The Quest for Peace Chapter 20, part 2

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Transcript of The Quest for Peace Chapter 20, part 2

The Quest for Peace: Chapter 20, Part 2

“Star crossed lovers torn asunder, heart’s cry penetrates space and time…”

Drinn made a choice to remain in contact with his powers as an Adriel until they can bring Pellas back from the darkness that Batalia has sent her into. Her role is too important to the Quest’s success and she must remain as an Adriel of Light if they have any chance to win against the

forces that are trying to destroy them and the world. However his choice meant that he had to leave Helen and his sons alone and without any

reason as to why he left them. The boys don’t even know their father…Helen has no idea what to tell them when they ask why he’s not around. Reias is still not talking to Julius even as his restlessness grows over the

births of his grandchildren…

Helen examined her engagement ring, she stood behind Pandora as she prepared to give Icarus his childhood birthday. Where was Drinn? He promised to marry her, he hadn’t even met his boys…why did he leave without even a good bye? If only Reias hadn’t abandoned them, she could ask him about Drinn…and her nephews. Baby Daedelaus had been born not too long after Icarus; she had only recently begun to feel some strange energy coming from them as they aged, it unnerved her, she knew Julius was feeling it too but he wasn’t

saying anything.

Icarus grew up to resemble Bliss quite a bit but with the family nose. The brown eyes they figured had to come from Bliss and Cupid because no one on their side had them. Helen felt

his power, his happiness. It had to be something from the gods, his power was calming; relaxing to her. All her anxieties about Drinn seemed to fade as he clapped his hands together

happily. Maybe this power wasn’t something she should fear but that she should embrace. Young Icarus may just be the one to save them all…

Daedelaus wasn’t the only recent addition to generation six, over at Perseus’s house there was another member of the generation about to make its appearance.

Megan: Maybe this one will join my dark ranks.

Steph: PERSEUS!!

But one was not enough…no they had to be QUADS!! *sigh*

Meet the newest members of generation six: three girls and a boy Bridget, Christina, Morrigan and Midus. Bridget and Morrigan are named after the half god and her

daughter that Hercules met in Eire after the death of Iolaus in the TV show, Midus is named after King Midus who wanted everything he touched to turn to gold, unfortunately

that also meant his food, his daughter and anything he touched... Christina because I was talking to Shadow Gemmy when they were born and I needed another girl’s name.

Christina just happened to be Greek so I went with it.

Just like with all of generation six, they were close. And over a Psyche’s house it seemed like history was repeating itself with Callisto. It was her birthday today too. And like her mother before her, she also threw up on

the parent that was going to give her the toddler birthday.

Psyche: You planned this didn’t you? Blech. I need a shower first.

Marc Antony had asked if he could bring his granddaughter into toddlerhood. He invited some people, Psyche invited some as well

including Aiden. He smiled as she wriggled in his arms, everyone was here to see her grow up. Aiden grinned; his daughter was truly a half god, even as young as she was he could still read her thoughts and

emotions. She knew what she was, and who her father was.

Callisto tapped her little hand on her grandpa’s shoulder, she played innocent but she knew better her daddy had told her to play cute and

innocent for now…but she was anything but.



Callisto looked around at everyone in the kitchen, but the one who held her had a strange power, she felt it. He was special like her, he came from two very powerful bloodlines. She felt glimmers of his power as she

touched him. At the time she was still too young to really understand what it was she was sensing from Nathan but something did tell her to keep close to him.

Callisto would be very important in the coming battles, Aiden knew this as soon as she touched Nathan Sharpe. He was the grandson of his father’s enemy Reias, he also had another powerful lineage from his mother’s side. Callisto had a power similar to Hope’s, she could leech off other gods’ powers and absorb

them like a battery. Tying that power to the blood line of the Peace God would only add to her capacity to store power. When she was old enough, she would go after the sleeping power in Nathan’s blood too as the first born son of Solan’s. Then she would become a bigger threat to Dalen than ever before. Only when that time comes, she can’t be in the house of these mortals, she had to come with him. Just like Dalen did with

him when he was of age. Then he would reveal his true nature to Psyche and everyone…

Callisto: KITTEH!! MWAHH!!

Caley: By the gods, not another one…damn you Charlie for escaping this.

*Caley is the litter mate of Charlie, and the aunt of the current Petacy heir Luna so Caley was given to Marc Antony. And it’s an excuse for toddler spamming of


Amy: You ready for this honey? We’re about to get old and creaky.

