The Personal aHUS bracelet ... be always safety

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Personal aHUS bracelet ... be always safety

Personal ASHUA Bracelet Emergency Medical Info





Atypical … genetically originated

Haemolytic … affects the blood

Uremic … affects kidneys

Syndrome … group of symptoms

Atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome is a very rare, life threatening disease. A very serious disease, which can lead to death if not diagnosed and treated on time   The main consequence is a constant risk of blood clots in the organs, specially kidneys although also liver, lungs or brain. Available now for a few years is the drug Eculizumab, which controls the uncontrolled activation of the complement system, the cause of the clots.

What is aHUS?

… in less than 48 h

happens the






The worst happen in less

than 48 h 48h

aHUS in numbers:

65% of aHUS patients die, need constant dialysis or have permanent kidney failure within a year of diagnosis.

6 out of every10 aHUS patients were diagnosed

before turning 18 Some 200 people are affected in Spain, both adults and children

Most aHUS patients who receive a renal transplant have a 90% chance of failure.

aHUS patients say

aHUS patients say

When there is an outbreak of the disease, a quick and correct diagnosis can avoid irreparable damage The personal bracelet offers detailed information on the patient and the medical team

A personal bracelet, what for?

Even if one can talk, remembering your complete medical history can be difficult and also if you have to do it in a special vocabulary and language for all to understand. However, if we cannot talk , for example in an accident, any emergency team will identify the personal Bracelet which can talk on your behalf. With the bracelet, the medical team have access within a click through their smartphone or tablet to our whole clinical history.

Our complete clinical history

just a click away

All your medical information will be available to any team of doctors without prior explanation … in Spain or anywhere in the world … Your information in Spanish and English

Works anytime, anywhere

The patient will be completely at ease knowing that the medical team will have completely understood his/her situation. The medical team will be able to act much faster, being able to diagnose and treat efficiently…

Scan the QR code on the bracelet with a smartphone , tablet or connected computer. It works with all operational systems

A QR Code (quick response code) is a very useful tool to backup

How does it work?

En Español y en Inglés

Who to call You can inform on who to contact in case of emergency : !  Family !  Friends !  Work !  Etc.

Offers information on:

Who to consult… Your reference Hospital and your doctors contact information, so that they can talk and discuss between professionals.

You will always be safe !

Offers information on:

Clear and concise information

!  Clinical history number !  Health insurance number !  Blood type !  Allergies !  Disease diagnosis !  Medication All the information any medical team may require for a fast and precise diagnosis.

Written by your Doctor …

For Doctors

How do I get my personal bracelet? The personal aHUS bracelet has been specifically designed for patients and members of ASHUA but also for those who are at risk of an outbreak of aHUS. !

Contact us for more information, we will take care of it all: !  Creation !  Activation !  Updates !  Etc.

At your service:

(+34) 667 766 179 Social media:
