The Phenomena of Mathematics Anxiety

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Phenomena of Mathematics Anxiety

1) What is it math anxiety?

According to the book that I had read title ‘Factor Associated with Mathematics Anxiety’,

Sigmund Freud regarded that anxiety as something felt, an unpleasant emotional (affective) state

that is universally experienced (Marzita, 2002). Also, mathematics anxiety is an emotional rather

than intellectual problem. However, it interferes with a person’s ability to learn mathematics and

therefore results in an intellectual problem.

Mathematics anxiety also can be seen as having state anxiety and trait anxiety aspects.

For example, sometimes state anxiety can be provoked by a situation such as a student

undertaking a mathematics assessment which has serious implications for their educational or

vocational future. Other cases, it would be seem that mathematics anxiety is an A-Trait, deeply

entrenched in the student’s disposition as a result of previous experiences and likely to manifest

itself in the face of any kind of mathematical challenge.

2) Why does it happen?

The causes of mathematics anxiety according to Bush (1991) in (Marzita, 2002), mathematics

anxiety arises from a climate in which negative attitudes and anxiety are transmitted from adults

to children. Besides that, from the research that was conducted (Puteh, 1998), it was found that

the causes of mathematics anxiety were related to:

i) Teacher personality and their style of teaching

ii) Public examinations and their effect

iii) Affective domain-self factor, such as personality perception


iv) Feeling, worries, difficulties (memory, innate disability)

v) Parental expectations- their aspirations and standards

vi) Peer group influences

vii) Relevance- the usage of mathematics in everyday life

3) Who has mathematics anxiety?

Everyone has mathematics anxiety included teacher, students and parents. For example, teachers

with mathematics anxiety transmit their anxiety to their students (Kelly and Tomhave, 1985;

Bulman and Young, 1982 and Lazarus, 1974).

4) When does it occur?

According to the book that I read, mathematics anxiety develops in some persons during the

early years of schooling. Also, there are 5 aspect of the trainees’ self-image with regard to

mathematics were identified from the interviews (Puteh, 1998). Those are:

i) Dislike of being challenged

Students who does like to be challenged will be has negative effect while be challenged.

ii) Low confidence

It is not that they are afraid of the subject but they were simply frightened of the fact that

they might not be able to solve any mathematical task that is given to them.

iii) Slow learner and low self esteem

Students can’t follow the teacher’s teaching and will field not understand the way

teachers explain.

iv) Easily giving-up

Students will felt give-up when they can’t solve the mathematical task that teacher give.

v) Self-blaming for poor mathematics performance.

It is Malaysian culture that students will blame themself if they get poor performance in


5) Who and what created it?

Teachers play an important role in making students like and dislike the subject mathematics.

Some students said that they are not afraid of the subject but felt panicked when they were

unable to solve the mathematics question given to them. Solving a mathematics problem or

learning from a teacher requires concentration, clear thinking and playing close attention to what

is written or said. Anxiety and panic can definitely interfere with memory, attention and


Move to a new school or change of teacher may also result in the students feeling

deficient in mathematics. Instead of being helped to develop stronger mathematics skills and to

feel caught up in mathematics, students often start avoiding mathematics, fall further behind, and

become even more strongly convinced that they are no good in mathematics.

6) How do you reduce it?

Mathematics anxiety can be reduce in many ways. Here are some ways about how to reduce

mathematics anxiety. That is:

i) Practice math every day even a little question. With this way, we can improve skill

and confidence while solving mathematics question. Besides that, repeating the same

question that we do wrong is more important.

ii) Know the basics. Absence to school can make us lost important basics. It is a problem

to study a further mathematics if we can’t understands the basic of one concept. But,

it never late for us to continue studying mathematics.

iii) Make a list of all formulas that we need to know. Try to make sense of the formulas

and understand the purpose of each formula. Use the list to help study and try to

recall a problem that was solved by each formula.

iv) Being well prepared is one of the best ways to reduce test taking anxiety. Review

class materials often and practice homework problems early. Do not wait until the

night before the test to learn everything.

v) Stay thinking positive about mathematics and ask other people if you can’t solve or

understands any part that you learn. Don’t be afraid to ask, it will help you soon.

7) How do you eliminate mathematics anxiety?

Reduce the mathematics anxiety is more easy than to eliminate the mathematics anxiety. Here

are two suggestions about how to eliminate the mathematics anxiety. That is:

i) Control the fear of mathematics. Eliminate the fear by thinking and imagine that

mathematics anxiety like a monster. Kill the monster with your way and be happy for

that the monster was dead. It is good for riddance yourself from mathematics anxiety.

ii) Stay thinking positive about mathematics. Replace negative thought with positive

affirmations. Imagine yourself in the present being comfortable with mathematics and

using that mathematics to solve everyday question and turn these into affirmations.

1) What Is It Mathematics Anxiety?

