The Role of Public Service #ChangeAgents in Exponential Times #ChangeAgents = Leaders who...

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Role of Public Service #ChangeAgents in Exponential Times #ChangeAgents = Leaders who...


The Role of Public Service #ChangeAgents in Exponential Times

#ChangeAgents = Leaders who “illuminate the way”manage friction of stepping outside the status quo


This is our home3.7 billion miles away

a “Pale Blue Dot”the sunlight reflected from Earth took 5½ hours to reach Voyager I in 1990


when Voyager I launched in 19774.2 billion humans lived on Earth

global GDP = 7.2 trillion USDthe Apple II went on sale that year running at 1 MHz w/ 4 KB of RAM


Voyager I traveled 3.7 billion miles by 1990 5.3 billion humans lived on Earth

global GDP = 22 trillion USDWindows 3.0 was released and

CERN launched the first web server at


by 2013 >850 million web servers online7.1 billion humans lived on Earth

global GDP = 75 trillion USD7 billion global networked devices

4 billion Zettabytes of digital content globally


by 2022, 75-300 billion networked devices8 billion humans will live on Earth

global GDP = ?? trillion USD7 billion humans online, more than 85% of the world 96 ZB of digital content > all human eyes see/year


Public Service #ChangeAgents are needed now more than ever

in Exponential Timesour Public Institutions must adapt

we need new Expertise & Experiments


both Expertise & Experiments have the root “ex peria” = out of danger

the U.S. representative democracy was born from an Experiment in self-rule

“out of danger” came Experience


We The People Must Adapt #PublicService

the publicprivate sector public sector

academia non-profits

We The People, Building Bridges


… But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels,

no government would be necessary.

– The Federalists No. 51, 1788

We The People Must Adapt #PublicService


Remember: Dilbert is funny because it is universal

We The People Must Adapt #PublicService


mobility + APIs allow institutions to open data for greater public interactions,

discussions and citizen-led remixing

The Importance of #ChangeAgents


public can volunteer smartphones as sensors collect data to inform policy

or lend computing cycles for hard problems

The Importance of #ChangeAgents


machines that learn alongside knowledge workers how can we use machine

recommendations to better aid us all?

The Importance of #ChangeAgents


makers movement institutions must encourage & empower “intrapreneurs” to

pioneer civic & social innovation

The Importance of #ChangeAgents


That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know –

Everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.


To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal

more kindly with one another –

And to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.


We Will Need More #ChangeAgents

in our Exponential Times