THE POIN~ER · Serit's IV Vol. I Stevens Point ... dit ion. .Eco1; o;nics D epartm nt at Cen ......

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Transcript of THE POIN~ER · Serit's IV Vol. I Stevens Point ... dit ion. .Eco1; o;nics D epartm nt at Cen ......

THE POIN~ER . Assembly to be• held a.t 10 :05 A. M.( Tbursday. E verybody be there, especially officers of evtr;)' organization in college. · . .

Serit's IV Vol. I Stevens Point, Wis. October 6. 1938 No. 4


• man \' \'Ca rs head of t he H ome


Heyer· ls JYew DR. NESTOR FLODIN, 23, Athletic Asst· NEW CHEMISTRY AIDE

Dr. Xester b, lodi11 , 23, who


Dr. a nd :.lfrs. P/iilli p 11. Fa lk were hono,:ed by th e fa culty of' the 1.:oll ege a t a fo r mal dinner aud reception 'eptcmber 29, at

l;t ndents of Centra l State 'l\ ~a cher~ 'allege lost u fri end with the death of )[1·s. Bertha Knutzen, mother o[ ~orman Kn utzen, iust ructor in th e En­g lis h depur tment . ::\l rs. Knutzen died Friduy afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock at her home a t 1117 Clai-k Stl'eet. Alth ough )!rs. Knut ze n had been in ill lieelth fo r the past ni ne mon ths, she was confined to bed for t he past two weeks in a serious co11-dit ion.

.Eco 1;o;n ics Depa r tm ent at Cen­tral Stn t.e Teachers t.;o ll ege, ex­pects to be bac· k at her teaching post ill a bout two weeks .. :\liss All en hai:; bee11 recoverin g f rom iujuries incurre<l in 8 11 a utouio­bile accident severaf weeks ago, in which other fac ulty members were a lso in \'olved.

Charl es :.II. Hey er has been added to our fa culty as nn Ass istant Phy:;; ica l Educati on Instructor . !Tereufter Coach Kotnl w ill handl ~ th e \'nrs ity sq uads. whil e . )11'. Heyer will conduct ttll g>y m cl u~sPs a nd begin workin g oil a n ucti,·it y program of which he wa nt~ a 100 % coo pernii on from a ll of th e fe ll ows. This program will not onh·· be benefieia l, but it will ·also· offer a plensn nt recr eational opportunit y iu th e f ield of in t ru-nuu·al s port~.

rece i ,·eel his d rgree from the /""",...__ , Unh-ers it y of 'hicago, took over/ ....... his Unties here P.ti a

the Hotel W hiting.

Dur ing the r,;ix yea rs in which she hus made he1· home in S tev. ens P oint , )[l's. Kn utzen has ma de a hist ing impr ession on e ,·e ryoue she knew. Perh aps th e reason for this wa · her partic­ular int el' t.'ti t in t he younger geuerntion, and especially in college student .

A la rge nuQ1ber of the mem­bers of the faculty a nd s tudent body attended th e funeral ut 10 ::10 o'c loc k )[onday morning.


.\ t th e conclus ion of the din ­ner. C. P . W a tson. Director o{ the lnt ermecli~ e Department. pre-sidt:d o,·er t he program us chai rman and toastmas ter .. \ f. ter a ~hort m t1 1')icale at which appeared Ula :.lfae J.._u utzen. E y leene Atkin s, and Evelyn Schwin gel, a ll s tudent s a t the coll ege, ,Yat so11 1 as first speak­er. spoke of the genera l unrest which seems to be p re \'a len t i11 the world. He cit ed the Enro: pean sit uafrou as a n exampl e, making pa rti cular refer ence to 1.:onditious in Germany under ·the iron bend of Adolf Hitler, tt nd spoke of t he Uni ted Sta tes a nd the ra mpant critic ism of the administra tion and tlie New Dea l. )Ir. W a tson drew the conclusion that 'th ere must be a la ck of leadership in th e politi cal world, and t hat this lack occas ioned existing condi­ti ons. H e stat ed that educat ion a lso neeQs th e right k ind of leadership, fo r , t he job of The Soc ial Sc ience Club held tra ining youn ::; men and wo 11_1- the first or its se1ui-monthly en is an in]JJO r ta nt one. It 1s meetin gs Tuesday e\'en in g, Sep­t he s ta rt for t raining leaders tember 27. T he meeti ng w1:1s of men and it is ,· itally impor- held pri uuu·ily· fo r t he pu rpose tant, h~ stated in nu allusio1\ to of elect ing- office1·s a nd discuss­Dr. Falk, tha t we ha ve '!. com- ing plans for th e first semes te r 's petent leader here in C.S.T .C. activit,·. The offi cers nr e :

pon introduct ion of P. Edwin L. Lietz .. ... ..... P resideut Hyer. fo rmer presiden t here, Ilerna rtl John:-011 . ... Vice-Pre·sident the fac ulty and g uests rose as Earl e R. Siebert . . ·~c.-1' reasurcr a :.;r oup in welcome a nd r eeog- Dr. )\. o. neppen .. 'F'acu lt.y .Ad \· iso r nition. :.llr. Hyer in a shorL talk Newly Organized Club spok e of th e neccl he fe lt fo r The Social Science Club was turning over h is fo rmer posi- oi·ga ni zed during t he second Se· tion to a y0tm ger ma n, and ,nester of t he 1937-38 school p redic ted an a uspicious ca reer vea r its pu rpose bei ng to " gaiJ.1 for th e new presiden t. ;l bet'ter understa ndi ng of wor ld

Regent )lart ens, upou intro- e,·ent s aud t heit· in terrela tion dnction by the t oas tm as te r. upon hunurn society' ·. )[ember ­spoke of th e diffi culty t he re- ship to the club ,s based upon a ~ent s ha d in fi n~ii~ g a s uitabl.e tslud ent 's coneent ra t ion m the man for the pos1t 10_n of yres1- 'oeial ·c· ience course:s as desig­~len t upon t he . . r es1g nnt 1on. of .na ted in th e catalogue untler J fye r . and mentioned t he h! ~J1 the Soc ia l Sc ience )Ii nor, and sta1~d nrds of personnhty. h is seholnst jc a\'er age in those ach1e,·emen t. a nd chara~ter . cour. es. Discussions are carried n.rcessary to. t_he ma1~ who 1s to on infor ma lly at the meetings, f ,11 the positi on sUit a bly. lie each member ac tively pa rtieip­menhoned th~t. h~ ha d . found at ing, and a ll wri tten work is a ll t he 9unlif1cut1ons 111 t he filed fo r perman ent r ecords . new presulent . . . . After enjo,,·in ;..r t he short period

Dr. P a lk then thanked e, ei Y· f ·ts ac t il"ity last ,·ea r th e club one fo r the generous welcomes Joo~ s fo r wnrd to a ·,·ery s uccess­and tha t he was ver~· proud to fu l vear. be able to work with such a · ____ . __ fin e fac ult y. Tu conclusion, he stated t ha t lie was in t he honey moon category a nd he hopes it will last forever .

A large crowd of towns­people attended the public re­cepti on whi ch fo ll owed the d inner .


l[iss .Jones, teac her of Biologic.a) Sciences, has a n­nounced he r intent ions of taki ng an extended IC'1n·e of absence. lier pluns for the future have not as yet been defini tely fo rmulated .


rn a preseason sta temen t t he Y.W .C .. \ . put fort h th e fo ll ow­i11 ~ as the· a iins for w!Lich they will strive this yea r . T hey a re: nameh·. to make r eli idous li fe of th f campus part of e,·r ry­day livin~; to make th e Y. ,v. C. A. an in tegra l au tl ,· ita l fac­tor of emnpus li fe: a n<I to ma ke their orga 11i za tion a fo r e­most leader in g ir ls' activities.

