The Responsibility of Business Enterprises to Respect ... · pelanggaran HAM untuk memper-oleh...

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Tanggung Jawab HAM Korporasi di Sektor Kehutanan :Kasus Hutan Harapan dan Bukit TigapuluhThe Responsibility of Business Enterprises to Respect Human Rights in the Forestry Sector : The Case of Harapan Rainforest and Bukit Tiga PuluhPenulis : Asep Mulyana & RudiansyahPembaca Kritis : Andiko

AsM Law Office | Legal, Economic & Social Consultant

Apa Itu Prinsip Bisnis Dan Ham

1. Korporasi dan HAM

Relasi korporasi dan HAM mulai diperbincangkan setelah maraknya ka-sus-kasus pelanggaran HAM berskala besar di berbagai belahan dunia yang diakibatkan oleh kebijakan, aktivitas dan operasi korporasi. Ketika tanggu-ng jawab HAM dipikulkan di atas pun-dak Negara, dan actor nonnegara tidak dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban, maka kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan menurut standar HAM internasional. Alhasil, korporasi kemudian mengala-mi impunitas atas pelanggaran dan kejahatan HAM yang ditimbulkan oleh kebijakan, aktivitas, dan operasi kor-porasi.

Situasi di atas telah mendorong

komunitas HAM internasional untuk menggeser paradigma tentang tang-gung jawab HAM. Paradigma lama me-nempatkan Negara sebagai satu-sa-tunya actor pemangku tanggung jawab HAM. Perkembangan mutakhir menunjukkan adanya penguatan posi-si ekonomi-politik korporasi lintas-neg-ara. Pengaruh korporasi yang besar ini berbanding lurus dengan operasi dan dampak operasi terhadap HAM.

2. UNGPs

Pada 2011 Utusan Khusus PBB untuk Bisnis dan HAM, Prof. John Rug-gie, merilis Prinsip-prinsip Panduan PBB untuk Bisnis dan HAM (The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights—UNGPs) dan diterima secara bulat oleh Dewan HAM PBB.UNGPs dibangun dari tiga pilar, yaitu:1

a. Tanggung jawab negara untuk melindungi HAM dari pelanggaran oleh pihak ketiga, termasuk kor-porasi, melalui kebijakan, penga-turan, dan keputusan yang layak.

b. Tanggung jawab korporasi untuk menghormati HAM. Pilar ini mens-yaratkan adanya aksi korporasi un-tuk menghindari pelanggaran HAM

1 John Gerard Ruggie. 2011. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework” (United Nations: New York). Document reference A/HRC/17/31.

What Is the Principle of Business and Human Rights

1. Business Enterprises and Human Rights

The relationship between business enterprises and human rights began to be discussed after large-scale incidences of human rights abuse occurred worldwide as a result of corporate policies, activities, and operations. When human rights duties are placed only on States’ shoulders and non-state actions cannot be held accountable, cases of human rights abuse could not be resolved in accordance with the existing international human rights standards. As a result, business enterprises have impunity for human rights abuses and crimes resulting from their policies,

activities, and operations.

Such situations led the international human rights community to change their paradigm regarding Human Rights Responsibility.The old paradigm put States as the only actors that bear human rights responsibility.Meanwhile, recent developments show marked improvement of economic-political position of transnational corporations, which correlates positively with their operations and human rights impacts.

2. UNGPs

In 2011, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, Prof. John Ruggie, released the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights – UNGPs, which were accepted unanimously by the UN Human Rights Council. The Principles rest on three pillars, namely :1

a. The State duty to protect against human rights abuse by third parties, including business enterprises, through effective policies, legislation, regulations, and adjudication.

1 John Gerard Ruggie. 2011. “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework” (United Nations: New York). Document reference A/HRC/17/31.



dan menyelesaikan dampak negat-if akibat operasi korporasi.

c. Akses yang luas bagi warga korban pelanggaran HAM untuk memper-oleh skema pemulihan efektif, baik secara yudisial maupun nonyudi-sial.

3. Penghormatan HAM

UNGPs menegaskan tanggung jawab korporasi terhadap HAM adalah tanggung jawab untuk menghorma-ti HAM. Untuk itu, semua korporasi harus menjalankan beberapa hal, yai-tu membentuk komitmen kebijakan HAM dan melakukan uji tuntas HAM.2 Komitmen ini ditunjukkan melalui pernyataan komitmen untuk meng-hormati HAM dalam seluruh tahapan dan rantai operasi mereka.Adapun uji tuntas HAM merupakan penilaian dampak HAM, baik dampak potensial maupun dampak actual.

4. Pemulihan HAM

Pemulihan HAM merupakan pi-lar ketiga dari UNGPs. Dalam UNGPs disebutkan bahwa warga korban pe-langgaran HAM harus memiliki akses atas pemulihan yang efektif. Akses ini disediakan oleh negara melalui cara-cara yudisial, administratif, legislatif 2 John Gerard Ruggie. 2011. Op.cit.

atau lainnya. Pemulihan mengambil beberapa bentuk, antara lain me-kanisme pengaduan bukan berbasis Negara, yang direpresentasikan oleh adanya mekanisme pemulihan oleh korporasi atau pihak terkaitKorporasi harus menyediakan mekanisme pen-anganan keluhan yang efektif.

UNGPs menyebutkan beberapa kriteria bagi efektivitas mekanisme penanganan keluhan yang disediakan korporasi. Adapun kriteria-kriteria itu, antara lain: sah, aksesibel, dapat diprediksi, equitabel, transparan: akes pengadu untuk mendapatkan informa-si secara terbuka, kompatibel dengan prinsip-prinsip HAM yang diakui se-cara internasional, dan menjadi sum-ber pembelajaran berlanjut.

Dari Konflik ke Penghormatan HAM

Konflik pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) di Indonesia berkem-bang menjadi konflik yang bersifat terbuka dan konfrontatif ketika Orde Baru bangkrut pada 1998. Pada era Orde Baru, potensi konflik diredam dengan cara mendisiplinkan sek-tor-sektor rakyat melalui mekanisme represif. Segera setelah Rejim Orde Baru bangkrut pada 1998, masyarakat

b. The corporate responsibility to respect human rights. This pillar states that business enterprises should avoid infringing on the human rights of others and address adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved.

c. Wide access for victims of human rights abuses to effective remedy, through judicial and non-judicial means

2. Respect for Human Rights

UNGPs state that the responsibility borne by business enterprises regarding human rights is the responsibility to respect.To meet this responsibility, all business enterprises must take a couple of measures, namely adopt a human rights commitment and conduct human rights due diligence.2 The human rights commitment is a statement of policy expressed by business enterprises that they commit themselves to respecting human rights in all their operational stages and supply chains.Meanwhile, human rights due diligence is an assessment of adverse human rights impacts, both potential and actual, that could result from a business enterprise’s operations.