Mathematics anxiety is a type of fear. Mathematics anxiety is a negative feeling towards learning

mathematics and disabling conditions when some individuals struggle with mathematics. These

negative feelings include hating or disliking mathematics, fear or tension when learning

mathematics or taking mathematic tests. It defines as feelings of tension and anxiety that

interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide

variety of ordinary life and academic situations. It can be considered a phobic response, in that

the person avoids mathematics and avoids situations where such aspects might be encountered,

and feels anxious when such situations cannot be avoided.

There are several types of mathematics anxiety interventions and mostly focus on the

content of mathematics, which is lack of understanding of mathematics. Anxiety usually is

manifested physiologically, phenomenologically and behaviourally. Such feelings of anxiety can

lead to panic, tension, helplessness, fear, stress, and an inability to cope, as well as physiological

symptoms such as sweaty palms, tremor in the limbs, stomach difficulty relating to nervousness,

breathing difficulty and the loss of the ability to concentrate. These individuals who suffer from

mathematics anxiety have little confidence in their ability to do mathematics and tend to take the

minimum number of required mathematics courses, greatly limiting their career choice options.


2) Why Does Mathematics Anxiety Happens?

There are many factors that contributed to the continuity of the mathematics anxiety phenomena

such as teacher student relationship, personality and teaching style of teacher, examination

pressure, parental expectations and peer group influences. The classroom behavior and

techniques employed by teachers give a great influence on students’ attitudes towards

mathematics. There are many contributions to the arising of negative attitudes and mathematics

anxiety such as students’ fear of asking for help, teachers blaming students for not

understanding, teachers ridiculing students, teachers’ strictness and fierceness, use of threats and

force by teachers, teachers not showing interest in their students and a teaching style which

emphasizes the transfer of information and routines with attention to the little attention to the

learning of the individual.

Besides that, examination pressure contributes to the mathematic anxiety by getting poor

results in mathematics examination and negative feelings towards the examination experience.

Furthermore, high of an expectation from parents without any practical help can also create

anxiety and avoidance towards mathematic subject. In addition, friends and peers also give a

great impact on individuals toward learning mathematics. Wanting to be part of a group and a

sense of belonging among their friends seems to be a priority although at the expense of not

taking mathematics seriously.

3) Who Have Mathematics Anxiety?

Mathematics anxiety is a problem for many people. Mathematics anxiety is considered to be a

common characteristic among many students and teachers. It occurs in both males and females.

Anxiety toward mathematics was common among secondary school students since the

cumulative effect of failure in public examinations seem likely to be a factor contributing to

mathematics anxiety. Betz (1978) states that mathematics anxiety is a problem for many college

students, including even those in advanced mathematics classes whose majors require an

extensive background in mathematics.

Not only students, mathematics anxiety also faced by teachers. A study also shown that

teacher exhibiting mathematics anxiety, they more likely to have a lower attitude toward

mathematics and less likely to have felt competent in teaching this subject. Primary school

teachers are also found to suffer most acutely from mathematics anxiety. This is possibly

because of the lack of firm foundation in mathematics, coupled with the nature of the mathematic

subject itself.

4) When Does Mathematics Anxiety Occur?

There are many trainees who started disliking mathematics when they moved from the lower

secondary level to the upper secondary level which is after National examination, Penilaian

Menengah Rendah (PMR). Changes in examination’s format causes some of trainees had found

it very difficult to adapt to the new way of thinking and doing mathematics and therefore lead to

mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety starts haunted some students since primary school.

Begins at their primary school up to the secondary school, the students are subjected to an

enormous amount of examination pressure to perform well in mathematics and indirectly it

creates an anxiety of itself. The importance of success in mathematic examinations produces

highly anxious students.

Furthermore, anxiety toward mathematic begins when students do not like the teacher

style of teaching and teacher’s personality. Some of students felt that their teacher was the reason

for the start of them dislike for mathematics. Besides that, constant failure in solving

mathematical problems also is a source for students’ dislikes this subject.

5) What Or Who Create Mathematics Anxiety?

Anxiety toward mathematics is may be created by students and teachers. Some students

perceived mathematics as a challenging subject and believed that this subject is a burden and feel

unable to cope it. Thus, they felt anxious and threatened by it. Besides that, lack of confidence

that they have towards mathematical causes students expressed their worries and fear for this

subject. They are also easily give up when facing difficult mathematical task. Lack of practice

and laziness also contributes to poor performance in mathematics and therefore can lead to

anxiety toward mathematics.

Furthermore, teacher itself also creates mathematic anxiety on students. The teacher’s

habit of blaming the students for not understanding what was being taught seems to have created

an anxiety toward learning mathematics. The way teachers ridiculed the students when they

unable to answer the questions well also contribute to the negative feeling to learn mathematics.

