1 !hat +ill +e do no+0" They ha;e greatresponsibility as $rthodo) Christians and %ree's not only before theirchildren1 society and their ,other homeland1 but also before %od1hom they ha;e forgottenE

    e don-t doubt that most of our ad;ersaries +ill hasten to accuse us

    of suffering from anti/,asonic psychosis1 +ith a large dose ofobscurantism. But +hat should +e do +hen +e learn daily that ritualcrimes of the Chicago type happen in many other countries0

    Because +e 'no+ the !preferred" months of the ;arious ucifericgroups3and +e include all the ,asons +ith all their branches71 +e as'competently> !# +onder if they made an inuiry in this direction +hen1in ,ay of 48

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    (;eryday1 the ;arious groups and associationsforeign and non/foreign+hich ha;e the re;i;al of idolatry in our $rthodo) %reece as agoal1 multiply. But the dangers+hich +ill ha;e both us and ourinnocent children as the main targetalso increase +ith them. 2et1

    +hat are +e doing0

    e practice our duty by publishing this boo'. And +e +ill probablypay this off slo+ly or uic'ly +ith our bloodE

    But you also1 belo;ed readers1 ha;e a holy duty as $rthodo)Christians and %ree's to circulate this boo'that +as +ritten +ith somany dangers and sacrificesin e;ery +ay and +ith e;ery sacrifice.Readers1 don-t thin' that !the uarrel is due to personal interest"? thate)pedient profits are hidden behind these lines. p till no+1 # ha;e+ritten 46 large and small boo's and # ha;e not ta'en e;en one

    drachma from all these. (;ery drachma is disposed for the holystruggle for the Christians- enlightenment e;ery+here. e don-t +or'for money1 but for the Faith. $ur o+n profit +ill probably bemartyrdom and this +ill be our ma)imum compensation +hich +illsecure the Jingdom of %od for us sinners. e +ill say +ith satisfactionthat e;ery drop of our blood +ill not be lost1 but +ill become a +a;e1struggle that +ill s+eep the po+ers of dar'ness.

    The foreign/mo;ed antichrist po+ers +ill finally be crushed. Thisconstitutes a certainty that the ord Iesus Christ Himself emphasies1ho


    Freemasonry uses social clubs such as the Ji+anis #nternational1Rotary #nternational1 and others as feeder organiations or recruitmentcenters to enlist ne+ members in addition to referrals by their o+nmembers. At the top end of the secreti;e spectrum are threeinterrelated organiations that capitalie on their lo+ 'ey relationship+ith +orld+ide masonry. The founding group in %ermany3#lluminati

    ni;ersity of #ngolstadt71 the American group3&'ull and Bones &ociety2ale ni;ersity71 and the (nglish group3Cecil Rhodes &cholars$)ford ni;ersity7 are interrelated.

    There are more than 51= Ji+anis Clubs +ith o;er O1members in more than

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    goal1 eliminating the de;astating effects of iodine deficiencydisorder3#DD7. ,embership consists of acti;e or retired business andprofessional men and +omen. The a;erage Ji+anis member is 66.4years old1 a college graduate1 married and a homeo+ner. He or she isan o+ner or manager of a firm in the :6 million or less range.

    Rotary #nternational is an organiation of business and professionalleaders united +orld+ide +ith a stated purpose of pro;idinghumanitarian ser;ice1 encouraging high ethical standards in all;ocations1 and helping to build good+ill and peace in the +orld. #nmore than 4O countries +orld+ide1 appro)imately 4.: millionRotarians belong to more than 91 Rotary Clubs. The +orld-sRotary Clubs meet +ee'ly and are non/political1 non/religious1 andopen to all cultures1 races1 and creeds.

    Throughout its history1 Rotary #nternational has collaborated +ith

    many ci;ic and humanitarian organiations1 as +ell as the go;ernmentagencies of ;arious nations1 in its stated efforts to impro;e the humancondition. An e)cellent of +hat these partnerships can accomplish canbe found in Rotary-s ambitious @olioplus program. aunched in 4856 inconcert +ith the orld Health $rganiation3H$71 the nited &tatesCenters for Disease Control3CDC71 and #C(F.

    Rotary has had a special relationship +ith the nited ations formore than half a century. At the 48=6 nited ations CharterConference in &an Francisco1 California1 &A1 nearly 6 Rotariansser;ed as delegates1 ad;isors1 and consultants. And the nited

    ations (ducational1 &cientific and Cultural $rganiation3(&C$71established one year later1 can trace its roots to a Rotary conferencepromoting international cultural and educational e)changes that +asheld in ondon in 48=9. #n 48=O1 the same year (&C$ came intoe)istence1 Rotary #nternational +as granted non/go;ernmentalorganiation3%$7 consultati;e status +ith the nited ations and(&C$. Today1 a gro+ing number of prospects are implemented incollaboration +ith nited ations agencies around the +orld. or'ing+ith A#D&1 Rotary Clubs promote A#D& a+areness and pre;ention.Veneuelan Rotary Clubs are +or'ing +ith FA$ field staff to increase;egetable and poultry production. igerian rotary Clubs are +or'ing

    +ith the @opulation Fund to e)pand a material education and childspacing program. #n @oland1 the De;elopment @rogram helped theRotary Clubs of arsa+ and Duluth1 ,innesota3&A7 create a Kointbusiness internship program.

