The PasseNger

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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nicoletta lolli w.area

Transcript of The PasseNger

The PasseNger nicoletta lolli w.area ***layout under restyling***nicoletta lolli w.area ***layout under restyling***

Street Memories

/ best photographers

Nacho Ormaechea

Freelance and proud of it, I use my independence to promote the tailor-made and to go along with any project from A to Z. I

love the dialogue and exchange to find out what is the identity of a project and, when I have doubts, I always know whom to

ask, I lead a network of creative people who complement my skills: architect, printers, editor, webmaster…

I avoid “trendy” solutions on behalf of the concept. My education in Fine Arts and Graphic Design allows me to create, by my

stagings and my photographs, new and powerful images that meet the expectations of my clients.

As a professional graphic designer, I refuse to participate in unpaid invitations to tender or competitions.

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/ © best photographers architect, design, editor, fine art, Graphic design, Graphic designer, Nacho Ormaechea, printers, webmaster

2012, anywhere out of the world

come in, we’re open

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Salerno - ph nicolettalolli ©2012

Anywhere Out of The World

This life is a hospital in which each patient is possessed by the desire to change beds. One wants to suffer in front of the stove and another believes that he will get well near

the window.

It always seems to me that I will be better off there where I am not, and this question of moving about is one that I discuss endlessly with my soul

“Tell me, my soul, my poor chilled soul, what would you think about going to live in Lisbon? It must be warm there, and you’ll be able to soak up the sun like a lizard there.

That city is on the shore; they say that it is built all out of marble, and that the people there have such a hatred of the vegetable, that they tear down all the trees. There’s a

country after your own heart — a landscape made out of light and mineral, and liquid to reflect them!”

My soul does not reply.

“Because you love rest so much, combined with the spectacle of movement, do you want to come and live in Holland, that beatifying land? Perhaps you will be entertained in

that country whose image you have so often admired in museums. What do you think of Rotterdam, you who love forests of masts and ships anchored at the foot of


My soul remains mute.

“Does Batavia please you more, perhaps? There we would find, after all, the European spirit married to tropical beauty.”

Not a word. — Is my soul dead?

Have you then reached such a degree of torpor that you are only happy with your illness? If that’s the case, let us flee toward lands that are the analogies of Death. — I’ve

got it, poor soul! We’ll pack our bags for Torneo. Let’s go even further, to the far end of the Baltic. Even further from life if that is possible: let’s go live at the pole. There

the sun only grazes the earth obliquely, and the slow alternation of light and darkness suppresses variety and augments monotony, that half of nothingness. There we could

take long baths in the shadows, while, to entertain us, the aurora borealis send us from time to time its pink sheaf of sparkling light, like the reflection of fireworks in Hell!”

Finally, my soul explodes, and wisely she shrieks at me: “It doesn’t matter where! It doesn’t matter where! As long as it’s out of this world!”

C. Baudelaire [Translation by Cat Nilan © 1999]

/ © b-photos by Nicoletta Lolli 2012, anywhere, baudelaire, image, open, out of the world, photography, Poetry, Salerno

Era festa dovunque…

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S.Cipriano Picentino, 16 dicembre 2011, ph nicoletta©lolli

Era festa dovunque: in ogni chiesa, in ogni casa: intorno al ceppo,

lassù; innanzi a un Presepe,

laggiù; noti volti tra ignoti riuniti in lieta cena;

eran canti sacri, suoni di zampogne, gridi di fanciulli esultanti, contese di giocatori…

E le vie delle città grandi e piccole, dei villaggi, dei borghi alpestri o marini,

eran deserte nella rigida notte.