Marc Antony: It was bound to happen, I am slightly happier however that my younger brother went first.

Amy: Yes, maybe it is time we look like grandparents hmm?

Marc Antony: Indeed.

Amy: BOO!!

Marc Antony: You would think they would have learned by now.

Psyche: It’s just a game guys…

Amy: It’s the principal of the thing. So now that Callisto is a toddler, are we going to be seeing any siblings for her?

Marc Antony: Amy…

Psyche: What? One was enough for you two, why isn’t it for me?

Amy: Well, Marsha has eight.

Psyche: That’s because it’s the main legacy line…she has to have more than one.

Marc Antony: If she only wants one dear, then we should let her be.

Amy: But why? I always wished we could have had another one for her.

Marc Antony: Since when? Amy, why didn’t you say so?

Psyche: Hello? Right here.

Amy: I didn’t think you wanted any more.

Marc Antony: Fine time to say something now honey.

Psyche: Still right here…the hell with it I’m going upstairs to check on Callisto.

Speaking of the main line…

Icarus: Daddy!! You cheated!!

Bliss: Did not.

Icarus: Did so!! I so had that half pipe turn down!!

Bliss: Did not.

Bliss was there because it was time for Daedelaus to become a child like his older brother and cousins. And also to help Pandora try for a daughter. She loved her sons but she still wished she had a little girl to play with, to do her

hair and play dress up. She had Helen when she was a little girl to play with, it would be nice to have a little girl of her own too. Daedelaus proved early on in his toddler years that he had an incredible mind and a scientific curiosity to go

with it.

He was a child prodigy, Bliss said that he got it from his mother Koko. She was the brain child of her family and she would be proud

that the smart gene would be passed down to her grandson. Pandora was pregnant again but she hadn’t begun to show as of yet, she

hoped that this little one would be a girl. Daedelaus, or Dade as he had come to be called, would be someone to watch as he grew older.

The boys were old enough to attend the wedding of Penelope and Andrew. Finding non-wilted flowers for the wedding arch and bouquet were hard to come by, they had to be imported into the city so they

were very expensive. Tavi wanted the best for his little girl so he thought nothing of the cost of her flowers. Icarus and Dade had never

seen the sun, and the older generations knew why that was.

Meadow: Like, did you really have to use that telescope again?

Tavi: I didn’t plan this if that’s what you’re implying dear. It just happened.

*Yes, he is alien preggers again…I totally forgot when that happened; so much for Andromeda being the last of generation five.


Dade: I am not quite sure of how such a thing could happen. Can you explain to me how Great Uncle Tavi is pregnant?

Meadow: Umm…huh?

Icarus: Dude, the brainy talk is losing Great Aunt Meadow.

Dade: I am most curious of how such a thing is biologically possible.

Orpheus: Wait until high school, you’ll find out that many things in our world are not biologically possible.

Icarus: You sound like you are talking from experience.

Orpheus: Where do you think my little sister Andromeda came from?

Dade: Fascinating. I must study her more closely.

Meadow: I was like, really ready to be a grandma too. I can’t believe he snuck out to that telescope again.

Andrew: Once you’ve been bitten by the telescope bug, your Knowledge leanings are never satisfied.

Amanda: How would you know?

Andrew: Dad. He told me all about it, why do you think I never wanted to go near one?

Marc Antony: Tavi was never satisfied after being abducted in college, Andromeda is proof of that.

They continued to talk about things as they ate their cake. It wasn’t long before they heard the all too familiar sirens coming to put an end to their wedding party. You would have thought that

they would be a little more lenient for such things…


Count Jeff: Mmm, aloe. Come here my sweet cucumber.

Steph: Purpley…ooh.

Perseus: Do you have to do that?

Count Jeff: Yes.

Perseus: Not that she’ll complain much but I’m not inviting you around anymore.

Count Jeff: *Slurp*

Steph: …

Count Jeff: Yummy.

Steph: *dizzy*

Perseus: There’s a reason I never bit her, she’s a plant she needs the sun. Speaking of which, it’s almost sun up…I think anyway, I’m going

to bed.

So much for a peaceful day’s rest, Perseus once again found himself in a familiar place…

Perseus: Oh, no not you again…I haven’t had to come here in years, why now?

Diamos simply smiled.

