The Planets and the Sun

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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The Planets and the Sun. Study guide. Solar flares, photosphere, corona, solar wind, sunspots. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Planets and the Sun

The Planets and the Sun

Study guide

Solar flares, photosphere, corona, solar wind, sunspots

• The sun is a burning sphere made up of several layers of gases. The layer we see is the ______. This layer is blanketed by the sun’s atmosphere, or _____. It is the only part we can see during a solar eclipse. Dark areas on the surface of the sun are ______. These dark areas can produce ______. Brief bursts of energy from the sun’s surface. As this energy is released a fast-moving stream of particles, known as _____ is thrown into space.




Solar flares

Solar wind

Solar system, planet, asteroids, comets, orbit, law of universal gravitation.

• A large object that moves around a central star, such as the sun is a ______. The path the object takes around the sun is its _____. Small rocky objects, known as _____ orbit the sun in a path between Mars and Jupiter. _____, are small space objects made of ice, dust, and gases, orbit the sun, too. The sun and all of the objects ahat move around it make up the ______ ______. According to the __________ all objects are attracted to all other objects.





Solar System Law of universal gravitation

What is the source of all energy in the solar system?

Magnetic Storms that distrub communication systems on Earth

are caused by …

• Particles thrown off by the sun.

How does energy from the sun travel?

• In waves.

Solar energy is produced by..

• fusion

Know these layers of the sun:

• Core

• Radiation Zone

• Convection Zone

• Photosphere

How do we know the Sun rotates?

• Here is a hint:

Sunspots move across the sun, disappear and reappear on the other side.

How is Earth different from other planets?

Rings around the planets are made up of…..

• Rock , ice, dust

Planets that are closer to the sun orbit…

•Faster than outer planets.

What did a space probe find that could mean water once existed on

Mars?• Sedimentary rocks.

• Why?

• (What is a



Earth and Mercury are both alike because they

•Are made of rock

What energy waves are released by the sun?

• Infrared waves

• X rays»Radio waves

How are asteroids like comets and how are they different?

• Comets are round with a tail.

• Asteroids are pieces of rock with an irregular shape.

• Comets are ice, dust, and gases.

• Asteroids move in an orbit between Jupiter and Mars.

• Both orbit the sun, smaller than a planet, are space objects.

Halley’s comet

How does the sun help life on Earth?

• It provides heat, light, and energy which living things need to grow and survive.