THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. 3 ! r yr h. r...lint Hie |K)iiit we now make i* that he was uiivs Illili.-to...

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Transcript of THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. 3 ! r yr h. r...lint Hie |K)iiit we now make i* that he was uiivs Illili.-to...



TVs* DAI1.V DISPATCH .* CsMTatt il to ssh.

BrrUem at nrTtr** (Cst* ia* weak, payihlr le

UM (wrrtee *ii-c4*It. Malled at SO per bbb*bi ; SSS*r ni Bwsrttbtl 8140 f«r «hr«* Month* i *<*¦ . *

OO* nn-nlh.TbesMll-WirKI.Y DISPATCH Bl SS I**'aa-

Dara, ew SI f.w tit month*.Tb* Vt«UI DISPATCH il ll pr* annum.Bart-cH-wle-nt I" all ease* payaW* la advsar*,

and bo paper r -aUssed *IVr thc stplraUon of the

tina bald for, rv-nd pesa-edBr* rarmry-ordcr,**weS. e.r ittyttwerrd Mlt-r. Cum-ncT *r~ti hy madwill h* il tb* r,*» >.f Ibe teader. Sabwrtbrri wlth-ts«T tl**, |-n*4-e**1lrr rhsntrd matt ilse ih*4r ¦-' 1 at

trail M ibrlr btw post ont r*. Sa rn ale eeiptei free.


1 Ihtrs*.,.ff BU8 Umr*. 1 0,1s ..I.... i noff lim**. « lo

IS ttn-at. ff «*>1 MOBib. » -4*4

8 month*. 88 (MlKrtdlnr m-llre. In r*Bd,n*-m*l,*r type, ft line*

«t b**s ffl: In «**sl* |rsel,*l 7 -'. rent*.(sro ol ri,** for molt* tpsrr lurnlshed on flBBSb


All b-Orrt and te Irartmt mull br addrrtaed 10

TUP D1SPAT4 ll ( (Uti* vs v.

ltrtecird cmmnnleatltms will ns! hr relBraad.

THl'BSDAV.(MTdllKK '1, issi.

Tho Republican Southern Buroau-Blainc and the South.

Tlie Itepiibiiean manasrer* have Ju*', e»-

tal'lished a hranch uunat "f wang Hatiinaltiiirran or commltlif In Tenm***'¦.*. williIhenvowed object ol eciiviiicln^ the south¬ern voters His, Mr. Ula,sk !« lhe candida'.tliey ought (o ni|ijiort. Tn Ihi* en* Chair¬man .lows les i**ned nn nd.ire-* tu lbssouthern jieople. Thi* i* inipttdeMS un¬

paralleled. .Mr. WArrrnsnx remind*those I'rjaibllcn hiders Ilia, furtwenty tear* they have waifed ns hitterand trallinir B paBtffBffl and personal warfarenn this section a* ever 11 hii'li-miiuleil poo¬dle were eorii|u Heil te. endure: (liri* Hil*

very dar. while lin ir lund 8_B_Bai MT,coolnir in inch dulce, BtSfllBS wBblfl lbs(tinline* of tl.utliern Slate*, theil' lead-Inif Journal* in New Vurk. CbrCOga- Ch*.clnnsll, and st. Lout* hit* industriously.nd iii.ilit-it.u-Iy hcapini; studii-d ami viL-Insults ii|*in the southern j> -opie far jiol.ti-r-il ( in thc North and Wost; BBd thaitheir unscrupulous slanders are reocboedand reemj.h.i-i/ed I,j tbs raffa* pBflBB "(tbsparty, nini if* hailer*, from Koah and Lo¬tus down, rehash (helli with 'ii*: fromIhe «tui,)|i.H1* niiyi,o,iv in tba S'iiitiii(iioot,,|] b_-.

Ba 1 .** .hf. ncc nf Hu- -emt lu rn pi opt) frossMr. Ill ava's Ilene al,-uk of .lamins.Ku: BBB antlio.Iv iBVSJSflflBB'*"I.Killi spcecli" wl.ii h called Ii.It ll th..,SMSBBWl WT* have looked nit 1 mir liss,«nd llu-r. have f-.iiiul ,ml Mr. Hi mm,'*six-cell, iitidiitunately. but ether matterthat -liuvv* eonel.t«ist|y he wa- after,and how he i>ro|>oscd tu BOBOBipllsfa hi*ol.Jecl.We have 1111.1!her reason ror icpii'di hie,.*

snnu id UM extract* tated be-low. Wewi*h tu r.iiiin.t mir landers thal Mr. His-Pill., who is lu,ss n, Vll-ini:,, sv,- Hurn-Ti who in IsT-l. a* all nth. r BB Bsrim.«. *t,.,,,l Bp tnr th'- *ni,tl,crn people,and pfflsflflj hi* BBaT| I" tarean them and thern.11 1-hus* of iheir liliililvTlTlit l'c-iiihlie.iiifnelllie*.

Ill the Home o( Ucprt-i'iiliitive* 011 thcfttli o( January, lr>1ti. an ami" *tv I.Ill hein_nuder consideration. Mi. Hi.usi; .titithi.l he hui 11 substitute ti, oiler t it, vv hi lihe SSbffd '" have la.-ul und ordered tn lipjirlntcd. 'I'!'<- -uh-titlite wa* read, a* BtaVIttSS."Thal all BeraOBS now limier lhe di*,l-il-

itit* iinjii-td hy lbs foin tit,ht amend-liient to thu Con*tiliitiun ..( tbs UnitedBastes, with the < nci uHmi .,f Jcgcrtonllnvi.*. lan I're-id.nt ,,( tin- *n-.*alici| Coa-(, derate -lu,.-, shall BB rt Iii veil nf *u,-hdisabilities ujRin Huir snpearlni beforesny jtidt'c ,,f a Knited States court BBdlaking ind subscribing in opeaoourri tbsfoiiowuu: nilli, io be duly attested aad re¬corded. vi/.

**' 1. A ll, do solemnly «svear or altino( I ralBSSMPffffl and def. in! tbe Coastl-tniii'ii..( lbs Catted .-tate* rursbast all ene*.mit*, ISfBffgB and tlonie-li, that I willbBBi true and faithful BlkOjiaace BB Un-sallie that 1 take this ul lu,it mn freely,w nie-iii iiny mental reservaiiuii i.r pnrpooei.( ev*«itt|i, .uni llial, to the t,t «t nf miknow le,li:, aili! al.ility. 1 will well andfaithfully tlisehari*.' tba duties of acttlioBul th. I nit. (I M.i.s.' **

Mr. Hi.use wanted la SffOSpt Mr. lissi*altoiretht'rasimtltrnl.. a.ill/cnt.fthe 1'nile,1.Stal.s. The founder nf thi* julinu! sjiokenf Mr. Hi iisk'-i |h ,,v -pitt a*ltilloss*. WeflSffffjfsj (rum thc JUspatch ot Jannali, IBU:

A SHAM. (SIIKAIED SPOT.Awne-dy ttoiild-cern u. be 8 BOffesaar]

J,lt relit nt tu UM Centennial eel- l.rat ion,ant! it was ipi.te appropriate tba! Mr. Hun-iltill, ol l'liilHtlclphla, should move theresolution dtiTanuv' » ire rn ral amnesty.Hil, Mr ¦staflS, Who ls tlie colic,,I,,] |,-:i,|.im* asjiiiTHit tar Bm prr*4risr-ef on the t:1 .ni li lim aide, cannot allow itu- proposi¬tion to ko thrum,!! cissasad uaquaUned;r-n In iillnetiis a harnaclc lo li.And such ii l.ariHicli | ll, propose* lo shutthe ..ute asfajasf poat Mr. JrffBMrson Davis IWsflff I h.ird-l.i uti al man Mr. BWaa blIV hi. Mr. Davis nevi r dui him any hmm 1A few days Inter, thc ainiie*ty hill wa*

again Liken up in the Home of Kt jiif-n,-alis--. We .pluto flinn thc nj,mt of e tlinn*. BS (olloss *

Mr. Ulallie '*T he Bl BibiBIBB (mm I'enn-rylvn:ii,i conltssi* ll.e weakiie** of hi*caine tvhen he BttSBBpta BB ilcpi iva Hie mi¬nority .-( lbs Hou*e sf Ihe pailiaiiicii'aisriftbt to oihr amendments."

Mr. lUtidall ,t:iiintint;li): .'( nm gladthal you -ce¦ Unlit, for diuinis' muiv s,ar-

ynu were hliml lo -tn-ii ootuideratton*."(I-niinlrter SB lbs I Mn. .< ra! ic sith* and intbe v«l'ellt*.JMr. lilaine ideliantly): .. The BBnttlsSBBB.

Wili search tin* tilotie lol Hu* la*t tss. lsyeiirs in v.tin kW ff BBSS when I hill nf ihi*m.i- ii ti ml,- ssa- BBSBBBtad K> he put throughVVithl-lt t!|se,|ssioll nut! ain.TLlinent.Nt it r, »ir. I tiffy him to-ive au iBSlffBOf "

Mr. Haiidull: "Wa* not this scry hill]ia*sttl Jus, veal. Hilder (h.- previous tpie*.Hon, on a reimrt (rom Hu-,'oininillee onHuies, (t( which voil were a iminhel- » "

Mr. illsliic: "And to which I oh-leeletl."

