The reasons to migrate to dnn 8 0

Post on 05-Aug-2016

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Dot net nuke is a boon for the developers and businesses that enable web app development at pace. DNN 8.0 is launched that has created enough buzz in the market. Many businesses has stipulated that DNN 8.0 is perfect for CMS web development. To develop latest DNN 8.0 web app for your business, visit:

Transcript of The reasons to migrate to dnn 8 0


The Reasons To Migrate To DNN 8.0

Integrated error management

The DNN is already a reliable and considered as a trusted platform. The platform has in-built module to manage the errors and loggings seamlessly.

Ultimate flexibility

DNN 8.0 offers immense flexibility in a content management.

On-the-fly site administration

DNN latest version is packed with all the options that ease the site management through settings.

Hassle-free content management

DNN is backed by text editor and other functionality that enable content creation easily.


Once, language pack is installed and content localization is enabled in DNN, the web page contents copy in different language can be created without needing to create a language option

File management

The built-in file manager allow admin to administer the files or upload them to the website from local desktop.


The effective code base allow developers to build the scalable and powerful website that loads the pages at speed. Increased response time and fast web page loading in turn improve customer experience.


DNN uses three-tier architecture which allow businesses to run on various sites, instead of running just on single DNN website.

Robust security

Content sharing across websites

As the common instance of module is shared by multiple web servers, so with DNN, same module or content can be used for different websites.
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