Strictness and fierceness of teacher also create a degree of anxiety among students and therefore

in turn had a negative effect on the students’ feelings towards the subject.

6) How Do You Reduce Mathematics Anxiety?

There are many ways should be taken by teachers in order to reduce mathematics anxiety among

the students. One of the ways is promoting a different style of teaching which emphasizes

understanding, and not just memorizing, drill and practice. Teacher should use teaching

strategies such as working in a group in class, having a partner in class, discussing experiences or

difficulties related to mathematics. Teachers also need to use concrete materials to teach content

and must make sure that each concept is understood by each student before continuing the next


Furthermore, another helpful strategy for teachers to use such as include presenting clear

explanations, reviewing the basics, teaching critical thinking, exhibiting enthusiasm about the

subject, giving positive feedback on written tests and reviewing for exams. Although solutions to

anxiety are not guaranteed, it may help for teachers to incorporate greater structure into the

lesson plans, and encourage an interactive classroom that will promote students to feel

comfortable with this subject.

7) How Do You Eliminate Mathematics Anxiety?

The first thing that a teacher should do in order to eliminate mathematics anxiety among the

students is by throwing away negative feeling towards mathematics in themselves if they have it.

This is because teacher with mathematics anxiety will transmit their anxiety to their students.

Besides that, patience, gentleness, caring, encouraging, helpful, guiding, giving lots of attention

to the students’ individual needs and listening to the student’s problems regarding mathematics

are the qualities should show by teachers as a contribution for students to like mathematic


Furthermore, teachers should not blame students for not understanding and avoid ridicule

the students in order to eliminate anxiety towards learning mathematics. Besides that, teachers

should encourage students to be more hard work, do a lot of practice and do not easily give up in

order to be good in mathematics and throw away the negative feeling towards mathematics.

1. What is it mathematics anxiety?

Anxiety is as something felt, an unpleasant emotional state that is universally experienced.

Anxiety also is elicited by psychological stress, and stress is reflected in threatened deprivation

of an anticipated satisfaction.

If a student who get anxious at just the thought of taking that required math class may be

suffering from mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety has been defined as feelings of tension

and anxiety that interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical

problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations. Mathematics anxiety can


cause one to forget and lose one’s self confidence. People who suffer from mathematics anxiety

feel that they are incapable of doing activities and classes that involve mathematics. Some

mathematics anxious people even have a fear of mathematics or mathematics phobia.

Mathematics anxiety is an emotional rather than intellectual problem. However, it

interferes with a person’s ability to learn mathematics and therefore results in an intellectual

problem. Besides that, mathematics anxiety as involving feelings of tension and anxiety that

interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide

variety of ordinary life and / or learning.

2. Why does it happened?

Many causes contributed to the mathematics anxiety. This phenomena is due to the primary

school teachers of the lack of a firm foundation in mathematics, coupled with the nature of the

subject itself. Besides that, mathematics anxiety results from poor instruction and poorly

designed mathematics curricula. Teachers also one of the person contributed to this phenomena

since teachers with mathematics anxiety transmit their anxiety to their students. Teacher

personality and their style of teaching also one of the causes of mathematics anxiety. The teacher

personality that always expressed and lead to mathematics anxiety are teachers blaming students

for not understanding, teacher ridiculing students, teachers’ strictness and fierceness and last but

not least teachers using threats and force their students to excel in mathematics.

Public examination and their effect also causes of mathematics anxiety. When the

students were doing a mathematics test or even when they were sitting for their public

mathematics examinations they described a very strong fear and nervousness. The other factors

that contributed to the mathematics anxiety are the self factor such as personality and perception,

feelings, worries, difficulties, parental expectations which are their inspirations and standards,

peer group influences and the relevance of the usage of mathematics in everyday life. Next, the

trainees that lack of practice seems to be the main factor contributing to the poor performance in

mathematics. This lack of practice was further associated with laziness. Lack of effort and lack

of interest towards mathematics were also associated with their laziness.

3. Who has it?

Mathematics anxiety occurs in both males and females. For many college students, including

even those in advanced mathematics classes, whose majors require an extensive background in

mathematics also have mathematic anxiety. Mathematics anxiety also occurs among teachers and

especially among teacher trainees. The teachers revealed that teachers exhibiting higher

mathematics anxiety levels were more likely to have a lower attitude toward mathematics, less

likely to have performed well in mathematics course, more likely to have completed fewer

mathematics courses, more likely to have chosen to teach in the lower grades and less likely to

have felt competent in teaching mathematics.

Besides that, female teachers are more likely to exhibit higher mathematics anxiety.

Primary school teachers also are often found to suffer most acutely from mathematics anxiety.

Mathematics anxiety is considered to be a common characteristic among many students and

adults. It also happened among secondary school students whose get failed at most of the

mathematics they were being examined on.