" T here are eamplls situat ions t hat need changitti,r, " 'e should

(Co11tinued on :11 col. 2)

Well ·Known Educator F ew people in the country are

bet tel' 'lualified fo r the type o f. work thn t sh e has beeu doing

Nationally Known Educator

in th e co l1 ege and in the state, as e,·ideuced by her many affi­lia t ions with organiza tions in her fi eld. her edu'cationa l trai n­ing, and her pract ical exper ­ience as an educa tor. ~?i lany ho­nors ha ve been endowed upon her . Miss Allen is a member of the Council of Home E conomics AssoCia tion in \Visconsin , nna is present chairma n of the. Com­mittee fo r Revis ing the Consti­t uti on of that organization. She has been a member of the asso­cia t ion since coming t o \V isco1i­sin nnd served as president for three yea rs. She is a member of the American Home E conomics Association a nd se rved on the committee which checked laws regarding domestic labor, com­pensation. and wages. She is a member of t he P .E .O., n secret organization, in which she hold t he offi ce of guard . • She has sec,·ecl as president, v ice-pres­ident, and chaplain of the same.

Active Club Woman

Centra l Sta te's home econo­mics departmen t head was a cha rter member of the St evens Point Bu. iness and Professional Women 's Club a nd formerly

( ('01\J, in ucd on pn~e :?, co l. 3)


El ections for class officers will be held 11cxt Thu rsday, October J:3, at 10 :05 a. m. Th e various classes will meet wi t h their fa cul ty a <l visors in the fo llow ing assign ed rooms :

The freshm en in the assem­blv with advisors Miss Carlsten ai;d Mr. Sch meeckle; t he- so­phomores in 1'1r. W a tson's room with t heir advi. or , Mr. R ogers; t he Juniors wit h their a dvisor , ~lr. E vans, in ~lr. Smit h 's room ; the sen iors w ith ~Ir. S teine_r, th eir ad visor, in ;\[r. Steiner 's room.

Mr. Heyer is a 19:n Unh·e r­sitv of \\"isco11s i11 g ra duate with a B .. ·. degree. lie was Cnptain of the ' 'l:J" baseball team in 19:36 and has hnd the o pportuuity 1o ph1 y . wit h Ger­lach. short stop of the Chica go White Sox . li e has a lso phiyed professiona l baseball ill n cou­pl e of the minor lea gues in 19~7 ancl 19:38.

His hobbies. besides baseball , are ice hockey a n<l intra-mural work. Mt. Jl ryer wa nts a ll fel­lows to watch th e at hletic bull et in bonrcls fo r a ny an­nouncements as to wh en he will begin his ac ti,·ity

To Help Kotal


The Ex ecutive Boa rd of t hr Associa t ion of \V i s co n s i n 'r eachers Coll eges lw ld it s bi­a nnua l mert i11~ here a t Ste \'e 11s Poin t last . 'at urd ay . This .\ s­soc iat iou is eomp·osed of mem­bers f rom th e ten teachers co l­leges a111 h11s 11 11 a pproxi mate membership of betwee n fi\' e and six h111u.l red tea ehers. .. )fr. Heppen is president of th e orga ni ?,a t ion. Th e \' ice-pre­siden t is Geor gia na Clark of Platte\"ill c. a nd th e secreta rr­treesurer is 1-lil,111 B. Oxby of Eau Claire. -

1,he purpose- of t h meet ing­was to orga ni ze t heir f:? us iness fo r t he eomi11 ::,! hd1 f-yenr a nd to a rra nge fo r the Tea chers' Convent ion to be held at :.llil­wn u}<ee on Xo,•em her 3. These a r rangement s cons ist ed of items such as th e matter of re­presenl a t ion. t he 1naking a nd

th e chemistry st aff, 'l'n sclay mornin g.

Fl odin hns aif cnvin l, l conl scholastica lly. l:Ie com et ­ed i11 i(period of ten years, bo h g ra nrnta · aud high s.chool t'

•tuiremen s and entl\!·ed college at th e ag of 16.

In spi te of his youth, Fl odin has been honored with a P h.D., using for his thesis the subj ect " Boron ll ydritl.e" .

Dr. F lod in is a native of Chi­cago a nd has li ved lhere a ll of his life.

At C.S.T.C. he will teach gen­eral ·hemistry, quantitative and qua lit a ti ve a na lys is and tlte cor-respo11<ling la boratori es for each suhject: · (

\Vh en questioned ·as to his hobbic. , F lodin stnted that he was in terested in a mateur dra­ma tics, in particul a r, liitl e th ea­tre work.


The fo ll owi ng of fi cers ,vere eled ed at th e las t meet in g of the Ph oto Club: (;J ifforil S1m1gue -~· ...... President

Cat herine lloweri,ock . . . . Vice-P re!!,

) rer"ille ) Je,·er,lcen . ... . Secretary

Elroy F lorcuec : ... , . . .. . Treasurer

Th rre will 1,e n regu la r 111eet­i11 ~ of 1he Photo Ch 1l, nex t Wed nesday October 12, 1938, at 4 ,00. At tha t t ime a lecture, "'l'he E ssentials of Picture )[ak­in~(' , w ill be g iven. A main pa rt · of t he lecture "· ill be the sh51 w­i11g of thir ty lautern slides.

All School -Party



prepa ration of s peeches, etc. L...----------..-~



. Puhlished Week ly {'XCCJ)t holid:1ys and examinat io J>c~1o<l:;;i, _at Slc\'cn~ Point by the ~tudeuts of the Cent 11 W1 ~coni<111 S1:1te Teacher!'! C'o llegC'. Sub:.,1c ri ption Pr cc :!.00 per J'C'ar. ROISON'S

. RUNINGS THE ~!~~~~ ~~"RflER I THIS WEEK AND NEii A Plac;ment- Bureau that is . Th <>. Bloc meet iug- st·ii ecluh·ll

1-:nll'rl·d_ :i s 11ecou,l -cl:1lfs 111 :1 t1(•r ) l a~· :?ti. 1n· ,1 :1t t11c po~t office :1t tcn:ns Point , \Vii'con:,;i11. ur er th e

ln::tde uate tor \\ ed 11 esd.iy hns bCL'11 110:-.1. q pt111L'd to ( )ctober li due to H

A<·t of )larch :1, J Sm. S1·oop! Fi11d a fc111i11i11(• ri;.:111 l1:1 11d 11 irh :1 srn:dl

wan 011 lhl• had, o f it a11,I Y••u h:a\·t· 11t1l' ur' our J•n·I· lil·r Fr1.•:-h111(• 11. llu r ry, Ut·t·:111~1.· ,~ithfn a n·r~· :-luwt tim t' i.Jcutifh·:11io11 will I;<' ilt·:-l ru.,·l·•I. ((: t:u·ia l :1t·l·th· a1.•i1\ dtil':- rh t· trit·k. )

( of'lt;.I \\'ll.J.!.tlt•r if there is ii co11flict i11g dnte. 'rhis rneeli11cr limil to wh;~ :-.tt11 ll• t1 bi 1111tl will bt• hrld at h ·erso11 Pai·k. ~ ;.!'l'Hdu11IC's l'X lh'l: I of lli l•i r ill ·

;,','.;'~~'.,~~~-, t i:::tfi;:::::w ~~'\t:~ ui)'.) i~cl/1~:: 'llt,:"·;\11t."111on· w ;iftl'I' t ime wht•11 111C'm b t> r s ol' ~ .i

Editor-iu -,·hi d

~ cw,: Erliror .... . ... . Cm11po~ itio11 F:1litor:1 . Sports "Jo~ll itt1t~ .

oeiet.r 1-~d ito r .. . P,·:Hurl' Editor .. .