Diamos: You haven’t done what I asked you to so long ago.

Perseus: I got busy and forgot, sorry.

Diamos: Well since you didn’t do anything, it’s now reached critical mass. Dalen needs help now.

Perseus: Excuse me, but stuff happened. My brother was murdered, and our family guardian abandoned us.

Diamos: I know, I saw what happened. I didn’t mean to come off so insensitive. I’m sorry. But Reias abandoning you? I didn’t see that coming. How long has he been gone?

Perseus: Ever since Paris was killed, we haven’t seen him in years.

Diamos: This not what I expected to hear from you. I wanted to see where you were in what I asked.

Perseus: You mean you haven’t been Big Brothering me since we last talked?

Diamos: I try not to pry too much.

Perseus told Diamos what had happened since they last spoke, about his graduation, his marriage, the births of his children and

about how Reias left them after Paris was killed. For a while, Dee was silent. He had no idea what to say, he was pissed off at Reias for abandoning them but he could do nothing from here in the Astral

Realm. Perseus waited for him to say something.

Diamos: I need to ask you for something Perseus, it’s difficult and rather unnerving at first.

Perseus: Why do I get the feeling this is not going to go well?

Diamos: With Pellas on the side of darkness I fear greatly that generation six won’t make it to teen hood let alone to the age to bring in the next generation…I have to get back to the

Earth Realm, I need to use what little power I have left to bring Pellas back.

Perseus: Uh huh, and what do you need from me?

Diamos: I need you to let me use your body, I have no form in the Earth Realm.

Perseus: Pardon? You need what?

Diamos: Look, I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t of the utmost importance.

Perseus: You want to possess me? Like Linda Blair in The Exorcist?

Diamos: Gods no, saying it like that sounds so evil and gross. You are the only one of your generation who’s strong enough to handle my energy right now.

Perseus: I don’t know, something about having my dead ancestor inhabiting my body sounds kinda creepy.

Diamos: Firstly, I am NOT dead. If I was then the world would be far worse off than it is now; and second I would never do anything to hurt you or your family. Your

younger children would see me as I am but your oldest son and wife would see you.

Perseus: Doesn’t help my any Dee my man. What happens to my consciousness when you’re in my body?

Diamos: Nothing. You would be aware of everything I was doing in your body. If you recall I have lived in a shared body with Dalen before.

Perseus: Yes, because your psycho father tore your soul from your dying body and stuck it inside Dalen. It made you go crazy if I recall correctly. What if that happens to me?

Diamos: That was before I was the God of Peace. My entire nature is about balance and equalization of two forces.

Perseus sat down, what he was asking was huge. It made him feel weak to even think about it.

Perseus: I don’t know…I mean I hate being out of control of my own body. Like what can happen to me if I go into a Blood Lust. I’m afraid of that loss of control.

Diamos: I understand, and because I am the God of Peace I can help you maintain that control, I can balance you.

Perseus: Is there really no other way?

Diamos: With Pellas off the Path of Light she can bring about the evil known as Chaos…

Diamos: So will you let me use your body?

Perseus: Will I get a head’s up before you do your possession thing?

Diamos: Please, don’t call it that. I would say it more like I was borrowing your body.

Perseus: Okay…maybe if you do things will get better, like bringing back the sunlight, for the others not me of course.

Diamos: Thank you Perseus. I know this was difficult for you.

Meanwhile back on Elvendia…

Adahy: Are quite certain my love? You have no idea how elated I am to know that we are once more with child.

Ani-Mei: As if you didn’t already know.

Adahy: Yes, I had sensed it early on. But it does not change anything.

Gabriel: Awesome, another little niece or nephew to spoil.

Ani-Mei: A niece. I can tell.

Adahy: I will enjoy the sound of laughter in the house once more. Aeridane is preparing for his journey to Earth, it would be too quiet

without a child around.

Elsewhere, there were others who weren’t so happy…

Drinn: Seriously?

Maritol: Yes, I am quite serious. You must know what you will be facing should Chaos regain form in this dimension.

Drinn: I hate history.

Arwyn: You must know your enemy, it is effective in a battle. Do you not agree?

Drinn: I was the Adriel for the God of War, so of course I know you need to know your enemy.