2 John Gerard Ruggie. 2011. Op.cit.

3. Human Rights Remediation

Remediation is the third pillar of UNGPs. In UNGPs, it is mentioned that the victims of human rights abuse must have access to effective remedy. This access is provided by the state through judicial, administrative, legislative, and other means. The remedy can take several forms, including Non-State-Based Grievance Mechanisms, which are represented by remedy mechanism by business enterprises or related parties. In this regard, business enterprises must provide effective grievance mechanisms.

UNGPs mention several criteria regarding the effectiveness of grievance mechanisms provided by business enterprises, namely legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable, transparent, rights-compatible, and a source of continuous learning.

From Conflict to Respecting Human Rights

Conflicts of natural resources management in Indonesia turned into open and confrontational conflicts when the New Order went bankrupt in 1998.In the New Order era, conflict potentials were stifled by disciplining



melakukan klaim ulang atas lahan-la-han yang diambil rejim Orde Baru un-tuk kepentingan pembangunan. Untuk sebagian, konflik SDA memang mer-upakan warisan Orde Baru, namun untuk sebagian yang lain, konflik SDA merupakan dampak dari ekspansi kor-porasi yang difasilitasi oleh negara di satu sisi dan lemahnya perlindungan negara terhadap masyarakat lokal dan/atau MHA di sisi lainnya.

Menurut Inkuiri yang dilakukan Komnas HAM, jumlah kasus sengke-ta pertanahan, termasuk tanah-tanah adat di kawasan hutan, terus mening-kat. Sekitar 20 persen dari seluruh pengaduan yang diterima Komnas HAM adalah mengenai sengketa per-tanahan. Pada 2010 terdapat 819 pengaduan sengketa pertanahan, dan naik menjadi 1.064 pengaduan pada 2011, dan 1.212 pengaduan pada 2012.3 Inkuiri Nasional yang dilakukan Komnas HAM juga mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk konflik SDA di sektor kehutanan, antara lain :4

a. Pengambilalihan hutan adat/ba-gian hutan adat oleh negara untuk perkebunan, pertambangan, kon-

3 Komnas HAM. 2015. Inkuiri Nasional Komnas HAM tentang Hak Masyarakat Hukum Adat atas Wilayahnya di Kawasan Hutan: Temuan dan Rekomendasi untuk Perbaikan Hukum dan Kebijakan. Jakarta: Komnas HAM

4 Ibid.

servasi, atau transmigrasi;

b. Pengambilalihan hutan adat/ba-gian hutan adat tanpa pemberita-huan tujuan dan implikasi peng-gunaannya dan tanpa persetujuan MHA yang bersangkutan.

Penghormatan HAM di Kawasan Hutan Harapan

Hutan Harapan merupakan ka-wasan restorasi ekosistem di kawasan Propinsi Jambi dan Propinsi Sumatera Selatan yang dikelola olehPT Restora-si Ekosistem Indonesia (PT Reki) dan didukung oleh Yayasan Konservasi Hutan Indonesia (KEHI), dan merupa-kan inisiatif bersama dariKonsorsium Birdlife.

Jika ditengok jauh ke belakang, la-han PT Reki berasal dari lahan konsesi Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) PT. Asialogdengan luasan 100.000 ha. Di dalam area ini hidup masyarakat Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) Batin IX. Mereka hidup dari hasil hutan dan berburu he-wan. Sejak 2000 PT.Asialog berhenti beroperasi, sehingga area HPH ini kosong. Lahan ini dihuni masyarakat adat dan masyarakat lainnya yang ber-migrasi, kemudian mereka berladang

community sectors through the use of repressive mechanisms.Immediately after the New Order regime was dethroned in 1998, communities reclaimed their lands that had previously been appropriated by the regime for development purposes. A number of natural resources conflicts that occur today are indeed a legacy of the New Order, but others are the impact of expansion of business enterprises facilitated by the state on one hand and weak state protection of local communities and/or Customary Law Communities or indigenous people on the other hand.

According to an Inquiry conducted by the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), the number of land conflicts that involve customary lands located in forest area continues to increase. Around 20% of the complaints received by Komnas HAM are land conflicts/disputes. In 2010, 819 complaints regarding land conflicts were received by Komnas HAM. The number increased to 1,064 complaints in 2011 and 1,212 complaints in 2012.3 The National Inquiry conducted by Komnas HAM also identified modes 3 Komnas HAM. 2015. Inkuiri Nasional Komnas HAM tentang Hak

Masyarakat Hukum Adat atas Wilayahnya di Kawasan Hutan: Temuan dan Rekomendasi untuk Perbaikan Hukum dan Kebijakan. Jakarta: Komnas HAM

of natural resources conflicts in the forestry sector, which include:4

a. Takeover of customary forests/parts of customary forests by the state for plantation, mining, conservation, or transmigration;

b. Takeover of customary forests/parts of customary forests without socialization about the purpose and implications of the utilization and without their consent.

Respect for Human Rights in the Area ofHarapan Rainforest

Harapan Rainforest is an ecosystem restoration area located in Jambi and South Sumatera Provinces. The area is managed by PT. Restorasi Ekosistem Indonesia (PT. REKI) and is supported by Indonesia Forest Conservation Foundation (KEHI) and is a joint initiative of the Birdlife Consortium.

If we trace it backwards, the land of PT. REKI was originally a timber concession of PT. Asialog with the size of 100,000 hectares. In this area, Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) Batin IX lives. They live from taking forest products and hunting. In 2000, PT. Asialog stopped its operations, leaving the concession area 4 Ibid.



dan bermukim di wilayah ini.5

Ketika PT Rekimendapatkan IUPH-HK, kebijakan dan operasi perusahaan tidak berbeda dengan korporasi pada umumnya. Pendekatan keamanan dan penggunaan penegakan hukum yang diambil PT Reki kemudian menghasil-kan narasi mengenai restorasi alam yang mengindahkan aspek kema-nusiaan. Berbagai tindakan PT Reki kemudian kental dengan aroma pe-langgaran HAM.

Jika ditinjau kepatuhan pada stan-dar dan prinsip HAM, kebijakan dan operasi PT Reki terbagi dalam dua fase, yaitu fase 2010—2011 dan fase setelahnya. Pada fase pertama, PT Reki terlibat dalam berbagai tindakan kekerasan, kriminalisasi, perusakan, intimidasi yang mengancam hak-hak dasar warga yang tinggal di sekitarn-ya.

