The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 8. 7. · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25...

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Transcript of The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 8. 7. · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25...

  • The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374

    (718) 424-5212

    Mass Schedule

    Monday-Saturday: 9am

    Saturday Vigil: 4pm

    Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am and 12:30pm (Spanish)

    Masses are also livestreamed on our website and Facebook


    Letter from our pastor on this Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time— 8/9/2020

    Dear Friends,

    Where do you hear the voice of God? For some of us, a great way to hear God’s voice is by being out in nature…perhaps by the water, or in a park, or just watching a beautiful sun-set. Or you may be able to discern God’s voice in a quiet moment at prayer, whether in the church, or in your own room. If we take time to ponder the Holy Scriptures, we should surely find God speaking to us there; but it may take some time to make the connection between God’s word and our own life at that moment.

    In this week’s Scriptures we find Elijah, fleeing in fear for his life, hiding in a cave. And he is told to listen for the Lord, who would be passing by. Elijah discovers the Lord, not in wind, earthquake or fire, but in a “tiny whispering sound”—perhaps where we would least expect to find him. In the Gospel, the disciples are out in the boat. It is stormy, they are going against the wind, and it’s late at night. Then, in the darkness, Jesus comes walking to them on the water—but they don’t recognize him, in the midst of that storm. He comes to bring them courage and peace.

    There are many storms that affect our lives and can affect our faith as well. As we continue to navigate these stormy times, can we seek out God’s voice in the midst of it all? As surely as he came to the aid of his disciples in the boat, he is near to us, at all times.

    Peace and blessings, Father Tom +++

    Queridos amigos,

    ¿Dónde escuchamos la voz de Dios? Para algunos de nosotros, la mejor manera de escuchar la voz de Dios es el estar en medio de la naturaleza... tal vez junto al mar, en un bosque, o simplemente viendo una hermosa puesta del sol. Tal vez podamos discernir la voz de Dios en un momento de silencio en oración, ya sea en la iglesia o en nuestra propia habitación. Si nos tomamos el tiempo para reflexionar con las Sagradas Escrituras, seguramente vamos a ver que Dios nos habla allí; pero puede que no hagamos la conexión entre la Palabra de Dios y nuestra propia vida en ese momento.

    En las lecturas de esta semana encontramos a Elías, huyendo y temiendo por su vida, escon-dido en una cueva. Y se le dice que esté pendiente y que busque al Señor, quien pasará por allí. Elías descubre al Señor, no en el viento, ni en el terremoto o el incendio, sino en un "pequeño y suave murmullo", tal vez en donde menos esperaríamos encontrarlo. En el Evan-gelio, los discípulos están en la barca. El viento estaba fuerte y era contrario; ya era de ma-drugada. Luego, en la oscuridad, Jesús viene caminando hacia ellos en el agua, pero no lo reconocen en medio de la tormenta. Él viene a llenarlos de valor y paz.

    Hay muchas tormentas que afectan nuestras vidas y pueden también afectar nuestra fe. A medida que continuamos navegando en estos tiempos tormentosos, ¿podemos buscar la voz de Dios en medio de todo lo que nos pasa? El seguramente vendrá a nuestra ayuda, al igual que fue a ayudar a sus discípulos en la barca, porque Jesús está cerca de nosotros, en todo momento.

    Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom


    Resurrection Ascension Catholic Academy

    85-25 61st Road

    Rego Park, NY 11374


    Dear Parishioners,

    I hope this email finds you safe and well during this challenging time in our lives.

    As I write this email we are working on our Reopening Plan for school in September. It is our

    hope that we can welcome back our students, keeping with the guidelines outlined by New York

    State. We learn best when we are together.

    When we surveyed our parents, we found that many were unsure of their return in September be-

    cause of financial difficulties due to COVID-19. In March, many parents were furloughed, but now

    we find that many parents are being laid off entirely, with no hope of a return to work. Those who

    own their own businesses are also suffering with a loss of income.

    Our parents do have the opportunity to apply to Futures in Education, a diocesan organization

    that provides financial aid to students. But it is clear that there is an overwhelming demand for

    funds, and they will be unable to meet the great need this year.