Mr. Hitit'ail "Never! neither in m on!(il the csitiiniltlee* did vu oltjeet to if."

Mr. Hlslne MBstai la the ekatraBd un-able to object myself, j -rot terara! _eiitir-BBSBBS e.l-leel." Cnn .-lit. r ul Hie evj. ti¬ll! int- late (trsaksr.] [Mr. Bfadas trss atthat (itu Hu late Ipsnker.]Mr. Itsiidsll: .. I rv|H*ul (hal | prc.a*, lsam,ii.,i hill fame last SSSBSSB (non tbeCoOr-milli i on Kill' *. sn.I that neither a* Of the enlliliiittee, n.r a* :, BISSBhSS u!ihe Boase, ncr «* i msldBBi odhsr, duiyou objee, ,o lt. On the con! rarv, as (ar a*von wert* able, toll facilitated the pi**a -,-

of Hist bl,!.'*Thu* in MN Mr. Hi tr si: wi* Vat *.im.

|>riTirltalor that hr is in ji-i. Bs waslonvlete,! ,.f MSBBSSBl In Mr. B.flBff] BBthc (Wi of thc House ot Reprv«ctiUlivc«.

lint Hie |K)iiit we now make i* that hewas uiivs Illili.- to own that he hud ever fa¬vored Ibe amnesty hill then nuder eon*id-rration, or one like it.As to Mr. Blaim-'k aincudiuctil. Mr.

llil.1., ol (.(iirjfifl.-tbe same Senator Huaa to whom (.riural .Mahum: lin year* af¬terward* drtTared that he ((..tutal Ma-Mom) was a bclUr Ib-mocrat (han thc Sen-alor Iroui (.eorjila.s|sike a* folbw*. W,.¦note (rom our Iles;Mr. Hill ipokc (wo boura tn thc most

(ffccllve stile. iViiiK frcijuenllv a|)plainli*Jby tbe House and K-'Hcri.*-. Iti o|-eniiiK he J .,,distilinirxl all dealre on (bc jmrt of himselfand bia atsoclatv*. from thc South ta re-o|ien ill-teellnr between Hie nectloii*. Thc | "1counlrv had already lufl.retl iiiuu.-h (romtrudi. Ht and bis aasoclat .* hid c.iikbert with tbe patriotic idea to remembernoUilnff but tbe country, and the wholecountry, and lurniag their baiki upon allthe horror* of tbe past, to look with allearoc*tneas to Bud xlorie* for thc future.Tbegentleinan (lilaine) wbo waa the ar-

knowledif! d leader of thc Hepubllcan partyIn the House, and wat the aspiring leaderof tbe lOpubllcwi |«rty of the country,bsd, however, willed otherwise, andaossnsd detannised that tbe wounds whichwere beaJInjr should be rt-Opent-d, and Hw-WBBBloBfl wbleh wore hushed should be re-M-awd. He (Il Ul) wished the House to«_(ktfsiaad Bibi kt and bis Miocuto* did






not nidpi-oeiile lither tba purpoie or t*iemanifest (leslie of the jre tillellan,md walVtbevlelilt ihi-lr bnpersilve duty io vindi-rale Ihe truth of bm nv m regards theirsertion. (hey did not intend lo say *ny-Hiing calculated to sid Hie genllemin in theworts ol crimination snd recrimination,and of keeping up the ivar by polltietan*after brave men have said that the warshall end.

TIm* gentleman from Milne bad muletao points in his speech ihe magnanimityand Rraee ol Ihe P.epuhlii'sn party, ind theI rulalily of 1 bose ahom ha PmmBti


Mattret ela. A* to the drst question, he did notproj-ose to weruy the ||ou*e to-day; he-e-itite, willi the hlstorv >( th* lust tlfleenyears yet fresh in th* ni ind of tbe world, ltass useless lo speak of lix* graee and mag¬nanimity of the I'epul-hr-.n tattf. Withthe master enslaved: with Intelligence di*-fnnrhiM'd; aitii sorlety disirdemd; withstatis sul.v.rt'd, and with legislature* dis-|'i ised, be could not as****** t" til" al uracoand magnanimity. If that wen*pm unimagtiaiiiuiilv. he pm cl Dud to save therountry In Ibe future from such virtues,

Mr. Hill said : " Whatever horror* hadulinda! Aaa**ntnvUla. Bat bbb of themidiild Ik- sttribtiu-d to a amitie order of the( oafed*nil Ooveraanat, and Mad Btatfone of Ihein grew out of tho necessities- ofthe occiiston. which necessity was fa*tone,laa tie Cotifed'-ride* l.y the conduct of theether side." Ile clmlh-ng. d Mr. Itlaln.- (.,linet bin; fmB lo BBB ami i.ct to fa"t in Ibed'"cu*slon of the (jue.lions, declaring thalthe lime wa* of Iho pus! when th* countryt".-ii 1(1 soo. pl the impudence of BB*frtlOBfor tho force of argument, or Ih* n-oklc**in «s of siatt-iii. ni (or Hu- truth rd history.Mr. Blaire then gpsaiol a re<oluiio:i of-

fo.d in the Confederate Senate I.v .Mr.Hill, of (i.ot^ii.

Mr. Hill: "What measure* liicCm'til-ernie (iovernmi nt Bight hai"» thought pro-ptt to take ni thal Dm" io anted tba sf*-nu n sud children of tba Coatedenev froninsurrnlioii I ia not recollect, bul I shillnot he diverted bf ll* gcntlinnu fromMahn fran the ooorai af fliyargunaal 11_o into th* hist.ri Bl slivei y, or of tho In--iiritctioii, or of Jell llr-iwn's raid. Iknow this: !i,:,i whether I or anv oilergentleman on the eannltlee was the au-thor of tlie n solution, sud which I thinkmore rItiin i ro.'.al.le, our |.ur|io-e was n itto do injustice to nnv ni'iti. woman, or

child, Hort*- tu South, bul t ad >pt a ia!Ba (let med BtliBieal lilei-illi- to pt il elour vvlvis nnd ohihlr.-n from servile UMBI*notion and sliiughlt while our 1.ran-sonsWeil in tin-li hi." [Murmur-"f appian-.¦on Hie lu moondie side.]

Mr. Hill then paased In rei lew tba effort*of ibe ( onfi .1. ne Govi rnmenl lo gt l ridof their prisoner*, ami concluded thisbranch of hi- si,iii,,! by saving: "And ofall th. atrocities, both al Anderson* Hie andElmira, lbe( onledcnteUorernim nt standsnc.flitted from all n sp.itisibility am!liiaine."

Mr. Bill eoni-lmleil: -Hut the S inth i*here, find lui, ibe int. nu- i remelB. [En*tbuataatlc demonstration* on tha Deno*r. li.- sile anil in Ihe u'lllt-ries. Lal fa¬naticism do ii- vvoi-i. Let it ps**Its nul¬lifying seta; trample «n tue Constitution;ibrotstetbe pledges ol tbe fathers; Inciteraids (in our people; multiply iBfidolltl-**until tht v «hall ho lilo lin s|,rs ol h.iivon.

,- th- satnls of the s,:is|ioi", vv lt!i till II ll 111-i.< i int knoa Hale: thal for all y mriniquities Ibe south aill nevi r again -eek aremedy in tba madam ol ni)"*inr tecai-don, [li. in in tl ,-ippi,ni*.-.] Weano*****.lie ure iii om father! house. ()ur brotberine our companions, and we are al God." [Enthusiastic applause.]Tin sc extract* an highly Intenstlag just

ion. but they give an Inadequate idee ofbc profound feeling with which, at thinn . Mr. til UBI '* speech WM re t-ivod iube South. Beam detested-.thorough'*hit-toil, ii.- h.-ui gloated over "the bot-m. "I Aiuler-i'iivillc." as the malignanttepublicans were woal t.> phrase It, sndri.-d lo Braun uertiona! prejudice! againslbe people of the nuthera Stain.These extracts will rmtBc to "how wini*

"it of fm ml tbs South In- iii .livn:-i G.ii .vm:. mir speaker* will make good un( tin rn on tho slump.

Another Sectional Appeal..iii«t:isihe Blami manage** had sentnt un spinal to the South to vote for Mr.i.aim: I'.-.-iiii-e ol hi- .. liroad and ;,. mi¬

lls national v iews." another appeal, of u

Itl'ercnt kind, hn bi-. n circulated in the'nth. Thia la-t appeal purports to haveliuitiated with a ".lt tlor-oiiliin Dem NTat."Brook*] H. N. > .. and is parllv ii icproueiithe southern people for initi" poor.tai* that the*. North is baadinpped in

ra electoral college Drover "J.nun of vote on each presldentbd elector,bile the property al -take is n.-tirly threeuno in favor of tin- Norih: hence tin>rth. rn Stain -hoiihl solidify their vote-,,i I'd,aim: and Louis, in order te protecti.-ir great wealth la nrinubu-tiirlng iiitlus-io-. sad tbe working elana* engagedni. in."Th. Intelllgcnl reader, wbetber be livesthe Nui'iii or the Sooth, will not ba de¬lved by the above Bteiepreaeatatlon.he alectoraf roka (except two in aaehrde)-*11 over tbe United states uro baaed.Oil popllllltion vote-. A li'ipill'lie Ul I "II-

e. tixod thc number la which neb Si ttemw entitled. Tin ic ai. :i- many ofinoTo-slolliil dl-trict in the Sooth BSI dOBglWlOBal district iii the North.