Maritol: My quest was to find the One; this individual was the last piece of an ancient weapon known as the Triad of Power…

Maritol continued: “I had not anticipated that I would land in the middle of the street in a city called Tokyo when I emerged from the portal from

Elysnos. It was frightening to see this strange contraption hurtling towards me and blaring its horn. I would have been hit if not for a strange young man who had pulled me out of the street at the last


“Nor did I know that I had been followed from Elvendia either. He was silent, like a phantasm. The Demon Prince, Daemon had followed me.

He was convinced that my parents Allistan and Karite had murdered his parents. His mission was to take his revenge for his parents upon me…”

“As I talked to Andwyn some more about where I was and what this place was that I had been found in front of, he was there; watching us. I did not know at the time what his intentions were, I would find

out later on. My mission was to locate the One; the Keeper of Rebirth, the final piece of the Triad of Power…”

Drinn: So you landed in Tokyo, were nearly flattened by a car and you didn’t sense this guy Daemon or whatever was near you?

Peredwyn: It was how my parents met.

Drinn: And this has what to do with Chaos?

Maritol: I am going to tell you, if I may continue…

“ Daemon was only here to kill me to settle his vendetta but he had also found the One first. He had

succeeded in turning her against me and my mission…”

“Daemon had integrated himself into our class, he hid his power and true form from the other humans and myself. To them he looked completely normal, his glamour was powerful…”

Drinn: So you had no idea he looked different?

Maritol: As I stated previously; his glamour was powerful.

Drinn: Sounds to me like you were just slacking on the job. Aren’t you supposed to be a goddess?

Maritol: Are you always this condescending?

Drinn: Yes, I am naturally difficult. I learned from my Master, he never let anything slip past him.

Maritol: I found out about him after he had located the One and put her under his control.

“Her name was Kestra Cheristan; she was another exchange student from America. As soon as she laid eyes upon Daemon, she was under his spell.

He used his features to win her trust and her love it would make manipulating her that much easier. Her power would amplify the more she

stayed close to him and he knew this…”

“ She saw nothing else, no one else but Daemon. It was soon after this initial meeting that he manipulated her into attacking me on school grounds after


“Kestra fell in love with him, and we learned later on that he too had fallen in love with her.”

Drinn: So how does this let me know what kind of enemy Chaos is?

Maritol: Our battle with Chaos came after we had returned to Elvendia.

Daemon was angry that he had lost his control over Kestra after Andwyn and I had found her. Chaos used his anger to amplify his power and put him between

us and saving my parents. Once Kestra’s memories of how to use the

power of Rebirth were restored to her, she linked up with the other two halves

of the Triad; Hope and Salvation and pushed Chaos back. Her love for

Daemon released the hold that Chaos had over him, she showed him the truth

of how his parents were killed, Chaos had taken the form of my father and made sure that the young Daemon

would see him kill his father.

Arwyn: What mother means, is that Chaos can take many forms and use your own memories against you to

manipulate you to its will.

Drinn: So it can become anyone I know?

Arwyn: Yes.

Maritol: Now that Chaos has become stronger, it has been reaching out into the galaxy to find those with dark souls to use. We believe that

Batalia’s turning of Pellas to darkness is what it used to gain a stronger hold over Earth and its


Drinn: You mean Dalen…right?

Peredwyn: We know Dalen, we fought side by side with him and his twin brother Diamos after Dahak had infiltrated Earth. He was nothing like

what he is now.

Peredwyn: Dalen was an incredible fighter, powerful. He is exactly what Chaos craves and feeds upon. Now that it has access to the gods through Pellas and Dalen it will destroy Earth and every living thing on it. Pellas is the strongest

Adriel that has ever been created, a powerful Beacon of Hope in the darkness of misery. If she is no longer on that path, she is extremely dangerous.

Drinn: So if she’s so powerful, how can we stop her? Or get her back on the Path of Light?

Andwyn: You are one of five Adriels Drinn; it will take four of you working together to stop Pellas and put her back on the Path of Light. We know where

Botan is, he is another of the five. But you must find the other two.

Drinn: How? I don’t even know where they ended up. We were all created around the same time but ended up on opposite sides of the planet.

Maritol: You have a sort of homing beacon inside you; it allows you to locate another Adriel.

Arwyn: But to do so, he needs his Master; does he not mother?

Maritol: Ordinarily yes, but as you know his Master is under the influence of Chaos. Returning Drinn to Dalen will defeat the purpose of the battle.