E mi pareva di andar frettoloso per quelle vie,da questa casa a quella,

per godere della raccolta festa degli altri;

mi trattenevo un poco in ognuna, poi auguravo:

- Buon Natale -

Sogno di Natale, Luigi Pirandello

/ © b-photos by Nicoletta Lolli fotografia, Italian, italy, Literature, Luigi Pirandello, Natale, Nicoletta Lolli, poesia, S.cipriano Picentino, Short story, Sogno di Natale

Los Carnales – Vicl Parlant photo gallery

17.12.2011 presentazione del primo cd dei LOS CARNALES: “VICL PARLANT” – Ice camp, Salerno

slideshow, tiltViewer and photo gallery – phs ©nicoletta lolli

warm thank you

cliccare sull’immagine per ingrandire

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leggi anche: Dentro Il Nostro Tempo, intervista ai Los Carnales

Los Carnales sono: Fonch Menino De Rua, MarioKabul & Bobo – per l’etichetta underground DINTrecordZ

/ © b-photos by Nicoletta Lolli, / Sound on Bobo, DINTRecordz, Fonch Menino De Rua, Ice camp, Los Carnales, MarioKabul, musica, rap, Salerno

© Benjamin Warner

Benjamin says: ”I am 17 and I study Art & Photography in Suffolk, England. If you like my work contact me, I’d be really pleased to hear what you think.” … see more on or e-mail to

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/ © best photographers Benjamin Warner, cargocllective, England, images, parallel, photographer, photography, Suffolk

Immagini mentali di circostanze casuali, intervista a Vanmattia Veronico

The PasseNger interviews/best photographers

Dove sei nato? Dove sei cresciuto?

Bologna Bologna Bologna

Chi (o cosa ) ami?

Tante persone

Quando hai percepito per la prima volta il tuo talento creativo?

Da quando sono nato ma con l’analogica non ho mai ottenuto ciò che volevo W la digitale !!!

Chi e/o cosa vi è stato di ispirazione e riferimento?

Immagini mentali di circostanze casuali in luoghi casuali che spesso e mal volentieri,rimanevano tali ahimè !!!

Come descriveresti la tua arte qualcuno che non ha mai avuto occasione di vedere i tuoi lavori?

Creare quadri naturali dalla quotidianità cercando di aggiungere un tocco di originalità e potendo un tocco di unicità.

Come ti prepari ad una giornata di lavoro? Hai un tuo rituale?

Premesso che se si parla di fotografia il mio non è un lavoro;non mi preparo ma aspetto l’ispirazione;a volte non arriva per settimane e il mio materiale che posto è spesso

d’archivio.Se parliamo invece di lavoro vero ( che per me non è mai lavoro,visto che mi piace talmente che non sento mai bisogno di ferie) inizia quando la maggior parte

della gente dorme ancora e il tutto si svolge in maggior parte all’aperto (ho sempre odiato i luoghi chiusi tranne casa mia e pochi altri posti) o meglio per strada,di

conseguenza la fotografia vive in simbiosi col mio lavoro.In pratica,visto che si parla di eschimesi,il sottoscritto consegna surgelati ai ristoratori di qualsiasi genere

(alberghi,ristoranti,mense in generale,etc) e la vera bellezza sta nel contatto con moltissime persone diverse in tempi “brevi” senza la sopportazione obbligatoria dei colleghi di

lavoro per un intera giornata lavorativa;questo apre la mente a confronti continui e nuove conoscenze quasi quotidiane e penso sia cosa molto salutare per l’essere e il suo


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Qual è la tua opera preferita tra quelle realizzate? Perché?

Tante ma se vogliamo proprio sceglierne una direi: ” Ho fame d’ignoranza !!!! ” ( ignoranza intesa da me come ignorare il pattume mentale con cui molta gente convive e

condivide con gli altri) perché mi rappresenta fondamentalmente in questo contesto in cui mi trovo e son nato che non sento troppo vicino al mio es interiore che

tendenzialmente si ribella a tutto ciò che lo infastidisce che purtroppo è tanto.

Se dovessi passare una giornata con qualcuno – vivo o o meno che sia, chi vorresti con te e cosa speri di ricevere da una simile esperienza?

Solo persone sveglie (non furbi o mnemonici ma intelligenti e amorevoli nel vero senso della parola e sono vere rarità nel mio mondo)

Qual’è, se l’hai, la tua ambizione segreta?

Nessuna mi vado bene così come sono,anzi,ambisco a crescere in ciò che mi accade di nuovo ad ogni istante confrontandolo con l’esperienza del vissuto,mi piacciono le novità

e le sorprese.

