The Red Pill 07_06

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of The Red Pill 07_06

  • 8/9/2019 The Red Pill 07_06


    CALL TO ACTIONThe Red Pill is looking for volunteers: graphic designers,

    writers, poets, cartoonists, artists, and photographers are

    needed. Get your work published now. Help distributeThe Red Pill in your community, church, and school:

    contact us at You can also do

    your part to keep us in print by donating time, paper,

    film, copies, and of course money (it doesnt print itself).

    The Red Pill is collectively produced by Grand Junction

    Alternative Media, with the aim of publishing stories and

    ideas that the mainstream media wont cover. It is d istributed

    free, collects no advertising, and is completely staffed by

    volunteers. All materials are copyleft, no rights are reserved.PHOTOCOPY AND DISTRIBUTE AT WILL!

    State of isunion

    * Sources for the State of Disunion can be found

    NUMBER OF DAYSthe Elliot Free State held

    the logging road:4


    that the roadblock hascost the authorities

    o far:3,000

    NUMBER OF YEARSin Prison faced by the

    authors of The ComingInsurrection:


    NUMBER OF PEOPLEwho died on the steets ofGrand Junction in 2008:



    Confluence Books wasopen at its old location:


    NUMBER OF FREETATE PROTESTERSarrested in defense of

    our forests:


    NUMBER OF WEEKSit took HF! NMD! toout two undercoverJPD officers at their


    NUMBER OF TRAINSalledged to be disabledby the authors of TheComing Inssurection:


    PERCENT OF LOCALhouseless people that are


    DATEonfluence Bookswill re-open:


    M embers of Housing First! No MoreDeaths!, in July, were able to confirmthat two undercover Grand Junction

    police officers had joined their organization.The two undercover officers participatedin meetings, trainings, and signed themembership list joining the organization.

    Im honestly not surprised, saidConnie Murillo, they stood out sincethe beginning. Murillo said that she wasdisappointed that the police would resortto political surveillance. Undercover

    policing of public political organizing

    destroys community trust of the police.Murillo was at the police station waiting

    for a friend who was doing some paperworkaround noon on Wednesday, July 22nd. Whenshe saw the two undercover officers lettingthemselves through a secured door into thelobby and then out the rear secured door ofthe police station. I got up to make sure theywere the same guys that were at the meeti ngs,and they both looked back as they wereleaving. It was definitely them. Murillo said.

    Minutes before the beginning of thefirst HF! NMD! on July 7th in WhitmanPark, police scanner traffic indicated thattwo officers were on special assignment at

    Whitman Park. Indicat ing that the police had






    Undercover police officer Vic (left) and his partner pose as houseless people at the

    rst meeting of Housing First! No More Deaths! on July 7th.

    T he Coming Insurrection is a veryhot book. Not only is it some of themost poetic revolutionary political

    theory to come out in generations, but alsoit is getting its authors into some hot water.

    Written by the anonymous Invisible

    Committee, The Coming Insurrection laysout its case against the modern westernworld in seven circles. After blasting work,capitalism, politics, consumption, andcivilizat ion, the book transit ions into how andwhy we can stop this capitalist culture. Attimes the text seems like a surrealist manifestoof yesteryear, and at other points like a astute

    political analysis of the insurrectionary potential in our modern atomized world.

    The fact that the French authors arefacing Terrorism charges for writing the bookreally shows how scary these ideas are to theruling elite. Self management, self-reliance,interrelated communes of resistance, and by

    passing the state are the way we the people

    can begin to take back control of our lives.....A gang is having a meeting on a st reet

    corner. Bigger gatherings on the boulevards,deep in serious discussions. Attacks flashfrom one city to another, from one day tothe next. A new barracks has been pillagedand burnt to the ground. The Inhabitantsof a foreclosed-on house have stopped

    playing tug-of-war with the mayors office;they live there in his office now.... fromthe epilogue of The Coming Insurrection.

    You can find an English pdf of thissoon to be counter-culture classic at:http://tarnac9.files.wordpress.


  • 8/9/2019 The Red Pill 07_06


  • 8/9/2019 The Red Pill 07_06



    eres a list of ten booksevery rebel should read.A Peoples History of the UnitedStates of America by Howard Zinn

    This groundbreakingmasterpiece, originally

    published in 1980, is exactly

    what the title suggests: ahistory of the United Statestold through the stories ofthe indigenous peoples andthe workers who are thelife blood of this nation.Omitting the typical heroworship and grandiose

    depictions of politicians and robber barons thatmost high school and college texts wallow in,this is an essential read for anyone who wishesto know what it means to be an Americanand inimitable for those who want to challenge,destroy or recreate the system to serve us.

    Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

    The 1968 masterpiece that paved the wayfor a whole new perspective on what exactlythe word education means. A necessaryread for anyone seeking to understand howthe systems of education the world overare merely tools for the elite to controlthe rest of us. The central text for anyonewho wishes to cooperate in educationwith marginalized and exploited peoples.

    On the Road by Jack Kerouac

    The book that inspired the rebellion ofthe sixties and the central milestone of the

    counterculture Beatliterary movement.Though Kerouac wasobviously flawed anddidnt consider himselfan anarchist or anactivist and hatedhippies, On the Road,first published in 1957,has and will continueto inspire road tripsand social uprisingfor years to come.

    The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon

    A description of how colonialism - specificallyin Africa - operates and how and why manyof the revolts against it fail. Published in 1961,

    Activist Calendar


    Solidarity Not Charity meets at Whitman Park to serve

    ree food for free people.

