The Power Of Persuasion

Post on 06-May-2015

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This is a training session/knowledge mashup that I put together after watching a stanford breakfast series video on persuasion. Also my first attempt of a slidecast.

Transcript of The Power Of Persuasion

The Power of Persuasion

Changing people’s behavior

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity

We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

Practical Tip #1

Do people favours.

Don’t Forget

The magic part…

No problem! I’m glad to help you. I’m sure that if the situation were reversed, you would do the same for me.

Reciprocity also applies to concessions

If I give something up, you should give something up too.

When asking for something, start with the big ask

Practical Tip #2

then move to the small ask

Practical Tip #3

Frame decisions in terms of losses, not gains

If you don’t do this, you could be at risk to lose…

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

2) Scarcity

We value information and commodities that are scarce more then when they are abundant.

Exclusive information is like bread- serve it fresh to best enjoy

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

2) Scarcity We value scarce information and commodities more then things that are in abundance.

3) Authority

We believe what trustworthy and credible experts say

To be seen as an expert, you need credentials and trust worthiness

Practical Tip #4

Before you give your strongest argument or proposal, begin by pointing out the weaknesses or drawbacks

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

2) Scarcity We value scarce information and commodities more then things that are in abundance.

3) Authority We believe what trustworthy and credible experts say.

4) Commitment

People are most likely to do what is consistent with what they have done in the past

Example: People are more likely to give you money if you first get them to give you the time.

Do you know what time it is?

Spare a quarter?

Written commitments

are the most powerful

Practical Tip #5

Once someone has said yes to something, they will again- always try to deepen your existing relationships.

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

2) Scarcity We value scarce information and commodities more then things that are in abundance.

3) Authority We believe what trustworthy and credible experts say.

4) Commitment We are most likely to do what is consistent with what we have done in the past

5) ConsensusPeople trust the power of the crowd

People like to be associated with popular things.

Practical Tip #6

Make sure you (or your product) is seen as in high demand.

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

2) Scarcity We value scarce information and commodities more then things that are in abundance.

3) Authority We believe what trustworthy and credible experts say.

4) Commitment We are most likely to do what is consistent with what we have done in the past

5) Consensus We trust the power of the crowd and like to be associated with popular things.

6) LikabilityPeople are more likely to say yes to people they like

3 elements of likability

SimilaritiesWe like people that are similar or have similar interest as us.


People like genuine compliments.

Cooperative Efforts

People like people who are willing to help out.

Be Careful!!!!

If you aren’t genuine, it won’t work.

Practical Tip #6

Try to make people like you. But don’t try too hard, that won’t work.

Sounds easy?

Application is the hard part.

6 principles of persuasion

1) Reciprocity We feel obligated to return favours to people who have done favours for us in the past.

2) Scarcity We value scarce information and commodities more then things that are in abundance.

3) Authority We believe what trustworthy and credible experts say.

4) Commitment We are most likely to do what is consistent with what we have done in the past

5) Consensus We trust the power of the crowd and like to be associated with popular things.

6) Likability We say yes to people that we like. Similarity, compliments and cooperative effort.

Practical Tips1. Do people favours.

2. When asking for something, start with the big ask then move to the small ask

3. Frame decisions in terms of losses, not gains

4. Before you give your strongest argument or proposal, begin by pointing out the weaknesses or drawbacks

5. Once someone has said yes to something, they will again- always try to deepen your existing relationships.

6. Make sure you (or your product) is seen as in high demand.

7. Try to make people like you

Thank you!!