In- stateiin nt wi axe COnbattiBg M e -iul;t bv sn IgaorantM ..r by a wilful, de.'irate filsiiier. in fact, stan each of the\ New Eaglsnd States bn two electoralito- iiiiovvcd to it baroon nf it* Unitedali -, a- do nl-o Novad.-i, Oregon.ul Colorada, tin pmunptioB la that the.rthi rn Slat.-, rath- r than tin- southern,B " h intlicipped "

in tb*.loctoiitl col-go."Haw. thea, tl iel a "*Jefenoaiau" leach hi- conclusions;' I'poit whata hi* osiiniatcs bandi Wo answer thalny are baaed upon the aunberol roani-i in lin- several Mat.-. In QeOTgU, foristiinoe, tin- negroes seldom try to vote,t behave. Al anv nie, to several af thamillern stales ihe negro vote is u-nallynail, of coane, thea, it ls nay to oom-ure 11 nit -niall Vote with the untie usc voleist in tho low us and cities of tho No Iii.ul show that i! ,|.ies not require us

itiny penola ta ehoon n alastor in thenuth as in the North, ii |.oroiis the fuel is

lat the law, ns we have already said, pro-idi. thai it -.hull rennie fl certain mimi,crI inhal-itiUil* in any part of Ibo I nitodlutes. Noiih or Soiiih, to stand behind anlector.In thc "lid, th* southern -tates will gel

lie adVBBt.ff* ol their larger territorialrea; but for year* to onie, and until theegroes Itoouiiio fewer r. Lundi thai theyow are, the uortbei-n suites will continuei oentnil tin- Gov, niiuent in their owniiten-st. N\i onlv is n.. iiiiinhor of r-aaanuh s.d ualilo land iu the Muith pastorlum the mimili r .1 "s-faan mil.-* of »uehmd in the tfarth "ttteBdlaa* from thclis-niiri ooniproiiiiso line to tha hut Ihe south, rn 'linnie ,,lUeh bettor. Hui for Ihe negroes,tie -outh Would in,iv l,e stronj'cr than thekath, To think that Nnv Kiigland Boldor -itv. s to tho »ollth, iiiui pocketed thc)('))(| tin n st t tin- m-g.o. - free, nml finallynidi roten ot Mam, bm, now ronpailiii-caii.-e the South Ines i,.,> iniich ainu,tha presidential election, is to call to mind

ie UtssTsJ know li a- .. n ti Unitive jiisli", ,**Nnv *b_BBBB] -iok ol her bargaiuould she disfraiiohis. tin- rngre because

I diK'sn't want to volo!- If not, bow i-<. South to Ba deprived of ber pa BJ** .. Ine electoral college ".This sectional up|ical of which wc uro

eakllg hs* another ("attire, lt Vc-i>;n In - tbe southern people because olfir poverty. Itich elector in the Northpresent*, so lt is said, three times as mint,uiierty a* does each eleetor iu the yet twenty-four years ago each eleetorthe "south i. pr.-e. ni, ,1 more proi>erty

.ii did each eleetor In Ibe North. Whatised this change I* Who stole the pro-(y of (Le southern |>eopief (lr if

stolen, what has become of lt..overty a crime * Then li not the partyI made thc "south pool Hie guilty party *

t proptaed to Iel Wiu iam lt. Var*! _b-

r, wbo (uu a* much property a* have alljreoplc together ot West Virginii and(be people together of neb of sere-

rsl other Hlatei. choose ai tinny elector*s* do all lb* people of Went Virginia,or all the people ot any other ono oftbe State* alluded tot If nit, why i4 thr

qiieslion raised at all? What profit can

lhere lie In lt* di«cu«*lon .

!..( th,- voters ponder these ttdn2*.Tbe*c. nev;shume* aic»in*t lhe Svtith are

hut j.nrl ind j.areel al the old it.iek of »e.*-

tlonalls.n tijxm whleh Hie Hepu.illran partyha* lived cflVr since lt wa* l»orn. It In*.urcecded whenever and wherever it ha*sure-ceded at all hy the baaest aiipeil* to

.cellonal j.r.jtidlees. In lS.Vfl, tn ISOO, in

URA In IMBs in 1872. in 18Tfi. In IKSii, lbsHejmhllean paity rl*ked l!« siiece** np'.nIbsffS aj.pcals to sectional jin judlce*. wt.fore Hie war Hie southern pffOBBI vv.-re

aldised a* " arirtoeraU " and slav.-liol.I. rs,

and ** ronlimner* of -mor men. and as

erackinii the lash over tin* northern (BMBns.Now nd i* SBsaajaa. laaf ara aim* ti be.cause Hiey me pani IbffBBBStl-ail Thelnmhi* .tlvvnv* Hiiiddvlin; the water for the vvilf,BbftbBf bs diink* abata or below hisem hiv.


Murat Halstead'!*, Last Joke.Kield-Msirshil Mikat BAIeBTBAB I* a

humorist of Hie lir«t water. Ilia humor llextravagant or tioHiinj*. When he k> '* Bpa Joke it i* on ff hiphly-colored B68B*, in

which Hie I.loot! tint* prejnminatc. The

jd;.- bs started out in Cim'inniti BBBMmonths BgO ahnnt "a jailfiil o( tnurtltr-ir*" is a monuniei,(to Iii" innate sesaooffun. Asa little |tieee of bsrsfflsss (Brer*sion for the delectation ol the public, tint

joke could BOt, WS thought, I.Hptedeven Itv Mi kat himself. He ssa*eeed¬di in Btsrttag a pyrotechnle dltptsyHint allrnetdl th'' ateiitiun ol (he(Llire counlry. However, we were mis-taken m to the e-teat of Mobat's pawer aaa joker. His Inst i* r. ally the WOffc ol a

.reniii*. He :is*!iini * Ilia! he i* a pul; ie- ii 11

and a j Tophet which SBIIBBptlOB is IB IOsi-ir replete with satire and humor, (urMi hst has seldom made fl prediction tho!esme Irue-nrid then Ji.iint.* ii pic,ur.* oflbs clTfct of". r*iti. -ii.--es.. Allerstating tbat tbs "r.-i-ci soldier* would bs

died BBd thS llSVffl would l,e paidfor ou! u( tbs public treasury,*' be mids:

.. The solid Mooth would give btw lo tb.notion. 'Iii'* Soiiiht-ri, Confederacy wouldhe supreme over tbe 1 sited State*. Tberess ..nhl be (.-ti thousand nrtevsneas toro*dreaB. n tboussad time* (en IbonMnd rr>vi Lite*, vv iiii compound Interest for twenty" i* nnpsid,for rebels and copperheadstOffTstlfy. Tbs .-oiitii w .mil! recoup ber--i ir ind would help herself i" ti. nstloaalmosey with both bloody banda, and irsvi-nhl bs made In official circles discredit¬able to hare laken j- rt In tbe unconstltu-lioiial war for and liberty."To those noi sequalnted with Men st

Hst Hu* may Ippeir -itu'.liar lan-ii, which i" couch i | 'kc. Bul thc

fact is that, despite Umsueccasof bis Clo-ctnoatl p. rformanee, he i- not tboronghly»j preeiatt .1. Cseu Mr. I'd sim: does not

tborougblj appraclate bim. if bc did hewould hast taken him along with iii* circusL> tin tbe political soniersaull business. Inl-Tu ami in 1880 MFBA1 opposed Mr.Bi sim' as ardently as be now support*lum. To those who do no, iee tbe humorin the above quotation, it i* necessary toXplsifl thal Ml KAI i« "lie (d the lillis! ll II 11-

ii nt human beings alive, tba! be i* Incapa¬ble ol vindictlveness, and tbs! bs bas adob! ii^'i.1 regard |w the truth. Be i*-u conscientious snd scrupulous, and hi*record ls *<> entirely opposed to tbe Ideahal he would write and publish anythingthal be did nol believe or do mju-t i-c to s

|.i'!tiral opponent, thal tbs logical cou-iu*iiii) is thal he is Jobing, whether sreli-cein tbe joke or not. Vet after all. weincition tbe wisdom of thi* piece ed bu-i.or. li i* enlciiiaidi tu lead lo Injusticeteing tildie tbe facetious Mt hat. Therere many peopk who have inver that there wa* any lim ill Instigatingbc Cincinnati riot, while in coiiiuieiitln:'di the Joke- undi r eo:;*ulor:;!ion our stolidmilter-.'(.(«-i I'.n-ion eontemporarj (tbsHerald), which seenu to lorre no moredca Of bUffSOf than a *_rnl«-|>..-f, says:

.. Whs- md make the picture darker, sadImsv the probable n-*' inti tn ot the slave>-1< m. the confiscation of northern prop-iis, ami the destruction o( all our com.c. ree and manufactures."H i» just possible Ilia! oilier paper* ami

In general public mai misconstrue tbsaiitie Mi hat's motive, as lbs Herald haslune, and thereby him in tbs poriUoaf showing thst tbe eau-.. <,f the party ..filgh morai ideas i* n ry weak, if itu- ba¬in -MBjbSaV""'*- -''' sheaad that Mi bat wa*

tot jirivirTf* ii might carry with ii an im-dtssioii tending to damage hi" reputationor veracity, and brina lalo question I.i*ave fur the South. lfl>me might even thinkha*, lie i- ICSgUed With tbOSS B ho holdhat Hu* Denvoersti vvlm fought on tbelortnern tide during tbe civil war m (Us¬ual alni BOt Ii! tu he trusted to admlfltsterhe co\( ram, nt.

