The political response

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Transcript of The political response

  • 1. JasmynK Gabi S Sam M Clay E The Political Response
  • 2. Kennedy on Civil Rights Kennedy was popular with African Americans and supported civil rights. Supported fair housing. Appointed many African Americans to government positions. Thurgood Marshall as first African American Supreme Court Justice Attempted to pass a civil rights bill. Prohibit segregation in public places Ban discrimination wherever federal funds were involved Supported school desegregation
  • 3. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Lyndon Johnson elected president works to get Kennedys Civil Rights bill passed. Senate segregationalists started a lengthy filibuster to stall the voting process. Johnson used a cloture to end the stalling and passed the bill. Provisions of the act: Equalized voter registration standards Prohibited discrimination Could withhold funding from discriminating programs Banned discrimination Created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  • 4. Freedom Summer 1964 1,000 African American and White volunteers organized a voter registration drive Met by angry segregationalists and KKK members Resulted in violence 3 dead young volunteers 80 mob attacks Homes of Civil Rights activists burned down
  • 5. Democratic Convention Voters created the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) MFDP wanted delegate seats at the Convention Johnson agreed and offered to eliminate discrimination MFDP rejected offer short of expectations
  • 6. Selma March Discrimination against registering voters in Selma, Alabama King organizes march from Selma to Montgomery Marchers attacked by police National Guard sent to protect marchers 25,000 people were marching by the time they reached Montgomery
  • 7. The Voting Rights Act Congress passed Voting Rights Act of 1965 the summer after Selma March Federal officials could register voters anywhere Eliminated literacy tests Eliminated other barriers as well
  • 8. Other Civil Rights Landmarks African Americans would be elected to political office. 24th Amendment Outlawed poll tax
  • 9. Works Cited Black voters. N.d. Jpeg file. Doc 100 small. N.d. Jpeg file. Kenworthy, E W. "200,000 March for Civil Rights In orderly Washington Rally; President sees gains for negros." The New York Times 29 Aug. 1963: 1. Google News Timeline. Web. 6 Jan. 2011. . lbj signs voting rights. N.d. Jpeg file. Man in court room. N.d. Jpeg file. National Voting Rights-A. N.d. Jpeg file. Smith, Merriman. "Demonstrators Swarm to Washington for March." The Times-News 25 Aug. 1963: 1+9. Google News Timeline. Web. 6 Jan. 2011. . Voting photo. N.d. Jpeg file. voting rights lbj. N.d. Jpeg file. Woman voting. N.d. Jpeg file. Patterson, Charles. The Civil Rights Movement. New York: Facts on File, 1995. Print. Social Reform Movements. Weisbrot, Robert. "The March on Washington." Marching Toward Freedom. Ed. Marian W Taylor. New York: Chelsea House, 1994. 75-89. Print.