    I am asking for your help.

    We would like to create an emergency financial aid fund for families who have seen a loss of in-

    come due to COVID-19, in the hope that we can help our families stay at Resurrection Ascension.

    Any small amount will be of help to a child who wants to remain in our school. You may donate in

    two ways. You can mail a check payable to Resurrection Ascension Catholic Academy at the ad-

    dress above. In the memo, please write Emergency Fund. Or you can go to our website and click on the box that says Donate.

    We are grateful for your kindness and generosity. We will keep you all in our prayers.

    Warm regards,

    Joann Heppt


  • Resurrection Ascension Catholic Academy

    85-25 61st Road

    Rego Park, NY 11374


    Estimados feligreses,

    Espero que este mensaje los encuentre con bien en este momento tan difí cil en nuestras vidas.

    Al momento, estamos trabajando en nuestro plan de reapertura para la escuela en septiembre. Te-

    nemos la esperanza de poder darles la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes,

    de acuerdo con las directrices prescritas por el estado de Nueva York. El aprendizaje es ma s efecti-

    vo cuando lo hacemos juntos.

    Cuando le preguntamos a los padres de familia, nos enteramos de que muchos no estaban seguros

    de poder continuar en la academia en septiembre debido a dificultades financieras causadas por el

    COVID-19. En marzo, muchos padres fueron suspendidos temporalmente de sus empleos, pero

    ahora muchos de ellos esta n siendo despedidos completamente, sin esperanza de volver al trabajo.

    Quienes tienen sus propios negocios tambie n esta n experimentando pe rdida de ingresos.

    Los padres de familia tienen la oportunidad de solicitar asistencia a trave s de “Futures in Educa-

    tion”, una organizacio n diocesana que brinda ayuda financiera a estudiantes. Pero sabemos clara-

    mente que hay una abrumadora demanda de fondos, y no se podra satisfacer la gran necesidad de

    este an o.

    Por eso, yo estoy pidiendo su ayuda.

    Quisie ramos poder crear un fondo de emergencia para dar ayuda financiera a familias que han te-

    nido pe rdida de ingresos debido a COVID-19. Nuestra esperanza es poder ayudar a familias a que

    continu en asistiendo a nuestra academia en Resurrection-Ascension. Cualquier pequen a cantidad

    ayudara a que un nin o pueda permanecer en nuestra escuela. Se pueden hacer donaciones de dos

    diferentes maneras. Pueden enviar un cheque por correo a nombre de Resurrection Ascension

    Catholic Academy a la dirección que está en el membrete. Escriba en el espacio del Memo, Fon-

    do de Emergencia. Tambie n puede ir a nuestro sitio web y hacer clic

    en donde dice “Donate”.

    Agradecemos con anticipacio n su atencio n y su generosidad. Los mantendremos a todos en nues-

    tras oraciones.

    Un cordial saludo,

    Joann Heppt



    Act of Spiritual Communion

    My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the

    Most Holy Sacrament.

    I love You above all things, and I desire to re-

    ceive You into my soul.

    Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacra-

    mentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

    I embrace You as if You were already there and

    unite myself wholly to You.

    Never permit me to be separated from You.

    Oración para la Comunión Espiritual

    Creo, Jesús mío, que estás real

    y verdaderamente en el cielo

    y en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.

    Te amo sobre todas las cosas

    y deseo vivamente recibirte

    dentro de mi alma,

    pero no pudiendo hacerlo

    ahora sacramentalmente, ven al menos

    espiritualmente a mi corazón.

    Y como si ya te hubiera recibido,

    te acojo y me uno del todo a Ti.

    Señor, no permitas que jamás me aparte de Ti.