Manon, thc Crank.Jivii.* M. Beloon, who wai herc in Bich-

nomi las! winter BS the BgOBt of the h'jl-l-r* iii Wes! Virginia certificates, i* now

lolng ail be can to injure Mr. Wu.-nv, tin-temoerfftk candidate (cr Governor ol West,'iririnia. B-soa ougbl to bs Bred out ofbe -tate. For any public man to fsTOr hi*cbeme would he a sisiii, mil ians,ni such a mau wa* Interested illhat fSmOUS, thal ridiculous -elletne. Tierxkey who asked two and fiftyciliii* for his horse, but wbu acceptedi-n dollar*, not Wishing to * on

rifles, i* Babox'i exemrdar. Tbs debt olVlsi Virginia, According to him, i* mans

dillons, hui be sad hi* iTndicateataoclate*re willing to accept b very small pereaat-iron! the whole amount. One million of.¦liar* would perhaps cass th rr ton.rienci-aiul induce them to own thal Westrirgiab, waa aa boneet stat.-, or perhaps a

ood deal h **.

li i* chsrged Uta! .Ms os it wrvoutlyBBBuriog Br, Wu.-nv by representing hun- n flit lld o( hi* (MatSOX'S) s, helm*.

The Fourth District.ThcPcmocratie Convention of lim Colin li

oagresslonal district boa dons ittworh ami.(jtdirneii. Afters full diseuflsioBof thci:e** iiiviilvctl it linnie a BOBrtantton "!'ciiiididate (or tbs Him*, t.f Ilcpr----uta-

Ive*. Living iu the dnrric!. ami lnfurmi ,1* to 111* condition ami want*, thc del, -at, .

id wini, they tlet nied ht-sf lor thc j.arty.0 (ar asihc(ii*tiict sraseoBiesrned. It i*imtur* ti. t|ut*t!on ti... srisdom of the action.o do so would a.'coiii!iii*!i no gOOd Ob-et.Dr, liivi*.Hu* nominee,tsi esadldsteithont a hlemisli. Bc merits tin- SBBp ,r:

f Hu Deasocraej by reason of bissbUltv,i- ha rac td-, ami hi* *erv icc* to flu BBUSC.

Mr. Tn lia's letter, pii'dlshed in thisnjs! vesferdav, tell* om-e mo,-,- where tbeNat and |00d men in <iov .riiir ( lhvt:-asii's own Stine -'uiiil. Tliey an* f.rikvl! s'.:> and Id form, M in 1-:,; theytie (or Tiinir.s and Ht form. Mr. I'ilhksriles adaurnbls i.¦it-rs. in* mimi has notuled iii any deirree. jri.l.ln,,' ft "in them,lad flu [a op!,- see fo it that the svord* of(stain spokca by Bm victim ol Bm glsaln>n*v' of the uki* warn ba luurk'-n.ii tu,ul (hat BfffBBf riis'htcd. lSTU-ls-l!

All the pies, reports tent out (rom H-claine !ii|)jN.droni(* are tinted with ro»c'lor. Mr. lilaine earrie* the puss re|sort-tautag in hi* |iriv:ite car. He throw, hf¬

's over the tl - j ..i, !.. * liefore they areni, anti, inasmuch as the pBffBSBSS Bf thisreunion i* to work up public *entl,neu:,i* nate to say tbat they contain more or¦ cxa**geration. I itir private advice* arcthe cfliHt that the Blain.- parade i* brine--8 a rather »llm return for the capital in- "

.ted.-.Vetr York World.Some of them read as l( Mr. Ui.aisk hadnned them himself. a"

aiA gentleman from Lvnchburj*, here tn- lr".y. say* tbat it wst tbe Kxecutivc Commit- HI., of wblcb not a member is from tho pimir* congressional district, snd not the ba


State Central Democratic Committee, thurecommended tba nomination of a Dem e.

oralle randid.-r.- tor Congrcs* In that di*.incl, and Ihat Mr. H-rlntir wm* opp,.elto that rocomint ndalion..H'li-ii^fon let¬ter tn Alexandria Gazette.We are glad to know that our Judgine-it

was lucked l.y that of the cool, sagscinii*H-nnoi ii._

JudK* Ooolnck.The following cnn! from .Iudgs tsmntU-

nun not only corrects a mi«tike, hut t.-. ti¬ll.* thal Judge Doolbi, k i* now. a* ev. true as slcel. It is inspiring lo r. ilsuch words

KBKnrni.ssniRn, llr'obor r,, |si|.To the Index-Appeal:

In your Uh hun nd letti r of o.-tol r I'hyour correspondent I* groatlv in error and

moan injintice In the itateaiilU that...lunge (ioolrlok. of Freil.-rio';*burg, I*lu i« lively ii*, the caiiva""." I uni ac¬

tively in the canvass, no! only speik-bjg i.nt in the work al orgaelaa-tion. I most certainly have n causefor complaint of Hie action of th¦. c.inven¬tion In nominal in-; Mr. (roxton. I wa¬

ri t a c.iiKiidt.i." benn the convent: ra fortin- nomination DB lin-emtr.rv. rs* .lidedti. nomination of Croxton. I am iniihrtots nos taus, which ptotisntt might beInferred Iton Ihe liniment la tbe lti<*!,-in,,ml loller. I d' ni Mr. Crail ni a'.I''.Worthy, and avallalil". itint, a. th* n .liiinecof tba Deniooralic paitT, I atti sui.;, 'rtin.rhim cho.ifuliv. candid Iv. aiuleii r.-i will h.- elected, "ur district will ben pn ".-tiled in the tu vt C**_gt*__>by Ctol-len. anti BOOtbi r In Virginia or cl.eiv'i.-ivwill have ;i mt.!.' (altbful aad elli-nut ra*i rt -I ntatlve.

I thsiieto ray,however, tint I wouldhave rapported any me iv hom thal Coaren-lion ml rbi h iv "iii ii tl.- h itmrof ita nomi-nation, for I am a I it-mo.-rat.and aa -u lt ri<¦.tain mid iipjirocli.t" tin- fa.-I tin! tin-

ii'ininte i.pi.s.nts the nerty ta which Ihm mv "dlegisace aad fealty.In tieri,ksburg and SpOtsylVSBia will do

their full duly. Ilespioffnllv.Jobs T. Oooi

That nrd oo v. Ihe a bal grouod.Judge 'incl m. i leave* io np iipon whlcbto lian.) a il.uil't ii-lo his |.:)-itio;i, oi hi-

-ympalhie*. or hi* intuition-.

Wo wrote tin- "first cm-i.l-1 a! tn." n .t

tbe -juet tiinsidoniiioii."

Nit* linois.

Ha fort. Huntingdon. ASovel. ByMsiuni l'lwiviiii, Kilt. Philadelphiai.1. ll. i.ii'i-iM in r .v Go. 18*31. Price,Si."".For .ale hy WBST.JOBB.4TOB A 0.


When Mt asl ll vt -inn gets l'1'"'1' -'¦'-v.- lo. V oul for lui ul |okc*.

Mr. Pi um.. In order i" be c insl u nt,ibould deny thal be wrote hi- liook.

The Bi.viki I.inlets do nol thlnl( 'um,i iMi's sib ncc i- golden.

If Bi » fi Bi rtra don't 11 another non*

Instion pn Hy non, be a ill ce ¦- to bemt til inn. il ill lin canvas..

[I i-hopi il thai tin-Di vim: organ* tintwanted to knoa boa I mle Sabbt Tuns*."tot,d iu Ibis novas* ire*"*ti**_ed.

Mi-. I....¦'.v.u'.i.' platform ls lielori thepublic. 'I be i'i. siu-ii tnni is ihat if i-oui hiss, fliiinl and gored, with sererelvanis of in-,-iiii.n h i Into tin- back.

>*Tbe colony ol Mormon proselyte* n arNashville, which wm ordered to leave, In*iu fl Imdy refused to go." Yet ll I* proba¬ble th. v will go.go un.