    For more info: 257-9520


    The Red Pill meets at Confluence Books.


    For more info: 245-4442

    743 Rood Ave Suite (A)

    Wednesday, October 6th 5PM

    rinking Liberally gets together to drink and talk

    politics the first Wednesday of the month.

    Kannah Creek Brewery, Grand Junction

    very Tuesday 1:30PM

    Housing First! No More Deaths! meets to devise creative

    grassroots solutions to homelessness, and prevent

    homeless related deaths.

    Whitman Park

    ou can p c up your copy o e e at t e o ow n

    g ocat ons: anet , anet art ,

    e ot

    omato, een t n

    g, o ora o ava, ontemporary ass or s, rr s ra ng ost, o ee uggers,

    r p e ay ecor s, ream nterta nment.

    own oa t e e at: ttp: www.g re p



    come our r en on p

    : g am_ ere p

    ebruary 10th-15th 2010

    Convergence agiants the Winter Olympics

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    riday, September 25th 6PM

    ritical Mass. Bring your bike or skate for a

    community ride. We are traffic.

    Lincoln Park, Grand Junction

    this work lays bare the systemic tragedieswhich so often serve as the foundations forthe empires of wealthy white comfort. Amust read for anyone wishing to combat theclass exploitation that has been ravagingour planet and our psyches for centuries.

    The Cave by Jose Saramago

    The Portuguese master of magical realism

    and 1998 Nobel Laureate in Literatureweaves in his typically incandescent prosea story of commercialism gone rampant andone mans struggle to keep his soul in a worldwhere simulation has become more real thanreality. The title refers to Platos allegory ofthe cave and the story examines the allegoryas it relates to common people, not just the

    people in charge. Gorgeous, incomparablestorytelling that illuminates the struggle ofthe modern world to maintain its humanity.

    Guerrilla Warfare by Che Guevara

    This book will show you not only how tofight a war against the imperialist powersnow raping our world on every level possible,

    but teach you why Che, possibly the bestknown counter culture figure in the worldand a man who gave his life in the battleagainst capitalism, would slap you in yourfucking face for sporting your phony assshirt imprinted with his visage. Stop co-opting our heroes, you fucking poseurs.

    Days of War, Nights of Love by CrimethInc.

    Now a modern classic, this collectivelycomposed work of anarchist thought is a

    provocative beginners guide for navigatingthe conundrums

    and contradictionsunderlying both theworld of everydaysuburban malaise andthe world of anarchisttheory and action. The

    perfect book for anyonewho is interested inliving their own lifeaccording to their ownrules, but needs a littlekick start in their ass,

    and also a wonderful read for those who needsome rejuvenation on the path of resistance.

    The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz

    onday, September 29th 1pm

    now Your Rights When Dealing With Law Enforcement


    Whitman Park

    October 23rd-25th

    West Rising! A Growing Resistance

    a confrence on radical organizing.

    Denver University

    An intense, poetic collection of nineanthropological essays by the 1990 NobelLaureate in Literature, this work, publishedoriginally in 1950, is an in depth examinationof not only the Mexican character, but thehuman character. Stripping away the layersof history that have formed the character ofhis people, Paz etches from the dark stonesof the human heart images of personswho have worn the chains of their culture

    since before they were born, yet violently,and sometimes ecstatically, persist. Aruminative, ponderous work informed by

    both Pazs personal experiences and academicknowledge with a visionary scope, this workwill leave you elucidated and breathless.

    Out of the Night by Jan Valtin

    A forgotten masterpiece that sold over amillion copies when it was first publishedin 1941 and possibly the greatest politicalmemoir of all time (certainly one of themost exciting), this is the autobiography ofa communist deeply engaged in party affairsafter the first world war and into the second.

    Not only an incredible insiders account of an

    idealist devoured by thevery machine he seeksto serve, but charging,ceaselessly enthrallingadventure story thatis at times heartstopping, infuriating,dizzying, and,ultimately, shattering,

    The Tin Drum

    by Gunther Grass

    Published in 1959 by a man who won the1999 Nobel Prize in Literature and came outin 2006, after a lifetime of being hailed as amoral authority, as having been a memberin his teenage years of the Waffen SS, thisseminal novel is considered by most thefirst great novel of post WWII Germany. Astrange, immense book whose main character,Oskar Matzerath, is in many ways thequintessential misfit genius, this tale provesthat in the land where you must sacrifice yourhumanity to be accepted only the real freakswho will never conform will remain human.



  • 8/9/2019 The Red Pill 07_06



    The Elliott Free State was an occupationroad block that stopped the clear-cuttingof some of the last native forests in

    Cascadia. The blockade forced the loggingcompanies to sell back the timbersale. Morethen 50 people from various EF! groupsfrom around the country and other local

    organizations helped build the blockade.It took 70+ police armed with less-than-leathal weapons, a bulldozer, a cherry

    picker, and other heavy equipment and over48 hours to dismantle it, resulting in 27 arrests15 of which were locked down to variousobjects from bipod/skypod to sleepingdragons (the EF! roadshow van on its side.)

    For more info on the ElliottFree St(A)te check

    Top Left: Clear Cuts in the Elliot Nation Forest. Top Right

    EF!ers man the barricade. Bottom Right: Police stand in front of

    a tri-pod with a protester in it. Above: Two people lock-down to

    a concrete filled barrel blocking the logging road. Bottom Left:

    Two more people lock down to save our wild lands. MiddleLeft: Two Protesters dangle from a bi-pod and a sky-pod.

    Middle: The last protester arrested at the Elliot Free State.