The Principles of Creativity and Innovation

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Transcript of The Principles of Creativity and Innovation





Assignment 1

Name : AMAL IQMAL BIN ADNAN Matrix no. : AD110189 IC no. : 920402015507 Class : 2BDC Lecture : DR SH SALLEH BIN SH AHMAD



No. Topic Pages

1. The Principles of CNI 3 - 4

2. Creativity in Problem Solving 5 - 6

3. Example and Application of CNI 6 - 8

4. Latest technology – machines 8 - 9

5. Recent/latest theory development of CNI 9 - 10

6. Others 10

7. Reference 10



The Principle of Creativity and Innovation is define as the ability or capability to produce

and create an original concept or idea and transform it to some forms of expression like a piece

of art or craft, a musical score or a literary piece. The understanding of the principle of

creativity and innovation leads to produce either product, process and maybe strategy

innovation that will be change some good manners. Besides, from this also we could improves

certain product in the way of getting better life.

1.1 Principle of Creativity

From what i have search in internet, creativity means that the ability to transcend

traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationship, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas,

forms, methods, interpretations, and others. A quote from Linda Naiman said that ‘creativity is

the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality and it involves with two process which

is thinking, then producing’. This is the best quote because with creativity will produce

something that new or improving new ideas. Creativity have general principles that are think

outside the box means that think beyond the others idea, avoid the normal, be brave means

brave to come up with new distinctive idea and maybe some creative ideas is illogical.

There are few principles in creativity. One of them are, new ideas are composed of old

elements. Critical thinking is mostly about to produce correct thinking. Creativity is mainly

about alternative possibilities which is how to come up with new and useful ideas. That is like I

mention earlier, a new idea might be a new theory, a new product, a new solution to a

problem, or a conception for a piece of art. In order to have something different is to produce

something that is weird, distinctive and special. The new ideas are actually old ones rearranged

in a new way meaning that some improvement is occur by refer to the old one. This applies not

just to the creation of concept or the theories but also the launching of new fashion, new style

or cultural trends. Simply to say that ideas are usually composed of diffrent elements, and we

look for new combination of ideas by joining different ideas together, erasing some elements,

or replacing some elements by other ones. Let say we consider the idea of a cellphone. This

idea is of course the combination of the wireless information transmission idea and the a

telephone idea.

Next, the principle is not all new ideas are on a par. Creativity is not simply just come up

with new and imaginative ideas. The kind of creativity that is valued is the ability to come up

with new and useful ideas. The ideas that creates a new trend or new style that makes some

impact. Creativity could be divided into two element such as cognitive and artistic creativity.


The artistic creativity consist in the creation of artwork and expressing someone ideas and

emotions through various forms of art. Then, cognitive creativity is a matter of coming up with

solutions to practical or theoretical problems. It is includes for example creating a new scientific

theory, or maybe lauching a new commercial product. Cognitive creativity has two parts which

is the generation of new ideas and modification of new ideas. Let take one example, in order to

build a rocket that flies to the moon, one should not violate logic or the laws of physics. The

evaluation of any proposal to solve a problem must involve good critical thinking.

This is another principle of creativity which is creativity is enhanced by the ability to detect connections between ideas. We should see a connection between the subject matter one is interested in and other subjects. For example, consider the so-called "fastskin" swimsuits that was introduced by the company Speedo around 1996. They take the key consideration in designing a swimsuit for athletes is to reduce some amount of drag over the surface of the swimsuit. Besides, the company's researchers noticed that sharks are able to move very fast in water. This is because of V-shaped ridges. Researchers designed swimwear fabric emulating sharkskin that produced less drag and turbulence. So, if we want to be creative, we must be ready to find out connections between different areas means that we should have a wide knowledge base. Studying is not simply remembering bits and pieces of unrelated information. We should make sure that we look at the information we have from different angles, reformulate them systematically in a way to achieve better understanding.

1.2 Principle of Innovation

There are some principles in innovation that could be considers. One of them is co-creating value with customers. In the new age of innovation, companies will co-create unique individual solutions with customers. The number of customers each company can co-create with might, in some cases, be virtually unlimited. Of course, there has always been a market for unique products, but this has tended to target a relatively small and exclusive customer group, and has been costly and time-consuming. Companies will need to use digital platforms to handle a lot of customers in real time at the same time. In addition, companies must collaborate with other companies through different networks, sometimes forming partnerships.

