The Renaissance Artists & Authors. Giotto Known for fresco paintings. creating illusion of depth,...

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Transcript of The Renaissance Artists & Authors. Giotto Known for fresco paintings. creating illusion of depth,...

The Renaissance

Artists& Authors


Giotto Known for fresco paintings.

creating illusion of depth, and realistic emotion.

Giotto: ascension

Giotto: Mourning of christ

Giotto: The Adoration of the Magi


Goldsmith. Winning Entry.

Bronze Doors of Baptistery

Brunelleshi Dome of the Cathedral in Florence

First since Roman times

2 times as high as Hagia Sophia



•Most works included statues of men on horseback

•Created bronze, 3 ft. statue of “David”

Donatello: Statue of St. George

Masaccio “Father of Modern Painting”

Created perspective in paintings

Masaccio: The Tribute

Masaccio: Virgin and Child with St. Anne

Masaccio: The Expulsion from Eden

Michelangelo Studied sculpture in Florence under the Medici family

Created Masterpieces in sculpture, painting, and architecture.

One of the Renaissance’s most famous artists.


Painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at Pope’s request


Later returned to paint walls of the chapel with titles like, “Last Judgement”


Pieta - Virgin Mary with a dying Jesus

David - Biblical character that fought Goliath

Raphael Painter that was commissioned by the Pope to create murals for the walls of his private library.

Raphael: School of Athens

Raphael: Portrait of Pope Julius

Leonardo da Vinci Famous artist of the Renaissance

Known for sketches, paintings, and inventions

Created world’s most recognized painting

Leonardo da Vinci Inventor: Here shows sketches of ideas like flying machines, and parachutes

Leonardo: The Last Supper

Leonardo: The Mona Lisa

Who is it? Face changes emotion

No eyebrows Is she pregnant?

Dante “The Divine Comedy”

Poetry Vernacular

Petrach Sonnets in honor of Laura

Imitated Cicero

Machiavelli “The Prince”

Book of Politics/Governing