Proof Re:1dt'r" .. Typi~ts .

S1:1ff l'hotog:raphl'r ........... .

BUSINESS STAFF Bu~ine~s ) fonager ..... . . . ...... .. J ea nette Winarski

~ :io2 S. :.\lich igan A \'c., Phone 1:rnS- \\! ~!rcul :tl)o11 Sq1ff . ... , . Ele:1nor Breeden, Ruby Ottem C1rc11l:1 111111 )ln ual{l'I' .•.. •. ...... . ......• T:u:k T :1 \'IOr

_ Pointer Office Phoiie 158,l · College Office Information. Phone 224

\\' l' h:l\'l' :i JU' \\ 1·lic•1•rlPadl'I'. I 1•:111 11 J.:l'I nn•i- h f1\\

:; ht• ''tagged" a n·rtain Ht•n i,i r all 11,·l·r 111,• huil1ling:

tryiu!! to gl'I r o1111(.'1·tio11:< .. u 1h :1 1 ,.ht· 111igl11 h·a,I t·hl·,·r~. Ju :. pitc o r thi~ Bt•uior:-' rudt.· :111itude ;111,I J.'t'm·r:11 tlb -1·ourt (•,;y-,:ht· fo1111d thl' l'(101h:1II !-!:l lll t' :111d ht• 11111st ad ­

mit-ht• do£>,: a uit·c hit 11f !('11di11J,:". Only 1JUl' ni1irb111 -lt·t ·.~ ha,· l· 111or'(' 1wp aud 111011· y1.•II:-.

fhl' facn lt,· 11..'an· 1hr· ir ow11 WOl'li: at thf.• llll'l"I.' su~:;-est iu n Or .1 pro•,qwct in· 1ci11.:ht•r ,111cl IH kt-. hi111 a11nvll t•rr frmu thi1·1 ,· tun lt1111d 1·1.•~I milC':-. t'tlr a IH'1::.01wl. This i~ bl• e:-. :--1w11di11g ho111·s 0 11 writ i11 µ- h•llt'l'S of l"l'Cll lll ·

\\"11:11 F1·e:1h11,a11 µirl ha" alrt·:11ly :11·'1t1ir, .t :1 l,:{llol 111 c11d11 1io11. S 11·ic1Jy' ~peakin~ fo1,tl1all! St•e111s likl· kiu,la fa,r "urk 111 1111.• . J ii i~ 1101_ ii . IPHc_hel' ·~ t~uty t_o

S1ora,uh tuuk hi,: fir:-t ;drpl:na· ridl· la .. , :,.,'uud:i,,·. sprml l'. 1:,. I 1111~ 111 _ylu~ll lµ' 1_11~ .\,:k l1i111 ho\\' he likt.·:- tha1 phy,..i1•;1' rt•adju,..1111l•11t 1ha1 ~,udt·n!:,.. 1101· , II} l1¥lit111µ- tor

rnkc~ '1il:11·c at the J1(•;1k ht.•IWl't'II a Z0\1111 :ind ;1 tl in•. l'~C~ l;.!'HI I IO II .ll l . crrd ll_s Ur Cl't:'· • d11,111µ- 1lS!'i0Cl11Tlt)ll:,i, '.\o l't.' \\'H n l

.\ 111011g other 1wo1>ll· on thr· 1·am1tt1 :o1 1h:11 ,\'uu :!hould i:-. l' \'l'I' ; .. d,·t·n o r 1·t• ·ei ,·ecl mnl ' know i..; li1tle S:wi l:1ftun. lh· i ,: 11

11 t·uroll(•,I hct·:111:-t· mo:-t µ-eJ1t•i ·all.,· refused. J"h·· ==================== right uow he i:- ql1i1c :idini in tl1t• trni11i11:; :1choul aud 1i111 11 f'l'at io11s usncdh· a1·e b \'

A STUDENT SENATE won ' t l,c• eligible for t he.s\! h:111:- f9r :11101lu·r t·igh t or word of 111 nuth. auti tlrt'!-il' Hl'.l'

Stud£•nts 1:1re just like people-The , · Cll · ten .,·enrs. A11yw:1y, hl''8 u:<uall.,· t'ou ntl .imoug the IJ:11ul UCl.':t:,iuirnlly t'o1·~otte11.

J·o.,· li,· ih~ ill th e ,·1c' "1111111i ,atecl lll C."'"'. co 11!',1"·1011, hoy~ aml he i1-1 quite accon1pli,:lh·d with :1 p:iradt.' ha - 'I"I 1· II . I . I I ,_ "' ''" "' ton. llc'i-l :io :1111i1ii that OIi(' ..-:1n har.lly re:1i:,t from pick· IC' l' IJ\\' \\' l l ll t It' I( (' I.I t 111t

and -hub.bub of many t111ilesirnbl c things in ini; him up. :S:wl's re.illy :i ,· har:i cler 1,111 hi s oldcr " I ha,·e µ- in·n yon- foiil' y rn r~ school acti , ·ities. O c:ca!-i ionally. howe\'el'. they hroth'l•r, ll ow:m.1, wa:i m•r.rly dri,·<' n 10 fralri<•itle wh\·U ol' 111,· t i111 t' <IIHI lll(Hll'\' ~O\\'

do get f<>d up and li an~· a tho r o ugh h owsP Saul, wny hnck d uri ug J u ly, rer,:i1-1tcd in h:liliug t hl' hel'(.-' J c1111, ~·o n i'i11d 11 \ ub t'o1: clen 11i11 g. This is c u s t o m arily known by s uc h 1-1ummcr :.c hool :.iutlcui:o1 w ith au cxtcudctl arru ,11111 :i 11 u•". i:-. l ik r th(• w i(' ll l' r-names ns. ":sp1·i11g c lea ning", "rack e t busting", Ju,.,y 11LIC'i l, llit lcr ! " llowanl, ho,, t•,·l'.r, hrokc him o't' 1. lh•t·e I c111111 m ess of IIH'Ht -

and n1rio u s ot hers-For th e Jac k of m o r e des. it :uul tr il'd to corl\·iuee him why. I'm eon,:inced tba.L c.t:oil' m e . st•II llll'. coo k m tl, c ripti\' e termi11ology1 let ns name o m· c some unst y co ll ege fellow tnught Sau l that l;ocedu. re. . 1111() thrn eiit III C'. I l1c1 ,·r 110

comitt ee H Student Senate . ht•ntl. lrn1ub. ff't'l. nor 111i11d-\Vithou t u cloubt. the 1·e is a n eed a nd pur- We ~hou ld hnve a c-rnc k deb:tlt• te:1111 i hi.,i year .. \ . I j u !'it ani".

pose-(l ). Auditing the books of all Ol'ga niza. numher of the old 1i111ers :i re l,:1ck, ineludiug Hafer- Th e \\'Ol'k of lh e ~e n1J e 111 e 11 tions. F o r many years 11 0 t reas u1·er has bee n beckcr, Opho,·en anti B('n T..a.,icl1kcwitsch. \\']Ho f iµ-ht:-. !'or l'ecuimit iu 11 of held r espo11sible fot· e ith e r fhe coll ect ion of H ow do you Educa1io11 -two 1wc111~- -~ ixN:1 like it r Cl'l'd it:-. JWl'lltea t e:,. thl'oug-h a ll dues nor their expendi ture. A tl'easnl'er's job 'flu.• course is :ill right and if you c:111'1 l'ujr,y a11CI ;1p - clepal' t111 e 11 ts - it is fo r th e is a thankless o n e . bu t it is not fair t o ha,·c him JJ rC'ei:itt- i1, better sec :i p~ychi .1t ri :1 1. To rl'n lly get i1 ... !-ic li oo l. . \ s uggest io n that turn O\' e r hi !-i r es p o 11s ibi l ity to th e r egi!:il l'HI' \'ah1c, on e must coutr ihut c 110 111:ittcr how :-1u j1id J1c w ou ld go 11 Jong wny tmpi rt.l wh o was 11 01 int e nded to bear the r rspon si bili . m:1y ~ouml :it the time. l'h il Huu kc l, P:irfrt~~-. S1ei 11 e r, r e m edia l m ea:-ures would be. to ty n or t o do the w o rk . .\lur:11 :i 11 tl, yc:o1,- ~Ir. :\1:itr:,nr~, got into :-0111c de· c r ea te ;~ r l' \·o h ·i11g fund with