Another principle is accessing and combining globally that is dispersed knowledge. No single location alone can provide all the knowledge required for innovation, in particular for discontinuous innovation in the form of new products and solutions or new business models. The innovation process is becoming global, requiring companies to access and combine knowledge that is available in different locations around the world. Certain knowledge elements can be codified and accessed at a distance, but other knowledge elements are of a tacit and context-specific nature, and remain embedded in their original localities.



People always have a problem even once. So, creativity is a tool that helps everyone re-

define the problems that they face, then they come up with extraordinary ideas and then take

an action on these new and imaginative ideas. Alex Osborn and Sidney Parnes conducted a

research on the steps that are involved when people solve problems. The result is they come

out with following 6 steps that are broken down into 3 levels. The levels are explore the

challenge, generate idea and prepare for action while all three steps are in between to each


2.1 Explore the Challenge

2.1.1 Objective Finding

Objective finding is could be a wish or a goal. This could also be a challenge and it might

be the initial dissatisfaction or a desire that opens the door to using the CPS process. Objective

is quite important in every problem that we want to solve otherwise put creativity inside the

problem. Without the objective we cannot simply solve the problem even it is not that big

problem. For example, we have a cellphone that has camera but it can only just take a picture

not to record the video, so, there is objectives for the company to built and equip a camera in a

cellphone that can record the video.

2.1.2 Fact Finding

Fact finding is one that gathering the data. It is means that an assess and review all the

data that pertains to the situation at hand. All 5W here are really important in order to gather

the data which are who is involved, what is involved, when, where, and why it is important.

Make a list of the facts and information, as well as the feelings, perceptions, assumptions and

gossip around the situation. In this step, to review the objective and begin to innovate, all the

data is taken into consideration.

2.1.3 Problem Finding

For this procedure, the facts is explore and data to find all the problems and challenges

inherent in the situation, and all the opportunities they represent. Problem finding is one

important thing in CPS that is to clarify the problem. It is not so easy to clarify the problem

because there is some consideration should be taken. This is to make sure that you are focusing

on the right problem. It is still possible with the wrong problem to come up with the right

answer. Re-identify what you want or what is stopping you, just move on to what you have.


2.2 Generate Idea

2.2.1 Idea Finding

Brainstorming is like thinking rapidly and use short time to take out the ideas, but

generating ideas is much more than that. This is because to generate an outstanding idea takes

much time and it is the best ideas can be build. Moreover, during this step, be vigilant or

precision about deferring judgment and coming up with wild, out-of-the-box ideas and

outrageous ideas. This is where we explore ideas and brainstorming of what that is possible

solutions and has the most fun. From this also we need to wide to take risks, make connections,

and try new combinations to find potentially innovative solutions.

2.3 Prepare for Action

2.3.1 Solution Finding

In solution finding we are able to try to strengthen and improve the best ideas

generated. Next, produce and come out the criteria that need to be considered. It is to evaluate

the ideas for success. By then, apply that criteria as priority ideas and decide which are most

likely to solve the redefined problem. Before it becomes the solution, the superb idea needs to

meet criteria that make it actionable. A creative idea is not really useful if it would not be


2.3.2 Acceptance Finding

Finally, look around at who is responsible, then what has to be done by when, and what

resources are available in order to realize this idea as a full-fledged, activated solution.


3.0.1 Example of Creativity and Innovation

First of all, Ii had taken one example of creativity and innovation that is called ‘Fastmac

U-Socket USB(FUS)’. FUS is a combination of standard plug 240V power outlet with 2 USB3.0

ports and called it U-Socket that is commonly used in mostly in notebook or some other devices

such as iPhone, gaming device, digital camera, Kindle, an iPad and others. This ideas coming up

due to have huge number of power adaptors and have limited space to used and apply the

application of the devices. The two USB ports are USB3.0-compliant, have 12W of total charging

power and are rated at 2.1A. Another nice feature of the U-Socket is that it is designed to cut

off power to the USB ports when nothing is plugged into them. That should put a stake through

the heart of those vampire charging adaptors you leave in all the time.


Figure 3.0.1.a: Example of product application of CNI.