Northern heir***"****, having exhausted tlieitipply ol li.-i ile coachmea, an- noa run-

ung amy with itreet-car driven. Andmw tin- question is. Will this |,nv.!' theUro?

TbeCfaleago Herold tay*: ''TheDemo-.iats f.incicil tb' y had booked lls'ill I"".

Ki-ii. bal IIamu i"N is still ia bumingT'und in waters." *!.-. -,,|U.

i-ho* prefer noddy water.

Tin- World a-k-.- *. Why should nol tbeImerican people lielieve Wabbes Fisher¦allier than Jim- O. Iii vim.:-" Whv -neb.jin -I loii :. Th. ¦indication- are that they

;.i in li. v.- Fisbbb in pref' pcb. 'o Iii..vivi:.

l' UP n,:iif Gn eh'- health i« -lowly im-

rreving. ll" I. av. - Portsmouth (or Vtii .-len on tbe "th proximo.Hank White. :.. funny ami p.pu! ir ... ml

nan "of a N.w England minstrel troupe,ii'- h-. li li. t.-i| io the Vern,.mt I.. _:*| ,-

mo fran tbe town of {leading.Mn. Bull, tin- widow of Ole Hull, ami

he unmarried daughter* <.f Mr, Longfcl-oiv hft Liver].1 i tea dayi igo for Bos¬on. Tbe] have been on a irip to Norway.M. Marconi, i nt a b nor, -.'. bo fa

Vi\ li - I', in-, i- -ml to il l¦;, v. jrIi him.nv;\t tongue-tip and diaphragm.a voice..mpariil.t" to IbaI ol Mario In hUlays..Iii-ii.-e Miller i- . ,i,| t,, be dUtiiundabed

n m bli bretbr n of tin Supreme Courl olhe lintel .-!:i!i - by ticing the ont] rnetn-.11- who lii.hiiuatlv m. ar- a " .wallow-!.lil¬li " coat ami n good-natured -milo.!)iki ii Vii toi la has had ia .I. e.,i it, ii snd

¦i furnished Misi !'¦ r. ival'- villa at i min -,

lhere th.- Duke ,,f Albany died, md bsaHilde Mi-* i'i ni val a lady-in-iv ai ii m.- to themob. ss of Albany,lv':ii-cr Wilhelm li bal lng constructed for

li- own Ute a cai h. the tlitho upp,|' (.or¬ion of which will !.f glass, n that betill be ilde lo ne everything abritboul fatigue ot exposure to the westb. r.

Ufa London) says thal tbe()ueen i- nownjoylng < health.better, Indeed,han i.,1- soiue years. She tm been seeingnore people, payiag more visits, and (ran*..ting mon business than for main months,:i-t -he hu- beea able to do,Mr*. Langtry hubeeBreceivedwltbuu-

...iiniloil eathusissn ut Scotland, and bsawen "re<niently calli d upon to addi, ss the.ul.lio from the railroad esniage in whichliewa* shoal :.. (she ber .1. pan uro fromlo place. At Waverley Station, Klm-lurgb, a greal throng ntbered, cheeredur rep. at. .liv. and called lor * speech,rhea "a pletaeat-looldag, middle-agedute appnred a) tbe niTinge windowmi -aid: .. I'm hiv glad you all likelr-. Laagtry n much, because.I'm berliothor."

Spit il of tilt" BflJtSe I: ...

DaavlUe Register: Rentritulstlag, it islute safe for tbe Domoorats te count onI. eiitii: eight of the tm congressmen fromlill Slate.I.vnchi uii.- Neus: Virginians, aroute

<.: shale the dew-drops fiom your gar-i' nts, gird "ii >*.tii- armor, ind so forth

the victory of the jual ami brave udrae.-iitloik UeroU: The D^iaocratk

inp in \.-i wa- in better trim, aaa neverin! mon hop. fill weather-.i-ns. She willweep ll " -til- neat month ami eas! berut-hois ju thc that Vi.-li tb -In,p..¦idhi;.' up I* the While 11,111-,.Norfolk L-nUreer* .- Then- i. um raoch-take n ,t to raak* bb .lt,,rt t,, retain th,

en. tic nt policy undi r Walch A" -ire ba*liming happy ami pios|H rou.. Bm jj,,.TM manhood .,f tho Sooth will do it* fulluti lathi* 'ii-:-, and tho III um-ta,-li-*

ndIheilliill.«o:i|, " will avail I.ut littlei oiipturiii- ibe rotes ol whit,, electors.Norfolk led ter: >,'r. Ilarl-otir n.v. r didmon lu nt Scial ac! than vv hen |.. adiIndie D. m.., nit* to refuse to di-.-in* the i> issue* witb _h_NWe*l st>,,iiter«. Theuitr:.«t hotweon tin twa parties Ja thu*ronk-ly tad forcibly Bramfa awl bvl> inooiiiiL'". sud iii. hath i-cerUined¦voinl controvorsy tint tin* Mahoiieite, |gii- -.. fion are siiuo.t r>-**dardvet-- ae-neee,bile tho Dsaaaerats tr-- white mea withbom no om- fear* le aaaaeJBBB*.

Be Dom- um, it.A tatami "thllosoptrcal tn-ati-i -m.We ian endure nianv an ache and pain iiis soon over." Tin ii, let ii* hive it oveisoon as possible. the puin ol neuralgia,r imUn.e, or rheumatism, or tin- army ofjCuit pains follow mg in their train, (ielLouie nf Drown'- Iron Kitten rigbt'aw.'.yd go to work on them. Mr. ."aro!. Bartie*,irneaville, Ohio, writes: ..Brown'* Ironilers relieved my wife of j-re. nervousoitration, which wai io teven that shed lo keep ber Ind."

PWIentlllt yut+4.Dr. M. Benraman coioaa to tb* cnnelu-

itaa Bro*amxtd elim .te, with rsdattveffmild wlntei* and wann.,v sum uer*,j. the be*t *ul(ed lor th" regeUtlon ot thetemperate zone.

Since thc tMBSUntlOfl .f ,¦...-.,, UBtgrns-phv In Franc* tbs number of ,ttegaam*iras in tbat country has inc.,,*,.,! onor-Bssaffff. nana year tsars w *r«' -H tii.'-._intn* for every Hhi of the population.T.c tonnace of the eflsetlrs arm ir,* I

fleet* rf BM! BBdlsg ii iv tl powrtn .,( Kt-r,,|H- ls is (oll"Ws: Cul,,,,!. ..d,.-,.*.) toni;Frmiec UltWlj Ocrroaay, 7i..>u7: Ans-int,'!.'!.!!"'. K'is-ii. tb\MU\ and Univ .'.:»,-:. IThe International Osolsalsffl OsSaTftass,

lt I* annoiirced t.v Professor J Jin Me*h.nnv Bugbss, nf Cffmhridfe, Cil-iulI.posljiuiicd BS Septi-mli. r. I**.",, in BSSWO-qucncs c( i1"' outbreak ol cholera in Umlenah ot Karapa,Mr. Twynam, ot Wlm-lu *,t*r. Kn.-: nd.

a.., rt* thal a liagls -rain of wheat batpro-,]i"d thirty-nine cir*. eoBtetntBg In all

.rain-, and thal tbroeof tba birges!,-f Hu car* had nspe-etlvely lij, ju.:, aadHil ¦sTaiD*.M. I.a-M 'O' *.*.-. in lbs /(¦(".'',1 of rhe

j*.iis Chemical s«idety,tbffl Intheffctlos..f nini.iilie gfttcinum upon nwrrury dlrao>thtl, ws obtain a white, erystalHne, vola¬tile *it!'*taticc. which i-'iii,** mi conti t

ililli wa,,*r.

Cmi-ul E. Ls, Laynrd. srritlni fromN't iinicii. does im! .-insider .1 circular s, ,, fi,,,11 hilt-top an unusual nbcnum. non. lt depends, of eoarte, on*tbsposliionol thc oi.-ersi r bs regards th. ».m

and bb)**eolgfl --i vantage ''.namely, hsv«jiv a ipare below him. In roch 1 il n itlon11 his -1fd bbs level tl tim'* in lu* life.

