THE PATRIOTS NEWS - 2019 So Ala newsltr.pdf · The Patriots News is published monthly...

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Transcript of THE PATRIOTS NEWS - 2019 So Ala newsltr.pdf · The Patriots News is published monthly...




The Patriots News is published monthly by the South Alabama Chapter, Military Officers Association of America, an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America, Alexandria, Virginia. The Chapter’s mailing address is PO Box 8254, Mobile, Alabama 36689-0254.


Guest Speaker - James H. Barber Director of Public Safety City of Mobile, Alabama

Public Safety Director James Barber was promoted to his current position in March 2017 after having served twenty-nine years in the Mobile Police Department, culminating his career in that department as Mobile’s Chief of Police.

As Director of Public Safety, Barber relies on his vast experience in the MPD while overseeing the Police Department, Fire-Rescue Department, Safety and Performance Department, and Animal Control.

Director Barber’s philosophy of the role of government in our society is clear and direct: "The fundamental purpose of government is the safety of the public."

Cont’d on p. 2

South Alabama Chapter Breakfast Meeting at The Admiral

8 August 2019

Event Breakfast Meeting

Menu Admiral’s Breakfast Buffet

Time 6:30 AM Coffee w/Breakfast Buffet to Follow

Site The Admiral Hotel

Reservations Call Phil Gabriel at 251-545-9394 or email

Venue Address: 251 Government St., Mobile, AL

Breakfast Buffet Reservations

Mark Thursday, 8 August 2019, on your calendar for the SACMOAA Breakfast Meeting at The Admiral.

To make reservations call Phil Gabriel at 251-545-9394 or email Phil at prior to noon, Tuesday, 6 August 2019.

SACMOAA President, Frank Barrow, will host the breakfast. Our Chapter Treasurer, Phil Gabriel, would appreciate payment by cash or checks to cover the cost of $20.00 each as you enter. Please make checks payable to SACMOAA.


PRESIDENT’S THOUGHTS Lieutenant Colonel Robert “Frank” Barrow, USA (Ret.)

Summer seems to be flying by, and we were lucky that Hurricane Barry chose to go farther west this time! Let’s pray we avoid having any more of these weather events spawn in the Gulf of Mexico. Once again, I must thank Major Rodney Cromer, USA (Ret.) – 1st Vice President, for covering down the July luncheon while I was attending mandatory training in Jackson, Mississippi. I understand a good time was had by all who attended and that Ms. Kristi July gave a marvelous presentation. She was recently promoted to Assistant Principal at Murphy High School where she will inevitably do well!

In August, we have our annual breakfast meeting at The Admiral Hotel, and I am excited to announce that the City of Mobile’s Public Safety Director, James Barber, will be our guest speaker. Mr. Barber was, of course, our former Chief of Police where he grew admiration from our citizens as well as other officials across the nation. A former Marine, the Davidson High School graduate has made all of us very proud, and he continues to work hard on behalf of Mobile to improve the safety of our community. I hope we have a great turnout and want to thank Pete Riehm for arranging for Mr. Barber to speak. Please make plans to attend.

When you RSVP for the August 8 breakfast meeting, Phil Gabriel has returned to duty, so call Phil with your reservation. As many of you may have heard, Phil Gabriel, also our new treasurer, had emergency surgery for a kidney stone while out of town. I am elated that many prayers were answered, and Phil continues to recover well and in good spirits.

As a reminder, we are still seeking a 2nd Vice President to fill the gap. As you may recall, Eric Moody recently resigned for personal reasons.

Finally, continue to keep Major General Gary Cooper and Colonel Phil Cassibry in your prayers as they continue to recover from their recent medical issues. As always, Cheryl and I wish you safe summer travels and encourage you to stay cool whenever possible! All the best!


Guest Speaker from Page 1

To effectively implement that fundamental purpose, Barber further confirms that everyone in Mobile—families, residents, schools and faculty, businesses, police—must contribute to strengthening and maintaining social control, especially in high crime areas.

Director Barber recently reiterated his genuine concern for public safety while discussing Mobile’s planned initiative for recruiting and retaining highly qualified police officers, a plan which includes identifying potential recruits who are graduating from high schools,

colleges, and coming out of the armed forces.

A native of Mobile, Alabama, James Barber began his professional career as a United States Marine. He earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice and Business from the University of South Alabama and his Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Troy University. He is also a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy.

Barber is the proud father of two daughters and is an avid fisherman.