4. When does it occur?

The teacher trainees indicated a certain degree of anxiety was felt by them whenever a problem

solving task was given to them. A number of teacher trainees mathematics problems as needing

to be solved quickly and in just a few steps. They believed that they are not capable of solving

mathematics problems that take more than a few minutes to complete and thus they give up on

any problem they cannot solve quickly. The phenomena of mathematics anxiety also occur

whenever something that is taught in a classroom does not have any relationship with a students’

everyday usage, it does not take long for the student to deny its relevance. Since many students

perceived mathematics as merely only numbers, symbols, calculations and solving abstract

mathematical problems, which do not make much sense in their everyday life, they were unable

to appreciate its usage.

There are many trainees who started disliking mathematics when they tansfer from

primary to secondary school but for many it was moved from the lower secondary level to the

upper secondary level, from Form Three to Form Four, after the major National Examination,

Penilaian Menengah Rendah. Mathematics anxiety also happened when there a National

Examination that is seemed to have a great impact on the trainees and was often seen as a turning

point in producing negative feelings toward the subject. Besides that, when the teacher style of

teaching and teacher’s personality is not good such as the pace of teaching was too fast and they

are too fierce created the students dislike the mathematics subject.

5. Who and what created it?

The teacher is one of the person that created the mathematics anxiety. They were blaming the

students for not understanding what was being taught seems to have created a barrier between

the teacher and the student relationship. Teachers also ridiculing their students such as belittle

them and make the students not good in mathematics. Besides that, the teacher expressed their

strictness and fierceness so this turn had negative effect on the students’ feelings toward the

mathematics subject. The teacher also not showing interest to their students, the students tended

to be dissapointed and echoed their frustrations. During teaching and learning session of

mathematics, the teachers were using an old fashioned way such as memorizing, chalk and talk

and figuring the numbers by hand. These traditional learning situations often leads to feelings of

frustration, discouragement and general mathematics avoidance.

The student itself whose one that created the mathematics anxiety. Some of the students

dislike of being challenged because identified mathematics as a challenging subject and felt that

it was just a burden and a nuisance to them. They also lack of confidence and low self esteem.

Besides that, the student also easily giving-up when attempting any mathematical task. For

example, if the calculation is too long, they can’t remember the steps, and just leave it without

answer it.

The another fact that create mathematic anxiety is nature of mathematics itself. Some

perception or “myth” of mathematics expressed were mathematics is just

computation/calculations, it relates to numbers, symbols and it is therefore tedious, boring or

confusing. Besides that, mathematic is problem solving and therefore difficult and last but not

least mathematic is very abstract and does not relate to everyday life.

6. How do you reduce it?

There are many constructive techniques and strategies for teachers to help prevent math anxiety

among the students. Teacher should create a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere so

that the students interested to learn mathematics. Teachers also need stress understanding the

thought process and dispel the mind myth among the students. During teaching and learning

process, teacher should provide new math experiences and use concrete materials to teach

content. Make sure each concept is understood before continuing. Besides that, teachers also

should reduce tension and pressure in mathematics classes, give positive feedback on written

tests and be sensitive but determined.

7. How dou you eliminate it?

In order eliminate the mathematics anxiety, teachers should not blaming the students for not

understanding and do not ridiculing students. During teaching and learning process teacher

shoulds reduce their strictness and fierceness and also do not using threats to force their students

to excel in mathematics. Besides that, to success in mathematics, the teachers must encourage

thier students in order to doing mathematics exercises everyday that needs a high level of

discipline and comitment. They also shuould support their students so that they have a high level

of confidence and high self image that lead them of being good in mathematics.

1) Apa itu mathematics anxiety?


Mathematics anxiety ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai fobia Matematik merupakan satu masalah

emosi yang dialami oleh sesetengah individu. Individu ini akan merasa takut, gerun, tegang,

resah dan gelisah apabila berhadapan dengan sesuatu yang melibatkan nombor ataupun

penyelesaian Matematik sama ada dalam bidang akademik ataupun dalam kehidupan seharian.

Mereka menganggap bahawa subjek Matematik adalah sukar. Ini menyebabkan individu terbabit

kurang keyakinan pada diri sendiri dan merasakan mereka tidak mampu melakukan sebarang

aktiviti melibatkan Matematik lantas perkara ini akan membawa kepada masalah dari segi

intelektual. Antara tanda-tanda individu yang mengalami mathematics anxiety adalah takut,

tegang, malu, peluh pada tapak tangan, perut memulas, panik, takut, seram sejuk dan banyak

lagi. Apabila individu mengalaminya, minda mereka seperti disekat sehinggakan mereka tidak

dapat menyelesaikan pengiraan Matematik yang mudah.

2) Kenapa ia berlaku?

