The peter & fevr day

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The peter & fevr day

Russian Valentine or the story of Duke Peter and Fevronia.

The day of Family, Love and fidelity…

Valentine's day is the holiday which originated many centuries ago in Catholic countries. However, nowadays the day is celebrated all over the world.

A Russian Tale Based on the Life of Saints.

The history of this holiday goes back to the story of Duke Peter and peasant woman Fevronia who healed the Duke from a deadly disease. They fell in love and got married.

They did die on the same day on the

8-th of July.

The couple is considered

to be the patrons of marriage and family.

On Lover's day it is a custom to go to the church to pray for love and for happiness in marriage.

The attribute is a

commemorative medals with the image of Peter and Fevronia on the one side and on return a symbol of a holiday - camomiles, whose petals are decorated with three-color of the Russian flag.

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