Altho u g h s tude nts are ge11erull;r hon est. · it :~~!•i:~l(1t t:wgl e~ tl urill g su uuuer :-l'lwol.-Xo, 110 one wus s tal e 1-11d .is a 11ucl e us. n nd w o uld b e e mba rrnssing if !-iO IIH~ Cl'ank aske d t o rh e r ruf' tt•r 111ui11 tai11 rtl nncl l' ll· see the recor<Js, nncl n o records w ere k e pt. In J o(' 8100111, (Mr. Spo rt~ Edito r 10 you ) , was held l,n;;ed by g-nultrnte eo n t ribu· som e instances. he coulcl bui ld quite a case. .,up for :,n hour aud rwe111y minute~ the other ui~ht iu 1io11!'i. Thi~ \\'OHl<l put the " ex.

(2). It w o uld prtwide a m e dium through thl' Poinll'r of fice whc u so111eonc "liftl'd" hi,: uw terial. tnt'' work of rhe ins tru c tu rs o n whi ch th e aclmi11istruti o 11 coul<l quic kly con- lt included " t· urrcnt foo tball ni:ig:,ziue (:11111 a few more ol' a b11:-.i1u.•s:- ba s is. Thi !S tact the st11'1Pnt body represcn tath·es. not so l·urrC'ut one~) :incl " 0111c not es Jc>rr,· Dunn had f1111d 111 b e w~ecl sprci fi c ally for

(3 ) . It could r el ie , ·e th e admin istrat io n of r:ikeu. . the expeu:,;c• . ..; of im,truct t.WS 1111d many petty pt·oblem!-i s u c h as Freshman orien· 1-'rof .. fau:it wou ld like to kuow, :;int<· LcUoux din·ctor:- i11 " tour iu;t tl u• COUil·

tation. Hnd proper spaci ng- of progrnms and :$t re:.:-ed the im port :1 11 ce of such "ac:1tlc111il·" suhject:.. tl'y" fo r 11 !-i .. \n othr r form of dancrs. :1 s baud, gle(' (' Jub, athlet ics and forcn ~ic~ i 11 ln~t Thur3· uicl w o uld IJe to r e nd e r ,.i:-.s is.

Th e co mposi ti on of th r Se1rn te cou ld b e duyi:-- as,cmlJ I~·, j u~t when ;1 :-; tudcur is :;uppo)lcd to get tm1ce i11 th e !-ie lec1 io 11 of 111ajors i n such 11 extr:1-cur ri cular'' :1s hi i,; tor .. ,·, l·hc111i:-1 ry, etl-. ·ind min oi- 11 I · ti tf

made com pa r at h ·ely s imple- • . . :- • H Ill 1r c I u:e A sl'ni or president 1t11cl a fac ultr m embe r ( "iulltt cu t e ! Get it 1) nl depar1me111 s t o r11rol l ii .

ap p o i11t ed by t he coll e !!'e J)l'esick11t. ·or e lectecl Will ~0111eo11c who i1-1 politic:1 lly a:-~ociat{'tl cuoug: 11 I t would br re lat i\'e l~· simple ~ lo do ~o p lcnsc gl'I n cop or liquad cnr to p:ll rol :11:iin to htbtdat(• the placements with

a t large by the s tnclent b ody-a nd a represen· Street from the high ~c hool wc!lt ! We need t his :it dit'fe r C' 11t co111bi11ations of ma . tati,·e e lected b~· each c lass. 11:-15.\.ll. to noon and t :! :-1 ,j to l:15P.)f , Traffic i:f .i.?rs 1111d min ors i n the pa:,;t

That this pla11 \\'ith \\'l'II chosen nwmbers much too fast fo r t he w(•lfan• of th e "~chool -k id:-". t1,·e or ten year~. T ltis \\'Ou ld \\'Ould pro , ·e o p e r nti\'e is self e , ·i<l e 11t if it w e re .\Ir. ~mi th g:iiued grc:II favor l:1:,et Wl'<'k lt·cturiug bt• a n duabl e guide t o so phO. e udorsecl aml <1cce pt cd by t h e st ude nt s . 011 the prcseu t _f:u ropcau c ri1-1 is. He .,ie t a:-i,lc the ,·our:otc:f 111 01·e:,; 111H) juniors.

Onh· a w onl of c:aut ion need bP added- a:,e pre~cribcJ for liis ~isLory C1:,~1-1c11 and ex pfoiued t he :\ h l1111kC't c:11 rri c 11la fo r ;:ill c:are ftil se lection of president a nd rep r ese nta. whys of F.11 rnp£>)1 un rest. Iii~ l'Xpl:w:itiou \\a :o1 intcr1.•1-1t- st 11d r11t:-. . oth e t· tli.111 th e t\\'o ti\'eS. and. th at not too muc h w ou ld be at· iug. t·n li g lit euiug. aud wa:i cujoyetl hy :di. year Hurn ls. fo r the first two tempted the first y ea r . . 11 ':. worth you r fir:1t three ye:,r:i iu ,-ollq:c 10 ,;er :,"l'ars. would ;ti\'f• tlu•111 time to


\\'i tlt si u ce r e sympathy the st ude n t body wisheis to commie l\fr . K1111 tze11 0 11 th e death of h is moth er. 1'[rs. Knutze n pass<'d nway last Friday. Sh e \\'HS well kno\\'11 t o 111a1w stu· dents ancl to many m e mbe r s of t h r f,;cult,\'. Her abseHce will be deeply felt.

POINTS FROM Old Pointers

25 YEARS AGO The Dramatic Club i~ r.11 organ iz:t1io11 lo whic h

every member of the school i:- eligible. Any s tudent may en roll and lJecomes .in :1cti\'e member when h t.·

· ha; a.ppenred !luces~fu ll.\· on 011e of the club·~ public programs. Any member of -the f:l<·ul1.,· 111:iy l,elong to

the club but docs 1101 hn,·e t he power to ,·ote.

The club bas three fa.cult:· directors, Mis:t Bnkcr, Miss Gi lru th , nud l\Ir. S111it l1 . Thi~ year Mr. Smith is president of the club, Worth Uafqe being secretnry 1111d


·,o pr:lf'lic<' teac h. l1 011c:1t 10 gMh, :;(1111(' of those thiug:. ~eHsou, ~rieu t n te <Hid rincl th e ir lhl'." pull on you re mind .,·ou so o[ .,·ou r ow u p:1 ~t that llltt'l'(' !'il. Thi !-i !-i liould h ,.. eo up le ll ii ,: ll('XI lo impo:-~ihl(' to get provokt."'1, aud it '.,i iwkc ( ( ' ,,u1it11H·1I 1111 J1 :1gr ::, •·ol. :? )

as hard to k('ep froui lau~l1i11g. llm\·c,·n, olhl•r thiu$:.• th l'y pull that t he_,. thiuk they're ge t ting 1iy with 0111,\· rC'miruli,; J'OU how :.1 1.11,id ~·011 111 u~t ha,· e h,'l'II to think 1h:11 your l(':1chcr 1·ould11 ·1 scr thro11µh you.