    Rotary representati;es are appointed by the Rotary #nternationalpresident to increase a+areness and recognition of Rotary-s programs1policies1 and acti;ities +ithin the international community. Rotary

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    #nternational Representati;es1 based in maKor cities around the +orld1monitor maKor e;ents and meetings1 e)changing information andacting as liaisons.

    Currently1 Rotary #nternational Representati;es are appointed to>

    47 The nited ations3e+ 2or'1 %ene;a1 Vienna7:7 (&C$97 Council of (urope=7 $rganiation of African nity67 CH&LHabitat and (n;ironmental @rogramO7 Food and Agriculture $rganiation and the orld Food


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    The follo+ing is ta'en from a photocopy of a Rotary Club publication.

    E"tors Note& ur 7ecem#er 89:; issue featured two articles which

    elicited 5unusually6 heavy reader response. ne was orld%o;ernment> The ay $ut0 Dy former U.4. senator @oseph 4. =larkN8O."he other was Rotary> Rest #n @eace1 a satirical yet constructivecriticism #y (otarian Edward E. =adman. &ere is a sampling of readerreaction.

    Re& *orl 6o-ern5ent

    Than' you for publishing the +orld go;ernment article byIoseph Clar'. #t has been my dream for a long time to seethe people of the +orld unite and rule themsel;es byforming one go;ernment only. After all1 geographic

    boundaries are created by man himself. @atriotism basedon these boundaries is a shallo+ term +hich reflectsnarro+/mindedness and immaturity of its belie;ers.nfortunately1 the article did not suggest the +ays to deal+ith cruel dictators1 oppressi;e minority regimes1 andcallous colonialists. ill one +orld go;ernment be able toeradicate such e)plosi;e1 unKust1 and inhuman situations+hich are domestic in nature but ha;e internationalrepercussions0

    &.&. R$&&21 (otarianEducator

    !anshya, Ham#ia

    The idea of +orld go;ernment e)pressed by Ioseph Clar' isa ;ery e)citing one. The basic idea is simple. There is nosecurity on the nation/state le;el. ithin a typical .&. city+e ha;e a local police force and courts of Kustice1 on thestate le;el there are the state police and state courts1 on anational le;el +e ha;e the .&. Army and ational %uardplus federal courts. #t is only abo;e this le;el that there isno order. o +orld court to decide +orld/le;el problems1and no international police force to act on an international

    le;el. &urly the cost of li;es and money +ould be less than+hat our o+n nation/state pays no+ for supposed security.$f course there are many problems1 but if +e could forge49 di;erse colonies into a federal union +ith a Bill of Rights+e could do the same on a +orld le;el by ha;ing a properframe+or' to handle +orld problems. @ro;ided1 ho+e;er1that the American people are presented the facts and seethat in the long run there is no logical alternati;e.

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    Rotary could lead the +ay in educating our o+n nation asto the benefits of a true +orld legislature and Kust courts+ith po+er to enforce decisions.

    I(R$,( &. THA(R1 (otarianptometrist

    3ake !ahopac,

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    Ort#oo4 Leaflet Blasts L"ons8 Sco!ts8 Masons+By Iean Christou

    The @an/Cyprian Christian $rthodo) ,o;ement has issued a boo'let

    claiming that the ions and Rotary Clubs and the Boy &couts arerecruiting grounds for Freemasonry."

    !,asons are the TroKan Horse in our state1" said the boo'let1 61copies of +hich ha;e been printed. !They are traitors not only to the faith1 but to the country. They area ionist organiation1 +hose obKecti;e is to destroy Christianity andensla;e the country."

    The leaflet also claims that ,asons +ere behind the %ree' Kunta+hich orchestrated the coup that led to the in;asion of Cyprus.

    Representati;es of the orthodo) ,o;ement could not be reached forcomment yesterday1 and neither could a spo'esman for Jy''os,onastery1 under +hose auspices the organiation is listed.

    #n February 48991 the Holy &ynod issued a circular sayingFreemasonry +as a 'no+n organiation outside the Church1 !+ith a+orld ;ie+ that does not agree +ith the principles of our $rthodo)Faith." The Church condemned the mo;ement again in February :.

    The latest boo'let includes the ions1 Rotary1 and Boy &couts as

    being lin'ed to Freemasonry.

    !The ,asons admit to being behind these clubs1 +hich +or' for theiraims of social reform"1 the boo'let said. !The ions +ere founded by,el;in Iones1 +ho +as a ,ason in ser;ice to the dar' ionist forces+hose aim is +orld domination by #srael."

    !They claim their aims are charitable +hen in reality they try toinfiltrate society to recruit ne+ members as a stepping stone toFreemasonry."

