The Notebook

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The Notebook

The Notebook

- not binded yet- 60 pages

Notice the details at the top left hand corner!

The words are taken from 1Corinthians13:13'Of all these, love is the greatest.'

Not very clear?It's all black and white except the red heart. Emphasis on the heart. The shading is all done in silver.

The inside design

Inside design: page 2

Inside design page 1,the girl looks longingly at the falling hearts, wanting to own one herself.

Inside design page 2,the girl gets the heart, becomes happy.

Back cover design.Look at the back of most of the cards I make, you will see this logo.

A more detailed picture of the back cover.It's a picture of a hand. The smile is made up of the word 'handmade'.

The End

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