There arc ouly ~ix old 111eud1Pr~ of !ht• duh i11

:-('houl this year, hut the me111i,cr:,1hip will :-00 11 IJe i11 -1·rca:;l·tl If• aliuul t 11·t· n1~·-


The Greek orga11i1..:1tion." are lm:-y with pl:tnl!•for ho111l·co11d11g, 1-'loat~ for the hl'for(' th1· g:11ue 011

· Saturda.1· ;1re ''in !he 111:1ki11g'', :11111 arra11~{·1u<'n l -1 h:1,·e he<·11 ni:tdc for homcco111i11J.' liauqu l' f.,i fullowi 1w the gam('. • "'

T:iu G:1111111 :1 Beta will hold it-. ha11quc·t i 11 .tht• (.'\uh Di 11 i11g roou1 of ll o1c l Whiting.

l'h i Sig11u1 f-:ps ilo11 fr:tl <' rnity '~ lli1111 l' r \1·i ll t:1 kc pl.1t·(' iu the frall'tnity hou~C' on )lain Strt·CI.

Archie '~ C:1f(' will be the ,:ccne of tl1e l,:111<111d for Chi Ocha Rho frntc rni ty.

OmC'ga ~lu Chi sorority will n·~<'h-c and friends :i t the Gingham Te:1111 Room.

it s alum11:1e


.\ µ1·:11l11.1Tl· of' llii s pas t S till! ·

'!1 (• 1· ~('s..;ion w111 l-.; .i le tll'r ttl'"la facult.,· 111 i' 11ilwr h1,o-.ti 1w (' S T. C". ~ •.

D 1•111· .\I r. '.\,•all•:

I hml 111y t·rt·dits :-c111 to Xor1liwe~tl•r11 ( 111i,·t1l'!'iit,· for ('\'al11nlio11 11111! fl\(' ro110\\'i11•r i-.; tlu•ir n·pl_,~ \\'l1ich , ·nu wiLJ b,· i11trn•,1 t•f l i11 l1•Hr;1i 1w 110 doubt: · "" '

"I a111 lt11 ppy to ll· ll rou 1li111 pnni r t• e li :.dhlt• for ·ad. mission tn the Graduate 8l.'l1011J with1111t t·nmlition. I n111 11:-..:-.11111i11;: t liar ~·nu at·e t.•xpt.•ct~d lo takr g- 1·u<lnnte work 111 t lit· i'i l•l<I ol' (•ducn. tiu11."

Thi:,. _!'ihriuld ."'~H"k out \' er.r tu11 ,·r111 e 11tl.,· tor IIH· si n ce I .1m 11 " nE'nt· the ir i11 !-iti tuti o 11

The Ph oto Club will 111001 , ~ p!' 111. -\\'t•cl11esdnr. 0 ·tober 1 . .\ II 111('111be 1·!'i 111·e ur:;-ecl to lw i l 11t t t' !Hl1111c~•.

.• 'Ph \' Grn11rnuir l:o und T Jl t•

wi ll holcl 11 m er t in t! :\Io lay. Uctub,•1· 10th. t : 0 p ll l. in :.\Ll'. \\" .i t so 11 · l'Oom .

FROM THE STUDENTS (i;:n 1TO ·:,. NUTF: : Thli,1 dcp11rt•

llll'lll 111: cur hh: ll-tl ' fut· 11:tudc1101 nml ful·Ult,-· 111 ,• 1 hl'l'I' w hvl'le uplulous lun·1.· nu u lh r lll t.'llll;t of prlnh'J dl:<i,1cmlu11t ion. Thi' lcth~l'~ • do not l'l' lll'l.'l' l'lll th\• Pul n lcr l'dltorlnt IH.111..: , ·. h,n,·e \'cr, :and lh~· ri g h t or \' tJl tl11~ and l'l'J\' in,: <·111nrlbu11""!f Is l'\!:,et•n·~tl .) •

D <"e r Edi111r. I y 11 n1 a t'irst .nl(r stooclcnt

h t•11 1· and· I y11111 i1111·rs't~1 ur scoo l hut I tlid11 110 whnt too tfo Ht lilt' :;a 111 e tit£> o tlu• t· cl11,·. \\"lt t•n th e gu l \\'hut leads 11·,e c h ee rs g-o t 0111 th e ir I sturtc.•tl tu yt>II but 1111(1 t o s t o p. E n·n· Olle looked SOl'l ll f111111 , . HI 111'1•

Iii\<' I ,~·ns c1·azy for y <'.lli11 so l quh, .. ~ lr. Edit m· I wood like y o n tn a u se r thi s leth11· i11 ,\'Olll'l' pape r . Is it agains t th e pri11 c ip ,i l of o ur ins tit oos h1111 to .,·e ll clt ga m es Hild if 80 \\'hat is the p e nalty for y e l li11 . Le t lilt'

11 0 SOO II a s l \\'cllll l\\'O \'{'I) Ill

th e n e xt gnme if it is flllo11d . Thanks a lo t.

Cm·,·oos s t oodt•nt P. :;. Pleese doll' t publish my

ll l:ltll{',

Dear Cun,oos 'toodent: Yt>!-i . .roi1 hn,·e se rious h · ,·io­

lat t..'d th e code of s tudent con· du c t nt footbnll games. 0111~· the band a nd th e offic ials arr ull owed lo be hea rd at football g-11111es. H nwe ,·e r . \\'C \\'ill l't' ·

com11H:' llll c le m e 11 c , : in ,·our case, 11s it i:-i y o m· r"i r s t off(.>11se.

Dea r Edit or : In my op i11io 11 th<' footbiill

team look ed prr tty 11ice i11 the gHme Sn tnnln.r. but L°ll lik e to ;t:,.!<-att111estio11 . _As Ion~ as n ew s1111!-i w e r e be111g purch nsl'ci. \\'Ii." \\' r r e red je1·scys bo11 µ- li t. wli e 11 t.lw sc hoo l colors nre purpl e a 11 d gold! I t seem ed rather foo li s h t o si nµ-. 11 B11 1 th ei r colors (' \' {' I' lfl\\'('I' rr o tllf• p11rplc 1111d 1h1 1 gold" itnd 111 .,·e ll. 11 Yea put·ple . yen g-o ld ". \\'h en 11u1· f<•llows \\'Cl't' oul th e r e s p o rtinµ- 1·n l 1111(1 g>O ld s 11i1 s. I f the sl.'hoo l co lo rs 11.i,·e hee 11 offic ially c hange d t o red a11d µ-old. wh~· 11 01 c hnn µ-(• tin· \\'Ol'ds ot' 0 111· Sllllg'S a11d ye ll s 10 cun<>spoll( l with th \.' colors ? 11111 it' th e :,;choo l co lors an• ,-.;til l t h e• royal p \11·p1t~ a'nd g>nltl . /IS \\'(' Ii ope I hey HI'(". why I ht.' l'l'd jerseys!

Yours Ind~·. .Jus t H et• n \\' 0 11dC' ri11:.r .

as lo )lc1cliso11 . .