    #t is said that Rotarians +ere founded in 486 under the pretense ofbeing a charitable and cultural organiation in order to co;er its secretaims. #t +as also set up by a ,ason1 as +ere the Boy &couts t+o yearslater1 the leaflet claimed.

    !They ta'e the children out of the Church and ma'e them gocamping and they forbid the ord-s @rayer"1 it said.

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    Rotary and Boy &couts representati;es could not be reached forcomment yesterday and %eorge Christdoulides1 the @resident of theions Club icosia Cosmopolitan dismissed the claims.

    !The ions ha;e no lin' +hatsoe;er +ith the Freemasons e)cept

    maybe if some members are also ,asons1" he said. !Freemasons ha;esecret things. ions don-t ha;e anything secret. #t-s a ser;icesorganiation."

    According to the ions +ebsite1 the letters are an acronym for!iberty1 #ntelligence1 $ur ation-s &afety"1 but Christdoulides said theorganiation is not political. !@olitics are forbidden. #t-s in the code"1he said.



    e0"s# R"t!al M!rerC#"ca1o8 %//

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    the girls- bodies +ere e)posed impeded fi)ing an e)act time of death.The corpses sho+ed ligature mar's on the +rists and an'les1 indicatingthat they had been tied or restrained. All the ;ictims had beentortured +ith mostly small1 shallo+ cuts and puncture +ounds1 nonesignificant to cause death itself. The official cause of death +as listed

    as blood loss and shoc' due to blood loss and e)posure1 although 4=/year/old Bobby appears to ha;e resisted his attac'ers and +as beatenon the head +ith a blunt instrument and strangled intounconsciousness by strong hands +ith !fingernails li'e cla+s" +hichleft mar's on his throat. All the childrens- bodies +ere !drained ofblood."

    Further peculiarities in the pattern of the torture. The t+o female;ictims had been tortured by repeated puncture +ounds on the uppertorso1 thighs1 and buttoc's1 suggesting a sadistic se)ual element in the'illers- moti;ations1 but the t+o youngest male ;ictims1 the

    &chuesslers1 had been transfi)ed through the hands1 +rists1 and feetby larger +eapons similar to nails or a carpenter-s a+l1 inflicting+ounds ;ery similar to the so/called stigmata? the +ounds of Christ.The eyes and the mouths of the boys had also been mutilated in amanner ne;er publicly released.

    Another interesting forensic aspect of the case +as that the boys-+ounds contained traces of an unspecified grain1 of all things. Floormat patterns imbedded in the flesh of one ;ictim indicated that thebody had been transported in a @ac'ard automobile1 a lu)ury carpopular among the +ealthiest people of the time +hich +as no longer

    made and +hich indicated someone +ith money enough to buy andmaintain such an up mar'et ;ehicle.

    hat is interesting about these cases is not the unsol;ed murdersthemsel;es1 but the ;ie+ +hich for once +e are gi;en of the lengths to+hich the Ie+s +ill go to co;er up suspected ritual murder cases. #n;ie+ of the intense public interest in the case1 there +as of course a lotof media reporting. The Chicago Daily e+s published an afternoonedition detailing the ritualistic nature of the +ounds and speculatingthat members of a !religious cult" might be in;ol;ed. ithin 4minutes of the edition hitting the street1 truc's +ere sent out to bring

    them all in1 all copies +ere ripped off the ne+sstands and ta'en bac'to the ne+s building +here they +ere burned.

    (ight copies of this issue +ere obtained by a +oman named ,rs. yleClar' ;an Hyning +ho published a conser;ati;e Kournal called!omen-s Voice". hen she called the Daily e+s office to as' +hythe paper had been recalled1 she +as told that there had been!complaints" about it and it +as li'ely to cause !racial unrest". ,rs.

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    Van Hyning had her o+n suspicions and sent the father of the t+omurdered boys1 Anton &chuessler &r.1 a copy of Arnold eese-sdefiniti;e +or'1 !Ie+ish Ritual ,urder".

    &chuessler read the boo'let and +as stunned by +hat he learned.

    He then made the mista'e of going to the police and demanding thatthe possible ritual murder angle in his sons- death be in;estigated.The Coo' County &heriff of the time +as a Ie+ named Ioseph ohman1and he immediately placed ,r. &chuessler under arrest on suspicion of'illing his o+n children. A Ie+ish Deputy named Horo+it +as sent tothe &chuessler home +ith a party of men? ha;ing ransac'ed the houseloo'ing for !e;idence"1 Horo+it then placed ,rs. (leanor &chuesslerand her family under ;irtual house arrest1 forbidding them to lea;e thehouse or spea' +ith anyone on the phone1 lest they !spread rumorsabout the Ie+s". The t+o Chicago detecti;es in charge of the case1#rish lieutenants Iames ynch and Iames ,c,ahon1 later complained

    angrily that ohman-s Coo' County in;estigators had destroyede;idence1 threatened and tampered +ith +itnesses1 and generallyimpeded their efforts to sol;e the case at e;ery turn.