Qual è la tua parola preferita?


leggi anche Vanmattia Veronico o la fame d’ignoranza, con contaminazioni edificabili

warm thank to Vanmattia Veronico

/ © best photographers, The PasseNger Interviews Bologna, digital, digitale, fotografia, italy, Vnamattia Veronico

The Wynwood Walls

/street art

HERE COMES THE NEIGHBORHOOD is a Short-Form Docuseries exploring the power of Public Art and innovation to uplift and revitalize urban communities. The Pilot Season

revolves around the Arts District of Wynwood Miami, featuring an array of internationally acclaimed and locally respected Street Artists, Graffiti Writers and Muralists.

In 2009, Urban Visionary and Placemaker Tony Goldman partnered with Jeffrey Deitch (Deitch Projects Soho and now director of MoCa Los Angeles) to create the Wynwood

Walls.What began with a series of parking lots, loading docks, and drab rundown factory buildings, became a curation of high caliber murals from Futura, Shepard Fairey, OS

Gemeos, Kenny Scharf and others. The Walls opened for Art Basel 2009, and now two years later the collection has expanded to include over thirty artists from around the

world, becoming a “Town Center” in a district that has grown into one of the largest concentrations of commissioned murals in the World.

This year Artists, many of whom have not shown work in the United States before, were selected by Tony Goldman, Goldman Projects Arts Manager Meghan Coleman and Art

Consultant Medvin Sobio of the Visual Arts Collective Viejas Del Mercado. 33third Los Angeles, Mid City Arts, and Montana Cans worked together to provide paint for the

project’s ambitious expansion.

HERE COMES THE NEIGHBORHOOD explores a unique juncture in history as a new community emerges and evolves. A progressive urban revitalization campaign is examined

in the first person, using this year’s new Artists and their commissions as a lens to explore a neighborhood in transition. The Series is framed by colorful overview and

concluding episodes, providing the scope of past, present and future. Each episode is accented by images from legendary Documentary Photographer Martha Cooper, who has

been capturing The Walls since they began in 2009. Her Photographs will also appear in a Special Edition Art Book “The Wynwood Walls and Doors” set to be released at Art

Basel 2011.

For more information on the artists and history of the Wynwood Walls visit:

About Wynwood Walls | Wynwood Walls Artists | Wynwood Doors Artists

Outside the Walls Artists | Wynwood Kitchen and Bar

© 2011 Wynwood Walls. All Rights Reserved.

Wynwood art walk photogallery - Miami Ave to NW 2nd Ave, 20th St to 36th St, Miami, FL 33136

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/ street and art art, Miami, street art, streets, Tony Goldman, Visual Arts, warehouse distric, Wynwood, Wynwood Walls

Chairman Meow

Please put propaganda stickers somewhere legal, and in public view so that others may be inspired to join the great revolutionary mass movement.


Chairman Meow ask that you please document where the stickers was placed by recording the address and/or taking a digital photo. The photos will be plotted on an

interactive map on the Chairman Meow Blog that will document Chairman Meowes growing global influence, and the rise of the kitteh. for each documented sticker

location, $1.00 will be donated to animal rescue to help the imprisoned and oppressed.


special thanks to William Nessuno

/ forma mentis, / street and art cat, Cat communication, Chairman Meow, dog, legal wall, obeythepurebreed, Pet, propaganda, revolution

Brush With Death

/sound on / street art

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/sound on / street art

Corridor Digital

Download the music (First 200 Free) Here

more works on

Corridor Digital on Face / Twitter / YouTube Channel

/ Sound on, / street and art Brush with death, Corridor Digital, digital, Los Angeles, music, strett art, wall

Mannheim, an illusion in the street

/street art

An interesting outdoor illusion painted on the barred-fence located somewhere in the streets of Mannheim. The artist behind this “constructive vandalism” goes under the

name of ZebraThing. If all this isn’t enough, be sure to check Zebra’s fb page where you may find more of his works.

click to enlarge

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/ street and art constructive vandalism, germany, illusion, Mannheim, optical illusion, street art, wall, Zebra Things

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