A11tl 11 0 w in clos i11 g-1 ;\h·. Xea lc, I wish to thunk you . a~a i11 fo r th(• ,·urio us fnvors you lrn,·c show11 n~d fur hu ,· i11 g- m a d e it p os!-i ible for me to g-raduntc this p ast se!»sio 11 . I shnll co11ti11ue to endea , ·o r t o I)(' 11 credit t o c.s:r.c .. th e bes t ' J1 en c h e r 's C'n ll e g-e i11 the s tat e . ·

\ 'r ry truly your ·, I lai·r.v '. Ieffeu

I •

l · '



I Season's Program (Co11ti 1111 d fro1\~ page I , col.:!)

be L·encly 10 · tal~ o,·c·i· tlw t·r- (Cu11ti11 u(•d from p:1gt.• 1,col.:-:)

spo111;!):>ilit~· of ch.111:;ing' th e:-.<•. was its pl'es ideut. She is ch air­ff fl\ can make ow · s t11de 11 t:s 11ut11 of the .Bducutional Loan


Loy ola -Holds, ~cnic f. nvola ('!uh he ld its first

,(1t·i.i j ml't' t i11µ last \\- t.'c lu c.sduy ~·Yt'llillµ" \\'hl'll the l'lllb had a plt.:1tic in the Boy 8 cou i Lod~ t.' al I ,·t• rso11 Park. 'l'lter(' \\'C'rc ~ixrr-fh ·e 111 r1nbPrs prcsPnt nncl, Hl!l"n1·d i11g 10 '.\liss Hu11 ch 1 they Juul "a '.m.-11e ol)t g-uod lime·· playing g'Hlll('~ ._)

1Hefreshlll('llts wrrt> .sr1·,·ed. ;.i>:ri~


oft'ic(·rs. \\'ho n-t•re e lectC'd at th{' first b11si-11e.:-, 111eeti11~. are : Ll•o Lauµ- .. . . ... . . P1·eside11t ti1·1H:e Okru,· \ "il"<· -President I luri:-. Sotlt'1:bC'rJ! !'-iec.-Trcns ."

Y . W .'s Have Guest Party y . \\ .. (' .. \ . lwl,l its "~uesr·

pn rty 111 ~ e lso11 ll all last \\.nl-11e:-.d.i ,v e ,.;e11i11~ .• \ bo111 ·tm µi!'ls nt1 e111JCcl. \ "i o la Gt•ric ke l,!H \'(' 1lll i11ten•:-ti11;.t t:ilk 011 her c·111up expe r ien ces at IJake . OP-1H:,·;1 this s11111mc1·. ~li ss G e r icke \\'a" r h·ctetl by th e orgn11iza­rio11 to represeu t Y Dub at th i..; stutl· 111ee1 i11 ~. C'liarlotte 1: t•iche l s,111µ se,·ernl solos. ) l ix t"' r g-am es \\'ere pla,,·('(I fo 1· i11f1,1·1111tl e11tr rtni11111r11t. .\ lnnt:11 ·Ot' sa1alwiches, pi ck les. 1.-rn ,kies. a11<l cocoa was sen·etl Fc1t·11lt\' <Hld~ors for Y D11b \\'ho


attc 11dt•d 1hr 111eet i11;.r \\'f•1·e: '.\fr..;. Fin c h. i i rs . ):ixo11. :\Ir .... '.\' e11I. and ) l rs. Ho:;er:-..

Falk Adch"ess;-Ruril.l Life Thr 111t•eti11µ- of Hurni Lil'e

h1,1 .\[u11clar en~n i11:; was ca ll ­ed to onler by it!i presid-ent HIid tlw follo\\'i n:; p1·uµ-1·11m w11s

:;i,·rn: Club s inging- ,,·us led by \\. illiam C'leme nts a nd nccom ­pani ed by ll ei·berl lfpright. which \\'H S fo ll owed with a 1·(•.1di11g- by .J ean ne Kohl. Th en t·11111r a t1·ombo11e solo by :\fay Toppin;.r accompanied by P ia )fn t· Kuut son. \Villiam Cle-111 e111..; preceeded Dr. Falk"s rn lk \\'it h t\\'O voca l !-;O)os.

T he club then \\'elcomed Dr. Falk o n his first ,·isit to Hura l Life a nd wns ent ertn inetl and instructrcl b,· his ta lk 011 rural rduc:at ion. \~·h ich he discussed 1111d er fO ur poi11h. as fo ll ows:

1. !font! Child P opu lation 2. 1·11sound Ed11catio11al

.\ri ~toc ra c ics :t En l'i ch ment of Rural Life .J . ()pportuni!y for Sen·iee .. DI'. F11lk g-a,·e 11s 11\IICh to

think about in co 111 H>ct io11 \\'ith 1111r trai 11i11µ for teaching in rn1·.1J at·t•as . li e stressed the i111po l't


anct.• of' thal pha:-il' of t{'achi11;!' and c hallP11:;ed us to prepa1·1· onrseh·es lo rrnde r !I ,en·ice \\'here it would co ntr1-h111 r much lo democra cy.

\\" p tlut11k him for his mes­!-.;)).!t· . assm·C' him I lwt the me:-.­,a;!'r \,·e11t home to us. n11cl i11-sp ired us to d edicah• ou rse l\'es

awm;e of th r fact that an or- Fund Committee of the Ulub, :;miiz11tion <:1.111 be wo l'th\\'ltill' autl ho1d a similar position i11 wi1h o1H ndn111c:in!,! the p1·e:;tig-e the P. E: 0. Delta l<appa Gani­of tht• ,di i111purtc111 t me, 1he1·p ma, a nat ioua l profess10nal so­woulcl Or a clec icl ed clla11µ-<> 011 ciet,· for women teac hers, the campus. I t' \\'t' c,11111or 11c- c lai;11r~ :\ l i~s A lle n as the present co111plish thesl· thinµ-:- it might ti rst s1a te president. This is he1·

Ask for


Door-to-door Service be beca11:o.l' w1.• of 1lic Cabin('t third year in that office. · ~

bectmH• :-o lost in the mo1·ass <if Work at S chools [:============~ rlrta il s t.hi1t 1wrl1.1ps; wr·rl' 11ot In HW:.i i\liss Allen graduat ed capable of Hpaying- thP price from Jowa State Teachers Col -0f' being- a len<lel' nr thl' con- lt·;;e and nine yea 1·s l.-ttc r

1 in South Side Market

U -Be-See Food Store

814 Church St. Phone 518-519 FREE DELIVERY

stnnt :rnc l'i ficinJ! o t' sell' desirrs HIJi, recei,·ed he r B. 8. d egree and interests fur th e task. 11'--- fro111 Columbia i,·c1·sit,r . 'l'he in~ a lead t.• r is a ta:,;lc not 1:111 :;,;.1111 c sc.huo l g l'a111 ed he r (he extn1-c11nic11lar act i,·i1y. \\' e i\L A. deg ree in ID:20. 8he ha3 coll eg-e s tucl l•nts can becu111t> !-.O done gradua t e wol'k at t he Uni- ::=============: lost in a muss ofles:-.011s tn g-t•t. ve1'1Sity ol Chicago, been a and thing-!-: that ha,·e to I.Jr dune teache r ol rul'nl and high that \\'C losl• om· JW rspect i,·e : schools scn·ccl us hi gh princi­lose the s.ig-ht of our pm·JJo:;;e. pa l, m1~l has taught in pri,·ate irnd fall far short of. our g-0111. colleg-es for gil'ls and a stale

J [o\\'e,·e1·. if' we foil ou1· t"X· normal tmh·ersity. pcri e11cr wi ll nor han• bcPn \ Member of N . E . A . entil'e lr lost. \\" p learn thl'Onµh The Centra l Wisc·orn;in Teach-

If/ hen It 's Footwear THINK OF

THE BIG SHOE STORE -Ct:ntr,I Wisc,nsin L.rgu t Shot: Store:

Good Shon are Not Expensive Here 0111· l'ailu1·e-.. \\'e st•e th e 1·easous c1·s Assoc iut iou is a nother or­for Oll i' full in µ- aud 1rrofit in gu 1tizu1io11 to \\' hich .\liss All en om· 11 rxt attempt or we nre belo11gs

1 and li e is ulso u mem­

more caJHtbl e in he lping um· ber of the ~ati ona l .Education f'ollo\\'ers to succeed. Association. Th iti will be tb~

Yun ll'nders of next ,·car first t ime in t\\'e11ty.-fiv e years "=============: 419 Main Street

CfllQRAL / ' S! Te~ s ·r COLLEGE

:~Y ~~~;::i1~1i,ow. on Un1urp.1ut:"d for Hulthfulness. flutnct: ei well as a

School. \1 Accepted 'at 111

• Ct ive:rsil ies. _..,,.--Oegrc:c Cou s for 111 uc1ie:rt.