AB Iti.crii.itintial ffblbttlonof Hivdilioi!*uni rf musical Instruments is i" be op ruedIn lins, 1885, ui Ibe buildings bow stand-nat in the gardens cf the Boya! Hortl-

il -o.-i' is ii .-"nt,, ii- mlngton, Loa-don. lt 1* not propos. i to dion inoee forniai.iifai-tir. d gooda nnsi ompanled by¦BJ i'lu-lriri- 1. ... tb, I"..- BOT Iliiii'li'n*-

1. -m-iii has «1 .ployed iii- is s mein*.. ollng purposes, li-- h is ob! lined

e. c. in -t liquid -1.1.- snd submitted it t

. st) 01.dion al a pressur, "i one stmos-11.' !'¦ or even i'i I VatrUllffl, In thecase he fa.btained a temperature so lowas.IIB centigrade. The temperature ofi.iii"_-. n v 1, .ii'iii1 In a s "uiiiii hs sup-

be .-il:; ¦.

v. "od may icqulre au oak-, walnut-, orpb, ri s-1 rec color bj -' doini it with ordi¬nal"? mu tura ol Iodine dllul 1 with -1 ii rituiiiii the .sa. !¦ shade I* obtained. White

inst Im addi I to Ibe 11lion ll the stain i* io b, made permanent,

r thc *t nu i* applied maybe Inn h polished. The Iodine may bclaid on with 1 ii, or a brush.

i - locomotive i* (-. be Intro¬duced In Ibe st. ("jothard tunnel. It cm be.hru'et tl from 1 talion.ny boiler a ir:.mi iud wateraufflcleul to mike tbetwen-ly-minutcs' lourni j tbron fh the tunnelwithout requiring my lire. It therefore

il v Itiati Hu- atmosphere'i he -.h-'it-t -t am i* talvi ii tipline solution in u special chamber.Spong, * which are kepi , »r a few boura

in a solution of bromine (made by addingabout it 11 drops t every liv, ounc I

.. quire :. tine lighl tit** _ ss bich tn 13h. still fniihi r Improved by (lippingin .lilllie sulphuric acid uni (hen washingr1 -in sst il in e. it r Th is t far Iss ij to I,!, nell -| on-.-es ttint the e'.l ,;i-,-,process, which Ii iimui i-r-iei ,1 s at the best,>r Ibe fclioii- sulphuric a. i.l n'i- ¦.!. id.

Herc uml lhere.

The viii.!:.'.- in Bets York -I 1-

l,c um 11 :>!,",iinn* name ol Horsehead* i-!o len christened North Elmira. Ph a-

tay the name ,,( tho town :- ' 1,

ul-'.', -tile oi aii abattoir.A new Invention lor tbe purposeol en-ipping ladI. * inclined

. i-t of a .hair used in 1 Sewpori lawn,which !'..-¦!'!. r* tbe weigh! el anj one ilinv in ii without the litter's kn

'I bc yield "f tbe spun "f H.« . Parks,.I Riverside, fan Bernardino ninty, Cal.,1* one ,.! tin- ino-: remarkable on record.Kn tin thirty-three hive* *, ,. n and iquar-

f honey were gather drage ol 430 pounds to the hive.Thc frflfi "f Coden, Ab,., engaged In a

.-i.-ml lox-hunl last week. The weathein-ii right, an I the six p u 1.* ol

i' iiii,i-, by their d, ep bra) Innntry il large thal (hey wer on

ll;, ia still ol the !iini: wm six'oxes, two c" ti-, m.1 ons wild-c it.

Baltimore *,,,.. tv i- Jual noss- lUlTerinj*'n m an '-vcr n ri rsal of tbs »l Be ol things1: Boston. In Ibe .. Huh" Hide ire neve¬ll thom md rnori women than men, whilen tbe city of beautiful women those sameul oin - ne a seale arti'le, ami the Votin.'in nu. obliged to fly to the clubs duringbi ir leisure hour-.

Adelph -:*.'!" 1- i" ¦.is. ih. city ol -tn

francis, 0 a m.;;, librarj r 11 o«l (everalmndred tho nd w . Butros bo designed and seoul* .1 thc n al Sutrolinn. through the mountains ol Vet I,.it B et -I -d || ssa- I llIi .in the .. 1 ,,1,,-t,, *h " lode, and ss.- iln-shed ni l-T*-. I In* luiim ls (our mile*

sj (eel below theliri .'.

Wilgie lnr Hie knuthMi a of advanced age, like Mr. Ben|amin

allier, ..f Tbomi - .mowe. p-,.. in biseventy-iixth dar: Mr. W.H. Kedwood,al. -in;.11, Baltimore. Md., In hi* »eventy-hird year; Mr. John Lane, liv.).- Park,il., h.ed sixty, and m iny ..rh. rs, s

ur, 'l of rh, urnatlsm by .. few ipplicatlon*.1 -,. Jacob* lil, thc i*r. al pain- ure.

'I Ililli te.' S.

.Hi lv*"S lit Wir.! I'*. Mun,.I. t-!he Ku-.;injii-i iliun-li.Uil itv, -s. .¦ day.i) lu r Nth.s Ute Ri 1. vv. vs. bandrum. Ml*. M. Ll. n.i:V. ls*. <\ to VI. V. . IIAMHI Rs. s .ords.

m: s- -in.-i. In WHIUm,hurt, \-... "

tri len* ind oaiuful Im 1. I'l llAl i.i fl, .. f me lu, I. ll. vilu, Jr., -a'


Wiihlmrtewi and BalUmore paper* please copy.L.I !:ss I. ii knelt' 1 fl

II -iii 11,-lt.11, WILLI WI I*. Ill HW! LL. Hillie..T. year f till aa*.

Iii- run- if will U ni -I. I-itil-.I.urel, lill- niT.IIV'.'V tl I ..- lirb ru bb ih-.-. of lil cc. Dr. ll

to all. ^^H

I' ll K si T U A T I (J N

i I,. 11.. -1 ni thc IntelllftaL.e 11.1 va tl

UTI "f Te *ltu.!t!"ii and vi dat l-t itrr "Pi-ulai Hy11 sen. and fBB, tb, Bl * 1 Offi ins.;.as i.Lin rael, every wa] roo

',!. r ran make-at pl Ire- thal ai LOW Indra d .'

I.U.IIT.WTTI.IIT T!,l*-( "VI*.

Wi rr flbOWlORtlM m.. i ( n-.¦mi.I.",, li. n-Kil¬

li.-, and (Craaai Aatortaai ut . t. (bead la aa]il in Um i I,,*,, - milli. .

,! -l.tirin-nt. yo,, .,T. -(-, ,h( truth,pml UV*.niui.-itioii win ,. atari) .,*-tu..ii-

mt. it p. ia -.,.

i'll: Ll; HT'.. '-Tiny ran.-, r-.ut |lfl lo*,.,3.Ta 'l;» .¦.illa, s, Hr.,wu. Cray. Plum, Osbird.

ls,. Drab, SOd Tan, In all Un S. vv-iud, -.

vv -ti ..ns. i.inii, eatt sad Issh u -ca* \utii. iff, rita favor.

V. -AK- ,1 m.,

bi vn.iats ot runt .luihim.,1U13 NA1X STIIEBT.

I -I


)EBM>NAIr.Ma. Vf. .1. col'Di.KV.

'i:vlKlTd"i-TLNKTJM,,AN,,>0",,,:«'A^RAMOS « m<-*...*.

- t .Th.,*,,,s!r-»"i-et'-»H Main mw*.. Itl'i:

I AV IM- t|l'ALIFI£U AS ADM1N1H-1 rlAWIOr THK K BTATK Of VlR*.KAU T. U.VVU.deesB«ed. all ._..-...:. ..._.__



I OO T J A to() (I V Y A* 1.IU O Vf S A IaKO I) T AAA laI OO r A ACLU

San A I-. Bllbl fl (KK1i ll K R iinksp a

unit AA Efl im N nuS" k AAA ?. K llb M«" «WBUSit^AX *"" «S ¦*

_». ewt tw W WOOD FSB HUBrriTowsj" RC Q-Sppn' H^w^n f fc*Vr (JO WW BDD BKER B-

fno 21-lr

.wKi.rifl«"-\ J.I -ON WAHI) l>^V:''<,'V',Jm

iVl ,L! B|n ,*!¦ "",'"','hebald ''"'¦"cVsi'*;- a -I

,,.¦*. lill- IT-ir- t-s li V,V*t "'

o'rloek. wiie.i n fud Bttsudane* '-.-'/.'.. of ,, i. hoped -.i u 'ii-- nea'''.'1 'i* .¦" ''*"' '

..i,.mn '*-*..'.;('-^;tj:;^;';';.;:r,.t,ry..L.t. I mt I-'.. IT' drat_"' _.

Ai i NTION. DEMOCBAT8I-,ri...slln^nrtl.- " ki '* 1-V\/'j*.''[ u '..,.-,,tVrid-. and, WI. -.-cV*- «.*« il


. '-;;,. ."¦:' h.i. v.. .<¦» ¦. ru{"lill, -tr.'l. eli"" '* vv st,lill."

1--1, Bl,,.i,.,r,.i.:i un i* vv '..';",''1,:rl,;;r,h,:._,, at-.,*,!,-Tv. All rotors, "I .li

"!:"|V '"""I.',,,*,.I..*! It.LV.,,.,o.l" Pt--1'i, nt-I. ,ii V,-ir I- rut,. Sn *¦!.

Ms - ,,* |, ¦..¦,!, i im: ami vim ;:- ,,!' vu im T'"l. H'-VN **/'V

i..U'..i:. .*¦-. i. ,v. K.aad v. Ila* -n-- ¦".*'7*k/\,, dil*

...,-¦ si ifs i. rmsc-*..

iiaaiBaBan" " 's.,i..m.ll,' r-.,-v._


Rtl IIV'M'. .'Toe, r I- 1884. I

S_!*i:ci A I. d lilli: I!-,-nkv /kj Knion tb: Bv r* "im! inofiheCom- X/**,

line in ms nation ". Vu- A.s... I, to ...-'t / x

p.-t i-i ni ur ii il- .... r in ono, tl. ¦¦ii/ *.»Initan, l" l**r

lirai.d ( noeis. V- uartil I.**-

,, vs ti .¦.¦ ¦!. inti ii t. n 1:13 loci .!¦ Piii. td'

..... l:t.i IIrrlui

ss vi il sl.t,.Capt n

I..a d i*. ii rr -of1' r.