    Anton &chuessler &r. too' a lie detector test +hich completelycleared him as +ell as pro;ing that he had an alibi for the murders.#nstead of releasing him1 the authorities committed Anton to a pri;atemental institution in Des @laines1 #llinois1 operated by a Dr. eon&teinfeld. ,r &chuessler +as rushed right into electroshoc' treatment1+here he died the same afternoon he arri;ed at the !sanitarium".

    There +as sufficient public outcry o;er the berea;ed father-s strangedeath so that a public inuest into &cuessler-s case +as held and Dr.&teinfeld forced to testify. He stated that Anton &chuessler +assuffering from !hallucinations" and !paranoid delusion" that !certainpeople +ere out to get him". &teinfeld claimed that the elder&chuessler had died of a heart attac'3&cuessler +as =: years old andhad no pre;ious history of heart troubles7.

    #n 48661 and e;en in Chicago1 there +ere still a fe+ honest publicofficials left1 one of them being the Coo' County Coroner1 a crusty old#rishman named Dr. Thomas ,cCarron1 +ho +as also a ualified

    psychiatrist. ,cCarron 'ne+ Dr. &teinfeld of old. During ##1&teinfeld had been prosecuted for gi;ing Ie+ish boys facing the draftcall/up ;arious legal and illegal drugs +hich +ould gi;e them heartfibrillations1 fill their lungs +ith liuid to stimulate tuberculosis1 gi;ethem no)ious s'in conditions1 etc.1 so they could a;oid militaryser;ices. &teinfeld allegedly collected :1 a head.

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    Dr. ,cCarron called &teinfeld a liar and a charlatan and turned all thedocuments in the case o;er to the district attorney1 recommendingthat &teinfeld be prosecuted for perKury and murder. He also bitterlydenounced &teinfeld to the ne+spapers and publicly stated his ;ie+that Anton &chuessler had been murdered. #n response1 he recei;ed

    an official order from the D.A. to ma'e no more public comment on thecase. &e;eral nights later1 to emphasie the serious nature of the+arning1 a small bomb ble+ the front door of ,cCarron-s house.

    But there +as at last some belated Kustice. &e;eral days after theinuest closed1 eon &teinfeld fled the country. He fle+ to &+iterlandfor a !rest cure" and one morning +as found hanging in his hotel room1an alleged suicide. Ie+ish ne+spaper columnist #r; Jupcinetestablished a !sympathy fund" and shortly thereafter presented Anton&chuessler-s +ido+1 the mother of the murdered children1 +ith41 raised from Chicago-s Ie+ish communityan immense sum

    of money in 4866/6O1 +orth easily a couple of million today1 and a ;erystrange gesture for Ie+s to ma'e to a %entile crime ;ictim1 a %ermanat that1 unless it +as to buy silence.

    There may ha;e been one final murder connected +ith this ghastlycase. British author Arnold eese +as pro;ided +ith massi;e amountsof ne+s clippings and information1 including a transcript of the inuest1by his correspondents in Chicago1 and he +as at +or' on a definiteaccount of the &chuessler case as one of the best documentedincidents of Ie+ish ritual murder in modern times +hen he suddenlydied in the spring of 486O. one of the &chuessler papers1 +hich he

    had been +or'ing on and +hich he sho+ed to a number of friends and;isitors1 +ere found any+here in his possession +hen his effects +erein;entoried after his death. The last loose end +as tied up.

    A S#ort C#ronolo1' of e0"s# R"t!al M!rer Base on E-"enceof Con-erte e0s

    Due to the fact that this is such a contro;ersial subKect1 +e decidedto omit the +ealth of historical e;idence indicating the possibility thatin some Ie+ish circles1 there is an esoteric practice of ritual murder1lest +e be labeled as fanatics and narro+/minded anti/&emites.

    #nstead1 +e thought it +ould be +ise to use e)clusi;ely Ie+ish sourcesof these claims1 since Ie+s can easily e;ade the label of being anti/&emites. Before +e continue1 it should be noted that there are manyIe+ish ;oices that spea' out against the atrocities of their co/patriots1+hether it be about ritual murder1 the Talmud1 or the state of #srael.The +ebsite +++.Ke+sagainstionism.comhas a +ealth of informationand boo's +ritten by Ie+s and Rabbis? BenKamin Freedman1 labeled asa !Ie+ish defector" and Ie+ish !+histleblo+er" by his compatriots1
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    spo'e out e)tensi;ely during the O-s against ionism and the Talmud.There are countless other sources1 all Ie+ish1 +hich one can find thatare a treasure house of information and e;idence about e;erything +eare spea'ing about right no+.

    Ie+s +ho ha;e professed con;ersion to Christianity ha;e sometimesdenied that there is any practices of ritual murder of Christians amongpeople of the Ie+ish Faith. $n the other hand1 many !con;erts" ha;econfessed that Ie+s practice ritual murder 3although in some cases ithas been forced through means of torture and should be regarded +ithsuspect7.