Send for I crdturc.

Stevens Point, Wisconsin wat ch your step. I f the i'ittle thut )Liss Allen will 111iss the " detai l:,; scrm to be u11 11eces:o;a1·y. titnte Teache1·s Co1n·e11t io11 iu JDEAL CAFE !:=============: drop thc.'111 nncl c limb higher to )fihra u kee. On ly her preseut your p11rposP.


Viola Geri cke condition could keep her from 802 Ch h S - -- - continuin~ t hat loni; unhroke n UC t. l..._

Placement Bureau attendance r ecol'(l. Real Home Cooking ( 'ontillUl'd fro111 p:ig{• 11 l.'O I. !l) -

" ·ith a wPJI di rected perso1111 el department. It wou ld Lie neces· san· fo r rhis director tc, ta r ry a Ji:;iit t('aclii 11 g load. and · to lun ·e th e assista nce of an in­te rested facul ty committ ee. a nd the cooperat io n of a ll tht• in­struct o r :- in maki 11g h is s 11 g­grst ions and decision s. 'Ph e emph:1s is wonlc1 bP to :;uide s t udent:,; in 111nki 11 :; their o ,,·n choices. rathe1· tlrn11 i11 11wkii1Jl' it for the m. ·

It is a pity thilt so 1111111 ~·

F reshmen "jusr enroll" ' and 011 becom in:,r upper c lassnwn find themse l\' rg ho rri bly misplacf•d

The st uden t who has le:1:-:1 to ofr('r ussnn lly makes the most · noise \\'hen he fai ls to :;ain a positicrn. Let"s gi ,·e the _fac ult~· a bren k by not ex pecti ng- tno muc h. \rou ld you clo as mur:h - perhaps 11ot.


Sp?e;~al 59c a Pair Val ue

• Full F ashioned • Every P aJr F irst Quality e Guaranteed Ringless e Trlple Toe and Heel e Chiffon or Service



VETIER MFG. CO.· Lumber & M1llwork


Dry Cleaning and Laundry

Phone 380


121 N. Sec. St. Phone 228

Watch and Clock Repairing

FRANK Mc TIGUE 813 Strongs Ave.

Men's Furniscings Shoes

THE SPORT SHOP Complete Line o

Outdoor Equipment

422 Main St.

CITY FRUIT EX CHANGE Fruits and Vegetab es

457 Main St. Phone 51

Ligh r Houskeepers Try

ZENG'S GROCERY 916 Normel Ave.



For Your Parties U se

F · · h , Qnality lS er S Ice Cream

Quart 25c Phone 1902 Pint 13c

ED.RAZNER Men's Boys' Clothing & Furnishings

Studenl's Suils $14.51 and up

306 Mein St. Stevens Point

to uur Comr ag-ain. D r. ~===========, Falk ... Hotel






PETE'S BARBER SHOP Cuorteous Service



Phone 688


Fountain Pens

Whiting A. L. SHAFTON . & CO.


Finest Canned Foods and Fresh P roduce

STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. T/1< Be.rt of All Beverages Point Pure Water Uud

Phone 61

FORD V-8 Can and Trucks Complete

One Sto~ Suvic~ Station GOODYEAR TIRES


OVERCOATS $1 00 Cleaned & Prnsed •


Phone 421 ~ 112 Stron11 An.