Mathematics anxiety boleh berlaku disebabkan beberapa faktor. Bagi pelajar, mathematics

anxiety berpunca daripada orang dewasa seperti guru mereka sendiri. Personaliti guru serta

kaedah pengajaran yang digunakan di dalam kelas yang bersifat tradisional menyebabkan ia

sukar difahami oleh pelajar lantas mengubah pemikiran pelajar bahawa Matematik adalah sukar.

Guru yang mengalami mathematics anxiety akan turut menyumbang anxiety mereka kepada

pelajarnya. Selain guru, sikap negatif ibu bapa juga turut menyumbang kepada mathematics

anxiety dalam kalangan pelajar. Pelajar mendapat tekanan daripada ibu bapa yang meletakkan

harapan yang tinggi agar anak mereka berjaya dengan cemerlang dalam akademik. Selain itu,

pelajar juga mengalami mathematics anxiety daripada tekanan dan persainagn yang diperoleh

daripada rakan sebaya.

Sistem pendidikan di Malaysia adalah lebih menumpukan kepada pencapaian di dalam

peperiksaan. Pencapaian yang cemerlang di dalam subjek Matematik adalah penting bagi

menjanjikan pekerjaan yang baik dan diterima di universiti. Perkara ini turut menyumbang

kepada mathematics anxiety dalam kalangan pelajar.

Selain itu, individu yang mengalami mathematics anxiety berpunca daripada persepsi dan

sikap negatifnya sendiri terhadap Matematik dan ia timbul daripada pengalaman. Mereka

menganggap Matematik adalah sukar dan mencabar. Kesannya, individu yang suka dicabar akan

melihat Matematik sebagai sesuatu yang menarik. Sebaliknya, individu yang tidak suka dicabar

akan menganggap Matematik sebagai satu beban dan menyusahkannya. Ini menyebabkan

berlakunya anxiety.

Guru yang mengalami mathematics anxiety adalah disebabkan oleh kurangnya asas yang

kukuh ataupun kurang penguasaannya terhadap subjek Matematik. Perkara ini berlaku apabila

guru diminta untuk mengajar subjek di luar bidang pengajiannya.

3) Siapa yang mempunyai mathematic anxiety?

Golongan guru dan pelajar merupakan dua individu yang sering kali mengalami mathematics

anxiety. Tetapi, golongan pelajar merupakan majority yang mengalami mathematics anxiety.

Pelajar selalunya mewarisi perkara ini daripada orang dewasa yang berada di sekelilingnya

seperti guru dan ibu bapa. Ia juga berpunca daripada rakan sebayanya.

4) Bilakah ia berlaku?

Matematik melibatkan banyak formula yang perlu dihafal bagi membolehkan pengiraan

dilakukan. Bagi mencapai keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan, sesetengah pelajar

bertindak mudah dengan menghafal formula-formula ini. Apabila pelajar-pelajar ini melangkah

ke peringkat pengajian yang lebih tinggi, lebih banyak formula yang perlu dihafal hingga pelajar

mencapai ke satu tahap di mana mereka tidak mampu lagi menghafalnya. Pada waktu ini, mereka

mulai keliru dengan apa yang dihafal. Kesannya, mereka tidak dapat menyelesaikan pengiraan

Matematik yang diberi lalu menyebabkan mereka merasa kecewa dan tidak berguna. Ketika

inilah mathematics anxiety mulai timbul.

Apabila pelajar diminta untuk menyelesaikan soalan Matematik, mereka takut dan mulai

bimbang jika tidak dapat melakukannya dengan betul. Mereka takut dimarahi guru jika tidak

dapat menjawabnya dengan betul. Mereka juga tidak mahu dimalukan di hadapan rakan sekelas

yang lain.

Selain itu, anxiety berlaku apabila pelajar mengalami transformasi dalam format

peperiksaan daripada Tingkatan 3 ke Tingkatan 4. Sewaktu Tingkatan 3, mereka akan

menduduki peperiksaan Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) di mana soalan peperiksaan adalah

berbentuk objektif A, B, C atau D. Di Tingkatam 4 pula, perubahan berlaku apabila pelajar perlu

mengingati segala langkah pengiraan dan formula untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu permasalahan


Anxiety akan berlaku apabila mereka diberikan satu tugas Matematik yang melibatkan

penyelesaian masalah. Mereka beranggapan soalan sebegini adalah sukar kerana ia mengandungi

banyak ayat yang memerlukan mereka untuk memahami masalah tersebut terlebih dahulu.

Anxiety timbul apabila mereka didesak untuk menyiapkannya dengan cepat.

5) Siapakah atau apakah yang membentuknya?

Anxiety terbentuk hasil daripada kepercayaan dan persepsi individu itu sendiri terhadap

Matematik. Pelajar yang beranggapan bahawa Matematik adalah sukar dan mencabar cenderung

untuk menguasainya dengan kaedah menghafal konsep Matematik. Berlainan pula dengan

pelajar yang beranggapan bahawa Matematik adalah penting untuk dirinya, mereka akan

menemui kepuasan dalam mempelajari Matematik dan belajar daripada perspektif kontextual.