    The cases +hich ha;e come to light in +hich Ie+ish con;erts toChristianity or to #slam ha;e confessed that ritual murder is practicedby Ie+s are chronologically arranged belo+>

    1144. Theobald1 a mon' and Ie+ish con;ert of Cambridge1 camefor+ard at the time +hen inuiry +as being made into thedeath of &t. illiam of or+ich1 and said that as a Ie+ inor+ich he himself had 'no+n that a child +as to besacrificed at that place in 44==. He said that the custom ofthe Ie+s +as to dra+ lots as to +here the deed should bedone1 and that it fell to or+ich to supply the blood +hich +asreuired by them in the year 44==? the Ie+s belie;ed that+ithout the shedding of human blood1 they could ne;er regaintheir freedom and return to @alestine.

    4=O5. Bishop Iean d-A;ila1 himself the son of a con;erted Ie+1actually in;estigated the ritual murder case in &ego;ia1 &pain1 andhimself found the Ie+s guilty1 +ho +ere after+ards e)ecuted.


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    4=8. Toruemada1 himself of Ie+ish blood3Roth1 History of the,arranos1 48941 p. 9871 must ha;e confirmed the sentence of deathagainst the Ie+s responsible for the Toledo ritual murder1 and it+ould be through him that Ferdinand and #sabella +ould learn aboutit. The ritual murder case +as one of the main factors that disposed

    the Jing and ueen to e)pel the Ie+s from &pain.

    4=8=. Alono de &pina1 stated by a Ie+sih historian to be of Ie+ishblood3#bid. Roth1 p. 9=7 accused the Ie+s of murdering children forritual purposes. He occupied the high position of Rector of&alamanca ni;ersity1 and his accusation +as made in his +or'1Fortalitium Fider.

    4666. Hananel Foligno of rome1 Ie+ish con;ert to Christianity1accused the Ie+s before @ope ,arcellus ## of the ritual murder of aboy. (nuiry under the auspices of a Cardinal resulted in a ,uslim

    apostate1 guardian of the murdered boy1 being charged +ith thecrucifi)ion of his +ard1 !for the sa'e of getting possession of someproperty". This sounds li'e the usual coc'/and/bull story +hich1under the po+erful influence of Ie+ish money1 is resorted to +henCourts are faced +ith the difficult Kob of shielding Ie+s from the!Blood Accusation". hy on earth should the man crucify the boyinstead of uietly getting rid of him in a more usual manner03Ie+ish(ncyclopedia1 Vol. 61 p.=:91 4897

    4O4=. &amuel Friedrich Bren1 a Ie+ +ho +as con;erted in 4O41+rote a boo' re;ealing the ritual murder practice of the Ie+s. #t +as

    called Iudischer Abgestreifte &chlangenbalg and +as published aturemburg. The title translated is1 !The Ie+ish &erpent-s &'in&tripped". The Ie+ish (ncyclopedia-s description of the authorspea's of his !crass ignorance1 hatred1 falsehood and perniciousfanaticism". The boo' +as republished in 4O5 and again in 4

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    4 a malfaisance Kui;e1 by @i'uls'i1 ;o;1 4

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    to death all those +ho follo+ the doctrine of the Trinity1 andconseuently all Christian #sraelites."

    45=. ()/Rabbi ,ousa Abou/el/Afieh1 +ho became a ,uslim duringthe Damascus Ritual ,urder trial1 ga;e e;idence that the blood of

    the murdered Father Thomas had been ordered by the %rand rabbi2a'oub el (ntabi1 and +as reuired for the use of ealous persons+ho sent 2a'oub their flour for @asso;er in +hich he mi)ed theChristian-s blood. The employment of the blood +as a secret of the%rand Rabbis.

    4849. A con;erted Ie+1 Cesare Algranati1 enumerated a number ofritual murders for a boo' Cahiers Romains1 48491 a catholicpublication of Rome. #ts date +as o;ember :81 4849. $;er 4cases +ere cited1 of +hich :< +ere in the 48thcentury3see A. Arcandin e ,iroir1 ,ontreal1 &ept. 489:1 p.4:7.

    Professor O!tra1es e0s 0"t# H"s Boo3 Cla"5By Andre+ ,. Rosemarine

    A Ie+ish academic has shoc'ed #taly by claiming Ie+s murderedChristians for their blood in the ,iddle Ages so it could be used inrituals.

    The details +ere re;ealed in the #talian ne+spaper1 the Corriere della&era1 +hich published e)tracts of the boo'1 (aster of Blood1 by@rofessor Ariel Toaff.

    The claims +ere denied by leading Ie+ish figures including his father(lio1 once the chief Rabbi of Rome.

    #n the boo'1 @rofessor Toaff alleges the ritual 'illing +as carried outby members of a fundamentalist group in reaction to the persecutionof Ie+s.

    The boo' describes the mutilation and crucifi)ion of a t+o/year/oldboy to recreate Christ-s e)ecution at @esach1 the Ie+ish (aster. Thefesti;al mar's the fleeing of the Ie+s from (gypt and @rofessor Toaff

    says Christian blood +as used for !magic and therapeutic practices".