Pada fase berikutnya, tindakan PT Reki lebih mengedepankan dialog den-gan masyarakat ketimbang pendekat-an keamanan dan penegakan hukum. Berdasarkan pengalaman Cappa, pada paruh kedua 2012, PT Reki membuka diri untuk bernegosiasi setelah Cappa pada awal 2012 melakukan kampa-nye internasional. Pada akhir 2012, 5 Ibid.

ruang-ruang dialog antara PT Reki dan masyarakat mulai terbuka, dan pun-caknya terjadi pada 12-12-12. Bertem-pat di Kunangan Jaya I, masyarakat, PT Reki dan Cappa mengawali proses negosiasi dan mediasi. Proses itu ter-hambat oleh adanya perbedaan level kepentingan dan pemahaman di tubuh korporasi. Di internal korporasi, ada pi-hak yang mempunyai perhatian terha-dap aspek sosial, ada juga pihak yang konservatif dalam merespon tuntutan masyarakat.6

Intimidasi dilakukan PT Reki pada tahun-tahun awal operasinya. Hal ini, misalnya ditunjukkan dengan kerjasa-ma mereka dengan militer. Menurut catatan Inspera, PT Reki pernah me-ngundang sekira 800 tentara untuk latihan menembak, padahal di wilayah itu hidup warga masyarakat. Span-duk-spanduk yang berbunyi “zona pelatihan militer, dilarang beraktivitas” bertebaran di dalam wilayah itu.7

Perlakuan berupa kriminalisasi kerap dilakukan PT Reki kepada war-ga yang tinggal di sekitar perusahaan. Menurut sebuah studi yang dilaku-kan Scale Up, sebanyak empat orang warga Simpang Macan ditahan di LP Batanghari dan telah menjalani proses 6 Wawancara dengan Umi, pengurus Cappa, pada 25 Juli 2016.7 Wawancara dengan Ipang. opcit.

vacant. The land was then occupied by customary law communities and other communities that migrated to the area and opened farmlands as well as settlements.5

When PT. REKI obtained the management license, their corporate policies and operations were no different than other business enterprises in general. The security and law enforcement approach adopted by PT. REKI resulted in a narrative of restoration of nature conducted on the expense of humanity. Many measures taken by PT. REKI reeked of human rights abuse.

Viewed from the perspective of compliance with human rights standards and principles, the policies and operations of PT. REKI could be divided into two phases, the period of 2010-2011 and afterwards. In the first phase, PT. REKI was involved in various acts of violence, criminalization, destruction, and intimidation that undermined the enjoyment of the basic rights of the surrounding communities.

In the second phase, PT. REKI seemed to be more open to dialogue with the communities rather than just employing security and law 5 Ibid.

enforcement approach. According to Cappa’s experience, in the second half of 2012, PT. REKI was open for negotiation after Cappa conducted an international campaign in 2012. At the end of 2012, dialogue spaces between PT. REKI and the communities began to open, peaking on December 12, 2012 (12-12-12). Located in Kunangan Jaya I, the communities, PT. REKI, and Cappa began their negotiation and mediation process. The process was obstructed by a difference in interest and understanding level inside the corporation. Internally, there were people that were very considerate to the social aspects but there were also people who took a more conservative stance in responding to the community’s demands.6

PT. REKI employed intimidation tactics in its first years of operations. This, for instance, was shown by their cooperation with the military. According to Inspera’s record, PT. REKI once invited around 800 military personnel for a shooting exercise despite the communities living there. Banners that say “military training zone” and “no activity allowed” were put up everywhere in the area.7 6 Interview with Umi, executive body of Cappa, on 25 July 2016.7 Interview with Ipang. opcit.



persidangan tanpa didampingi peng-acara.8

Pendekatan dialogis tidak menjadi pendekatan utama dari perusahaan dalam penyelesaian konflik. Intimida-si pun dilakukan melalui mobilisasi aparat kepolisian dan preman.Pe-rusakan juga dilakukan perusahaan terhadap tanaman warga. Menurut keterangan pengurus Cappa, sekitar 309 KK di wilayah ini menderita kare-na perusahaan membunuhi tanaman dengan cara membakar, menebas, dan menyemprot. Pada awal 2011, misal-nya, tanaman di Tanjung Mandiri juga disemprot racun.9

Berbagai narasi tentang pelangga-ran HAM yang kerap dilakukan peru-sahaan yang bekerja di wilayah Hutan Harapan—baik PT Reki maupun PT AAS—tak dapat dipungkiri telah mela-hirkan keprihatinan banyak pihak. Hal ini pun disadari oleh manajerial PT Reki yang kini mulai akomodatif ter-hadap tuntutan penghormatan HAM. PT Reki mendeklarasikan komitmen untuk menghormati HAM dalam kebi-jakan dan operasinya.

Selain kehendak internal untuk mengubah pendekatan dengan mas-8 Wirasapoetra, Koesnadi dan Octavian, Harry. 2012. Op.cit9 Ibid.

yarakat, lembaga-lembaga pendamp-ing masyarakat di wilayah Hutan Harapan juga bergerak aktif dalam mendesakkan negosiasi yang lebih berarti. Sejak awal 2012, Cappa mis-alnya, dengan gencar melakukan kam-panye di level internasional.Dari cerita ini tampak bahwa peluang bagi lahirn-ya inisiatif-inisiatif baru di tingkat lokal untuk mendorong peningkatan level penghormatan HAM oleh perusahaan di satu sisi dan pemberdayaan mas-yarakat melalui negosiasi di sisi lain merupakan modal awal yang baik. Ko-munikasi, mediasi, dan negosiasi yang melampaui batasan-batasan tradision-al dimungkinkan.

Peluang lain yang membuka ruang bagi kemandirian warga juga dilaku-kan kelompok pendamping lainnya, yaitu AGRA dan Inspera. Dua kelom-pok ini mendampingi warga Pangkalan Ranjau. Mereka membentuk kelompok petani untuk menanam ubi dan pisang.AGRA dan Inspera berpendapat bahwa peningkatan taraf ekonomi adalah kunci bagi pemberdayaan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar wilayah peru-sahaan bekerja.Dengan ketentuan semacam ini, warga masyarakat adat “dipaksa” oleh lembaga adatnya untuk produktif. Dengan cara itu pula, maka

Criminalization tactics were also employed by PT. REKI against communities living inside the company’s area. According to a study conducted by Scale Up, four Simpang Macan village members were detained in Batanghari Prison after being tried in a court without any legal counsel.8

Dialogue was not the preferred strategy of the company when it came to handling conflicts. Intimidation tactic was also used by using police force as well as thugs.The company also destroyed the communities’ crops. According to the executive body of Cappa, around 309 heads of family in the area suffered because the company killed their crops using fire, knives, and poison. At the beginning of 2011, for example, the people’s crops in Tanjung Mandiri were sprayed with poison.9

Various narratives of human rights abuse that are often committed by companies operating in the area of Harapan Rainforest—including PT. REKI and PT. AAS—have generated concerns of many parties. The management of PT. REKI was aware of this, which made them more accommodative of the demands to respect human rights. PT. REKI eventually declared their 8 Wirasapoetra, Koesnadi and Octavian, Harry. 2012. Op.cit.9 Ibid.

commitment to respect human rights in their policies and operations.

