The Potential of Work Out Loud and Work Out Loud Circles for Professional Development

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Transcript of The Potential of Work Out Loud and Work Out Loud Circles for Professional Development

The Potential of Work Out Loud & Work Out Loud Circles for Professional Development.

by Helen Crump

Work Out Loud

Work Out Loud = Observable Work + Narrating Your Work

Narrating your work: “journaling (blogging, microblogging etc.) what you are doing in an open way”.

Observable work: “creating/modifying/storing your work in places that others can see it, follow it and contribute to it IN PROCESS”.

Open NetworksEnterprise Social Networks

Williams, 2010

Work Out Loud

• breaks down knowledge silos

• transfers knowledge between distributed individuals /teams

• makes tacit knowledge more explicit

• fosters connection, support and collaboration

the benefits

“Working Out Loud starts with making your work visible in such a way that it might help others. When you do that – when you work in a more open, connected way – you can build a purposeful network that makes you more effective and provides access to more opportunities.”Stepper, 2015

Work Out Loud – the book.

What German companies want, it turns out, is what every company wants.

They want to be more agile, to learn from mistakes and leverage successes, to spread good ideas and practices more quickly. They feel that having employees who work out loud can help them achieve these things.

Work Out Loud – the change programme.

If we want to help millions of people work out loud – individuals, companies, and organizations that make the planet better– we’re going to need more people who can spread the practice.

…Perhaps you’re an independent consultant trying to help your clients work out loud. Or you’re inside an organization and trying to spread the practice there. What if you want to customize everything for your specific organization’s tools, culture, and kind of work?

Work Out Loud – practitioner certification.

"Working Out Loud: The making of a movement"April 9, 2016. Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ

Work Out Loud Circles.

Help you build your own network toward a goal you care about in 12 weeks.

Circles help you develop a mindset and habit you can apply to any goal. These small peer support groups are now in 16 countries and in organizations ranging from multi-national firms to universities to humanitarian groups.

Work Out Loud – keeps on growing

Academic staff development?Employability skill for graduates?

Work Out Loud Week– coming soon

Why Research Work Out Loud? • labelling /packaging - role of

language in leveraging momentum

• knowledge sharing paradox - individual/organization (power)

• implications of greater visibility of tacit knowledge

• Work Out Loud implicated in other emerging network phenomena or ‘movements’

only 3 research papers on the topic.

• Margaryan, A. et al. (2014) Narrating Your Work: An Approach to Supporting Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Teams.

• Pearce, D. (2014) Developing a Method for Measuring ‘Working Out Loud.

• Sergi, V. & Benneau, C. (2015) When talk is

text: the performativity of working out loud on Twitter.

Gap in the Literature.

How is Work Out Loud Constructed in Discourse?

Michel Foucault

Language, Knowledge and Power

Thank you for

… lets others better know you, your work and what you are trying to achieve.

Resources.The book: Stepper, John. Working Out Loud: For a Better Career and Life. New York: Ikigai Press, 2015. The website: circle guides: up for a circle: (or start your own)The TedX Talk: Out Loud Week: Facebook group: journal articles: - Margaryan, Anoush, Eleni Boursinou, Dane Lukic, and Hans de Zwart. “Narrating Your Work: An Approach to

Supporting Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Teams.” Knowledge Management Research & Practice 13, no. 4 (November 2015): 391–400. doi:10.1057/kmrp.2013.58.

- - Pearce, Dennis E. “Developing a Method for Measuring ‘Working Out Loud.’” University of Kentucky, 2014.

- Sergi, Viviane, and Claudine Bonneau. “When Talk Is Text: The Performativity of Working out Loud on Twitter.”