United States Coast Guard

August 4, 1790

229 Years Strong

Semper Paratus



COL Pat Downing, USA (Ret.)

By MOAA Staff

July 12, 2019

Widows Tax Repeal, 3.1% Pay Raise, and More

Move Forward as House Passes Defense Bill

The House of Representatives passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), sending the measure – which includes many MOAA-supported initiatives — into negotiations with the Senate that will produce a final bill.

MOAA and other veterans’ groups pushed for the passage of the House bill so that a number of key issues for the military community would reach the conference stage – now it will be up to the conferees to resolve differences. Here are some issues the House addressed that were not included in Senate legislation they passed in late June:

• The elimination of the “widows tax,” an unfair offset that costs more than 65,000 military survivors and their families about $12,000 a year in much-deserved benefits. In the days leading up to Friday's vote, MOAA aggressively advocated on behalf of military widows, and many of our members and supporters sent letters to their members of Congress. We'll continue to fight for a full repeal as the Senate and House begin the next stage of discussions.

• Language that would force the Defense Department to fully explain and study the effects of plans that would eliminate 18,000 – about 1 in 5 – military medical billets. This language is a critical path to congressional oversight on a process that could reduce the quality and availability of medical care for military retirees and military families throughout the nation. Learn more about the cuts here.

• The end of the so-called “Feres Doctrine,” meaning servicemembers would be allowed to sue in the event of alleged malpractice by military medical personnel. Learn more about MOAA’s support for the measure here.

Like the Senate version, the bill also includes a MOAA-supported 3.1% pay raise for servicemembers, making this the largest raise since 2010.

“We are grateful the House of Representatives passed HR

2500, the National Defense Authorization Act, setting up

a conference with the Senate where the two houses will

resolve differences and produce a defense bill for the President’s signature,” said MOAA President and CEO Lt. Gen. Dana T. Atkins, USAF (Ret). “We acknowledge there are differences between the two bills requiring earnest discussions and compromise. MOAA asserts the priority of this legislation must remain focused on our nation’s commitment to those men and women who serve in uniform, those who have already served their careers, and their families and survivors. We look forward in the weeks ahead to share our position on the many matters impacting these selfless individuals."

“To the Conferees yet to be named, we welcome the opportunity in the coming weeks to serve as a resource should you have any questions about any level of detail regarding matters being resolved between the two bills.”

The House bill passed 220-197, mostly along party lines.

Eight Democrats joined every Republican in the chamber in

voting against the measure. The Senate bill, which includes

$750 billion in defense funding compared with $733 billion

in the House version, passed 86-8. President Donald

Trump has threatened to veto the NDAA if it clears both

chambers without the top-line funding he requested, and

as acted upon by the Senate.

Some legislative material is subject to Copyright © 2019, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), all rights reserved. Except for MOAA affiliated organizations it may not be used without written permission.

Editorial Policy: SACMOAA is an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America. These organizations, including the contents of The Patriots News, are politically nonpartisan.

Congratulations SACMOAA for recently receiving the 2018 5-Star Colonel Marvin J. Harris Communications Award for the Chapter’s outstanding Website and monthly newsletter, The Patriots News. Click here to visit the Website.

A special salute to all who contribute.


Click here to contact a member of the Executive Council by email.

MOAA Caps $20 each

Available at meetings.

SACMOAA Get-Well Cards

We now have get well cards to send to ailing members or their spouses etc. Please inform Ellie or Frank of any ailing member.

Frank Calagaz 251 626-2201 H 251 709-7253 C

Ellie Kern 251 660-1659

Executive Council — 2019

President LTC Robert “Frank” Barrow (USA Ret.)


1st Vice President MAJ Rodney Cromer (USA Ret.) 251-751-8473

2nd Vice President Nominee (volunteer) Needed.

Programs Committee Chairman LTC Timothy S. Rey (USA Ret.) 251-510-7385

Treasurer CPT Phil Gabriel Jr. (USA Vet.)


Secretary COL Jerry Steele (USMCR Ret.) 251-656-0110

Directors COL Frank Calagaz (USA Ret.) CPT Phil Gabriel Jr. (USA Vet.)

251-626-2201 251-545-9394

Immediate Past President COL Nick Matranga (USMCR Ret.) 251-287-4005

Legislative Committee Chairman COL Patrick H. Downing (USA Ret.)