    Amén. To make a donation to our church, just text the word ‘Sunday’ to 517-500-5212 to easily make your gift. You can also just point your camera at this QR code for a quick link:

    Para hacer una donación a nuestra iglesia, envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Sunday" al 517-500-5212 para hacer fácilmente su donación. También puede enfocar su cámara hacia este código QR para un enlace rápido:

    Rectory: 61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 424-5212

    Rectory Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-noon & 1-5pm Inquiries can also be submitted through our website

    Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas G. Pettei, Pastor Rev. Richard Conlon, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Robert J. Thelen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider Msgr. Denis Herron, In Residence Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music Mrs. Joann Heppt, Academy Principal Mr. Jason Velazquez, Faith Formation Mrs. Ana Puente, Pastoral Associate Mr. James Shearer, Youth Minister

    Rectory Staff Debbie Gross, Receptionist, or ext 10 Heather Belon, Bookkeeper, or ext 12 Cathy Mesa, Tuition Officer/ Receptionist, or ext 16 Andrea Martinez, Sunday receptionist

    Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy (718) 426-4963

    The Sacrament of Baptism takes place once a month*. Please call the Rectory for schedules and infor-mation on registration.

    The Sacrament of Marriage- please call the Rectory for scheduling*. According to Diocesan policy, arrange-ments must be made six months in advance.

    Religious Education/Faith Formation please kindly

    call Jason Velazquez at (929) 274-1627, or email

    Parish Goal: $76,106

    Pledged: $48,599

    Paid: $45,050

  • AUGUST 9, 2020

    Today is The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS

    The Sick and/or Hospitalized: Carlos Aleman, Vahide Atlas, Colleen Breheny, Peggy Brennan, Stephanie Bojarski, Kurt Burger, Richard DeNardo, Ida Fernandes, Steve Ferrugio, Msgr. Vincent Ful-lam, Jackie Hanley, George J. Harms, George M. Harms, James Leung, Mary Loughnane, Mary El-len Lustberg, Nora Lydon, Mary May, Brian McCa-be, Jr, Patrick McCabe, Paula Narva, Dolly Serna Ocampo, Brendan Phelan, Grace Radonicic, Frank Rahill, Maureen Rahill, Barbara Ravert, Joel Rive-ra, Mary Sammon, Madeline Silecchia, Jason Swinburne, Rose and Carmela Tantillo.

    Monday, August 10th 9:00am John McDaniel (ann), req by his sister Mary Har-rington and family

    Tuesday, August 11th 9:00am Caroline Rossi (bday), req by Janet Rossi

    Wednesday, August 12th 9:00am Stanislaus Shen (ann), req by his son Athanatius Shen

    Thursday, August 13th 9:00am Marc Licciardi

    Friday, August 14th 9:00am Maria Taveras (15th ann), req by her daughter Griselda

    Saturday, August 15th 9:00am For the people of the parish -Rita Silecchia, req by Madeline Silecchia

    -Walter and Zita Panas, req by Tina and Marie Panas

    -for the health and intentions of Carlos Aleman, req by

    Tina and Marie Panas

    -Ita Doyle, req by Cepta and John Lynch

    -Chris O’Connor, req by Cepta and John Lynch

    -Sally Burke, req by Cepta and John Lynch

    4:00pm for the intentions of Mary Pugh, req by Ann Rue-


    Sunday, August 16th – The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    (118: Is 56:1, 6-7 Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8 Rom 11:13-16, 29-32 Mt 15:21-28)

    9:00am 11:00am Linda and William Houston and their son Robert Santucci, req by the Schmidt family 12:30pm


    The Wine and Hosts will be used this week in

    loving memory of John McDaniel

    (anniversary), requested by his sister Mary

    Harrington and family.

    The Sanctuary Lamp will be lit this week in

    loving memory of Roy Passantino, requested

    by Larry and Annmary Passantino.

    The Candle at the Statue of St. Patrick will be

    lit this week in loving memory of Patrick Du-

    cey, Sr. (birthday), requested by his family.

    A Glimpse at your contributions...August 1/2:

    Sunday Collection: $5,922

    Contributions made via Online Giving: $1,510

    Total Sunday Collection: $7,432

    Thank you for your generosity!!!


    Our Food Pantry will be

    CLOSED during the month of August.

    It will re-open on Wednesday, September 2nd.



    (formerly The Society of St. Vincent dePaul)

    gives back! For each car, truck or van,

    running or not, they give back to your parish

    $75 or $200 per donated vehicle.

    If you, a family member, or friend have an old or

    neglected vehicle that is not being used, please

    call (718) 491-2525. IRS Tax Deduction,

    Free Towing, Any Condition