The Passion Diva's Guide to Finding Your Motivation

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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7 Ways to Stay Motivated

Transcript of The Passion Diva's Guide to Finding Your Motivation





To Finding




The Passion Diva Guides are all about inspired

step-by-step actions to uncover your brilliance

and transform your life.

You are going to love these, come along and

follow your passions!

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The Passion Diva’s Guides 4

You know what it’s like…

You set yourself a goal, something you

want to achieve. You are excited and

ready to take on the world, and then a

few months later you can’t even be

bothered to spend 10 minutes working

towards achieving it.

Well welcome to being human!

It is so easy to go from excitement to

complete apathy but there are things

you can do to ensure you stay motivated

towards your goal and following are

seven great ones!

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Is your reason WHY large enough?

In your hardest moments when you feel like giving up, you need to have MAJOR "WHYs" for your

commitment. Otherwise your goals will fall by the wayside in favor of other things. Stop and think about your

reason WHY? What reason is big enough to keep you motivated at times when you want to give up and/or

give in?

Create a visual and emotional image of what you want

Writing your goals down is an essential tool but not always enough to keep focused. Writing your goals down

and having a visual image of you completing that goal adds fuel to the motivational fire.

Writing goals down, having a visual image of your completed goal AND connecting this image with your

emotions is the power of 3 that will ensure your motivation remains high.

At any point during the day, or at any time when you are feeling in need of encouragement, you can simply

stop, close your eyes, see your goal and evoke all the emotions achieving that goal holds for you. Nothing is

more powerful!

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Questions to ask before, during and after!

It is important to know not only why you are doing something but also WHAT. What achieving

this goal will provide for yourself and your family. It is easy to believe that what you want is to

make a million, but for many it is the lifestyle and the time freedom that this money has the

potential to provide that will be the real motivation.

Spend time asking yourself questions that will help you identify what achieving your goal will

provide. Questions such as:

•What will it bring me?

•What will it do for me, my family, and/or friends?

•What kind of lifestyle will I be able to have?

•What sacrifices will I need to make?

•What will be the impact on my current routine?

•What will be the impact on my family?

•What outcome do I want to achieve?

•What contributions will I be able to make

Motivation and staying motivated is easy when you know what the achievement of your goal will

provide for you and we only really lose motivation when we lose sight of our goal or end result.

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Creating a visual representation of what you want

Keep the motivational fires burning by creating a visionboard of what your end result will look

like, or paint a picture, write a poem, sing a song, or whatever creative endeavor excites you

enough to complete it. Whatever you create keep it in a place where you can see it constantly.

Doing this will help your unconscious mind bring you the results you desire, whilst also

supporting you in staying focused and motivated towards achieving your goal.

Get Support from people around you

Support from family and friends is important but also consider what other support is available to

you. Books, mentoring, work colleagues, life coaching, forums – these are all things that can

support you as you work towards achieving your goal.

Also think about WHO can support you in staying motivated, can you buddy up with someone, do

you have a boss or lecturer who will be happy to help you keep accountable.

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Develop Inner Personal Strength

Ultimately, the person who will determine whether you stay motivated and achieve your goal will

be you. Your thoughts will determine your behavior which determines your results. Developing a

strong inner personal strength about your ability to achieve and your ability to motivate yourself

when you are in an unproductive state of mind is essential. Being able to see setbacks and failures

as opportunities for continued growth and upset and emotional turmoil as opportunities to discover

what you want and need, will determine how you view life. One of the best ways to inner personal

strength is to read and listen to audios that inspire and motivate you. Continued learning is an

essential part of being able to stay motivated.

Support from Continued Learning

If you are going to need to learn new skills to ensure you complete your goal then you it is a good

idea to identify what learning you will need to undertake as early as possible. If you have planned

out how you will achieve your outcome then you will already be aware of any areas where you

need to strengthen your skills.

There is nothing worse than getting halfway towards the completion of a goal and to be stopped

because you are not able to complete something because of lack of knowledge and/or skills. This is

a surefire way of dampening your excitement and your motivation.

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Staying motivated when you are looking to achieve your goals is

essential for ultimate success.

Quick Tips

Set mini-goals

Think of small goals as though they're the markers on a bowling alley or the rungs of a ladder. They

help facilitate the accomplishment of your end goal while giving you something much more

manageable to aim for.

Be gutsy and take risks

You may feel like you’ve jumped off a cliff and you’re free falling through outer space — and if

you’re living your dream, chances are, you are. Embrace it!

Nurture yourself.

Get a massage, take personal days all to yourself, have lunch with a girlfriend, take a hike in nature,

meditate, go on a retreat away from the family…whatever it takes to fill you up so that you’re

overflowing and have more to give to your passion. It’ll serve you well when those naysayers show


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