Auxiliary President Ellie Kern 251-660-1659

Auxiliary Treasurer Theresa Orrell 251-776-5504

Publicity Chairman COL Nick Matranga (USMCR Ret.) 251-287-4005

Chaplain COL Phillip J. Cassibry (USA Ret.) 251-967-2583

Personal Affairs and Benefits COL Frank Calagaz (USA Ret.) 251-626-2201

Newsletter Editor CW3 Mike Wright (USA Ret.) 251-533-3119

Executive Council Members, Emeriti

COL John Butler (USA Ret.) COL Patrick H. Downing (USA Ret.) LTC Bill May (USA Ret.) COL Gary Raymond Sr (USAF Ret.) COL David W. Reaney (USA Ret.) CDR Pete Riehm (USN Ret.)

251-599-0091 251-666-1063 251-661-3151 251-649-3666 251-633-2170 251-661-2891


The time and place of the August 13 Executive Council Meeting will be announced by email.

“THE COFFEE CLACK” Behind Old Glory

Ellie Kern

Auxiliary Update

In July, the Auxiliary enjoyed a joint luncheon with all of SACMOAA. Major Rodney Cromer presided over the event, and we had a good turnout.

Ms. Kristi July was our guest speaker. At that time, she was the Signature Academy Coordinator for Mobile County Public Schools but has since been promoted. See the President’s Thoughts on page 2 for more information about that. Congratulations Kristi!

I’d like to thank Joyce Cromer for helping me put out the table decorations and Theresa Orrell for taking luncheon payments at the door.

Captain Hal Pierce won the 50/50.

I talked with Betty Ann Barrett, and she told me that they had a birthday party for her that day. Her family was there and George Nelson too. Happy Birthday, Betty, from all of us.

A get-well card was sent to Phil Gabriel, who is doing better now.

Our next Auxiliary meeting is September 18 at Heron Lakes, and the guest speaker will be Gary Owens from the Mobile Police Department.


CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Chaplain (Colonel) Phillip J. Cassibry, USA (Ret.)

Three Little Monkeys

A few years back, about 6:30 a.m., I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the sunrise on the Little Lagoon. All appeared to be well with the world. Yes, my part of the world was beautiful, peaceful, serene, and calm.

It has been said, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I believe there is much to be said in that statement. However, only fifteen minutes later, I became aware of how quickly my world could change. I had turned on the news. My view moved from serenity to abject ugliness and confusion.

The news media was giving pictures of riots in St. Louis, Christians were under attack in Iraq, Gaza and Israel were fighting, and our southern borders were being violated. What I was viewing was not beautiful. Rather, I was viewing evil personified. I chose not to block the news. To have done so would have made me like the three little monkeys. You remember them. Each monkey was different: one covered his eyes with his paws, another covered his ears, and the other covered his mouth. They were blocking evil from their reality. All were in their perceived world.

How each of us perceives the world matters. We choose how we want reality to be. Our choices are reflected in our character and values. Our character and values are reflected in our behavior. Do we act with justice, mercy, grace and humility? Or, are we more focused on greed, selfishness, power, and pride? How do we use power, wealth, knowledge and opportunity?

God gives us at least three great gifts. They are faith, hope, and love. How one uses these strongly influences the world. They determine our relationship with God, others and our self. God provides us with choices and freedom. Our choices impact good and evil in the world.

In Genesis, man was appointed as a steward of the world and all that was created. People have always needed to learn how to care for the world they have been given. This is true for their relationships with each other.

A great unspoken debate is being acted out on the world stage. Each generation has to decide the role they will take. Will it be for good or evil? Most try both. Our choice of behavior does make a difference. We choose whether we want God as a part of life or not. If God is left out of our lives, then who or what will we trust to regulate them for right or wrong, good or evil? Do we turn a blind eye, a deaf ear, or a silent voice to what is happening in the world? After all, we live in a small world.

PERSONAL AFFAIRS & BENEFITS Colonel Frank Calagaz, USA (Ret.)

Veterans Reserved Parking Spaces: This is a reminder that there are special parking spaces reserved for Veterans at Providence Hospital in front of Building C.

Lowe’s on the service road by Wal-Mart (possibly other locations) designates parking spaces for Veterans.



If the expiration date on your mailing label is 31 DEC 2018, Chapter dues were payable on 1 January 2019. Please notice that no increase is required for membership in SAC-MOAA. The “supporting” and “sustaining” memberships are only for those willing to increase their annual dues so that our chapter can better function to meet expenses, pay expenses for speakers, and support local military related events and organizations.

Three levels of membership are created with dues as indicated.


* There will be no publicized list of levels of contribution and no distinction will be made regarding membership. Please help if you can. Regular membership ($25) includes spouses. See page 7 for renewal or new membership form.

