The professional development cycle

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Presentation to support workshop on professional development tools and techniques.

Transcript of The professional development cycle

Professional Development Cycle: Tools and Techniques to help

you plan and developJo Alcock

Evidence Base

Professional Development Cycle

Self analysisUnderstanding your current skills and knowledge

and considering where to improve

SWOT analysisReflect on your own strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats

Current CV and profilesAnalysing your current situation in terms of skills and experience

Job role analysisReflect on skills and knowledge required for current or future job

roles and identify areas for development

CILIP PKSBReflect on skills and knowledge required within profession and

identify areas for development

Development planningPlanning areas and activities to support

professional development

Regularly updated plan including areas for development, planned activities, intended outcome, and timescale

Development plan

OpportunitiesWhat sort of activities

have you been involved in for your own

professional development?

Prioritising opportunitiesIdentifying the professional development opportunities with most potential benefit

Alignment with development priorities

Will it develop skills or knowledge that is a priority for you at the moment?

Could it enable you to develop skills or knowledge that could be of use to you in future?


Benefits for you

Developing skills

Improving knowledge

Broadening connections

Benefits for your employer

Enhance job performance

Improved job satisfaction

Your learning style

Does the activity suit your learning preferences?





Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles


Is the time commitment appropriate?

Is location suitable?

Are there any personal circumstances that may prevent you from participating?

Participating in activitiesMaking the most of your

professional development activities


Plan what you hope to get out of each activity:

Increased understanding?

Skill development?

Broader network?

DuringMake notes:



Visual notes


Review after event to ensure complete and accurate


Make sure you keep a record of your notes somewhere (you may want to digitise for easy location in future)

Share with colleagues

Share with peers (social media, blogs)

Recording and reflectingKeeping information up-to-date about the activities

and what you have learnt

Recording activitiesDesktop document (can use Dropbox to ensure access from multiple locations/devices)

Online document (e.g. Google Drive)

Online services


CILIP Portfolio

Reflecting on activitiesWhat have you learnt?

How can you apply this in future?

Any follow-up actions?

Models of reflection

What? So what? Now what?

More on CPD23 Reflective Practice blog post

Professional Development Cycle

Any questions?Jo Alcock @joeyanne