4 THE POINTER Oetobe1· 6, 19:1~

~~~e~e!~!~t s!:.~t} !~.~ p s ~· · . I AMAZON A1NTicsl s_ta_nd last Saturday witli !ii l ·- . J a 1-0 n ctory o,·er Stout. lt was p O r . s If you .see .any gil' I·· twi..,tiu,~ an eighty yard. touchdown run . . • b~utli11 g . and exercising y.;~ 0 11 a puu t return by Jim ~l c- 1 . 11'111 reahze that · the lnterprc-Guire tha.t provided P oiufs t. i,·e Dnue in g cla!is hal:i beg,_un. margins of victory and a well Th e classes ure held 1\Io,lda,· ,d eserved victory it was. Asid e I and Wednesday a ;; :00 o'clock. from the first quurler when ~Lis~ Gorml i lookin,r .fol'

Stout pi1ecl up fo ur first doll'nS, "SI.ZING 'EM UP" I PROGNOSTICATJN' · , POINTER s OPEN 11 gi rl who w II a ·ompan~ th e three OU 8 s~sta i.ned drive d own -1-h l n dancing cla. es. Auyone i11 ~

the field, Point had a distiirct THE PIGSKIN PJUVWE CONFERENCE RACE' terested in t mg out p lease edge. 1n the last th ree periocl,; '[ I , b t · · see Miss Gorm y immediately. ,, 1 • · ' y. · m_v. sue 1 pep.- ea u 1• " . rel a lit ti bett<'I' this

Stout fa-iled to reg ister a first fut dny. good gr!me, . sma~l weeke. 0:cause wee raist!d our WITH "GULL.S" SAT 'l'he \V.A.A. has th e " l\[ums·• doll'u , whil e the .'•\tra.l S lat ers cru ll'd- NO PEP. " hat ,s ·tlus , . ready for H neeomiu g. Buy were pibug up e1ghj. Only SU· insti tu tion cominir to t On) n,·erage tu .ti60 i~lld eYen ptc_k. • your " )[mu" rom the girls. perb puutrng by l.lolduc kept audible sounds ca me from th e ed n . couple o[ . upsets. We Th e Point Gric\del's open th eil' '!'h ey wi ll be s ling th em in th e

"'the e,·uder out of dauger·on officials and the Stout bunch- ha Yen t as yet rat~ed up to a tonfereuce S<'a ·011 against a halls · just a few days befo re Se\'eral occasions. oh. yes! the baud played dm·· reasom1 ble_ grad \s~. h,!re we go s t ronµ- )l iJ ,n1ukec · tec1m at t hn t Homecomin , October 22.

011 the other side it was dif. ing intermission. Edgar Bergen to _Pt!t ,us 1.11 _the_ ': 111 . column . city, Saturday, Octo l>er . ~Li l· i4. yoJ get one of tho~e ferent. Alh ough the Point play Jrn:,,: 11•1 H thinu· 0 11 that new C~ ... 1 .C.~o, e1 )lth\ aukee wank ee will present a stron 1• extra lltfge, juicy, good "BoL was sluggit:ih and ragged at cheerlendel"-:-h~ has to •ret \\ _1seon:s 111 O\'er lown teani, wit h th irt ee n returJt-' 1g dogs" nt the gnm e1 If you ferent. Although the P oiut noise out of oul y one dummy~- )[rn_nesota u,·e1· f111:cl ue { letter men. a nd a wealth of didn't be sure you do the next play was sluggish and rag. Dozed off, and dreamt I was hH~1a11~ o,·e r lll11~0 1s ~ . • . promisi ng .frer:;h111e11 mat rinl. time. They make the ga me comh ged at times it was smooth ntt encUng homecoming a t .1\'.I . Oh 1.o Sta te OYer So. Ca l1 fon11a Although til e line u,·era •res ess plet e. · · and machine.lik e. Probably ca traz ; woke up and still )[i ciliga11 o,·er Chicago than 180 lbs. th C players , ·11 The Junior Hir,,h gi rls are the best example of t eam thought 8(}-such s ilence in Xorthwestern o,·er Drake hn,·e had more ex perience tha progress i11fP 1·apiclly with spectl · play was Mick's spectaCU· th ose-bt~a·@ . .hers! Iu the past it Alabama o\'cr Xo. Car. State some of our players as a letter. ball . They'll be ready tc) Jar scoring dash. The elusive hns been the poli cy for stu~ Tenn c:; ee· on•r Auburn man will be avai labl e for every i,·e you college gals some Jrishman picked up a rolling d ents in this iusti ttit io11 to keep Clemson o,·e r Y.)LT. position. ] n add ition to t his, th e ~ od compet ition one of the~ pu.ut on his own ld yard line, qui ei in two places, in sc hool Centenary o!·er Southwe ·tern ,;Gi:eenGulls11 hu,·e u competent tin s. _/ reversed his fie ld once, pickecl a11d in the Jibran·. The stu. Duke .over olgate kicker in Uny Krzoska, a ,·Ctcr. 'J'h n ew ubird. · for B achnin. up St.fferal blockers oud star ted dents thjs .yea r ha~·e added an. Georgia ? ,·er Furu~an an of ln6t yeu 1· who ca used plen. t on Ju · ,l'r ved for those of home. The blocking on the play other to the list so it reads ; Ii- ., ~a nd erb,lt owr l,_entucky ty of troubl e for the opposition. you wh o have been playing-would do justice to the .\Cinue- brary. church, and footba ll h an. Sfate o,·e,- :.'IC,ssoun Regai-d less of t heir showing ewry Tuesday and 'rhu rsclay

.sota Gophers, as the Stout games-I belie\'e I have it fig. ~ ice over ~ a . · tate in prerious tilt , it's u sure bet at 5 :00 o'clock. tacklers \\'ere cut clown like ured out-The freshmau don't So. _:.'l[eth od,st o,·er 1Iantuette tha t the 1[ilwaukee boys will Remember girl , there's some hay. Bil Loewecke removed th e k_now the yell s ·o they don' t Call fo r~11a ~,·~r ~a ~. 1111,d Ca l. A make the goit1g tough fo r the activity going ou every ni gh ~ last bit of danger when he yell ; th e sophomores think Stanfo,d o,e, I\ ash. State Poi nt. The Pointel'S were fort u- nfte,• school. Let's t urn out and dumped the last Stout mau 011 they're too grown up to rret _Wa shmgton o,·er V.C.L . .A . nat e in coming tl1rough the hn,·e a lot of fnn. Refre!':ih about the fifty.yard line . .After ~xcitecl ubout anythin g so u7ey 'r exas o,·e i: (:>k lahoma fi rst two Cqnt ests " ~tl1 110 ser· yourself with a good game. that it was a case of " pick 'em don't yell; th e juniors don 't Trexas Ch ristt~ n . o_ver Temple ious injuries, and will be at f ull up and lay 'em down" and boy! gi \·e a cl-u so they clon' t yeJI ~avy oveT Virgm~a strength for the game. how )Lick picked 'em \.I P ! a11d the seniors are th inking 0 11 ~ ebraska OYer I owa State . The game as a whole was in. 11ext week's practi ce classes so Cornell over Han·~rd terest iug from the s tandpoint of th ey don't yell-Thus we have A rmy OYer Col umbm the football fan. Both teams put a wm nmg team, a close r.ame. Dartmouth over Prmceton up strong defences in the dang. a good cheerleader a~1d - Fordham ove r Way nesburrr er zone and play was around s il ence. Come on students! P itt over Du<iuesne


midfield the greatershareofthe l Let's support the little. gal at Baylor over .c\rkansas game. On ly once did Stout get the next home game and show Browu over La fayette beyond th e P oin t for ty , this ac. th e public that we )Javen't Xotre Dame over Georgia r11eck. complishecl iu the first quarter reached th e s tage where knit. Santa Clara OYer Arizona when they dro ,·e to the Poii1t tin g or !;mok ing a pipe are our XaYy over Virg i~1 i~ twenty-five.Here the Purple and only pastimes.

FfXAXCLI.L independence consists not in the acqu isi· tion of lu xul'ies. but in the

Gold stiffened and a pass went For those that went home dead . 'fhereaftef Poin t held a O\'Cr the weekend. the game distinct edge. They made 129 ":n:;n' t as close·as the score in· yards to , 'tout's 72, and bad ,hcates-The boys could ha,·e eight firs t downs to Stout's done better- Of course, it was acc:umulation of money in four. :McGuire and Houck were a non.coufercnee tilt- no sense bank .

• outsta11ding i.n t he backfield in risk ing injury for a fe'\v while ""\\'a rner, Loewecke, and. more points- Besides, it was Bernstein were th e shiu inrr too warm fo r hard, fast foot· lights of the forward wall. Fo~ ball-="'o resting on the oars FIRST NATIONAL BANK Stout, .\lu rphy, Miller, and •~ext ll' eek with :.'ll ilwuakee to Bolduc ripped off some nea t face-- . . C.pit.l & Surplus $265,000.00

Ulrl•st la Poncu County gains, whi le Wehrwein Odell Bernstein broke up plei1ty of and House did a fine ' job 01; plays whil e he was in there- ;;============:; d efense. Osca r, Ilank a nd "Slot" played

Line-ups and Statistics


. th e entire game-Ruppel aver-Ste: ens Poin~ stout a~ed :J.3 ya 1:ds on his three Bohan LE Wehrwein tries- McCmre and llouck Copes LT .\lili novich I were the . most· . consistent Loewecke LG Richter ground ga 111ers-Fntsch play. W::arner c Odell eel in his first gaine of football Burch RG R1.1ynolds Saturday- Fast learning, eh! Slotwinski RT House C.:asil in called 'em well while F . ~imz R E Stantel he was in th ere - Koeh n Dueeker Q Loel co ul dn't get sta rt ed : ·aturclay, M cGuire I. H R. Mille r but clo,i' t be foo led by ltis first Hitzke RH Boldue performa11 ce, he can ru n -Houek J,' Murphy ltan ig displuyed running abili ·

First Down ty too-I'll bet one Stout 1>lny-

JACOBS & RAABE Expert Watch Repairing

111 So. Tbird St. . Phone 112




·Chronic di1Htcs .•nd diseases of eye. Hr·nosc, end lhroet heated

Glen u liHcd Yards f rom Scrim.age

] 29

4 er is sti ll lookin g fo r t he short cnt Olingy took to get there

;z the same time the ball did- 419Y, Main St. Phone 921W P a.a.sea Har ry didn't kn ow wh ether he

6 cQ.mpleted two :? completct.l I sho uld tackle the guy or catch

34 Yards on P aS6es · th e ball aud hand it to him­

Punta 7 for 38 ya rd nnragc

Jl for 37% y:i rd average

::\IcG uire's 80 yard re t urn for a touc h.cJowu · was the high light of the gn me--Ben ut iful block­ing on tha t ga me-G uess what! Platte ,·ill e beat Oshkosh 14 to

The Home. of the

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Overcoats $25AND$)0

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0 and Whit ewater bea t Mis­sion House 54 to 7- 'l'hese two

QIAIAITEE HARDW~RE teams meet Saturday wh ile we're playing )[ilwaukee­Sunday we should know the re lative strength of Point,


Whitewater and Plattevill e. p ALACE BAKER y -I