Besides the internal will of the company to change its approach in dealing with the communities, non-government organizations working in Harapan Rainforest area have also been active in pushing for more meaningful negotiations. Since the beginning of 2012, Cappa, for instance, has been active in conducting campaigns at the international level.We can see from the story that opportunities for the birth of new initiatives at the local level to improve the level of respect for human rights by the company on one hand and community empowerment through negotiation process on the other hand were a good starting point. Communication, mediation, and negotiation that transcended traditional boundaries were made possible.

Other opportunities, which opened paths for the communities to be independent, were made possible by the work of other companion organizations, AGRA and Inspera. The two groups accompanied the community of Pangkalan Ranjau. They formed farmer groups to plant sweet potatoes and bananas. AGRA and Inspera are of the view that improvement of economic



secara tidak langsung mereka meng-hilangkan potensi lahirnya “sponsor” dari sebuah perjuangan.

Komitmen penghormatan HAM oleh korporasi yang bekerja di wilayah Hutan Harapan menunjukkan langkah maju ketika PT Reki mendeklarasikan komitmennya untuk menghormati HAM. Namun demikian, komitmen saja tidak cukup. Dibutuhkan kapasi-tas sumber daya internal yang mum-puni agar komitmen tersebut dapat di implementasikan sesuai dengan tujuannya.

Penghormatan HAM di Kawasan Bukit Tiga Puluh

Kawasan Bukit Tiga Puluh (BTP) merupakan kawasan dataran rendah dan perbukitan di bagian utara Propin-si Jambi. Kawasan ini terbentang an-tara Propinsi Riau dan Propinsi Jambi. Luas kawasan ini mencapai 508.000 ha. Sebanyak 144.000 ha di antaran-ya merupakan Taman Nasional BTP, kawasan perlindungan bagi tiga dari empat satwa di Sumatera, yaitu hari-mau, orangutan, gajah dan sekitar 250 spesies burung dan mamalia.Bukan hanya satwa yang mengalami keter-gantungan terhadap kawasan BTP,

tetapi juga masyarakat Suku Talang Mamak, Orang Rimba, dan masyarakat lokal yang tergabung kedalam kesat-uan adat Margo Sumay di Propinsi Jambi. Keberlanjutan ruang kelola masyarakat, satwa, dan lingkungan terancam ketika di kawasan ini datang perusahaan yang bekerja di sektor Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) dan per-tambangan.

Kawasan BTP awalnya dikuasai PT IFA melalui ijin Hak Penguasaan Hutan (HPH) pada 2008. Setelah itu, ijin ini diberikan kepada perusahaan HTI Group Barito Pasific (PT. LAJ). Kekerasan, intimidasi, dan kriminal-isasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan terhadap masyarakat sering terjadi. Kehadiran perusahaan di kawasan ini menunjukkan wajah yang tidak ramah terhadap HAM.

Kawasan BTP dikuasai oleh pe-rusahaan hutan tanaman industri, perkebunan sawit, pertambangan batu bara, perusahaan restorasi ekosistem dan proyek-proyek konservasi. Tinda-kan yang tidak ramah terhadap HAM tidak hanya dilakukan PT LAJ. Pada 2015 PT. AB 30 (Perusahaan restorasi eksosistem yang juga mendapatkan ijin restorasi di kawasan ABT juga ti-dak mengedepankan pendekatan dia-

condition of the communities is the key to community empowerment in the area of company’s operations.With such a rule, customary community members are “forced” by their customary institution to stay productive. It also indirectly removes the potential for the birth of “sponsor” in their struggle.

Respect for human rights by business enterprises operating in the concession area of Harapan Rainforest took a step forward when PT. REKI declared its policy commitment to respect human rights. However, a mere commitment is not enough. Adequate internal resources and capacity are required for the commitment to be implemented in accordance with its purposes.

Respect for Human Rights inthe Area of Bukit TigaPuluh

The area of Bukit Tiga Puluh (BTP) is a lowland and hilly areas in the northern part of Jambi Province. This area is stretched between Riau and Jambi Provinces. The size of this area is 508,000 hectares, 144,000 hectares of which is National Park of Bukit Tiga Puluh, a sanctuary of three out of four endangered animals in Sumatera, namely tigers, orangutans, elephants,

and around 250 species of birds and mammals.It was not only animals that depend their lives on the sanctity of the area, but also the customary communities of Suku Talang Mamak, Orang Rimba, and local communities that are united in a customary entity of Margo Sumay in Jambi Province. Their existence as well as living space, the animals, and the environment were threatened when a Timber Plantation Company (HTI) and a mining company came to the area.

The BTP area was initially controlled by PT. IFA that held a timber concession license in 2008. After that, the license was transferred to a timber plantation company, Group Barito Pacific (PT. LAJ). Violence, intimidation, and criminalization were often committed by the company against the communities. Business enterprises in this area shows an unfriendly face towards human rights.

The BTP area is controlled by industrial timber plantation, palm oil, coal, and ecosystem restoration companies as well as conservation projects. The actions, which were very unfriendly towards human rights, were not only committed by PT. LAJ.In 2015, PT. AB 30 (an ecosystem restoration



log yang ramah HAM. Kebijakan dan operasi PT AB 30 mengedepankan pendekatan keamanan dan mengan-cam kehidupan masyarakat yang ting-gal di kawasan ini.