,,,,.. ic-, r.iiv

rh ksiom.. vs.. ...I. i 1881. i

CPEI lAl. 0BD1 W-ll: K*.I, cl' /\

III It-It ll / \r%/ >

ii oil- md nilifrsr.d ( I

Byrd-.,,,,' ,i tm ii:,.. nlsht.

tl -i Knlal nf ntlM liim tiii* -."ii "ls In ne In lnr.d willi us,

Killi "i Ul NEV,

S'r. t: H. MULI

iimi Ne.air.fl i *.


KMT- B Kl *- *! VR ,

orvu-* las sv 1,(1, IM,

Till IT.

I tl v ni, invi pet rm, a ni Md *i. II.MI

> ll :.

¦silllill SKIRMISH "I s il

. "S*T VS v.,,|K._

( 11 M i) \ I' I'HEATM-.'!..n-i - ss:. *. i:n vv m vi .si l.

BlGINJUNO nuns, ; *.' s;\,

VII** VSSli li I.T.I IS. ri., l'* Vow, Kiel

-mi: Till rv-.¦, ¦¦ .i. ¦.

Ul lt. C.ell si I v.uLT ,.




laliar week, stIII tile id ¦¦ it

o'eli rk. or ,-i-

su.-.ttoi -esr-:-, whl. 1. mn it I led -t theHi :. .ii

i I. -li ..i.l Ul Cr-, i -lt.-(.!'..V.-.i -.¦.! I Ut :, in, i. esr od,


DIME MCSI I'M OMFAN'Y.: .-I,- i. inn - vsn iriLHREV,

Vt KKK Ol' O, roill ir c.ii -1 \ RV '¦.KIT.':-S' "S ASH SJ,,|| :, \' i"l IN.. 1 Ul Ii¬

ii vv suth.

SEW OMPAflV lld WEEK.B SEW *i ll

¦r MLVSivt.iS*. I

JOH***, LT Ia I-IK, J IMKM,lof-tl

lil -iv. I. !|S-.

vin. i- -. sn-. .n,L plea ling -k, t«*li, bow,

ti8111 HMAS-.

vsitli Monkey*mel ,- - k.

.1*! 1 ST lit MT) IB...ii -vi:,.rit.

1 l.*.Ti-.."TT I "t:1- WIS

cl. \i I show only 10 rents;

,'-. '_'" ri lil-. |1.,.. . nu

'.lill ,-

|)!< II.VIdM, TULA |'K!'.

Hi s; ! ... .sllI'1 ir s; i: SOLDIERS'HOME.

WEI R "i'm rOBI i: 1 (Til.

HARRI: DRAM vi IC 'Mr vs',.

un roman t, ni.ama,HIL HEAD HEART,

nu: r*( nv, "i."..!. vi. ni: vi v.

vl.l I. i: I, i..

i:v MR.THOM v- ssi.v.

IT - at. d bj-oldaoe- to

lill r '-ll.-li.r lund.;


/ J.B \M> OPEXIXO VV I ML 1. \!i!L-'y vu: ron nu; li si ii i it;- *r. i*vr-irn i; * I vivi ir ft HOOL al Vo, t ito eastvi r. it-art, t.. ti !.,r ... vi Da-Tronai J ibm vl Gras bm v an ir.- ran*,.,.rill's Int ile il IO pay 8 Villi iuid rxaiuiue Hu'r lin¦lo ll ¦.!' I *! I 1... ld I -S' V HUI. |.LS.

"Sr IT ["SI lill -. Il L-l UK sm. Be.lilli HISS! II ,| -I IT-IT: .¦ iv. I,-,

i -l-.r*.

Vinn t a rio** % ia¬

ll;..ima XOBMaUa SCHOOL.-: id -ms nie. v.i., rsa

iii rbdav " rosea io, 1884,ill * K .' id alli ti aboai tb* Kith Jone!*-.'. A rlreula, .n.,:.- iBlbrmstl n t., puru,.,labtraaicd a ippUeatlon io

l. V H V ii Ss, -s-.-rttury,yaidivi!.!.*:, VA- *-. i-t- ii.i-.-r 85, 1884.

'¦ '".-l.dVV

!)!< U310.M) -I SO.3 I s .. ¦: v. ) - REET

BK IIM'tSil, VA.

JOHfl il i'"vs :., UPrioal-nLVr- 1. li. pl s m.* and VI,-. ... g. ,, u;,,, . r

i|,a|,.I* H" WMilS'-i-and DAV.

U HO. tot s.. vl.l!- .,,,, i ,| ,.-,,r,.T* twin 'es;,, *n*, villi; 82. 18MTbe s,,,niV. ladies* apartBmaU and Uio'

.i- for c it-ii-'-iiit it (la I,. i.V-l..r.. ,.r,iieltr*erls fs-tOelS I*!:i*.C,l'AI.

WI MS AI..I HA. i: HL.Mt.vKi) toill M VI Sdi UlITS«* MVI.*!IVI.I%AM,tl.i-re I shall '*. I lt..«,.(io r..-. is. !', I'll.-* *s-t il-II.,its,ui,r withal] pirti,, wt,., »ist, n',li.-ll.'. VII -ll'-*l_ John kk-smcil

M IL I.OJ.IK W A l-t IN.Tl Al til l:"!'l*IA\..,,,|:,, vs, vsil

nv HM. isy.'.'¦' s* i"-. vi* I'. in baisblng; lilrlily re.

W.S. IL .lla.1,.-wa. Mu,|-al li-,.t. r. "lli.r ^.~.l refereneeaiflvrii on anni*.. Address H..X .Cl.RI.-ltin. ,.|, Va? P'au TU.:n,i»

IIIMtOI.ITIOAN A I'VltIM KMiics.DffflTUAB, VA..Oct.,lsr 4. I*--

V'O'I H K.-THE LATBI o-l'AUT.VFK-.fl *lllf"K VV. -. iriTTiiS.",,",,,;"i l.. dlaaabr*d bj lb, Saalh ..,' Un- *n,. r, ari-

Ll . .Tretn\7tii}ttlt'MMe 1"r^'f*""«*,l'j.,"*' *" ' r^ix*-tinily *t>tic,t a eonttiminea nf the*"' ' V. V. ttTiiKK*..-.,.. v)*l'.l*-iTTii.N,* *». A. PATTON;



rari,*,AI',,,w*,'Kn*l0T,IKU-HAVK MOKK noni)* I HA*THBY BKED.



nun BBB y tI P K 3- vjIi D KBR VVli li K lt Vi.m. BB Y

uno oo oo ni)i» ..*_f. (I o ta O <» ¦ {" B_,O O O O D II *»¦<; no () (. o o I) o a J -

ooo oo oo odd "a*" ..

TftolmntoMlaftoiai tar. supulla* in eterr

,|, parin cl. sud rai, lot iliow Ibe ls-*)l-f«lBCteJ

si.M-kin theroy.IB DIM .unties

we bate all U.«IB n.itlcsi f tl..Baser '» al tlie

,:e«lrat-le BB**-". BMl a* TIM.'VTIVK-'.'" .'»"

MASS.II lo"H' COBBBt ItK.N.-Al.INK.-**' "'

ll \\s. ai, i'i- 'io r-.

BILXSi ¦_.*_*

Ul.MK u: ni.' dil I) im"*! sui-r'' .''"'».

Dtwr 81 Ul.VtK Kill VI. I VsllVli:UK-HMsll

BILI uni Bel il a******** '" suylhliial In


PoYcly BBOCADI -ILKS 'ii lils.". ;i.i"l1'"l..rl;

Vt'LVKl'-i ml VM.VK'M IV- sn iniiiiisi-o

.i, p. o.ntal I.ron¦'. . iin-1 B*Blfl .'¦''

nor ld. Vt li Hill --t.''"l'-' I " *ai.

antin aea a. ngi *»BB***"*r.*ito* ' "Beal' "¦.'

(ail lo in pert I*.

VV VV VV Kl'.K A WP fPBmve vv vv w k B AA I* J* K ¦

VV VV WW lilli! 1 A PIT MHoWW WW K ll AAV *

K *


WRAP** roi i-vnt:'-. BIMI

nm n.

li, i,,,

r patrons, sb

room In wl-i


un ni- aro "tit indi S vii

Lest hai


V - ,11 Ile ..¦':,'

i \;:pi;: -. t v 111*1

KKK If If ROO ."*.¦p ll l (. .1nun i- i)RBI (Ml s i*BB M

1.1 -



.. Kl



III vi.iiivii K BROTRI Itv.

(Ill'il, GLABBWAKB, Ae.

oYEt iai. notice.

I M.I l-il IH nllMili DIXSTI I'


I T. l- TS, OMBIN '.