Kebanyakan individu juga percaya bahawa Matematik merupakan ukuran kepada IQ

seseorang. Matematik merupakan subjek yang boleh membezakan antara dua individu kerana ia

menentukan kebijaksaan seseorang. Kegagalan di dalam Matematik bermakna mereka gagal

dalam segala-galanya.

Selain itu, bagi seorang pelajar, mathematics anxiety terbentuk daripada sikap negatif

gurunya. Sewaktu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, guru tidak menggunakan teknik

pengajaran yang menarik dan lebih berpusatkan guru. Guru juga terlalu garang sehingga

menyebabkan pelajar takut untuk mencuba kerana mungkin akan melakukan kesilapan. Guru

akan memarahi pelajar di hadapan semua orang di dalam kelas sehingga memalukan mereka. Ini

menyebabkan mereka fobia dan takut terhadap Matematik.

6) Sebagai seorang guru, bagaimanakah cara untuk mengurangkannya?

Perkara pertama yang perlu ada bagi seorang guru Matematik bagi mengurangkan

Mathematic anxiety pada pelajarnya adalah dengan menyukai subjek ini. Guru haruslah

menunjukkan kepada pelajarnya bahawa subjek Matematik amat diminati dan disukainya. Secara

tidak langsung, sikap positif guru terhadap Matematik akan turut diikuti oleh anak didikannya.

Matematik adalah sesuatu yang abstrak dan kadang kala ia di luar pemahaman kita.

Penggunaan banyak simbol menyebabkan mereka keliru dan beranggapan ia tiada kaitannya

dengan kehidupan seharian. Sebagai seorang guru, bagi mengurangkan mathematics anxiety ini,

antara langkah yang boleh diambil adalah dengan menghubungkan konsep Matematik dengan

kehidupan seharian sewaktu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Para pelajar akan lebih

menghargai Matematik dan berminat untuk mempelajarinya apabila mereka sedar akan

kegunaannya dalam kehidupan seharian. Saya juga tidak akan mengajar para pelajar untuk

mengingati sebarang formula atau konsep Matematik semata-mata tanpa mengetahuinya. Saya

akan mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang bermakna dan menarik untuk semua pelajar

dengan penggunaan Alat Bantu Mengajar yang sesuai.

7) Bagaimana anda menyingkirkannya?

Guru atau pelajar atau sesiapa sahaja yang mengalami mathematics anxiety haruslah diberi

kesedaran bahawa kewujudan mathematics anxiety dalam diri masing-masing adalah normal.

Selain itu, individu yang berada di sekeliling pelajar tidak harus memberi tekanan terhadap

pelajar. Sebaliknya, dorongan dan perhatian haruslah dititik beratkan. Ibu bapa merupakan

individu yang paling hampir dengan pelajar. Jadi, ibu bapa tidak harus meletakkan pelajar di

dalam keadaan tertekan dengan menaruh harapan yang tinggi terhadap kejayaan anak-anak


Bagi guru pula, elakkan daripada mengajar hanya untuk berjaya di dalam

peperiksaan sahaja kerana ia akan menambahkan tekanan dalam diri pelajar.

1. Apakah maksud kebimbangan Matematik?

Kebimbangan Matematik merupakan satu fenomena yang wujud apabila seseorang induvidu

mengalami masalah dalam Matematik. Kebimbangan Matematik juga boleh ditakrifkan sebagai

rasa ketegangan, kebimbangan dan ketakutan seseorang apabila dia perlu untuk menyelesaikan

masalah Matematik sama ada dalam kehidupan seharian ataupun akademik sehinggakan mereka

tidak mahu apa-apa pun berkaitan dengan Matematik. Individu yang mengalami kebimbangan


Matematik tidak boleh menjalankan aktiviti atau belajar sesuatu melibatkan Matematik. Pada

kebiasaannya, seseorang yang mengalami kebimbangan Matematik akan cepat berpeluh, sakit

perut, mual, panik, takut, tertekan, risau dan malu sekiranya merekaperlu menyelesaikan masalah

Matematik. Kebimbangan Matematik juga dikenali sebagai ‘mathphobia’. Kebimbangan

Matematik menyebabkan otak mengehadkan kemampuannya untuk bekerja dan menjejaskan

keupayaannya menyelesaikan masalah Matematik.