Di Desa Lubuk Mandarsah, ak-ses masyarakat lokal terhadap lah-an makin menyempit karena hampir separuh tanah Desa Lubuk Mandarsah dikuasai oleh beberapa perusahaan.Konflik Masyarakat Lubuk Mandarsah dengan perusahaan bermula ketika perusahaan Wirakarya Sakti (PT.WKS) masuk pada 2005. Persoalan pengu-suran lahan ini tidak mendapat kejela-san dari pihak pemerintah dan pihak. Masyarakat pun bereaksi. Pada 2007 masyarakat membakar dua belas alat berat milik perusahaan dan satu mo-bil hiline. Tindakan ini mengakibatkan dilakukannya penangkapan terhadap sembilan orang masyarakat yang di-tahan di Polres Tebo (Tateng, Rohma-don, Iwan, Dedi, Abdul, Rojak, Yusep, Thamrin, Atang dan Cecep). Mereka dijatuhi hukuman kurungan selama 15 bulan penjara.Pada Februari 2015, PT. WKS, melalui Satpam, membunuh war-ga Desa Lubuk Mandarsah bernama Indra Pelani. Petani/pejuang agraria ini dibunuh oleh Unit Reaksi Cepat (URC) PT. WKSdengan secara sadis: dipukul,

ditusuk senjata tajam, diikat, diculik, dan di buang. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan dan operasi perusa-haan masih jauh dari standar dan prin-sip HAM. Kebijakan dan komitmen pe-rusahaan APP dan Sinar Mas Forestry yang disampaikan pada Februari 2013 untuk menghormati hak-hak mas-yarakat belum terwujud di lapangan.

Masa Depan Penghormatan HAM oleh Perusahaan

Kawasan Hutan Harapan dan Bukit Tiga Puluh merupakan kawasan bekas areal HPH yang habis masa ber-lakunya. Di dalam kawasan itu telah lama hidup masyarakat lokal secara turun-temurun dan ada pula migrasi masyarakat lainnya di sekitar kawasan ini sejak ijin HPH habis. Kelompok masyarakat ini menggantungkan hidupnya dari kekayaan alam yang ada. Mereka mengolah tanah yang mereka diami dengan cara bertani, berladang, berkebun, berburu hewan, hasil hutan kayu, dan nonkayu.Pemer-intah kemudian menerbitkan ijin baru dari tanah bekas HPH itu tanpa pem-beritahuan atau sosialisasi, dialog, dan mediasi dengan masyarakat yang hid-up di wilayah ini. Alhasil, masyarakat

company that also holds a license in BTP area) also failed to adopt an approach that prioritizes dialogue and that is friendly towards human rights.The policies and operations of PT AB 30 prioritize security approach and threaten the lives of communities living in the area.

In Lubuk Mandarsah Village, community access to land is increasingly restricted because almost half of their village has been taken over by several companies operating in forestry, plantation, and mining sectors. The conflict between Lubuk Mandarsah community and the companies started when a company named PT. Wirakarya Sakti (PT. WKS) came to the village in 2005.There was no clarification from the government regarding the land grab while the company continued grabbing community’s land. The communities eventually reacted. In 2007, they burned twelve heavy equipment and one hiline car belonging to the company. This action led to the arrest of nine people that were subsequently detained in Tebo Resort Police (Tateng, Rohmadon, Iwan, Dedi, Abdul, Rojak, Yusep, Thamrin, Atang dan Cecep). They were sentenced to prison for 15 months.In February 2015, PT. WKS, via its security

personnel (satpam), murdered a villager of Lubuk Mandarsah named Indra Pelani. The farmer/agrarian fighter was stabbed, tied up, and kidnapped before the body was dumped. This shows that the policies and operations of the company was light years away from respecting human rights. The human rights policies and commitment of the APP and Sinar Mas Forestry Group announced in February 2013 are not yet evident on the ground.

The Future of Respect For Human Rights By Business Enterprises

The areas of Harapan Rainforest and Bukit Tiga Puluh are both ex-timber concessions that had expired. Local communities have been living in the areas for generations in addition to other communities that had migrated to the area after the licenses expired. These community groups are highly dependent on natural resources for their livelihood. They cultivate the land they live on by planting it with rice, horticulture, and plantation trees, hunt, as well as take timber and non-timber forest products. The government issued new licenses in the area without any notification, socialization,



yang menggantungkan hidupnya di kawasan itu diabaikan keberadaann-ya. Konflik antara masyarakat dan pe-rusahaan tak dapat dihindari. Alih-alih menggunakan pendekatan HAM yang lebih mengedepankan proses dialog, mediasi, dan partisipasi masyarakat, perusahaan-perusahaan itu justru me-nekankan penghampiran lama yang mementingkan proses penegakan hukum dan pendekatan keamanan. Tindakan-tindakan intimidasi, krimi-nalisasi, kekerasan, perusakan menja-di wajah korporasi yang buruk dalam menghadapi masyarakat. Pelanggaran HAM pun tak bisa dihindari.

Sejalan dengan tuntutan global yang mendesakkan kepatuhan kor-porasi terhadap standar dan nilai HAM, sebagian korporasi yang bekerja di Hutan Harapan dan Bukit Tiga Puluh menegaskan komitmen mereka untuk menghormati HAM. PTReki dan PT WKS, misanya, mengubah pendekatan dengan lebih mengedepankan dialog, mediasi, dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan konflik. Beber-apa hambatan terjadi ketika kalangan internal perusahaan belum siap meng-hadapi perubahan global tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan kap-asitas internal perusahaan, baik sum-

ber daya manusia maupun anggaran, menjadi agenda paling penting bagi perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kin-erja perusahaan dalam penghormatan HAM.

Dari temuan, analisis, dan simpu-lan kegiatan investigasi ini, Tim mere-komendasikan beberapa pihak untuk melakukan beberapa hal. pertama, kepada perusahaanyang memiliki ke-bijakan HAM, Tim merekomendasikan untuk mendorong peningkatan kapa-sitas (capacity building) sumber daya internal perusahaan. Hal ini menyang-kut perbaikan dan perubahan sistem, mekanisme, dan prosedur, struktur kelembagaan, pekerja, maupun ang-garan, yang mendukung pelaksanaan penghormatan HAM oleh perusahaan sesuai dengan Prinsip-prinsip Pan-duan PBB untuk Bisnis dan HAM.

Kedua, kepada perusahaan yang belum memiliki kebijakan HAM, kami merekomendasi untuk segera menan-datangani komitmen kebijakan HAM. Menghormati HAM dalam kegiatan bisnis adalah sebuah keniscayaan di tengah tuntutan global akan penting-nya aspek kemanusiaan dalam oper-asinya. Beberapa kerugian yang akan dialami, misalnya terkait biaya litigasi ketika menghadapi tuntutan hukum,

dialogue, or mediation to and with communities that had been living there. As a result, the communities those lives were dependent on the area were excluded. Conflict between the communities and the companies was unavoidable. It became more complicated when the companies, with the licenses in their pocket, acted like they had absolute rights to operate in the areas. Rather than adopting a human rights-based strategy that prioritizes dialogue, mediation, and participation of community, these companies chose to adopt obsolete ways of dealing with communities that prioritized law enforcement and security approach. These acts of intimidation, criminalization, violence, and destruction in dealing with the communities painted an ugly picture on the business enterprises’ face. Human rights abuses were unavoidable.