    #n some cases the blood +as mi)ed +ith dough to ma'e aimo1unlea;ened bread1 eaten at @esach. He says the acts too' place inaround the city of Trento in northern #taly1 bet+een the 44thand 4=th


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    @rofessor Toaff based his boo' on confessions he says came fromIe+s captured and tried for the practice. He said se;eral +eree)ecuted after confession to the crucifi)ion of Christian children.

    #taly-s senior rabbis1 including (lio Toaff1 issued a Koint statement

    condemning the boo'. !There has ne;er e)isted in Ie+ish tradition anypermission or custom for using human blood for ritual purposes. &ucha practice is considered +ith horror."

    !#t-s absolutely improper to use centuries old statements1 e)tractedunder torture1 to formulate singular and aberrant historical theses.The only blood shed in these stories is that of many innocent Ie+s."

    @rofessor Toaff1 +ho teaches medie;al and Renaissance history atBar #lan ni;ersity in Ierusalem1 said the reaction +as a !disgrace" asthey had not read the boo'1 +hich has yet to be published.

    He emphasied the practice +as confined to !a small group offundamentalists".

    He added that attac'ing the +hole of Iudaism +ould be similar toblaming #slam for the acts of e)tremist ,uslims. !They had sufferedfrom the trauma of mass suicides.sicU #t +as both a 'ind of re;engeand a +ay1 for them1 of reaching redemption."'7


    %? T#e Act of t#e C#!rc# of C'$r!s%%/>

    This is the aphorism of the national e+ ,artyr1 Cyprian1Archbishop of Cyprus +ho1 in the year 45:41 during the %ree'Re;olution against the $ttoman Tur's1 shed his blood in defense ofthe liberty of his homeland from Tur'ey.

    "he phorism against *reemasonry4t =yprian, rch#ishop of=yprus

    !herefore clad in the sacred ;estments of epitrachilion andomophorion1 +e say1 if any man preach unto you any other gospelthan +hich +e preached unto you1 e;en though an angel fromhea;en1 let him be anathema3%al. 4>5/87. As many as are befitting1that pursue after such a diabolical and la+less employment ofFreemasonry1 and all that follo+ unto their infatuation and untotheir error1 let them be e)communicated and accursed by theFather1 the &on1 and the Holy &pirit. After death1 they shall be

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    unpardoned1 indissoluble1 and bloated. %roaning and trembling1 asCain1 shall they be upon the earth3%en. =>4=7. The earth shallclea;e and s+allo+ them up1 as Dathan and Abiram3um. 4O>94/9:7. The +rath of %od shall be upon their heads1 and their portiontogether +ith Iudas the betrayer. An angel of the ord +ill

    prosecute them +ith a flaming s+ord and1 unto their life-stermination1 they +ill not 'no+ of progress. et their +or's and toilbe unblessed and let them become a cloud of dust1 as of a summerthreshing/floor. And all they indeed that shall abide still unto their+ic'edness +ill ha;e such a recompense. But as many as shall goout from the midst of their +ic'edness and shall be separated1 andha;ing spat out their abominable heresy1 and shall go afar off fromtheir accursed infatuation1 such 'ind shall recei;e the +ages of theealot @hineas? rather let them be blessed and forgi;en by theFather1 the &on1 and the Holy &pirit1 the only unconfused andundi;ided Trinity1 the $ne %od in nature1 and by us His ser;ants."

    *Archbishop Cyprian of e+ Iustiniana and all Cyprus*,etropolitan Chrysanthos of @aphos*,etropolitan ,eletios of Citium*,etropolitan aurence of CyreniaCyprus1 February :nd1 4546

    )? T#e Act of t#e R!ss"an Ort#oo4 C#!rc# A(roa%,)>

    The Russian $rthodo) Church-s attitude to+ard Freemasonry +as;ery forcefully proclaimed by ,etropolitan Anthony1 the presiding

    member of the &rems'y/Jarlo;tsy &ynod in 2ugosla;ia1 +hich +asat the head of all the Russian $rthodo) Churches outside of Russia.$n August 461 489:1 the ,etropolitan issued a @astoral etter to thefaithful1 +hich included the follo+ing declaration1 ad;ising them!not to belie;e e;ery spirit1 but try the spirits +hether they are of%od1 because many false prophets are gone out into the +orld"34In. =>47. Then he ga;e a short history of Freemasonry1 stating thatit is one of the most harmful and false teachings in man'ind-shistory.

    "he 7eclaration against *reemasonryDy !etropolitan nthony of


    !Freemasonry is a secret international organiation to struggle +ith%od1 Christianity1 and all ational %o;ernments1 and especiallyChristian %o;ernments. #n the international organiation1 the first place of influence andimportance belongs to Ie+ish membership.

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    Because of this1 and other important reasons1 its forbidden for all$rthodo) Christians to become Freemasons. All clergy is duty/bound to uestion those +ho come to Confession+hether they are members of ,asonic $rders1 and in case it +illappear that they are ,asons and belie;e and share ,asonic

    teachings1 they should be informed that membership of the ,asonic$rganiation is incompatible +ith $rthodo) Christianity1 and thatsuch should immediately resign from ,asonry1 other+ise they +illbe deemed un+orthy to recei;e holy Communion1 and their furtherimpenitency +ill bring them to e)communication from the orthodo)Church.