2. Kenapa ia berlaku?

Kebimbangan Matematik berlaku adalah disebabkan oleh tunjuk ajar yang lemah dan kurikulum

Matematik yang dibentuk tidak berkait dengan ilmu Matematik yang sebenar. Selain itu,

berlakunya kebimbangan Matematik juga kerana sikap negatif dan kebimbangan tersebut yang

dipindahkan daripada seorang guru kepada pelajar-pelajarnya. Guru yang mengalami

kebimbangan Matematik tidak akan bersemangat dan yakin untuk menyampaikan ilmu

Matematik dan menyebabkan pelajar juga tidak berminat untuk belajar Matematik. Seterusnya,

persepsi dan sangkaan yang negatif seseorang individu terhadap Matematik juga boleh

menyebabkan kebimbangan Matematik berlaku. Hal ini kerana persepsi yang negatif akan

menyebabkan pelajar tidak akan berminat untuk belajar dan menyelesaikan masalah melibatkan

Matematik sama ada di dalam kelas mahupun dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Di samping itu,

ibu bapa juga faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya kebimbangan Matematik dalam kalangan

anak-anak. Ini kerana pandangan ibu bapa terhadap Matematik akan menjadi ikutan kepada

anak-anak. Jika ibu bapa memandang Matematik sesuatu yang susah dan sukar, anaka-anak pun

akan berpandangan yang sama menyebabkan mereka tidak dapat menerima ilmu Matematik

dalam kehidupan mereka. Selain itu, wujudnya kebimbangan Matematik juga disebabkan

seseorang itu tidak dapat mengaitkan kepentingan Matematik dalam kehidupan seharian.

3. Siapakah yang menghidapinya?

Bermula dengan ibu bapa yang merupakan guru kepada anak-anak sebelum mereka masuk ke

alam persekolahan. Sejarah ibu bapa yang dahulunya mengidap kebimbangan Matematik

daripada guru mereka akan menyumbang peratusan yang besar untuk anak-anak juga mengidap

kebimbangan yang sama. Sekiranya sikap dan tanggapan ibu bapa terhadap Matematik adalah

susah dan sukar, ia akan membuat anak-anak juga beranggapan negatif terhadap Matematik.

Semasa di rumah, ibu bapa yang tidak mengambil berat tentang kerja rumah bagi subjek

Matematik anak-anak akan menyebabkan anak-anak juga tidak ambil berat tentang subjet

tersebut. Selain itu, guru juga boleh mengidap kebimbangan Matematik jika guru dipaksa untuk

mengajar subjek Matematik tanpa pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang subjek tersebut. Jika

guru mengidap kebimbangan ini, ia juga akan memberi kesan kepada pelajar dan menyebabkan

pelajar juga boleh mengidap kebimbangan yang sama. Guru yang mengidap masalah

kebimbangan Matematik akan mengalami masalah untuk menggunakan kaedah pengajaran yang

betul dan sesuai semasa P&P.

4. Bila ia mula terjadi?

Kebimbangan Matematik terjadi pelajar apabila mereka berpindah daripada menengah rendah ke

menengah atas. Ini kerana sehingga pelajar di tingkatan tiga, pelajar tidak perlu untuk

menunjukkan langkah pengiraan yang jelas apabila menjawab soalan melibatkan Matematik. Ini

kerana semasa Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR), perkara yang ditekankan dalam Matematik

adalah jawapan semata-mata dan tidak pada jalan pengiraannya. Pelajar perlu untuk memilih

jawapan yang sudah diberi dalam bentuk objektif. Akan tetapi, semua ini berubah setelah mereka

memasuki tingkatan empat. Pelajar perlu menunjukkan jalan pengiraan yang betul untuk setiap

soalan yang diselesaikan dan pada masa ini, penekanan diberikan kepada jalan pengiraan dan

jawapan. Semasa ditingkatan empat juga pelajar perlu memahami rumus-rumus yang perlu

digunakan mengikut soalan yang ditanya. Ini menyebabkan pelajar kurang berminat dan tidak

mahu untuk memahami rumus-rumus tersebut akan lama kelamaan tidak menyukai Matematik.

Selain itu, kebimbangan Matematik ini juga boleh terjadi sekiranya kaedah pengajaran guru dan

personaliti guru kurang baik. Ini kerana jika kaedah pengajaran yang digunakan membosankan

dan sukar untuk difahami, pelajar akan mula tidak menyukai Matematik. Guru Matematik yang

mempunyai personaliti yang kurang baik akan membuat pelajar tidak gemar untuk belajar

dengan guru tersebut dan seterusnya tidak menyukai Matematik.

5. Apa yang menciptakannya?

Perasaan takut untuk meminta bantuan tunjuk ajar daripada guru akan menwujudkan

kebimbangan Matematik dalam kalangan pelajar. Kebanyakkan pelajar takut untuk bertanyakan

soalan atau meminta bantuan daripada guru kerana mereka beranggapan guru tersebut akan

marah dan malu dengan rakan-rakan yang lain. Oleh yang demikian, guru tersebut perlu

mendekati pelajar dan mewujudkan hubungan baik dengan pelajar agar pelajar dapat menyatakan

hasrat mereka dan mengurangkan masalah kebimbangan Matematik dalam kalangan pelajar.

