The Pluses And Minuses of Google+ Plus

Post on 16-May-2015

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Over the summer, Google+, a new social network, was launched to much fanfare. While some have touted it as a Facebook-killer, others wonder whether we need (and have time for) yet another social site. Today, Google+ can provide SEO benefits, in-depth conversations and high-quality content sharing. In the near future, it may be useful for CRM, analytics, blogging, key intranet functions and more. But it may fade out as earlier Google social software has done. In this session, we’ll look at the features that distinguish Google+, particularly for businesses. We’ll also discuss reasons to be cautious in adopting it.

Transcript of The Pluses And Minuses of Google+ Plus

“Google is not in a rush to change the world. They are on a steady course to do so..”

- Paul AllenFounder of

The Pluses And Minuses Of

+Web 2.0 ExpoNew York City, NY

by +Adria Richards


Most people fear change

The leap of faith

I brunch hard

I brunch hard at the same spot

Upscale diner?

Yes! Kosher blessed, vegetarian Chinese food!

What would you do?





Are you running the right race?

Adria Richards

I help companies solve problems@adriarichards

Social Networks Compared

Launched February 4th, 2004

800 million users

50% daily active users

Launched March 21st, 2006

200 million users

25% daily active users

Launched June 28th, 2011

43 million users*

Opened September 20th, 2011

* Approximate

“Using Twitter is going to change the way you think about staying in touch with friends and family.”

“Giving people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.”

“Real life sharing, rethought for the web.”

the business of social

Lessons:• Be persistent• Stay relevant• Enlist others

Some Take a While To Catch On

“Greatest thing since sliced bread”

“Greatest thing since sliced bread”

Lessons:• Solve problems• Offer Unique value• Extend your reach

and some...

MC Hammer Pants

Google+ Features

Real-time searchHashtagsGoogle GamesSharing circlesGoogle+ iPhone appGoogle+ is openMobile hangoutsGoogle Docs in hangouts

Google+ APIGoogle Translate for Google+IgnoreTag pageMobile reshareShare to Twitter and LinkedINVerified usersand so much more!

Documentation, videos, community managers


“The most valuable tool we use is Google+ hangouts. Our daily stands up are conducted via hangout.

Rather than just hearing the other team members we can see each other.

Earlier today we had 4 developers, client manager and project manager all on a project planning meeting. It wasn't quite the same as all being in the same room, but it was a lot more personal and user friendly than a conference call.”

- Dave Hall, Developer

Source: sfgate

Zynga, a game development company, was founded in January 2007

In 2010, Zynga generated $597 million in revenue.

$575.6 million of it from in-game purchases and the rest from advertising

Source: sfgate

Being Social








How Adults Spend Their Time Online

Source: flowtown, September 2010

Women rule social media

Is this your audience?



First Adult Social Network


#2Popular Games


#3Share your network


#1 "To help fight spam and prevent fake profiles, use the name your friends,

family or co-workers usually call you."

No nicknames, handles or stage names

No business profiles (yet)

#2 “There will be a product very soon that has businesses’ interests in mind… We

want to give them the features businesses expect and the features that

can improve the sharing experience both for consumers and businesses.”

No Google Analytics or Google Apps (yet)#3

Find people to follow and connect with using listsCreate unique content for Google+Create an editorial calendar for the contentSchedule time to interact, share and monitorCross pollinate your discussions


We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.

- Ambrose Bierce

The Pluses And Minuses Of


by +Adria Richards