    *,etropolitan Anthony of Jie;3@resident of the Holy &ynod of theRussian $rthodo) Church Abroad7&rems'y/Jarlo;tsy1 August 46th1 489:

    ,? T#e Act of t#e C#!rc# of 6reece%,,>

    #t is clear from the follo+ing statement that orthodo) Christiansmust disa;o+ the ,asonic ,o;ement and resign from it if they ha;eKoined it in ignorance of its goals. Albert @i'e1 in his ,orals andDogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry1 tell usthat !(;ery ,asonic lodge is a temple of religion? and its teachingsare instruction in religion"3p. :497. !,asonry1 around +hose altarsare the Christian1 the Hebre+1 the ,uslim1 the Brahman1 thefollo+ers of Confucius and oroaster1 can assemble as brethren andunite in prayer to the one %od +ho is abo;e all the Baalism"3p.

    ::O7. !,asonry1 li'e all religions1 all the ,ysteries1 conceals itssecrets from all e)cept the Adepts and &ages or (lect and uses falsee)planations and interpretations to mislead those +ho deser;e onlyto be misled"3p. 467.

    @atriarch Athengoras and Archbishop #a'o;os ha;e freuentlyuoted or rephrased the follo+ing from chapter 4 of the abo;e+or'. !o human being can +ith certainty say1 in the clash andconflict of hostile faiths and creeds1 +hat is truth1 or that he issurely in possession of it1 so e;eryone should feel that it is uitepossible and another eually honest and sincere +ith himself1 and

    yet holding a contrary opinion1 may himself be in the possession ofthe truth." $ne needs only to read the Christmas 48O< statementof @atriarch Athengoras1 or Archbishop #a'o;os- sermon at &t.@atric'-s Cathedral1 Ianuary 481 48O81 to realie that theycontinuously e)pound ,asonic doctrine +hich is opposed to sound$rthodo) teaching. The ;ery ecumenical mo;ement-s founders andchief e)ponents are members of the ,asonic order +hich inspires

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    them and gi;es them their guidelines. #s it no +onder then thatorthodo)y becomes unimportant to these people0

    "he 7eclaration against *reemasonryDy the &oly 4ynod of the=hurch of 0reece

    The Bishops of the Church of %reece in their session of $ctober 4:148991 concerned themsel;es +ith the study and e)amination of thesecret international organiation1 Freemasonry. They heard +ithattention the introductory e)position of the Commission of fourBishops appointed by the Holy &ynod at its last session1 also theopinion of the Theology Faculty of the ni;ersity of Athens1 and theparticular opinion of @rofessor @anagiotes Bratsiotes1 +hich +asappended thereto. They also too' into consideration publicationson this uestion in %reece and abroad. After a discussion theyarri;ed at the follo+ing conclusion1 accepted unanimously by all the


    !Freemasonry is not simply a philanthropic union or a philosophicschool1 but constitutes a mystagogical system +hich reminds us ofthe ancient heathen mystery religions and cults1 from +hich itdescends and is their continuation and regeneration. This is notonly admitted by prominent teachers in the lodges1 but they declareit +ith pride1 affirming literally1 Freemasonry is the only sur;i;al ofthe ancient mysteries and can be called the guardian of them1SFreemasonry is a direct offspring of the (gyptian mysteries-? thehumble +or'shop of the ,asonic odge is nothing else than the

    ca;es and the dar'ness of the cedars of #ndia and the un'no+ndepths of the @yramids and the crypts of the magnificent temples of#sis? in the %ree' mysteries of Freemasonry1 ha;ing passed alongthe luminous roads of 'no+ledge under the mysteriarchs@rometheus1 Dionysius and $rpheus1 formulated the eternal la+s ofthe ni;erseE

    !&uch a lin' bet+een freemasonry and the ancient idolatrousmysteries is also manifested by all that is enacted and performed attheir initiations. As in the rites of the ancient idolatrous mysteries1the drama of the labors and death of the mystery god +as

    repeated1 and in the imitati;e repetition of the drama the initiatedies together +ith the patron of the mystery religion1 +ho +asal+ays a mythical person symboliing the &un of nature +hich diesin +inter and is regenerated in spring1 so it is also1 in the initiationof the third degree1 of the patron of Freemasonry1 Hiram and a 'indof repetition of his death1 in +hich the initiate suffers +ith him1struc' by the same instruments and on the same parts of the bodyof Hiram. According to the confession of a prominent teacher of

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    Freemasonry1 Hiram is !as $siris1 as ,ithra1 and as Bacchus1 one ofthe personifications of the &un.-

    !Thus Freemasonry is1 as granted1 a mystery religion1 uitedifferent1 separate1 and alien to the Christian faith. This is sho+n

    +ithout any doubt by the fact that it possesses its o+n temples +ithaltars1 +hich are characteried by prominent teachers asS+or'shops +hich cannot ha;e less history and holiness than theChurch- and as temples of ;irtue and +isdom +here the &upremeBeing is +orshipped and the truth is taught1 it possesses it s o+nreligious ceremonies1 such as the ceremony of adoption of the,asonic baptism1 the ceremony of conKugal ac'no+ledgement orthe ,asonic marriage1 the ,asonic memorial ser;ice1 theconsecration of the ,asonic temple1 and so on1 it possesses its o+ninitiations1 its o+n ceremonial ritual1 its o+n hierarchal order and adefinite discipline. As may be concluded from the ,asonic agapes

    and from the feasting of the +inter and summer solstices +ithreligious meals and general reKoicings1 it is a physiolatric religion.