3.1 Application of Creativity and Innovation

The application of creativity and innovation is that come from the principle itself. We

just have the FUS example product of creativity and innovation. From the princple we can relate

that new ideas are composed of old elements, means that the creator to this new creative

product has come out with his idea that is from existing element and combining them to be

new thing. In addition, it is called an innovation because it give a lots of benefits to their client.

The company manage their people to be critical thinking is mostly about to produce correct

thinking. As I mention before creativity is mainly about alternative possibilities which is how to

come up with new and useful ideas. Besides, it also co-creating value with customers. This can

be called innovation because there has always been a market for unique and creative products.

This product is the solution to many problem such as power adaptors, availability of power

outlet, save battery power for notebook with existing this product, save up space for another

important ports used in notebook, and other purposes.

In order to have new creative product, the company has come up with an objective that

to increase the marketing. So, this is where objective finding is now works. With this objective,

their people have to generate the idea to identify the fact and problem finding. In problem

finding they have to find the problem that could be exist after make this product, then try to

overcome with necessary ideas or action. For example, is it possible 2 ports of USB3.0 can


supply 12W charging power and produce 2.1A? So, then they have to find solution in order to

move on with this product. In addition, this product is improved to be eco-friendly which is

suitable and good for the environment. The explaination is FUS’s built-in smart sensor which

automatically detects required wattage and only outputs power when it is needed and shuts off

when it is fully charged. So stop the energy waste and start saving money. It is good for the

environment. Next, they have to generate ideas in order to complete the idea findings.

Brainstorming and need to wide to take risks, make connections, and try new combinations to

find potentially innovative solutions. What the connection that we have? The link is between

power outlet and power adapter to the devices.

Figure 3.1.a: Example product of CNI

Fastmac U-Socket is one of the best example present as creative and innovative because

it gives several of advantages. Whether at home, office or when we are traveling, we are always

hunting for a wall outlet to plug our chargers or adapters into but there are never enough

available outlets to charge all the devices. U-Socket is an AC receptacle with the added benefit

of two built-in USB ports that can power any device that is charged via USB. Whether it is an

iPhone, gaming device, digital camera, Kindle or an iPad, U-Socket can handle it all. Designed to

replace an existing 3-prong wall outlet, U-Socket eliminates the clutter of AC adapters that stick

out and take up space.



Nowadays, many machines have been made and there are a lots of latest technology

had been released. I have choose one product machine from LG that catch my eyes to explore.

It is one of the washing machine but what the inteesting is it can ‘refresh’ clothes without

detergent or water. It is called Washer Styler. This company develop new creative ideas that

people not even think yet that making waterless washing machine and now they made it. This

unique product is designed for both washable and dry-cleanable clothes. The styler can refresh

and deodorize multiple fabrics, from shirts, sweaters and ties, to suits and even thick winter

coats, so they stay wearable longer.


At this part, for recent or latest theory development of creativity and innovation,I would

like to focusing more to the product designers. Product designers who are people that are

practicing creativity and innovation in their entire life because without them there is no existing

innovative product will be make. Product designers that can either work on completely new

products or try to make improvements on existing products. They have to consider a range of

things in their design, such as:

How to make a product easier to use.

Whether the finished product will be reliable.

The manufacturing process and the materials that need to be used.

How the product will increase the marketing.


How to make a product more efficient, cheaper to produce or better looking.

Is the product are suitable used for levels of age.

Is the product look interesting for their client.

What benefits will their client get.

Product designers need to be able to look carefully at what is needed from their

product. This is means that they are required to fulfill customer needs and their product needs.

Ideas then have to be researched and developed before a design proposal is produced. Product

designers also cooperate with other skilled people such as engineers and model-makers in

order to have better products. They may also get involved with the manufacture and testing of

prototypes to evaluate how well they work.

Designers may have to take part in meetings and presentations on a project. They may

also put together bids and proposals for new work. From this meeting and presentation will tell

audience that what is product is all about.


In this section, there are few quotes that related to the creativity and innovation. All this quotes may increase our spirit to be more creative and innovative. There are:-

1. “There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without

creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same

patterns.” —Edward de Bono.

2. “There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will

never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.” — Martha Graham.

3. “It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right

by having no ideas at all.” — Edward de Bono.

4. “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” — Albert Einstein.

5. “An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists

only as an idea.” — Edward de Bono.