Sikap guru yang terus menuding jari kepada pelajar dengan mengatakan mereka tidak akan

faham walau pelbagai cara yang digunakan untuk mengajar akan mencipta masalah

kebimbangan Matematik dalam kalangan pelajar. Guru yang menyalahkan pelajar tidak faham

akan mewujudkan jurang antara pelajar dan guru seterusnya masalah kebimbangan Matematik

akan terus meningkat. Selain itu, guru yang tidak menunjukkan minat kepada pelajar juga akan

mencipta masalah kebimbangan Matematik. Ini kerana pelajar akan berasa sedih dan kecewa.

Lebih mengecewakan pelajar apabila guru hanya mengajar dihadapan kelas dan tidak

menghiraukan keperluan pelajar. Di samping itu, teknik pengajaran juga menyebabkan terjadinya

kebimbangan Matematik. Guru yang mengajar kaedah lama seperti menghafal, mengira nombor

dengan tangan dan ‘chalk and talk’ akan menyebabkan pelajar cepat bosan dan tidak mahu untuk

memberi perhatian semasa di dalam kelas.

6. Bagaimana mengurangkannya?

Guru perlu menitikberatkan pencapaian pelajar daripada melihat kesilapan pelajar agar dapat

mewujudkan suasana kejayaan dalam proses pembelajaran pelajar. Peneguhan positif juga dapat

menyumbang kepada peningkatan pelajar dalam Matematik dan seterusnya dapat mengurangkan

kebimbangan Matematik dalam kalangan pelajar. Guru yang mengidapi masalah ini juga perlu

sentiasa memotivasikan diri dan yakin untuk menyampaikan ilmu Matematik kepada pelajar agar

pelajar juga yakin dan bersemangat untuk belajar. Ini dapat mengurangkan tahap kebimbangan

Matematik dalam diri guru dan juga pelajar. Guru juga perlu mewujudkan hubungan baik antara

pelajar dengan menghormati hasil penemuan pelajar. Jika pelajar merasai mereka dihormati,

maka mereka akan dapat menghormati diri mereka dan membina konsep kendiri yang positif

terhadap mereka sendiri. Kemesraan guru dapat menyumbang kepada pencapaian akademik

pelajarnya khususnya Matematik. Sikap guru yang penyayang, membantu pelajar, bersifat

menerima dan menyokong dapat membantu mengurangkan kebimbangan Matematik dalam

kalangan pelajarnya.

7. Bagaimana untuk menyingkirkannya?

Kebimbangan Matematik dapat disingkirkan dengan mengubah persepsi negatif masyarakat

terlebih dahulu mengenai Matematik. Ini kerana persepsi-persepsi negatif yang semakin menebal

menyebabkan anak-anak juga berpendapat yang sama sedangkan mereka belum lagi meneroka

ilmu tersebut. Guru merupakan insan terpenting dalam menyampaikan ilmu Matematik kepada

pelajar di sekolah. Guru yang mengalami masalah kebimbangan Matematik perlu mengubah

tanggapan yang negatif mengenai Matematik terlebih dahulu. Ini supaya masalah kebimbangan

tersebut tidak menular dalam kalangan pelajar. Guru juga perlu mempelbagaikan teknik

pendekatan yang dijalan semasa P&P agar guru dapat meyingkirkan kebimbangan Matematik

yang dialami dan pelajar akan lebih seronok dan menikmati setiap isi pengajaran. Ibu bapa juga

perlu mengubah persepsi negatif mereka terhadap Matematik dan sentiasa mengaitkan

Matematik dalam kehidupan seharian agar apabila anak-anak melihat perlakuan ibu bapa

mereka, mereka akan terikut dan kebimbangan Matematik juga dapat dielakkan. Anak-anak juga

tidak akan berasa rendah diri dan malu untuk melangkah ke tahap yang lebih tinggi dalam

Matematik. Guru dan ibu bapa perlu membantu anak-anak yang mengalami masalah

kebimbangan Matematik dengan memberi semangat, dorongan dan galakkan untuk mereka

berusaha mengurangkan dan menyingkirkan kebimbangan tersebut.

Kesimpulannya, masyarakat seharusnya meletak persepsi negatif terhadap ilmu Matematik

berdasarkan pengalaman yang lepas. Ini kerana jika mereka menetapkan persepsi negatif

terhadap Matematik akan menyebabkan generasi-generasi baru tidak dapat mengembangkan idea

Matematik mengikut buah fikiran sendiri kerana terhalang dengan anggapan-anggapan yang

tidak benar. Masyarakat perlu mengubah persepsi negatif agar anak-anak remaja dapat belajar

dan meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka dalam ilmu Matematik dengan lebih baik untuk

digunakan dalam kehidupan.