( ..N UNTN'i -i ni: IIB Pl B -: I,


K P. I IVLOB,ra im Isla

$16.40.-1 Al

tii*.\i ;:, upi. tKl'As I v ¦'.:

Inntl -ll.-.

(il "i:..K l.ll'.suN. .1

imi.mim.s. rvi.itnivi.s. .to.


L. I.l v. Is's im KU li vi.1.1 RT,Dliisi

SEW I'VlsilNi.s. KNOB AVTNOS, Iii'..IM.-. ,1 ,,,,!,. Vl'l!-. AV"

IV ATHM "I..ii:-.



AM. 1 \l.! \lll.l Pl, Mils,

i-i Ut. A i...- 111KR. IR**, PlP)-TOURAPH itAVt! -, v-i i.s. BHONZI - melROOt l:- - ..I."I PS

i'i> un

In ..ii: ll

hm lui - -i i*i-i 11 < am. fi' ni: - of tn


nv *\t i m..


'.'.J. !¦ i: i'd: -vi nu roi LOWING-I pi i.

']] OOO ' "'¦'"'' ,:",IMOJfD '¦¦


K^OQO.m.i::!!. VKi.i.ivvr

5.000 wcl,M0ND8,'iDOlT HARLOTTE. < ol.(Mill \UaXAAJ vm. vi .,i-i v Rajluiiad


a_0 000 VIBQINL* DEF_»_J_D.uni 1; BOBO* v\n -m. u BOIJOBT vsn

BOLD us u.vivn. ins.

DAVENPORT I .... -p., g.ii,olio,-," tit lill ILilnsinm,

*"li:Rl AVTIl.i: A*.»:\( v.o**.' *: *.¦,:- i. r. p.iviioi.i-u, i, ,,.

|p.-iiii.ii-!..i l-ni.i



iiiki!i:.\d--ii:i:,i,,,i,,.ASVi,,, ..,1.,i.

i\)a ii iv ii avril: -. m, nt, ibo .-vi

iiitn.iinvAV. BBB) .tn. i. an ,i.. prtaetprU eltJaj ar Um i _B_*Jr ,i

'" ".' ''-.''I ". LoBdon,; also a' "'I'.'nial a,i,| Aii.-i.vliancorr.-se,,,,,!,.,.,.;.. W *

Vtil.l Mi* ,*., ¦ ug, uti KUI.V.

sheels,,j- ( asap** -.nii-w.s.iT. CeanSaai r-n.s.ams.'.'rr i;r''V'r:* .HcBtleMI IO .rltfrs.l'.. lilly' "'l'' Uv,y,'r' *"" "!i" .l,""« ¦

,!Li.*?.m,f,e'*l-''n" ar" Kimtor and li. hiislnea*.o,o*l^a..''..".*"'",,"ll*'' otaanlBBllon lu Um worldd.4._. "* ""*' ''*'¦¦-. Bad aatler on. .mssi»Y_?__*1 -1*pa«iliUii iuTiicito ravBsUsa*a,-«l.MS need cf any ifl tnt lia ;il.ilit> ta rem

» tlMONDorril K-N0,lM9M.UNsll:i) I.

,o7 .MI.WniTTY."-¦iptrluU n.t. ii*.

<<)«*ii«i,i\ h»:k< Hsvra.



LUl-t^C-^AOY^C-SBAlJfc M»

nPfciAtefitntrim.aa mu e\9Y.r r Jf*BB"l kbkk *.*. ishh**

3_!_r yr h. r_SIXTH ANDBHOAnST-tKr.TM.

Hie rodi yost. 1'lsf tn (BB caUldishtneat wai I,-

de.-l'ii.l.rce.:e..u-.l tl 'ur '-*¦*.. Bal BM |.r»-vai|.

^i,,,, iee, were ala. TH) mil l-l at whir*. ...j,

Coeds lind yet been offered.

BgMMBBR.U.e,,. |ro.< o".Him. S's"! Pr all tim-. H

the sea-son QR-*ATI*R UAH.. UN-

aaaaad.*,*. ui before ImylBjt V'te 'Vlf Pl

FALL DftlH OOOfJBi fOUt vnvlliln/. i lyn

will N' lielielilo'l.

vi,. p. e. .: i" In lay * Ba* sf

Mini's' pm.un aa ) ii.I.-wool

.1 KKK KRK S*>S l.KB Y V). lt » ¦ I Y Y w


j la kkk -_bl n vv Ha.*f i 1 ri a_ I x .JJJ KKK B K ".-W" KKK V

at M* 'iin-i'ii!'

.lil I'

« 7-"li:.\'!li

_(*-*«!' Ul KK .**ss,S*.Vs l" I-' '. IK **.S8S TISS/jo co oo oi r___a__.~."sj**** ll' fn (JOUIBIT*""'*B"r.

Oil BB] t"' dta, neil In, .'.. tn -il at .

. ., .11 .¦¦ - . i u Ii. ni pailrurr in lira I ¦: '


WlH' tlll

|D Hilt dei irt vi-k-i ur

¦ ll" I.i..-Al I- s, pi i AKIN l .' ¦'¦

.i - v.-,-, .' .: .-'. perj .r I. V t.J.V io ,-.

mm i pdivr-i: DK.BAlN (

-I 1*1 1, oTT.vni v.i'iHPMrC IKT'I r. N ii Hil "-... v

VI ll Ti V'.. ll*M1 UN v

-, o V ,-I

- VKJ.VKT M.'-.« I -I -I I-', ltvp' - i:v ii v

.m. < [.mn|. I S. 11 .



1- ,. 1

" I ¦.

.M.: vis-,-.

IHl.-l I.ul ll il




nertiii l-l ll IN NH

KU. iv IPI li Ml DH VIM) Il INN

s i..s JrLANNI

4.1(1)4 lilli B, .le.

i iTIH '¦' :. \ r BElin i'l-

BBB. ! IT OOO * BI -Maj* !' ,, v l it,- Bf '¦ '.-.-. a. 2_""titi1" lt: ni.i. a a

l.ltiH ! V I OW,

WI 11

r.i -i vv :n

I,PAM viii,.




ll ii.

\ i:: ',...:.ts vim |nilli i

IMPOB III). Ill*-* I. v-v. un

( i.'.

V is) s


I'll Ll I'l' rt'RI t ".BUS

liivKx ro vii

( I). Kl NSW


1703 EAST Mi

Rlt nv ind, V i.


v i.v, i: ¦;.

elli N

ll Vi.


V rial, bj DAVEN!'Dorl i

i;i.i.t i m. -i.i,,n r -"Vi- i-


*> .1 '.nj.h. .!,.

Orders mi _MitUi lt - will b 11

Hi a ii;;i BOAP MAM v. li pim. .,.,

'"UV ll. 1,1.1-11 WI.I-

y.VhllllM. M.

SOS. I AND MA< nil..

li v vp u: un .v il vv Bl

lilli**. 1.11(1 Ott*». tc

iii BABREI - u lll-Ki:v.T-" ' VIII -'ll VNIfl i,IN Pl Vt

.'.ll .. -Ill Kill V VIV ll V li 1*.)RUM H UR l\iil

Pl RK VINKti v::. IPI-H ul -Ul I!.,. Hup l.Ko. i:n -.

¦i it :.. ll kel"I*. VI. KI ...l\-.


'I'd l.ii\ LBS ul-

) \>.I t-ll

WK ::.

' l-l BK! -'¦ lull -1-* uki.IV., I* VI

A- THC HMM 1 Si,I.l-

liol ll 1'.


bl! IPITNl. AN UPI l/IN.,

Vt lill V. ILIOH V -il'll -

v I IMO.

I V-V ed' DiO-BTJ 'N.

) nw u:i> 4 I'.iin ut ki\i*:,in, Un si.:

l-iii.i-iair,.:.- nf

B! KKK - l.'l till) ID IR VNI. Of -TiU.T.AIUI. t.Ol Ml N l uN il VS VI

HIV) NPoRT A BOBBI! .>.)* IP- co i;,,i,.i.


ItfiTW KMKKl'Ulst;.iuon-iVn. in..IM -¦ K)-iiv,HNivr -. |, .,

1 "le Sid ,,.,1 aD to ol,'cf |. CUT M ..

IZW. "l *lyw*'" BnuZtnm BM

"I'l'INti-WAtiON's. Ill ni,IKS, its,have a|_i |U,| ujaeti it,. ,.,. Y foi ti,.-,-. > h, . .1

I RN lil Ri. VV Vt it i\* j,.| l: I ,,,,(Hs. . ,vlli-il in ..ualily. and t,.«ar ,h». mm BUM .esT. iiiii.iis.'aii i» lei ii, the eli*,The-llliKKYK K..K. I7- IND !. HT- tl VI i*rc are ..ullin* iu dalli, in Un platt-ul eieri en ..-..n lin tn irVii ***** '

Bl. Iiuion.l I'.iriu iiii|.|«uiiiit H.nk»r._____


BOOK ANO JOB WOKK HEATLY»_bb1*CVT*0" *" *-)*'**'iTi;u riu-N " * i#