The perfect interview: The top 10 ways to ace your next job interview

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The perfect interview: The top 10 ways to ace your next job interview

Nailing The Perfect Interview.

The Top 10 Ways To Ace Your NextJob Interview

1. Do a dry run.

Drive by the company’s office or location a couple of days ahead of time. What’s key here is that you do it

at about the same time of day as your actual interview. This way you will know the route and be able to anticipate the traffic delays and figure out


2. List your ‘selling’ points.

What qualifications, skills, experience, knowledge, background, and personality traits do you possess that make you perfect for this particular job? Write

them down, visualize them, and then look for opportunities to work them into your answers.

3. Practive. Practice. Practice.

Review and refine your answers until they are “just right.” Read them over and over until you are comfortable with them. Note, the goal isn’t to

memorize them; you do not need to recite this word for word. Try saying them out loud. To really help, have a friend role play with you for the interview.

4. Get your body language right.

Words only become meaningful when an applicant’s body language and voice in alignment. First

impressions are very important. When in doubt, stick the basics: stand straight, smile, and offer a

firm handshake.

5. Give specific examples.

A hypothetical response is fine, but employers like to see that you have real life experience if possible. Cite specific situations whenever possible, how you handled them, and the outcome. Follow this up by

what you learned, and what you might do similar or different in a related situation.

6. Research the company.

30 minutes on Google can make a real difference here. By checking out the company you are

interviewing online, you can find out a wealth of information. Have they been in the news recently?

Won any awards. Imagine offering ‘congrats’ to your potential employer for their recent press coverage. This shows ambition, and a genuine interest in the


7. Take Notes.

You may surprise your potential employer by taking out a small notepad to jot down some thoughts

during the interview. In addition to this providing insights for further reflection, it shows your

interviewer that you are genuinely interested in the position.

8. Make eye contact.

Making eye contact demonstrates confidence, trust, and power. Confidence is king during an interview,

and by engaging the interviewer in this way, you are showing him or her that you are ready for the job.

9. Ask for the job.

It’s your dream job and you’re nailing the interview. Why not go in for the kill? By asking for the job at

the time of the interview, you are once again demonstrating confidence, interest, and initiative -

all qualities that your employer is looking for.

10. The follow-up

Many job seekers are relieved when a job interview is over, and believe that the hard work is done. They

simply wait to receive a job offer. Persistent, deliberate follow up will often be required if you

really want the job.

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