However, in the face of global demands that business enterprises must comply with human rights standards and values, some business enterprises gave their recognition to and declared their commitment to respect human rights.PT. REKI and PT. WKS for examplehave put more emphasis on dialogue, mediation,

and community participation in handling conflicts. However, there are obstacles when internally, the business enterprises are not ready to face the changes at the global level. Therefore, development of internal capacity of the business enterprises, including human resources and budget, is the most important agenda to enable them to improve their performance in respecting human rights.

Based on findings, analyses, and conclusions of the investigation, our team formulated the following recommendations for relevant parties.First, to companies that already have a human rights policy, the team recommends internal capacity building, which consists of improvement and amendment of systems, mechanisms, procedures, organizational structure, workers, and budget that supports respect for human rights by companies in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.

Second, to companies that have not had a human rights policy, we recommend immediately signing one. Respecting human rights in doing business is a necessity in the face of global demands that stress



gerakan mogok pekerjanya, biaya hu-mas dan pencitraan akibat pelangga-ran HAM, adanya penghapusan laba dan revisi pendapatan ketika terjadi pembatalan proyek, keterbatasan ak-ses ke pasar modal akibat mening-katnya kepedulian pemodal terhadap tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, dan sebagainya.

Ketiga, kepada pemerintah, kami merekomendasikan pentingnya pe-merintah untuk melakukan kontrol secara berkala terhadap perusahaan yang mendapatkan ijin. Selain itu, kami memandang bahwa pemerintah ha-rus juga memperhatikan ruang kelola masyarakat yang ada di dalam suatu wilayah konsesi.

Keempat, kepada kelompok pen-damping masyarakat, kami men-dukung mereka untuk ikut terlibat dalam proses uji tuntas HAM yang dilakukan korporasi, sedemikian rupa, sehingga proses uji tuntas HAM peru-sahaan betul-betul dapat mengiden-tifikasi dan menyelesaikan persoalan HAM yang dihadapi perusahaan.

Kelima, kepada masyarakat, kami merekomendasikan untuk meman-faatkan mekanisme pengaduan mas-yarakat yang disediakan korporasi

yang sudah menyatakan komitmen ke-bijakan HAM. Penting bagi masyarakat untuk menyampaikan keluhan secara langsung kepada korporasi, sehingga tercipta dialog dan negosiasi yang me-nguntungkan semua pihak.

the importance of humanity aspects in business enterprises’ operations. Business enterprises will bear much losses if they score badly on human rights aspect. Some losses are related to the cost of litigation when they face lawsuits, labor strike, public relations and image maintenance needed after a human rights abuse, profit write-off and revenue revision when a project is canceled, limited access to the capital market due to rising awareness of financiers of corporate social responsibility, and so on.

Third, to the government, the team recommends immediately exercising regular control of companies that have obtained a license. Besides, we think that the government must pay close attention to management space for communities inside a concession.

Fourth, to organizations that have been accompanying the communities, the team encourages them to be involved in the due diligence process conducted by the companies to help identify and in turn resolve human rights problems faced by the companies.

Fifth, to communities, the team recommends taking advantage of the grievance mechanism facilities

provided by the companies. It is important for communities to directly submit their complaints to the companies to create dialogue and negotiation that are favorable for all parties concerned.

Gambaran Studi

A. Pendahuluan

Pada dua dekade terakhir, pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) tidak hanya dilakukan oleh Negara. Aktor nonnegara, utamanya perusahaan, menjadi aktor baru yang kerap berada di garis depan dalam pelanggaran HAM. Sector kehutanan menjadi salah satu sector dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alamyang banyak memperlihatkan situasi yang kurang menguntungkan bagi perlindungan hak-hak dasar masyarakat local/adat.

Jika ditelusuri ke belakang, berbagai konflik yang berujung pada penggusuran hak-hak dasar masyarakat local/adat ini tak dapat dilepaskan dari kebijakan Neg-ara yang tidak konsisten. MelaluiPP No. 21/1970 tentang Hak Penguasaan Hutan (HPH), degradasi hutan alam meruyak.Dua decade kemudian, pada 1990, pemerintah menerbitkan konsesi kehutanan untuk Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) melalui PP No. 7/1990. Kebijakan ini ternyata tidak mengubah keadaan hutan. Pemerintah kemudian menerbitkan UU No. 12/1992 tentangPerkebunan yang mengkonversi hutan produksi yang rusakmenjadi Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) perkebunan.Para era reformasi, evolusi perubahan tata guna lahan mengalami percepatan seiring disahkannya perubahan regulasi perkebunan melalui UU No.18/2004 tentang Perkebunan. UU ini memfasilitasi perluasanperkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia.

Evolusi kebijakan tersebut bukan saja mengakibatkan berbagai krisis sosial-ekol-ogis yang massif, tetapi bahkan telah mengeksklusi masyarakat lokal yang tinggal didalam dan sekitar hutan.1 Ancaman kerusakan ekologi dijawab melalui kebijakan restorasi ekosistem melalui Peraturan MenteriKehutanan No. SK 159/Menhut-II/2004 tentang Restorasi Ekosistem di Kawasan HutanProduksi. Pada 14 Februari 2008, Menteri Kehutanan merilis Surat Keputusan (SK) Nomor SK.293/MENHUT-II/2007 tertanggal 28 Agustus 2007 tentang Pemberian IUPHHK Restorasi Ekosistem Dalam Hutan Alam kepada PT. Restorasi Ekosistem Indonesia atas Areal Hutan Produksi Seluas + 52.170 (lima puluh dua ribu seratus tujuh puluh) hektar di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, untuk masa 100 (seratus) tahun. Areal konsesi

1 Rina Mardiana. 2014. Kehendak Merestorasi Ekosistem Tersandera diPusaran Sengkarut Agraria: Konflik dan PerjuanganKedaulatan Agraria diWilayah Restorasi Ekosistem Hutan Harapan Provinsi Jambi. Kertas KerjaSajogyo Institute No. 14/2014. Bogor: Sajogyo Institute.

Study Overview

A. Introduction

In the last two decades, States have ceased to become the sole perpetrators of human rights abuse. Non-state actors, most notably business enterprises, have become new actors that are often at the forefront of human rights violation. Meanwhile, the forestry sector is one sector of natural resources management in Indonesia wherewe can still witness disadvantageous situations with regards to protection of basic rights of indigenous people and local communities.

If we trace it backwards, the many conflicts that resulted in the violation of basic rights of indigenous people and local communities could not be separated from inconsistency of State policies. Enactment of Government Regulation No. 21/1970 on Logging Concessions (Hak Pengusahaan Hutan/HPH) resulted in massive degradation of natural forests. Two decades later, in 1990s, the government started issuing forestry concessions for Industrial Timber Plantation (Hutan Tanaman Industri/HTI) through the enactment of Government Regulation No. 7/1990,whichfailed to improve forest condition. The government then issued Law No. 12/1992 on Plantations, which enabled conversion of degraded production forest to Land Use Right (Hak Guna Usaha/HGU)for plantation development. In the reformation period, the evolution of land use change was accelerated as regulations regarding plantations changed through the enactment of Law No. 18/2004 on Plantations,which expedited the expansion of palm oil plantations in Indonesia.

The evolution has not only caused massive social and ecological crises, but also led to exclusion of local communities that live inside and around forests.1 The government tried to address the ecological damage by issuing ecosystem restoration policy through Minister of Forestry Regulation No. SK 159/Menhut-II/2004on Ecosystem Restoration in Production Forest Area.On February 14, 2008, the Minister of Forestry issued a Decision Letter No. SK.293/MENHUT-II/2007dated August 28, 2007 on the Issuance of Ecosystem Restoration License in Natural Forests to PT. Restorasi Ekosistem Indonesia (PT. REKI) covering approximately 52,170 (fifty two thousand a hundred and

1 Rina Mardiana. 2014. Kehendak Merestorasi Ekosistem Tersandera diPusaran Sengkarut Agraria: Konflik dan PerjuanganKedaulatan Agraria diWilayah Restorasi Ekosistem Hutan Harapan Provinsi Jambi. Sajogyo Institute Working Paper No. 14/2014. Bogor: Sajogyo Institute.



restorasi ekosistem PT REKI merupakan kawasan Eks HPH PT INHUTANI Vyang berada di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dan Eks HPH PT Asialog yang berada di Provinsi Jambi.2 Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan ini bertujuan untuk memulihkan ekosistem hutan dataran rendahmelalui kegiatan restorasi ekosistem.

Namun maksud untuk restorasi ekosistem ini tidak dilakukan secara simultan dengan prinsip penghormatan terhadap HAM. Menerapkan restorasi ekosistem tanpa menghitung dampak social akhirnya menimbulkan konflik sosial tak berujung. Eksklusi terhadap masyarakat local/adat yang hidup di dalam hutan atau di sekitar hutan tidak dapat dihindari. Dalam kasus Hutan Harapan,menurut GPM demi restorasi, PT REKIkemudian mengeksklusi kelompok masyarakat yang sejak lama hidup di dalam kawasan hutan. Pendekatan yang terlalu legalistic menjadikan suku asli sebagai kor-ban aksikekerasan dan penangkapan.3

Selain kasus Hutan Harapan, menarik juga kasus yang terjadi di Bukit Tigapu-luh. Masyarakat Desa Pemayungan yang berada dalam kawasan konsesi menolak rencana Penguasaan wilayah kelola mereka oleh PT. Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh (PT AB 30). Penolakan itu terkait tiadanya penjelasan dan sosialisasi terkait rencana mereka di Desa Pemayungan. Masyarakat Desa Pemayungan khawatir mereka tidak bisa lagi berladang dan bertani di wilayah yang sudah menjadi izin PT ABT 30.4

Persoalan perebutan ruang kelola agraria menjadi persoalan pelik di Indonesia. Di Jambi, pemerintah menerbitkan ijin konsesi tanpa memperhitungkan masyarakat yang telah ratusan tahun hidup turun-temurun dan bergantung pada hasil hutan dan sumber daya alam lainnya. Korporasi yang mengelola kawasan konsesi juga tidak menempat-kan agenda inklusi masyarakat dalam kebijakan dan praktik operasinya.

Perlu pendekatan baru yang menomorsatukan penghormatan HAM dalam kebi-jakan dan operasi korporasi. Baru-baru ini, PT REKI telah menegaskan komitmennya untuk menghormati dan menerapkan standar HAM dalam kebijakan dan operasinya.Namun komitmen ini membutuhkan implementasi dan langkah nyata yang terukur, sehingga penghormatan HAM oleh korporasi tak hanya lips service belaka. Dalam kaitan inilah, Kantor Hukum AsM (AsM Law Office), yang memiliki visi keberlanjutan dan HAM dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam (SDA), bermaksud untuk melakukan 2 Rina Mardiana. 2014. Op.cit.3 Gerakan Pecinta Manusia (GPM). Tanpa tahun. “Kertas Kasus:Demi Karbon, Masyarakat jadi KorbanKasus PT REKI, Kabupaten

Batanghari, Jambi,4 Siaran Pers Penolakan PT.Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh Di Wilayah Administrasi Desa Pemayungan

siaran-pers-penolakan-ptalam-bukit-tiga.html, diakses pada 20 Juni 2016.

seventy) hectares of production forest area in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatera Province,which is valid for a period of 100 (a hundred) years.The area of PT REKI’s ecosystem restoration was previously a timber concession of PT INHUTANI V, which is located in South Sumatera Province and timber concession of PT Asialog, which is located in Jambi Province.2 The objective of the decision was torestore the lowland forest ecosystem of Sumatera.

However, the drive to restore the ecosystem was not accompanied with the good will to respect human rights. Implementation of ecosystem restoration projects without any consideration of potential social impacts eventually resulted in proliferation of social conflicts. Exclusion of indigenous people/local communities that live inside or around forests was then inevitable. In the case of Harapan Rainforest, according to GPM, in the name of ecosystem restoration, PT. REKI went on and excluded community groups that have been living inside forest area for generations. Adoption of an exceedingly legalistic approach turned the indigenous community into victims of violence and criminalization.3

Besides the case of Harapan Rainforest, it is also interesting to examine the case of Bukit Tiga Puluh. The Pemayungan Village Community that lives inside PT. Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh (PT AB 30)’s concession protested against the plan of the company to appropriate their territory. They rejected the plan because there was no explanation and socialization whatsoever regarding their operations in Pemayungan Village.The communities are worried that the presence of the company will prevent them from cultivating their land and conduct farming activities in the areas that have been appropriated as part of PT ABT 30’s concession.4

Conflict of management area or agrarian conflict has become a very trying problem in Indonesia. In Jambi, the government kept issuing concession licenses without taking into account the existence of communities that have been living in the area for hundreds of years and that are highly dependent on forest products and other natural resources for their livelihood. Business enterprises that manage the concessions also failed to put the agenda of inclusion of local communities in their policies and practices.