    !#t is true that it may seem at first that freemasonry can bereconciled +ith e;ery other religion1 because it is not interesteddirectly in the religion to +hich its initiates belong. This is1 ho+e;er1e)plained by its syncretistic character and pro;es that in this pointalso it is an offspring and a continuation of ancient idolatrousmysteries +hich accepted for initiation +orshippers of all gods. Butin the mystery religions1 in spite of the apparent spirit of toleranceand acceptance of foreign gods1 lead to a syncretism +hich

    undermined and gradually shoo' confidence in other religions1 thusFreemasonry today1 +hich see's to embrace in itself gradually allman'ind and +hich promises to gi;e moral perfection and'no+ledge of truth1 is lifting itself to the position of a 'ind of asuper/religion1 loo'ing on all religions3+ithout e)ceptingChristianity7 as inferior to itself. Thus it de;elops in its initiates theidea that only in ,asonic lodges is performed the shaping andsmoothing of the unsmoothed and unhe+n stone. And the factalone that Freemasonry creates a brotherhood e)cluding all otherbrotherhoods outside of it3+hich are considered by Freemasons as!uninstructed"1 e;en +hen they are Christian7 pro;es clearly its

    pretensions to be a super/religion. This means that by ,asonicinitiation1 a Christian becomes a brother of the ,uslim1 theBuddhist1 or any 'ind of rationalist1 +hile the Christian not initiatedin Freemasonry becomes to him an outsider.

    !$n the other hand1 Freemasonry in prominently e)alting'no+ledge and in helping free research as Sputting no limit in thesearch of truth-3according to its rituals and constitution71 and more

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    than this by adapting the so/called natural ethic1 sho+s itself in thissense to be in sharp contradiction +ith the Christian religion. Forthe Christian religion e)alts faith abo;e all1 confining human reasonto the limits traced by Di;ine Re;elation1 and leading to through thesupernatural dogmas as truths1 as's for faith first1 and grounds its

    moral structure on the supernatural Di;ine %race1 Freemasonry hasonly natural truth and brings to the 'no+ledge of its initiates freethin'ing and in;estigation through reason only. #t bases its moralstructure only on the natural forces of man1 and has only naturalaims.

    !Thus1 the incompatible contradiction bet+een Christianity andFreemasonry is uite clear. #t is natural that ;arious Churches ofother denominations ha;e ta'en a stand against freemasonry. otonly has the estern Church branded for its o+n reasons the,asonic mo;ement by numerous @apal encyclicals1 but utheran1

    ,ethodist and @resbyterian communities ha;e also declared it to beincompatible +ith Christianity. ,uch more has the $rthodo)Catholic Church1 maintaining in its integrity the treasure of Christianfaith proclaimed against it e;ery time that the uestion ofFreemasonry has been raised. Recently1 the #nter/$rthodo)Commission +hich met on ,ount Athos and in +hich therepresentati;es of all the Autocephalus $rthodo) Churches too'part1 has characteried Freemasonry as a Sfalse and anti/Christianreligion-."

    The assembly of the Bishops of the Church of %reece in the abo;e

    mentioned session heard +ith relief and accepted the follo+ingconclusion +hich +ere dra+n from the in;estigations anddiscussions by its @resident His %race Archbishop Chrysostomos ofAthens>

    !Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible +ith Christianity as far asit is a secret organiation1 acting and teaching in mystery andsecret and deifying rationalism. Freemasonry accepts as itsmembers not only Christians1 but also Ie+s and ,uslims.Conseuently1 clergymen cannot be permitted to ta'e part in thisassociation. # consider as +orthy of degradation e;ery clergyman

    +ho does so. #t is necessary to urge upon all +ho entered it +ithoutdue thought and +ithout e)amining +hat Freemasonry is1 to se;erall connections +ith it1 for Christianity alone is the religion +hichteaches absolute truth and fulfills the religious and moral needs ofmen. nanimously and +ith one ;oice all the Bishops of the Churchof %reece ha;e appro;ed +hat +as said1 and +e declare that all thefaithful children of the Church must stand apart from Freemasonry.ith unsha'en faith in our ord Iesus Christ1 Sin +hom +e ha;e our

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    redemption through His blood1 the forgi;eness of our sins1 accordingto the riches of His %race1 +hereby He abounds to us in all +isdomand prudence-3(ph. 4>