Peredwyn: Mother, Botan’s Master is also unfit to wield him. Reias has not been seen since the death of Paris Reed. How can the two of them function without

their Masters?

Maritol: They will need temporary Masters. I was thinking that you and Keitaro would be fit to wield them.

Drinn: Hell no. I won’t listen to him!! And I don’t even know his brother!!

Andwyn: Drinn, you don’t—

Drinn: Don’t you DARE say I have no choice!! Or I swear to all the gods I will kill you myself!!

Andwyn: Well, who would you suggest to be your temporary Master then?

Drinn: I—I…

Now it was his turn to be out of answers. Who would want to? He left Earth without so much as a good-bye to anyone, his friends probably think he abandoned them…and Helen…gods what does she think of him for leaving? He made sure to voice his dislike of Peredwyn before he even left and he didn’t know Keitaro at all. All he did

know about him was that he was a werewolf like Peredwyn. Reias was gone, presumably plotting to kill Dalen somewhere, he couldn’t go to the other Olympians,

they feared and hated him…who did that leave?


Meanwhile, back on Earth…

Reias crossed his arms over his chest, a small smile playing about his lips, he had heard someone appear behind him but he had no idea it would be Aiden.

Reias: Well, well, if it isn’t the spawn of my enemy. Come to look for a place to stick the knife while my back was turned?

Aiden: If I was you wouldn’t be standing right now. I don’t want to kill you, I’ve come to offer you a deal.

Reias: What could you possibly offer me that I would want?

Aiden: It’s no secret about how you feel about my father, I feel the same.

Reias: I doubt that.

Aiden: You would be mistaken in that assumption. I hate Dalen as well, and I want to see him suffer and beg me to spare his pathetic life.

Reias: Continuing the family tradition?

Aiden: Hardly. I have no desire to become the next God of War.

Reias: Then what is it? Daddy issues? Alpha Male turf war?

Aiden: Oh please!! Hardly!! I need to show him that I am not some tool he can play with whenever he wants!! Dalen will know the feeling of betrayal…

Reias: Uh huh…I’m not hearing anything worth listening to boy. Wanna get on with it before I make you wish you’d never set foot in my Underworld.

Aiden: Fine.

Aiden: I will use Hope to take his power as a god, make him mortal. Then you can come in and kill him slowly or swiftly and painfully, I really don’t care what you do. I just want to see him suffer, beg for his life. To know how out of control things really

are for him.

Reias: Why? I don’t see how that will make anything better for you.

Aiden: He never gave a shit about me or Hope. He saw us as tools to use in his plan to overthrow Olympus and Zeus. I want to make him a tool.

Reias: I don’t need your help to kill Dalen; I can do that well enough on my own. My touch can give life or take it away, it matters not if the

person is mortal or a god. In fact, I should show you just how powerful that touch can be for even proposing such an ill conceived plan at

getting back at your daddy.

Reias enjoyed watching the anger fume and writhe in his eyes; he was debating whether or not to test him and risk getting killed himself. He knew Aiden was probably feeling like a total fool for even coming here

with such a pathetic plan to get back at Dalen. He knew Aiden had nothing else to offer him, he enjoyed his angry face, like a child who had

been caught doing something bad.

Reias: Have you got anything else to offer kid? I’m rather busy.

Aiden: You are rather enjoying this aren’t you?

Reias: Thoroughly. I’m still waiting for something worth listening to.

Aiden clenched his fists; his cheeks flaming with embarrassment. How dare he make a mockery of him…the arrogant son of a bitch…

Aiden: Okay, then how about this? I can be valuable to you, let me prove myself to you. Teach me.

Reias: You…want me to teach you?

Aiden: Don’t make me repeat myself.

Reias smiled; perhaps this kid did have potential after all…

So begins the fight…

I know, I know I’m evil for leaving it there but I want to stretch out this generation for a while longer yet. I have so much potential for plotz with generation six, and as such I

need some character development, particularly around Dade and Icarus. In mythology, Daedelaus and Icarus were father and son. The story of Icarus goes that he

wanted to fly like a bird through the skies, his father was a famous inventor. Icarus fashioned a pair of wings out of

wood, feathers and held them together with wax. One day he flew too close to the sun and the wax melted; he fell to

his death. My Icarus won’t be dying, not like the myth since right now I’m still on the fence about who my sixth

gen heir is going to be. Pandora is pregnant as of this chapter but in game the pregnancy is over. And I know

what it produced.