SACMOAA Scholarship Fund—Thank You

The SACMOAA Scholarship Fund continues to receive generous donations from our membership. The Executive Council wishes to extend a sincere “Thank You” for the support for and contributions to this very important part of the Chapter’s mission.

We are blessed with many deserving young students who reside in our area and need this kind of help. We who have experienced getting our youngsters through college know that every dollar counts.

As announced in The Patriots News, December 2018, the initial award of $250 went to a JROTC cadet.

Again, thank you, and we ask that all members continue to consider support for this worthy effort.

Invitation to Join Your Local MOAA Chapter

Annual membership to the South Alabama Chapter covers cost of editing, printing and mailing 200+ copies of The Patriots News, our 8-page monthly newsletter. Our $25/year dues also cover any cost incurred with our outstanding slate of speakers during the regular monthly membership dinner, lunch, or breakfast meetings, locally sponsored ROTC Recognition Banquet, scholarship fund, and other expenses. The annual dues also include spouse membership in the Auxiliary.

Our 48-year-old chapter has been addressed by flag officers, congressmen, U.S. senators, National and State MOAA officers, president of a military college, and senior representatives of Veteran Affairs, Homeland Security, and Emergency Management Agency. We have heard from special guest speakers such as the CEO of USA Mitchell Cancer Institute, Austal, and AL Port Authority along with commanding officers of most every local military unit.

The municipality of Mobile has been represented by the mayor, City Council president, and city attorney. We have also been entertained during some of our dinner meetings by a marine environmental scientist, musicians, authors, a ventriloquist, and a former SEC chief football referee.

The photo below (left) shows one of our Chapter activities, participation in the May 2019 Blue Star Salute event. Nick Matranga, past president, stands on the far left flanking Chester Feagin, World War II veteran. Gary Raymond on the right stands next to the USS Alabama 2019 crewmates.

See Page 7 for a cut-out membership application or click here to visit SACMOAA’a website, then press the “Membership” button at the top of the page to access a printable, fill-in-the-blanks membership form.

South Alabama Chapter– MOAA

At Battleship Park, SACMOAA members and the USS Alabama crewmates partici-pating in the 2019 Blue Star Salute event.



If renewing, simply fill in your name and sign below if no basic demographic information has changed, and mail dues with this form.

Application for New Membership ____ or Renewal ____ Annual Dues: 1 Jan—31 Dec 2019 Regular ($25) Auxiliary ($10)

NOTE: Regular membership dues include Auxiliary membership: Total $25

Last Name:________________________________ First: _____________________ MI______ (Make check payable to SACMOAA)

Rank:_________ Branch of Service or Auxiliary:_____________ Spouse Name (if living)________________________________

DOB:_________________ Contact Phone_____________________ Email:____________________________________________

Mailing Address:___________________________________________ City:__________________ State:_____ ZIP:_____________

I am____ am not____ a member of National Military Officers Association of America. Local chapter members must be a member of

National MOAA or must join at the time of applying for chapter membership. New chapter members not previously MOAA members

receive the first year National membership free. National MOAA Member # _________________________ .

National Life Member? Yes___ No____ Signature________________________________________ Date _____________

2019 NEW MEMBERSHIP OR RENEWAL Renewal—Simply check (✓) the “Renewal” box if no information has changed since last year, enclose a dues check, and mail the application.

New Member—Complete the form below, enclose a dues check, and mail the application. Annual Dues: Regular ($25) Auxiliary ($10) Supporting ($50) Sustaining ($100)

Click here to access MOAA’s Website for Legislative and Take Action feature.

Click here to access the Alabama Department of

Veterans Affairs for current legislative issues. Click here to access the MOAA Alabama Council of

Chapters Website.

SACMOAA Mission Statement

To be a major source of information, support and social engagement for the membership.

To provide programs and services for the common good of our military community.

To be a powerful voice supporting MOAA at the

local, state and national levels.


Please make Nick Matranga aware if you know any staff with TV stations, Press-Register, Lagniappe, or Mobile Bay Magazine. If so or not, would you willingly assist us in obtaining publicity for ROTC Recognition Banquet and other events?

Nick Matranga—251-287-4005

Click here to visit the SAC-MOAA Website at

Memorial Day

28 May 2018

Click here to visit the MOAA Alabama

Council of Chapters.

Click here to visit the MOAA South Alabama Chapter Website.

Click here to visit the MOAA Home Page.



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