The origins of 8 classic summer food names - Manu Melwin Joy

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The origins of 8 classic summer food names - Manu Melwin Joy

The Origins of 8 Classic Summer Food Names

Assistant Professor

Ilahia School of Management Studies

Kerala, India.

Prepared by

Manu Melwin Joy

Phone – 9744551114

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Hamburger • These classic summer foodsderive their names fromlocations all over the world.The word hamburger owesits origins to the Germancity of Hamburg. Historiansbelieve that around thesame time sausage makerswere refining their meatproducts, cooks in Hamburgserved up a cooked versionof steak tartare. Now what'sup with the dog in hot dog?

Hot dog • he name hot dog was bornwhen German immigrants inthe United States began sellingvariations of sausages, some ofwhich were thin and long, likedachshunds. Merchants with amorbid sense of humor startedcalling these dachshundsausages. Over time, thephrase shortened to hot dogand the name stuck likeketchup. Learn the surprisingsource of ketchup next.

Ketchup • The common Americancondiment made oftomatoes and vinegar got itsname from a very differentsauce made in China. Theword ketchup comes fromthe Malay word kichap, abrine of fish. Americansailors added tomatoes tocreate the sauce we enjoytoday. But what aboutketchup's mortal enemy,mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise• We don't actually knowwhere the weird wordmayonnaise came from.There are two competingtheories: One holds that it isnamed after Mahon, the cityin Spain. However, theFrench contend that theword is a mutation ofbayonnaise, from the Frenchtown Bayonne. Speaking ofmayo and cabbage, whatdoes the cole in coleslawactually mean?

Coleslaw • Coleslaw has oftenmistakenly been calledcold slaw since the late1800s. The word colecomes from the Dutchword for cabbage, kool.The word slaw is ashortened form of salade.The unusual wordbarbecue has an unusualorigin to match.

Barbecue• The word barbecueoriginated in a NativeAmerican languagespoken in what is todayHaiti. The Arawakan wordbarbakoa meant"framework of sticks." Thecontemporary meaning of"grill for cooking over anopen fire" arose in the1930s.

Chili • Like barbecue, the word chilicomes from a Native Americanword. In this case the CentralAmerican language Nahuatlgave us the word xilli forpepper. In English it becamechili. The nation of Chile derivesits name from a completelyindependent source and is thetopic of scholarly dispute.There is no question however,where the soft drink cola getsits name.

Cola • he word cola actually comesfrom a tree, not a drink. It isnamed after the cola or kolanut tree, which is native totropical western Africa.Colas were originally madewith the dried leaves andnuts of cola trees, so bothPepsi-Cola and Coca-Colatook their names from theirmain ingredients.

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Prepared by

Manu Melwin Joy

Phone – 9744551114

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