There must be a new approach that puts respect for human rights on top with regards to the policies and operation of business enterprises. Recently, PT. REKI has 2 Rina Mardiana. 2014. Op.cit.3 Gerakan Pecinta Manusia (GPM). Without year. “Kertas Kasus:Demi Karbon, Masyarakat jadi KorbanKasus PT REKI, Kabupaten

Batanghari, Jambi,4 Press Release of Penolakan PT.Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh Di Wilayah Administrasi Desa Pemayungan http://www.walhi-jambi.

com/2016/02/siaran-pers-penolakan-ptalam-bukit-tiga.html, accessed on 20 June 2016.



investigasi mengenai tanggung jawab korporasi dalam HAM.

B. Tujuan

Investigasi ini bertujuan untuk, pertama, mendapatkan fakta mengenai kepatu-han korporasi di sektor kehutanandalam penghormatan HAM. Kedua, memperoleh praktik-praktik terbaik (best practice) sebagai pelajaran bagi korporasi dalam upaya menghormati HAM.

C. Metode

Investigasi ini menekankan pada pemeriksaan atas tanggung jawab HAM korpora-si di Hutan Harapan dan Bukit Tigapuluh. Kedua tempat ini dipilih karena adanya relasi korporasi dan HAM yang sangat tinggi, melibatkan banyak actor, dan mewakili perso-alan bisnis dan HAM yang ditandai oleh adanya kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM oleh korporasi di satu sisi, namun juga adanya upaya-upaya untuk meminimalisasi dampak HAM di sisi lain. Keterbatasan investigasi ini adalah sector kehutanan yang menjadi basis produksi korporasi di wilayah ini, sehingga kurang dapat merepresentasikan situasi korporasi dan HAM di wilayah-wilayah yang kental dengan aktivitas perkebunan dan pertambangan.

Data yang dikumpulkan dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam yang terstruktur menggunakan panduan wawancara. Informan yang dituju oleh inves-tigasi ini mencakup personil di puncak manajemen korporasi, warga terdampak dan potensial terdampak, forum-forum komunikasi warga, pemerintah daerah (propinsi dan kabupaten), tokoh adat, kepala pemerintah di level terendah, dan organisasi non-pemerintah (ornop), termasuk lembaga donor. Sementara pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan dengan penelusuran dokumen kebijakan, arsip surat-menyurat, notulen rapat, memo, danberbagai jenis peta kawasan.

reaffirmed its commitment to respect and adhere to human rights standards in their policies and operations. However, the commitment must be followed by measurable concreteimplementation steps so that respect for human rights by business enterprises will no longer only be a lip service.Against this background, AsM Law Office, which vision is to promote sustainability and human rights in natural resources management conducted an investigationon Human Rights Responsibility of Business Enterprises.

B. Objectives

The objectives of this investigation is first, to obtain facts, data, and information regarding compliance of business enterprises in the forestry sectorwithhuman rights principles and second, to learn about best practices to provide lessons for business enterprises in their effort to respect human rights.

C. Method

This investigation focused on examination of human rights responsibility of business enterprises in Harapan Rainforest and Bukit Tiga Dua Puluh. These locations are chosen due to high degree of correlation between business enterprises and human rights conditions, which involves many actors and could represent the problem of business and human rights in general, which is characterized by incidence of human rights abuses by business enterprises on one hand, but also efforts to mitigate human rights impacts on the other hand.However, the investigation has a limitation, namely that forestry and plantation sectors are the basis of production in this area, rendering it unable to represent the situation of business enterprises and human rights in areas in which there are mining activities.

Data collected are classified into two categories: primary and secondary. The collection of primary data was done through in-depth structured interviews with the help of an interview guideline. The informants that were targeted by this investigation included top management personnel of the business enterprises, affected communities and communities that have the potential to be affected, community communication forums, regional government (provincial and district), indigenous people leaders, head of government at the lowest level, and non-governmental organizations, including donor organizations. Meanwhile, secondary data collection was done through study of policy documents, correspondence archives, minutes, memos, and various kinds of maps of the conflict area.



AsM Law Office adalah sebuah kantor hukum yang memiliki visi mendorong lahirnya kebijakan dan hukum yang berkelanjutan, mensejahterakan dan berkeadilan. Untuk mencapai visi tersebut, kami mengembangkan pendekatan multidisipliner dalam pelayanan hukum yang kami berikan agar tercapai tujuan kepastian hukum, keadilan hukum dan kemanfaatan hukum bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dan pemangku kepentingan yang terkait dengan itu. Masyarakat, Pemerintah dan Swasta dalam pandangan kami adalah aktor-aktor penting dalam mencapai cita-cita proklamasi yaitu Masyarakat Indonesia yang Adil dan makmur.

AsM Law Office is a law office with a vision to promote policies and laws that bring sustainability, prosperity, and justice. To achieve the vision, we develop a multidisciplinary approach in the legal service we provide to attain the objectives of legal certainty, legal justice, and legal benefit for the entire people of Indonesia and related stakeholders. Communities, Government, and Private Sector are in our view very important actors to achieve the goals of Independence: The People of Indonesia that are Just and Prosperous specifically and economic, legal, social, and environmental justice in the world in general.

Asep Mulyana

Merampungkan pendidikan S1 pada Departemen Politik dan Pemerintahan, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Semasa mahasiswa, ia bergiat di Majalah Mahasiswa Balairung UGM. Setelah lulus kuliah, penulis bekerja di beberapa media dan lembaga riset media. Sejak 2006bekerja sebagai peneliti di Komnas HAM. Pada tahun 2008 mengikuti International Human Rights Training Programme (IHRTP) di Kanada. Pada tahun yang sama, mendapatkan beasiswa NORAD’s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) Scholarship untuk melanjutkan studi pada Program S2 HAM dan Demokrasi di UGM dan University of Oslo, Norwegia. e-mail:


Sejak tahun 2004 aktif pada organisasi advokasi lingkungan hidup dan bekerja untuk isu sosial. Pendidikan pada jurusan Sosiologi. Aktif melakukan penelitian dibidang lingkungan, HAM dan konflik sumber daya alam.

Andiko, SH., MH

Senior Lawyer di AsM Law Office ( yang bekerja dalam hukum tanah, sumber daya alam dan lingkungan, serta resolusi konflik 15 tahun terakhir. Terlibat penuh mengembangkan pendekatan Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) dalam konflik berbasis tanah dn sumber daya alam dan implementasi prinsip HAM dan Bisnis di Indonesia. Sebagai mediator, pernah memegang dua surat keputusan Menteri Kehutanan untuk meresolusi konflik.